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Everything posted by proserpina65

  1. I thought she was a troubled person who was ill-suited to the life into which she was thrust. She did some good things, some other not-so-good things, much like any other decent person. But she was not the saint that some of the tv coverage has been trying to paint her as.
  2. I'll go a step farther: I was sick of Princess Diana while she was still alive, and the virtual canonization of her after her death annoys the crap out of me. All the tv coverage of the 20th anniversary of her death makes me want to shoot the tv. I've been trying to stay away from it, but it's freaking everywhere.
  3. Do you think maybe Ned wouldn't have said that to his daughters?
  4. Jon was under orders to ingratiate himself with Mance Rayder at the time.
  5. It wasn't but he was deliberately styled to resemble Viserys. In the first book there was mention of Viserys copying his older brother's look.
  6. I should've saved "Holy fuckballs!" for this week. Rhaegar was dead by then. Maybe Lyanna chose the name?
  7. There's legal annulment, but it has to be done by the High Septon, if I understand what I read/heard correctly. The High Septon before the Sparrow wouldn't have done it because he was a Lannister lapdog, the Sparrow wouldn't have done it because he had bigger fish to fry, and now there is no High Septon. I guess maybe whoever ends up winning this war can do it, but for now, it's moot.
  8. If it's true, it is indeed gross. But I would need verification beyond just the word of his ex-wife. As I would if the situation was reversed.
  9. I don't think he can see the future, but still, asking him something once in awhile might be useful.
  10. I just can't with Arya anymore. She's turned into a little psychopath with no idea how to lead people. Sansa wasn't making the best decisions in this episode, but at least she understands that the Starks need their bannermen's men and the knights of the Vale if any of them are going to survive. Arya's notions on how to deal with dissent remind me of Robb's, and we all know what that got him.
  11. There'll be more later, but all I can say right now is: HOLY FUCKBALLS!!!!
  12. No way. She'd lop off heads in a minute without considering the actual consequences. Rather like Robb did, and he was probably the least politically astute Stark. Sansa is right about needing to keep the lords mollified. House Stark cannot possibly head off what's coming without the support of the Houses which owe them fealty. They also desperately need the men from the Vale as well, and keeping those men at Winterfell requires seeing that Lord Royce stays on their side.
  13. I think Whirlpool (or their ad agency) thinks You Are My Sunshine is a warm, fuzzy song, and reflects parental love for their children, and that's why they chose that song for their appliance commercials. They've obviously never listened to any of the lyrics except the chorus.
  14. I don't care whether or not you like the song. I just wanted to clarify that it's in French, not Italian.
  15. Oh, and the scene with Jon and Drogon? All I could think was "Don't eat me, Don't eat me. Hey, nice Drogon!" and "Yum, dinner, but he smells Targ-y. Ooh, pet me, pet me!". Drogon was not unlike my cats in that last respect. Well, poop, apparently the computer ate my other post, but it was basically: Damn, Sam, Gilly just dropped a major bombshell, and you missed it. Does Tyrion really think seeing a wight in the (rotting) flesh will make Cersei change her mind about anything - does he not know his sister? Does anyone else think Cersei is faking a pregnancy to keep Jaime closer to her and not let him move to Tyrion's side? I loved the scenes with Tormund, especially his asking if Jon had brought the big woman with him, and his obvious disappointment when Jon said no.
  16. Oh man, Sam! Gilly totally dropped a major bomb, and you missed it. Love the scenes with Tormund, especially him asking if Jon had brought the big woman with him, and his disappointment when Jon said no. But does Tyrion really believe that seeing a wight in the (rotting) flesh will make Cersei change one bit? Seriously? Like, don't you know your sister at all? Speaking of the evil bitch, who thinks the pregnancy is fake and just one more way of keeping Jaime closer to her?
  17. Are you talking about the one where the woman lives an entire life in one day? Because that's Edith Piaf singing "Non, je ne regrette rien" in French. Although you may be talking about a different commercial. This is just the only one I've seen recently.
  18. I thought it should've won the Oscar for Best Original Song that year.
  19. I don't find Leslie Jones funny. Maybe it's just how they write for her on SNL, although I've watched other allegedly hilarious videos posted on various entertainment sites, and, to me, they weren't hilarious.
  20. Gods of Egypt is so, so stupid in so, so many ways, but I've discovered, now that I have HBO, if it's on and I have nothing better to do, I'll watch it. Because apparently I cannot get enough half-naked Nicolaj Coster-Waldau. Who is obviously just in it for the paycheck in this crapfest.
  21. Then the answer, if the show actually gets made (not a word of a script has even been written yet) is to not watch it. CBS' biggest shows tend do well in the much-desired 18-49 demographic, so I'm not sure that it's accurate to say that CBS is about older people. The rest may very well be true, however.
  22. My mother had the talk with me - it was all kinds of embarrassing. Especially since I'd learned it all when I was 8 or 9 by reading a set of medical encyclopedias we had for some reason.
  23. Glen Campbell's music was such a part of my childhood that this makes me feel like a beloved family member has died. Watching all the various tributes yesterday and this morning, the thing which struck me most was, not only was he a self-taught musician, but he never learned to read music. And yet he was a highly sought after studio musician in the early sixties - he must've had one hell of an ear to learn other people's music so quickly and masterfully.
  24. It was a really good episode, and that scene was very touching. I'm actually glad (although that isn't the right word) that the show let the baby die, because in real life, a baby that premature would most likely die.
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