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Everything posted by Runningwild

  1. I'm sure Donny and Jacosta both know he is Donny and the one who physically won the challenge, but God/Jesus allowed it to happen. And I suppose technically, Jacosta is in an alliance of 4- her and the Holy Trinity (God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit).
  2. I'd forgotten how bad an actor SB is. Yesterday's show borough it all back to me. Yikes.
  3. I. Love. Donny. He is awesome! He's sweet, smart, and funny. My second favorite part of the show (besides all things Donny) was Cody in that outfit. And Cody out of that outfit.
  4. EB is understandably happy with Germany's World Cup win. I guess DD congratulated him. EB thanked him and said, "You can take out Nikki tonight. Just remember she's used to the Rolls so don't bring the Prius." Lol
  5. How can the show not be nominated for an Emmy but Juliana, Christine, and Josh all nominated for acting?
  6. Phil: We found a part of ourselves we never knew was there, just like the horny cowboy said we would. Phil: It's like that movie "The Blind Side" where the black kid was tight end. Alex: Offensive line. Phil: Sorry, the African American kid.
  7. My favorites: The Adhesive Duck Deficiency The Zazzy Substitution The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis The Scavenger Vortex The White Asparagus Triangulation
  8. No dress could be uglier than that green monstrosity Diane Jenkins was murdered in.
  9. Trying to quote this post, not like it. Because I really get annoyed when people tell me I'm being racist and lying about being racist. I stated why Devin is scary. Again- nothing to do with the color of his skin. He uses his size to intimidate and bully people by getting as close to them as he can. He does get angry a lot. He uses any excuse he has to get angry at people. He's a bully, plain and simple. But I guess because he's black, I'm supposed to ignore all that and pretend he's not a creepy bully?
  10. Thank you for starting this topic. I was wondering myself what live feed viewers thought should have been shown last night that wasn't. Seems like there was something I specifically wanted to ask about, but I'm a little loopy from pain meds this morning.
  11. I think Devin is scary and it has nothing to do with his race. I'm tired of hearing that actually. Devin is bigger than Caleb but it's not his size either that scares me. It's the way he talks at (not to) people. He is loud and gets right up in their face. And he talks over them and is very dismissive of anything they have to say and it's like he looks for reasons to get mad at people.
  12. Is it me or does anyone else think Ian looks like the Great Gazoo?
  13. How would she not pray on camera in the BB house? Maybe she feels like being shown praying is a testimony to her belief in God. "She calls herself a Christian, why isn't she praying?" Maybe she will ask for the right person to win. Or maybe she had already but the editors don't want to show that. Just like so far, Caleb is being shown as a nice guy, she is being shown as a "God-botherer". God does want you to ask him for things. And He does want you to pray constantly. But sometimes that means praying while you're driving with your eyes open and your hands on the wheel.
  14. The Bible says "pray without ceasing" and "in all things give thanks." It does not say "unless you're trying to win a bunch of money." Maybe she will make mistakes that cause people to question her Christianity, maybe not. Either way, she will take a lot of heat. I give her props for being courageous enough to go on BB knowing she is in a can't win situation.
  15. I hate loud chewing. We had a girl in our office that chewed ice all the time. I nicknamed her Chewbacca.
  16. I'm not hating Caleb. He showed great restraint with Devin. What an idiot waking up the HoH at 4:30 am to tell him you've gone rogue. Donny and the nerd girls are my faves. I wear glasses and do the finger push too. And "busting a bean" cracks me up. I will probably think of that the next time I'm running.
  17. I think she's saying that she did a lot of bad things before she began her relationship with Jesus. Maybe she's in Celebrate Recovery, too. Christians aren't perfect and they don't have perfect pasts. Your past doesn't stop you from becoming a Christian. I agree about the bow tie.
  18. Yes. Forgot about Frankie and the Pinecrest convo. And Palm Beach isn't a poor county, so I'm not sure exactly what Zach was inferring.
  19. Two of the most obnoxious - Victoria and Zach are both from my home state of FL. Not good. At least Zach is a Gator and not a 'Nole.
  20. ++ Mary Ellen ++ John Sr. -- Rosemary New Totals: 33 John Walton Sr.. 31 Esther Walton 31 Martha Corinne 31 Zebulon Tyler Walton 27 John "John-Boy" Walton Jr. 25 Benjamin "Ben" Walton 17 Olivia Walton 17 Jason Walton 17 Erin Esther Walton 15 Ike Godsey 15 "Jim-Bob" Walton 15 Mamie Baldwin 15 Emily Baldwin 13 Rev. Matthew Fordwick 13 Elizabeth Tyler Walton 09 Rosemary Hunter Fordwick 07 Verdie Grant Foster 05 Mary Ellen Walton Off The Show! 01. Sara Griffith Bridges 02. Corabeth Walton Godsey 03. Sheriff Ep Bridges
  21. I'm going to go buy another jar of Centrum Silver now. Maybe get some arthritis medication.
  22. I checked around and it is the risk of infection that causes their ban from ICU.
  23. I have never understood the appeal of Maura West. She's an ok actress, but not the be all end all she is made out to be. I have seen her on ATWT, Y&R, and GH. I just don't see it.
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