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Everything posted by Runningwild

  1. I really hate when people give up their dogs. It’s not the dog’s fault y’all left him in the house! Jack went back in to get him and you toss him aside? Horrible.
  2. Of course Rebecca gave Randall Jack’s watch. He is her favorite. Nicely done, show. I lost it as soon as I saw Dr. K.
  3. “I thought I lost him at Sissy Spacek.” This show cracks me up! And Iain is so adorable.
  4. You said I might find it skeevy. You don’t. Again YMMV. I never said perverted. And yes I knew what it was about. Does that somehow mean I can’t still find it skeevy? At the end, Elio still seems affected, while the man has moved on. To ME (and maybe not anyone else), Elio was used by this older man and tossed aside. I also feel like Armie’s character manipulated the boy to pursue him. And since the man was there to work in a scholarly setting, it gave me more of a teacher/student feeling to the relationship which adds to the skeeviness. Those are my feelings.
  5. It’s a crime where I live. And I deal with criminal cases all day long and read about plenty of perverts doing things to kids they shouldn’t. I think 14 is way too young to be considered an age of consent. YMMV
  6. The problem is the parents encouraging a relationship between their teenage boy and the grown man. Just because there’s explicit sex in a film doesn’t make it right. My point wasn’t about the sex wasn’t explicit enough or was too explicit my point was and remains the age differences. I stand by my opinion. It’s skeevy for a 24 year old to be with a 17 year old. No matter the second either participant. It has nothing to do with gayness. The only May-December romances I cheer for is if both participants are adults. Preferably over 24.
  7. I thought it was quite creepy and skeevy. Elio is just a teenage boy. Hammer’s character was a grown man. Here in the US, it’s statutory rape. Imagine if Elio was a she.
  8. So far I have seen Three Billboards, Dunkirk, Call Me By Your Name, Lady Bird, I Tonya, and Darkest Hour. I’ve also seen Coco and Wind River. Most of the nominated movies were overrated IMHO. Wind River should have been nominated. I guess it wasn’t because it’s a Weinstein film. Instead they nominate a movie about a man in a relationship with a teenage boy. I Hope Three Billboards, McDormand, Rockwell, and Janney win. And Remember Me for Best Song.
  9. I see Sheldon as special needs. He needs more mental stimulation than his current environment can provide. Plus there is some sort of disorder- whether he’s OCD or on the spectrum. I remember feeling so bad for him in the pilot when his father hid his bow tie. Loved this episode. We played Wheel Of Fortune endlessly. And Where In the World is Carmen Sandiego. The writing is very funny and all of the actors are spot on.
  10. I have liked Cody and Jess since Big Brother. Happy they are doing so well and are so complimentary of each other. Good for them! I hope Paul watches every episode.
  11. Children’s church is different than Sunday School. We had Sunday School from 9:30-10:30 or so, then church from 11-12. Kids would be there for the first part, then someone would give a children’s message and then the kids would go to children’s church.
  12. The previews show Rebecca in the Steelers jersey she is wearing when she brings home Jack’s things. And next week is “A day they will all remember. I think the storyline is moving forward. I think Jack dies saving the dog. Or Kate begs him to go back and save the dog and the dog is already out.
  13. I am so over Randall. Sad, but they’ve written him so ridiculously lately. Hopefully he’ll scale back the crazy soon. I always heard after a loss like that, you’re really not supposed to make any big changes for a year. Randall’s like a pinball. So annoying. I feel for him, but I just can’t anymore. Already watched the aftershow with the teen actors. Very well spoken and insightful. And they did the “Big Three” bit.
  14. Yes, they most definitely did have nurseries. See: https://www.google.com/amp/wtvr.com/2013/11/11/switched-at-birth/amp/
  15. I need to go back and rewatch more episodes. I’m pretty sure there were more subtle hints of Kevin feeling left out or resentful of Randall. Just rewatched the pool episode. It starts with Randall snatching away Kevin’s Rubik’s Cube and quickly solving it. So of course, Rebecca doesn’t scold Randall. Then wonders why Kevin is so jealous of Randall. Also, Kevin and Randall were together at the pool and Kevin was trying to get his Dad to watch him stand on his hands (and put his face in the water). Kevin comes up for air and Jack wasn’t watching and Randall is gone. And Rebecca yells at Kevin for not watching his brother. Also, in the present day Randall is distracted during a phone call with Kevin and hangs up on him.
  16. Saw this today after losing my aunt to dementia. Big mistake or wonderful blessing. Loved the music and the story. Moved to tears several times. Totally lost it at the end. Best movie I’ve seen in quite a while.
  17. Same here. My older brother is a twinless twin. I wonder when Mom told him? And they didn’t bring home another baby. That has to effect a kid- your triplet brother died but we chose to bring home Randall. I would hope they never said “We chose Randall but we didn’t really have a choice with you but the way they focus on constantly trying to make Randall feel loved and wanted, might make young Kevin think that in his mind.
  18. They act like most brothers I know. If Kevin was crying for a therapist it’s because his parents ignored his cries for attention. They could never be bothered to look or listen to Kevin. Randall’s studying late? Kevin has to suck it up and sleep with Randall’s light on. Kevin wants to tell Rebecca about camp. Sure, but first let Rebecca tell him about Randall’s new glasses and warn Kevin not to tease him. When she wouldn’t even look up from the book she was reading (right next to her favorite), he felt he had to act out and live down to her expectations just to get her attention. Did they ever ask him why he treated Randall the way he did? It seems his behavior backfired and mostly got Randall more attention.
  19. I think Justin is a very good actor. I liked him on Y&R. He took a mustache-twirling character and turned him into a multi-faceted one. He’s killing it on this show, too. He just needs more to do.
  20. Randall has always been pretty self-absorbed. He had to do Halloween his way. He had to study in his and Kevin’s bedroom while Kevin was trying to sleep. But Beth was also selfish here. Randall wanted to adopt. Beth pushed him to foster instead. So they knew they would all have to deal with more loss without properly grieving for the first loss.
  21. Yes. Every time they show the family, Kevin is by himself. Jack is always with Kate and Rebecca is always with Randall. Even when they were in court. Kevin was the one not being held.
  22. I think my favorite part was with Richard Kind. “You got the job? Good for you!”
  23. Being left-handed, I feel for Barry. I always try to sit where I’m on the corner or next to another lefty. While the Goldbergs are OTT, my mom did once make a waitress cry because Mom was in a hurry to get home. (We we’re driving from Detroit to Higgins Lake.)
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