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Everything posted by proserpina65

  1. Actually it is because AI cannot give the same performance that human actors can.
  2. The vast majority of actors barely make a living wage and are not billionaires. Do you feel the same way about anyone who is paid money to do a job? Honestly, AI cannot possibly give the depth to a performance that a live person can. That's your problem.
  3. The big deal is that it puts actors out of work. Which, okay, maybe you don't care about them, but I do since they are human beings. And honestly, there is a difference between an actual actor's performance and an AI-generated one. For me, the only legitimate use of AI in a film is using it for non-natural performances by animals and inanimate objects. I would never, absolutely never, want it used in place of a human performer.
  4. I almost exclusively wear slippers at home, unless it's really hot and then I go barefoot. Unfortunately the robe I wear most of the time, except when it's really cold in the winter, does not have pockets.
  5. Also Gen X and while I didn't get the two recent-ish song titles (Thank you, next was the only Ariana Grande song which came to mind but I knew it wasn't correct), I did get How Will I Know and How Soon is Now. And Can You Feel the Love Tonight, but that's not a Gen X song release. I've always preferred I Wanna Dance With Somebody to How Will I Know, but that era Whitney Houston is the only Whitney I like. I'm surprised none of the contestants knew that one since it was a pretty popular song which still gets a lot of airplay on pop stations. Not so surprised about How Soon is Now since the Smiths were always a bit more alternative. Not a great game for me, although FJ was an instaget. The kids I babysat in my early 20s loved the Ninja Turtles. I ran only 3 categories: Mammals, Direction and African Leaders. And I got all but one clue in Cookies, "K", World and Words. I did get a decent number of stumpers, though: the aforementioned How Will I Know and How Soon is Now, right whale, Down on the Corner, puritanical, Alanis Morissette and Lake Geneva. Should've gotten Cindy Crawford but said Christie Brinkley instead. Idk, I hear it loud and clear. Less so with Berry/Barry. I am aware that Staunton, Virginia is pronounced "Stanton" but I know that Imelda Staunton's name is not pronounced that way. I suppose if one has never heard her name and only seen it written, one might not realize the difference. But Stanton is NOT the correct pronunciation in this case and absolutely should not have been accepted. So I'm glad it wasn't.
  6. I told Tim & Delilah they didn't want their kitchen renovated by one of those reality shows, because the shows never do a good job no matter what it looks like on tv.
  7. Surfing and nickname would've given me Big Kahuna all on their own, but I also know a lot about Duke Kahanamoku and knew that was his specific nickname. So did I. Admittedly Encanto was a guess because I completely forgot about Coco. It's an alternate pronunciation for some things using the name Staunton but it is not the correct pronunciation for Imelda Staunton's name and therefore it was absolutely right that they did not accept it.
  8. I think he still feels too humiliated to let other people know what happened.
  9. Is that how FB knows to recommend accounts about capybaras? Cause I only ever talked about them on Twitter.
  10. Happy St. Totteringham's Day everyone! Perfect that it actually happened against Spurs.
  11. I don't have Instagram, but I do get bra ads on my Twitter feed. Since I pretty much only follow House of the Dragon-related people, I can't for the life of me understand why I'm getting bra ads. We all know that our cats will eat us if they're not fed on time.
  12. Plus, these commercials imply that it's okay to use in the lady parts area, but you really should be very careful what you use in that area.
  13. I wanted to see him spend an entire episode in traffic just once.
  14. Thank goodness. I got it because I find volcanoes fascinating and have seen more than one show about them which talks about how catastrophic it would be if Rainier erupts. Which it could very well do since it is dormant, not extinct. I try not to judge things like that because you never know if there's something medical involved. Like Ray and his swaying.
  15. I only know about it because of the Ken Burns' series about country music. It gets mentioned. And no, I did not get that FJ.
  16. At least one of the sisters went to the mother house. Honestly, we never saw enough of her with Jonty for me to think losing her would matter much to him. I think it would count as fraud. That's when I knew it too. It looks like maybe this is supposed to be around Halloween? I seem to remember something about lanterns made out of root vegetables for that in some European countries, maybe England is one of them.
  17. Hell, my house is hunted by a ghost like that. "Why did I come to the kitchen???"
  18. I googled "was Caltech founded by a satanist" and it came up with Jack Parsons, who didn't actually found Caltech but was very involved in its early years and was a cofounder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  19. Both Mary and George said multiple times that it was up to him. Oh what could have been! No way would Howard have become roommates with Sheldon. I actually eliminated a couple of colleges because they were in Michigan and New York - both get too cold in the winter for me, and I don't live as far south as Texas.
  20. I still refuse to judge because I do not have enough info. And it's actually none of my business.
  21. A lot of kids get to a stage where they don't want their parents showing affection in front of their friends and/or other people. (I remember going through a period like that.) That's what the commercial is showing. It's not about hugging your kids being creepy. It's about kids trying to be cool in front of their friends.
  22. I love that one! Kid can get his own band aid. But even if I didn't like it, I wouldn't blame the actress. That's like hating on Jack Gleeson because his Game of Thrones character was horrible. Actors are just doing a job. Unless someone is a big star, making a living by acting is not easy. Turning down something as innocuous as the Sheba commercial would be pretty damned dumb for a jobbing actor. They have bills to pay, too.
  23. Eh, I've seen a lot of family cases in the court where I work, and situations are often not as they appear. Just because the mother says she wants the daughter to see him, doesn't mean she told the truth to the tabloid reporter. And since he required a paternity test, it sounds like there were a lot of problems in that relationship. So I'm not judging him based on a situation where I don't have information.
  24. My understanding is that they needed to do it slowly to ensure they got a good melt on the adjoining edges. The teams who took multiple tries were rushing it. I don't think they've been that under-served by the editing. They don't seem to have been particularly competent, just slightly more so than Sunny & Bizzy. At least that way other teams had to do their own navigating. Helping other teams is what got Angie the help she needed in the mega-leg so I'd say it paid off for them pretty well. She certainly wasn't performing better in that first road block last time; without Amber's help, she'd probably still be there.. But it's down to few enough teams now that they do need to stop. I'm with you on them. I'd found Leticia a little annoying in a previous leg, but she's winning me over. And yes, Rod's respect for her really shows. That's pretty much the point of alliances on AR. It certainly worked out for them.
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