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Everything posted by Runningwild

  1. Sorry, but “par for the course” is NOT the same as “it’s her job.” I also deal with Dejas and their parents, guardian ad litem, and legal guardians. Yes, sometimes people get upset and raise their voices. I don’t remember the mom’s criminal history or if it was even mentioned. She’s on the tamer end of the scale, sad to say.
  2. It’s not her job to get yelled at. It’s not Randall’s job to yell at her. Beth and Randall are so conceited and clueless. A very bad combination.
  3. Really tired of Randall being so nasty to the social worker. Poor Kevin. And now everyone’s going to be mad at him and he probably (again) won’t get any love.
  4. I had to look her up. Even looking at her picture, she didn’t ring a bell. It started to click when they mentioned she danced with Alan for a few weeks. And that was just last season. Completely forgettable.
  5. I’ll be fine with a Frankie or Stirling win. Still don’t like Jordan. He’s the exact same dancer as he was in week 1. Come on, he did an airplane. He should be on Broadway. Oh wait. You know what? I think he is the ringerest ringer who ever ringed.
  6. I haven’t read all the comments yet but I am hoping someone can help me figure out why I don’t care for Jordan. I am apparently one of the few who loved Alfonso and wanted him to win so it’s not necessarily that he’s a ringer. Although Alfonso is quite a bit older and it had been some time since he had danced professionally. I assume there is dancing in Hamilton? Never cared for Corbin either. Maybe it’s Jordan’s personality. He seems like a nice enough kid, but there is something about him that makes him seem smug and cocky. Not overtly, but it’s there. Rooting for Frankie or Lindsay. I like Drew, but he’s not that good. And I am surprised to find myself liking Mark this year. ETA- Also, I don’t consider those “iconic” dances to be iconic. I think the only one I remembered was the one with the cartwheels.
  7. Rewatching this season now. Still feel the same - Love Boston Rob and can’t stand Rupert. Just howled at Rupert thinking his shelter was so wonderful when it was the worst ever. And Rob’s was awesome! Also have always felt the Romber romance was the real thing. (Just finished episode where Ethan was voted out and saw them kiss.)
  8. Oh, Crash, you do make speeches. I’m getting tired of this show. I had such high hopes for it too. Randall was such a jerk!
  9. Apparently there’s an uproar over Tom’s comment last night. “Did he go too far?” My take is everyone offended should just get their mind out of the gutter. Unless I’m missing something.
  10. Not a big fan of this episode. I am relieved that Rebecca and Miguel didn’t get together right after Jack died. And it was sad that Rebecca was missing him so when their granddaughter was born. But I am tired of the character’s making long speeches. Im glad they changed the Kevin Spacey line.
  11. Just started watching this show. I live in Pasco County, one of the jurisdictions featured on the show.
  12. I don’t understand how you can hate Star Trek and love Star Wars. I love both. Always have. Spock never wore a red shirt. The tunics in the movies were completely different than TOS shirts.
  13. Random thoughts: Did Ashley swim down for the Heroes? She’s a lifeguard. Skinny bellhop looks like a Snapchat video. Patrick is as loud as BB’s Josh. Ugh. But he looks like Andy Dalton Fishlady also reminds me of Chaz Bono. Joe is Tony 2.0. Another ugh. Definitely some man candy on the show.
  14. Poor Kevin. He really does get ignored by the family. Kate and Beth didn’t come off looking good in this episode and I completely understand Kate’s pain when Rebecca got in that little dig about one day powering through the crowd. You can’t blame people for how you react. And Randall!! Kevin missed the opening night of his play to come to your rescue and you bail on his show taping too? And as for Beth - she doesn’t seem to like Kevin. Or laughing. I like that Toby said he’s Team Kate Foreva but he might want to try to get her some therapy. Does she not want to lose weight now ? Shouldn’t she already be in therapy?
  15. I find it bizarre it would be renewed for a second season after 0 episodes had aired. And yet Last Man Standing was canceled despite their high ratings.
  16. Joe looks ridiculous with his pants hanging down like that.
  17. Randall’s adoption story resembles SKB’s story on Army Wives. I might start referring to Beth as Joan. They better not adopt an angelic boy named David with HIV. I do NOT want to watch Kate become a singer. Didn’t really care for Becca’s singing s/l. As for the fire - everyone and Jack’s things look too clean to have been in one.
  18. I loved the premiere. Iain is adorable. Sure Sheldon can be a jerk but this show really seems to be playing up the autism spectrum possibility. I wanted to cry when he couldn’t find his tie. And I did tear up when he took his father’s hand. But I’m waiting for the responsive blessing.
  19. Hahahaha!!!! Paul loses and Cody wins!!!
  20. I'm up in Pasco County. I have plans now up in the air for camping and Night of Joy at Disney.
  21. Wasn't it Cochran on Survivor who said he would lie awake at night and try to figure out the best option for everyone else in the game? Well these people aren't doing that. All they are thinking about is what's best for Paul apparently. Or are they thinking at all? Do they really think their best option is to ride with Paul to the end?
  22. http://tamaratattles.com/2017/08/17/raven-walton-shoots-and-scores-to-be-a-bigger-liar-than-danielle-murphree/
  23. I don't know how much longer I can watch this season. I need to start muting the sound when Josh or Paul are in the DR. I really hope Cody stays. When he's gone, I'll only have Mark to root for
  24. No, he's a bully. Not as bad as Evil Dick, but still a bully. I would hate to be in the house with him.
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