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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. You don't him, you don't know Tinsley, you don't know them personally as a couple....how you turn these "observations" into indictments on someone's character (Scott) and on their relationship is puzzling. Wow...just Wow.
  2. He still whining about college kids? That's just proof he's turned into Grandpa Simpson.
  3. Bravo clearly lets things get out of control for ratings. All the franchises have had their fair share of angry exchanges, fights, alcohol infused chaos, etc...they allow and fuel it with well stocked pantries and fridges of alcohol and probably instigation on the part of producers who whisper in the cast members ears about what another cast said about them. The more fighting the better must be the motto for Bravo head honchos.
  4. He does this to a lot of female guests. He's a misogynist...and unless it's Bari Weiss, he really hasn't much use for women and their opinions.
  5. My daughter and her husband are trying to get pregnant and might have to go the IVF route...I can only imagine how she would feel if some older woman, who has a daughter herself, made a sarcastic jab like that to her...the inablilty to become pregnant is a very emotional and depressing fact for a lot of women and Dorinda showed how little she cared about someone else's struggle in this regard. If Tinsley was my daughter I would be all Mama Bear on her ass after this exchange and would have let her know in no uncertain terms that what she said was offensive to me as well as my daughter and all women struggling to concieve. She's just trash.
  6. It was a passive aggressive dig that was mean spirited in intent. She's just a nasty person...she needs intensive psychotherapy. If Howard Stern can change through therapy, she can! Until she owns her behaviors and horrible words she will never be healthy and happy.
  7. She's very open on Instagram...there a lot of photos and videos of the two of them at home or on a trip. They look like any other engaged couple...happy.
  8. Bill is a negative person. He is highly critical and unsupportive of most Democrats and has been leaning right with a libertarian slant for awhile now. He's turned into a grumpy old man.
  9. Exactly...I started noticing this with him a few seasons ago. There were a number of shows where it was apparent he was high as a kite. Wonder if he's still vaping...COVID is twice as bad for people who vape. Even without COVID it can create "popcorn" lungs. For all his preachy stuff about fat people and eating healthy he probably does more damage to his health by vaping weed.
  10. For a quick minute there I thought Sonja was going to have a "moment" when she opened with "I just want to say..." I thought she was going to apologize to her daughter for her embarassing drunken behavior this season but instead she apologized to her "young female fans"!!!! Really Sonja? All ten of them get an apology but not your own daughter?
  11. Agree...Leah stood her ground with the old bags on this show and could care less about their opinions of her. I think that was her appeal but she is immature and needy for the most part. It will be ineresting to see how she does with women in her own age bracket who are more successful career wise or more polished and sophisticated. And for the record, her "dress" was hideous and looked like a Fredericks of Hollywood clearance item.
  12. It is interesting how Dorinda badgered Tinsley this season incessantly about Tinsley not sharing everything or opening up more or divulging her innermost thoughts or was being secretive about Scott YET Dorinda wouldn 't really say why she broke up with John...when pressed she deflected like she always does about everything. She may have money and a mansion but she is devoid of any kind of decency or kindness.
  13. Your husband is right! That's exactly what I thought...she's 28 and still wanting to play beer pong and have her weekends revolve around football games? Wow...and she had complaints about every single thing in every single place she looked at...what a kvetch!
  14. Leah isn't all that well educated...as far as I know she didn't go to college and it sounded like her teen years were a muddled mess of rehabs, running away, a stint in a convent, an arrest, etc. etc...I wouldn't be looking at her for a refined, sophisticated perspective on world history or events. She is street smart and seems to have a very diverse group of friends and acquaintances. Yikes!!! She's more Carmella Soprano than Tony Soprano in this clip.
  15. O dear god...I forgot about the restaurant faux pas...she is the epitome of white privilege. And that was the Dorinda that was tolerable at the time.
  16. Oh I could see it...Dorinda is a control freak. She's the kind of person that needs to be in control in her relationships. John may have gone to Tinsley about his financial situation wanting to get a loan from Scott and didn't tell Dorinda because, well, it's Dorinda and perhaps John asked Tinsley nshe's just an awful human being.ot to say anything to Dorinda...she went all Tony Soprano on him over the phone and then held a grudge against Tinsley for not asking her about it and going straight to Scott. Everything MUST be approved by Dorinda. I really wonder what her and Richard were like together...did she behave in this aggressive controlling way with him? Or did she change after his death...she's just an awful human being...bitter, mean, caustic and cruel.
  17. Nope! You are spot on with everything you said. Any of these other shrews would give anything to have a man in their life that loves them. They would move in a heartbeat if they had the same situation...look how fast they all flew out of New York and headed to Florida and elsewhere during the peak of the pandemic in NYC. I wish I could get that up on YouTube or somewhere else...that was unreal. Dorinda is the type of person who is so obnoxious and mean that she deserves to have a drink poured over her head or in her face every time she goes on one of rants at someone solely for the purpose of being a bitch.
  18. Seems like some of these women use their on air relationships as a personal ATM. No wonder Scott didn't want to be a part of filming...he got hit up by John and probably only met him once or twice.
  19. The water pill excuse is pathetic. Just another excuse for her sad drunken behavior but not taking any ownership for her real problem...alcohol abuse. I've been taking a water pill for five years and have never been told my physician once that alcohol is verboten. I even asked my doctor in August when I saw her if driinking and taking the pill has side effects...she said no...it just will make you urinate more. Ramona "diagnosing" this is a joke....she just wants her "friend" to be her drinking buddy...when they are buddies and not bickering.
  20. They seem pretty happy together to me...leaving NYC was good for her and she has several charities that she's very involved in. Yes, she was southern debutante girl that partied and was considered a legend on the club circuit years ago but she's evolved. She has a good heart and getting away from her mother was a great way to start over in a new city. Her biggest mistake was trusting Sonja and believing her to be a friend. I have never once seen Sonja defend Tinsley or act like a true friend to her. And last night was no different...Tinsley can't win...she's accused of not "opening up" enough or revealing herself to the group but when she did do that about her eggs being frozen and her desire to have children, it's been nothing but criticisms and mean girl remarks like Sonja did last night. Sonja is as despicable as Dorinda and I hope she gets shit canned too. And I don't think she looks so great..she just looks like so many other 50 something divorced women on the Upper East Side....plastic face that's been tightened one too many times.
  21. Absolutely agree about Doreinda's passive aggressive remark about the turkey baster. It was a nasty remark and she meant it to be a nasty jab at Tinsley. Drunk or sober, Dorinda is a mean spirited person who is negative and cruel. I don't care about her "pain" from losing husband years ago...a lot of people have lost their spouses...they don't take their "pain" out on people with nasty remarks and continued verbal abuse. Seeing Tinsley stand up to her with the real reason Dorinda has been so obsessively attacking her was eye opening! So let me get this right...and correct me if I'm wrong...Scott made a sizable money loan to John and somehow Tinsley facilatated it and Dorinda was pissed about it? And that phone call she made to John was cringe worthy and scary...WOW! Threatening him full on Tony Soprano style was almost sociopathic. If my interpretation of this is correct, Dorinda has some real issues that need some serious therapeutic attention. Obviously her relationship with John was unhealthy and toxic for him...she clearly has to be the one in control and I believe she verbally and emotionally abused him...he seemed like a passive person to me. Goodbye Dorinda...don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  22. Right? Both had resting bitch face. None of these women will ever have a husband again...they are too self centered, self absorbed and selfish.
  23. That makes sense...teaching kids today could definitely sour you on having any of your own LOL! I did not say that their choice to not have children would make them bad clinicians...I just found it unusual for two people who work as pediatric health providers would be childless. That is all.
  24. This couple got on my last nerve...they both were annoying as hell. She was acting like a spoiled little princess and he was so whiny. I believe she said she was a pediatric nurse practitioner/physician's assistant? He's a pediatrician. I found it kind of funny that they both work with children but don't want any children...that's like a veternarian that doesn't have any pets...weird and a little off putting.
  25. I remember that...all of this so 8th grade level shit. Grow up and start adulting.
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