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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. So agree...Dorinda continued to deflect and project. Her excuse for her bully behavior was that she was in "pain" the whole season. If you are having personal pain, then get help and work on it. Don't take your "pain" out on everyone else by belittling them, attacking them, bullying them and self medicating with alcohol. Put your big girl panties on and work on yourself and apologize to everyone personally for your loathsome behavior.
  2. Right? Good grief...she has a horrible singing voice, if you even want to call it that! The thing with her is that she surrounds herself with sycophants and people groveling for a job that gives them access to people in LuAnn's world. They swoon over everything she says and does and give her a false sense of being an actual professional singer. Honestly, I think at this point LuAnn is looking to get some kind of a gig in a Broadway show when Broadway reopens.
  3. Oh...it's obvious that Leah is the new face of the franchise...Andy seems to be smitten with her. I think they will be building the franchise around her in the future. I don't have a problem with that...it might be refreshing to see younger women who actually have successful careers and families instead of the same old tired cast building their so called "careers" around their exposure on this show. I have a ying yang thing with Leah...there are times I really enjoy her and other times when I find her a little obnoxious and vulgar. I do hope they revamp the show next season and we see the departure of Sonja, Ramona and LuAnn...it's enough with these women. Plus I just couldn't stand to watch another round of LuAnn's dated caberet and awful singing.
  4. Remember when Bethenny was very ill and Ramona came to her house and brought matzoh ball soup and other things to cheer her up or comfort her? I didn't see any of the other women do that.
  5. OMG! I was thinking the same thing about this silly father/daughter dance stuff. At some point it begins to look creepy.
  6. Kailyn never had a family. She had a mother who was an alcoholic and Kailyn herself was the product of a drunken one night stand. Of course she's screwed up. But procreating to make up for a childhood she never had with three different fathers isn't the answer...especially when you fight constantly with all the fathers. They are being raised in the same unstable environment as she was with all the constant chaos with Jo, Javi and Chris. Yes, she is able to provide financially for these kids...right now...but that might change if the economy weakens more and she has to unload that big house or curb her expensive taste for vehicles, designer bags and resort vacations. All courtesy of her MTV exposure. Personally, I think her "neediness" for having more children is less of a way to "make" some sort of perfect family of her own but a selfish need of her own (especially with Chris) to keep these men in her life even if it is a negative relationship...she had sex with all of these men well after they broke up and could have gotten pregnant with all of them (and did with Chris). Kailyn is an angry, bitter, unhappy person and she needs therapy...badly and not therapy with Jo...therapy for herself. Like a tiny bite of ice cream would bust her diet wide open...and now she's pregnant again...so much for her diet.
  7. Well said...this is just so pathetic. This is why this show should be canceled. The purpose of the show originally was to show case teens who had become pregnant and how it changed their lives. It was supposed to put a spotlight on the need to have protected sex to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and to use birth control to prevent another unplanned pregnancy. Instead it has done the opposite. Kailyn has had four unplanned pregnancies with three different fathers, Brianna has two unplanned pregnancies with two different fathers and a sexually transmitted disease. Chelsea thought she was pregnant after a sleazy night with Adam...and this was at a time when Adam was treating her like crap. At what point does MTV pull the plug on this mess?
  8. Here's the thing with people who have addiction issues...they cannot keep promises and have difficulty showing up on time to anything. Sean should have gone and retrieved the car seat and Kloie. What gets me us how her mother didn't call Jade and tell her that they had a problem and could Sean come and get Kloie. Instead, she ignores their phone calls and when she does pick up she yells complains that people are blowing up her phone. Her mother acts like a rebellious teenager...and Jade is the mother trying to get her unruly child to be responsible. Everything is ass backwards in this family. I curse as much as the next person but I'm sorry...is it really necessary to drop the F bomb in front of your young children? Chelsea is now doing this in front of Aubrey. The others do it also...Jade and her mother have huge blow outs with every other word an expletive. Nothing looks more white trashy than using this language in front of small children and it's totally unnecessary. I'm done with Chelsea and her boring husband and boring life. I don't care how many time times she uses the F bomb...she's boring and full of herself. Cole is too.
  9. I read that Dorinda will be officiating at Kelly Dodson's marriage and Ramona will be there too.
  10. Yes!!! I remarked after the show last week that I thought Dorinda had PI following Tinsley in Chicago/NewYork and elsewhere. Who the hell would Dorinda be friends with that just happened to be at Niagara Falls and recognize Tinsley and take photos of her and Scott? Come on now...I could definitely see Dorinda hiring a PI to get dirt on fellow castmates to use against them on the show. The fact that she admitted she planted the piece on Page Six about her break up with John all the while accusing Ramona of it was almost diabolical. She is one effed up woman.
  11. Well...she needs to go twice a week. Maybe it's time to say good bye to all the Teen Mom franchises. For one thing...they aren't "Teen" moms anymore they're pushing 30 at this point.
  12. Bethenny always picks up on "mentoring" one of the "wives" that seems to be having trouble in the group or who is having "issue" like drinking. Remember when she "mentored" Sonja when she was starting to lose it with drunken behavior? Bethenny is very manipulative and uses this faux mentoring as a way to bolster her ego and stick it to other women. Why she is still trying to pull strings after leaving the show (again) is weird...I would have thought she was way too busy with her Skinny Girl empire and her new boyfriend to be bothered with anyone from the show but yet it makes sense. She's trolling the other women by making Dorinda her new pet project. Go away Bethenny...once and for all...just go away.
  13. Dorinda and Ramona had the worst make up and styling. Too much bronzer or self tanner on both of them and Ramona's fake hair looked silly as well as her negligee dress where her fake boobs were practically popping out. Dorinda's dress was so gaudy and flashy it almost blinded me. Looked like she wore that to Studio 54 back in the 70's. I thought Tinsley's make up was fine...she low keyed the lashes which actually made her look younger. Her dress was OK but I think she should try wearing more sleek straight dresses instead of the ball gown look. She has the body and she would look less like the debutante and more like a sophisticated adult. I think she's trapped in a fashion rut that she feels comfortable in.
  14. Good question...why is Kail doing her podcast in San Diego??? Can't she just do it from her house or from Wilmington or if need be ?Philadelphia or NYC? Why si she traveling all the way across country to sit in front of a microphone? Good lord this show is stupid. Seems like Kailyn is looking for a place to vacay at after she tapes a few a podcasts...what a racket she has going.
  15. I was thinking the exact same thing about Kailyn and her funeral trip...one approach would have been for her to inform all three of her baby daddys that she wanted to go to these funerals and ask if they would be able to watch their individual children while she's gone....if any one one of them said they couldn't then you ask them if they are OK with her leaving them with this "friend"of hers. They are the fathers, they should be given first dibs on watching over their kid while she's gone but in true selfish bombastic Kailyn style, she just went ahead and got her "friend" to watch them. You are spot on with your description of her always being "messy" and needing to be the favorite parent. Of all the current moms on this franchise, I hate Kailyn the most. I think she's narcissistic, a cheater, a breeder for the wrong reasons, irresponsible in a lot of her actions like creating drama with other moms on here and with her baby daddys. If she wanted to be a better parent, then she should get her ass to therapy and go back on her bipolar medication so she's thinking clearer and making more mature decisions like getting a tubal ligation for instance and putting an end to this incessant need to keep procreating. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE!!!!!!
  16. I remember that but thought there was a more specifc reason. She was a jerk when she went to his family home and visited with his parents and other family members. He should consider it a blessing that he isn't involved with her anymore...especially since she has an STD...ecchhh.
  17. Homer! You have it set on "Whore"!! Did she ever explain why she broke up with John? He seemed like a decent guy. I guess she only goes for deadbeat Dads and guys that treat her like crap.
  18. I honestly don't know how to react to Brianna's reckless and foolish behavior. What kind of a mother is she? She has sex with a man who has been non existent for the most part as a father to her daughter and doesn't protect herself from an STD? Not once but at least twice, that we know of...I mean, it's pathetic. What kind of role modeling is she doing for her daughters? And Luis is just a waste of space. He had little interest in his daughter at the gymnastics competition...he did nothing to entertain her or even talk to her. She's playful and happy and he tells her to take a "Chill Pill"? He actually shot her a look of total disdain a few times. He is just a POS. I think Brianna has a real self esteem problem and suffers from depression. She keeps hooking up with guys that treat her poorly and don't show up to be fathers to their children. Her mother was pretty non chalant about the whole hooking up thing and possible STD...I would be furious. It's just so irresponsible and pathological. She needs counseling to explore why she makes the same mistakes over and over again to the detriment of her children and herself. For a show that is trying to discourage teen pregnancies and destructive sexual behavior it has failed big time. Now it's just a show that has lost its way and the only thing it does is help these women promote their product lines or showcase their dysfunctional families and lives.
  19. Right?? There is no there there with Chelsea. Her segment started with an unboxing of the pleather jacket that she did not design...all she did was put her stamp of approval on it. How many dolts are going out and buying this line? I'm sure it's all made in China too. She and Cole are boring as hell. Kailyn talking about her mom being mentally ill is rich...Kailyn was diagnosed bipolar years ago but stopped taking medication for it a long time ago. Her whole life is about fighting with baby daddies and their signficant others or getting knocked up again by a baby daddy that uses her and plays mind games with her. She might want to go back to her psychiatrist and start taking meds and go into therapy before she falls back into a dysfunctional relationship with Chris again and has baby number five. YES! She never listens to anyone...just runs over them when they are talking. If anyione ever needed therapy its this girl...her family and boyfriend are just mooches who use her for spending money and a roof over their heads.
  20. Exactly...Jade is a huge enabler. She enables loser boyfriend Sean and loser mother. This new living situation will be a disaster.
  21. Well...of course they can buy their own clothes but sometimes a guy likes to give his girlfriend/wife something nice that maybe they had their eye on...I'm old...I can say "bitter old bitches" but if you want I can change it to "bitter bitches"...is that more PC?
  22. Sonja loses her deal with Century 21 after they declare bankruptcy...here's the story from Page Six of the NY Post: http://pagesix.com/2020/09/12/sonja-morgan-talks-cntury-21-closure-after-inking-deal-with-retailer/amp/
  23. So what if bought her some stuff...he 's allowed to buy his girlfriend some stuff. Dorinda was implying that Tinsley was a paid escort. And Sonja coudn't wait to jump on that bandwagon. Tinsley could have bought that stuff herself..it's no one's business. What a bunch of burnt out, beat up, bitter old bitches these three are. No man is ever going to buy them clothes or jewlery again especially if they continue to keep spreading their legs for every creepy guy in NYC and elsewhere.
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