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Everything posted by proserpina65

  1. Unless we've eaten a lot of beets, lol. I just saw the movie on Saturday, and I loved it. And I just put the book on hold at the library, based on the recommendations here.
  2. I don't know if I could do that, although I did subcutaneous fluids for 3 months, but euthanasia wouldn't be the first alternative either. To suggest that right off the bat - man.
  3. I wasn't complaining, just amused that the only answer I got right was Kanye, and that was basically by answering "Kanye West" to all five clues. Yeah, there are occasionally categories which are complete mysteries to me. Advance mathematics of any sort, for example. I got Legend of Zelda and Grand Theft Auto, but those others? They were video games? Oops, I just checked, and I did get Lara Croft and D&D as well. So yay! video games!, I guess.
  4. That was a pretty good game with a really bad ending. I was rooting for either Mohan, who lives/lived about a half hour away from me, or Clarissa who's from the same state as me; I was particularly impressed with Mohan's DJ comeback. Not that I disliked Viraj, but I hate that it basically came down to the person who bet the least. I can't believe none of them got FJ. I'll admit to thinking of Saigon first, but then I realized the math didn't work out. So I came up with Havana in plenty of time to write it down. (You know, from the comfort of my own couch.)
  5. That's probably true about college campuses. But you weren't giving yourself enough credit. I'm impressed that you knew them all. :-) (Like ClareWalks, I'd have known at least one if they'd been 90s rap lyrics.)
  6. I follow pop culture, but none of those lyrics meant anything to me. I'll admit to changing the radio station the minute I realize that a rap 'song' is playing. So I basically answered Kanye to every clue, figuring it had to be right at least once. (Although I have heard of Drake and Lil' Wayne.) Had it been older rap, I might've recognized it.
  7. I laughed so hard at Hank in the mirror that I got a cramp in my side. I assumed it sold. It was a really great house in a nice neighborhood, and I've been told that Portland is a hot market.
  8. I've been mostly fine with this season, but THAT was terrible. Except for the hot naked demon.
  9. I got Kanye West, but only as a joke. I knew absolutely none of those lyrics, and I'm trying very hard to forget that I ever heard them.
  10. Argh! Of course she won. Now I have one more reason to hate selfies.
  11. Thank you for the info. I was basing it on the episode where George's father had surgery for the same cancer, and Richard and Bailey did the surgery. Shoulda known better. My dad's tumor was already inoperable by the time his doctor found it, so we never got that far. (Yes, that particular story arc makes me bawl like a baby every time I see it.)
  12. Why was Maggie even on the case to begin with? The woman had esophageal cancer - surgery for that wouldn't require a cardio-thoracic surgeon. That's general surgery. Unless there was some heart problem I missed hearing about, that is.
  13. You'd think I would have remembered that. Maybe I just didn't realize it was her first one.
  14. Meredith's first start-to-finish solo operation was an inflamed colon given to her as a wedding gift by Derek in the episode where Alex & Izzie got married. But Derek had let her do lots of neuro stuff with minimal supervision prior to that. I don't know that we ever saw Cristina's actual first solo surgery, or Izzie's, for that matter.
  15. You know, I think you're right. Although was Alex an attending before his suspension, or is Arizona still the peds attending? And this crop of residents were interns/residents while Cristina was still there. She, Mere and Alex were supposed to be teaching them back when they first started, weren't they? I mean, CMA weren't necessarily attendings yet, but as residents they were responsible for teaching incoming classes of interns. Which, of course, part of the point you're making. So I guess I'm saying there's plenty of blame to go around, including for Richard, and please ignore my previous not particularly well thought out idea. Alex's was an amputation.
  16. Can I watch this show? Instead of the crap Shonda and her writers are shoveling?
  17. For me, the failure wasn't so much letting Stephanie take the lead, but not allowing the pediatric surgeon to be second on the case. I mean, really, what does a Sports Medicine/Orthopedic surgeon know about peds beyond the basics? It should've been Minnick standing back and watching while Arizona guided Stephanie through the surgery. I was thinking about this whole "lack of teaching" storyline this morning, and it dawned on me that it's not Richard who is the problem so much as it is the current crop of attendings. After all, they are, for the most part, the residents who weren't teaching their interns back during the secret self-surgery club episodes. They're the ones who needed to allow their residents to do more and learn more. So while, yes, teaching methods can and should be updated all the time, there's no reason why Richard couldn't have been brought into the loop to do it.
  18. I've thought about it, but wasn't sure if the Nazi angle appealed right now. Just might check it out, though.
  19. Yes to both questions. There are lights around the outside of the category board and contestants who ring in before the lights go on (I think it's on, but it's been a few years) will be locked out and can't buzz in again until someone else has answered.
  20. According to Angelea's lawsuit, it was for having worked as an escort. Of course, one can take that with a grain of salt, because, Angelea.
  21. Oh man, that's one ugly ass outfit. I think Krislian is a bit delusional. She was booted because she sucked at modeling.
  22. It's just a personal hang up of mine. I don't generally like people who seem to always ring in first. And also tend to hate jumping around the board, although I adored Chuck Forrest who invented it. I'm illogical that way. I missed quarterfinal #2, so I have no reason to hate whoever won that one. Yet. I enjoyed last night's game, and liked the guy who won. Probably partly because of the cute beaver on his sweatshirt. I got Whig, because it's one of the few now defunct American political parties I know. That's what I used, for all the good it did me. FTR, I didn't like Alex during his original run, but rooted for him to beat the pants off Matt, whom I loathed.
  23. That didn't bother me, because I wasn't watching it for historical accuracy. But all the downstairs stuff was boring, and without Rufus Sewell as eye candy, there was nothing at all to hold my interest. Probably made a difference that I'm not particularly interested in Queen Victoria's reign.
  24. Thank god Tash is gone so we won't have to waste large chunks of another episode on the twin drah-mah. And her photo was awful. I thought India had the best photo, but Cody's was my second choice, so I'm okay with her win. Coryanne got lucky with the tight focus since her face is the only modelesque part of her but I liked her shot, though I'm not sure whether it was for her or the wallpaper behind her. I thought Courtney's photo was better than Tatiana's, which I found to be pretty boring. I did think Courtney struggled to find more than one expression; fortunately for her that one expression is killer.
  25. Not really, or Kenneth Branagh would never have attended the most prestigious drama school in England. Plus there are plenty of successful actors in the UK who don't have that kind of training. It might be a bit of a disadvantage starting out, but not that big of one.
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