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Everything posted by proserpina65

  1. Argh! I missed Thursday's game and of course I missed a Maryland clue. Although after reading it, I'm not sure I would've gotten it. I know all the Maryland signers of the Declaration of Independence but not the signers of the Constitution. I don't see the Meloni resemblance, but I like the champ so he can keep winning. I had no idea that Conan Doyle had been a physician.
  2. I'm currently reading The Crow Trap by Ann Cleeves. It's her first mystery to feature Vera Stanhope, and it's been quite interesting so far, although there was a draggy bit which went into far too much detail about a main character's affair. I am surprised, however,
  3. While I think Courtney is astronomically better as a model than Tatiana, her commercial was low energy, especially at the beginning. Although it's hardly her fault that the camera focused on her boots so much. Either this is India's competition to lose or the fix is in for Coryanne because of her story. I can't decided which.
  4. Even his most readable novel - A Tale of Two Cities - was drawn out more than it really needed to be. But less so than many of his others, which is probably why its the only one I liked. Well, that and A Christmas Carol, which is more of a short story. For Dickens anyway.
  5. I love the Brother Cadfael books. The main characters feel like real people to me, and I'm fascinated by the political background of the time. I owe my knowledge of the Empress Maud to having read the books, and thus knew an answer on Jeopardy as a result. I was so disappointed when that aspect of the novels was severely cut from the television series after the first four parts. (Well, that and the role of Hugh Beringar being recast for some unfathomable reason.)
  6. I'm not outraged that Casey Affleck won an Oscar. I hadn't seen any of the nominated performances, but judging by everything I'd read about Manchester By The Sea, it seems Affleck gave one hell of a performance and deserved that Oscar. Which, to me, is the applicable criteria. I realize others may disagree.
  7. If she legally changed her name, she would just use her new, legal name. I'm thinking she didn't legally change it, but then you get all those "how did she get hired with a fake name, did she use the fake name in med school, etc." issue, which is why this story line is crap. Jo was prominent in this episode, so there's going to be a lot of talk about her.
  8. No more so than other toilet paper products. It's all in how much you use. Does Amy Schumer shrieking at people really help Old Navy sell clothes? 'Cause I would run over my grandmother to get that mess off my tv.
  9. I'll take this one further: I hate the Disney animated Beauty & the Beast. The only version I've ever cared for was the Jean Cocteau one. I've found Envelope-Gate to be a pleasant distraction from that orange horror in Washington.
  10. I know one vegetarian but she doesn't have any pets. I did see a "ask the vet" segment on the local news where a caller asked about how to get her cat to eat a vegetarian diet; the vet said that cats are carnivores, need the taurine from meat, and that trying to make her cat vegetarian was cruel to the cat. That was several years ago, so maybe there's a veggie-friendly food from which the cats can get sufficient taurine, but why bother? Cats are carnivores. Totally. In fact, I had one who would drag the dish around until the water spilled, and then she would lick the water off the floor. I tried various types of dishes but never found one she couldn't eventually spill, including one heavy ass dish which was meant to be a dog bowl. My brother's cat does something similar. And he likes to stick his paw into running water and then lick it. Cats be crazy.
  11. Carried over from the dental monitor discussion: I don't see the dentist for more than a few minutes during my check-ups unless there's a problem; I see the dental hygienist for a cleaning and then the dentist comes in for a look. If there's a cavity, usually I have to get an appointment to have it filled, but once he did the filling that day because a) it was small and in an easy location, and b) they'd had a cancellation that day so he had the time to do it. The dentist does charge per visit, but fortunately my insurance covers it.
  12. Red is Ultra Strong, Blue is Ultra Soft Charmin Cottonelle has the annoying British 'Bum' lady asking everyone to go commando.
  13. I'm pretty sure that's deliberate. An homage, one might say.
  14. I didn't interpret that as Nick mooning over Juliette/Eve. They were together for quite some time before she turned evil hexenbeist, and he does have a strong connection to her. So yeah, he's going to be concerned, and yeah, he's going to think about the various points in their relationship, good and bad; I'd think less of Nick as a person if he didn't. I expect some sort of resolution to their interaction, but I don't think they'll be together at the end, if they're even still alive.
  15. I think you have Cody and Tash somewhat confused. Tash was the one who was eliminated first, got back into the competition via the music video shoot, only to be eliminated again. Cody had been there the whole time. Unless I've misunderstood your post, in which case, never mind. I do love the phrase "viscous immaturity" though. :-)
  16. I so should've known hoser, as the Bob & Doug Mckenzie Christmas song is one of my favorites. But I didn't. I'll show myself out now.
  17. I didn't know it was named after Eisenhower's grandson, but it was the only Maryland landmark I could think of which could possibly fit the clue.
  18. Actually it was pretty certain at that point that there wasn't another option. They'd already been on the phone with UNOS and hadn't had any luck finding another kidney which could be there quickly enough. Her resistance, especially after they knew they weren't going to be able to get another kidney, really goes against the whole "first do no harm" thing. Except that we don't know what the father's motivation really was, just what Jo assumed it was.
  19. IDK, he was rather attractive in Season 1 without the beard. But it is psych, not surgery, and we all know that any department which isn't surgery on GA is automatically deficient. Hell, that was a major plot point on a third season episode of Law & Order way back in 1992. Actually there was some discussion of it in the first scene. Alex brought it up, and Meredith said something about checking the bylaws (or something to that effect) and it was legit. She commented about that being how bored she was.
  20. I've read a lot of the histories, and love Richard III, but almost went with Caliban from The Tempest. I changed it in plenty of time to write it down, though. I'm so glad Gary bet big on FJ. He doesn't have a huge margin over Lilly for day two, but every little bit helps when it comes to keeping her from winning. I generally agree that Viraj is being a douche, but I was amused by the face he made when he realize he should've bet more money on that easy-ass Daily Double. Mainly because I can imagine myself making the same sort of face.
  21. I'm not sure how she'd have the time, but from what I've read about nurses in WWI, it would be required of her to read letters home and censor anything which might give away locations, that the war is going badly, etc., just like commanding officers in the army and navy.
  22. Hey, all Arsenal has to do is score 4 goals at home without allowing Bayern to score any, and they'd advance on away goals. Piece of cake! <sobs loudly into pillow>
  23. Finally! Someone for whom I was rooting made the finals, although I'd have been fine with either of the other two contestants. I'll be pulling for Gary to win it all. I didn't recognize either Dodd or Frank, and although I've heard of the act, I couldn't come up with the name at all. For FJ, I knew it was Lincoln, but like many of you, I guessed 1860. I forgot he had a different vice president the first time. Not that I knew the tailor thing was referring to Andrew Johnson anyway.
  24. I thought Tatiana's video was decent. Not as good as India's or Courtney's but definitely better than Coryanne's. And I thought the makeup looked stunning on her. That beauty shot at the end of the video was really lovely.
  25. The movie is about the decades-long fight to end the slave trade/slavery in the British Empire. Which pretty much had to be done by white men because they were the politicians in Britain at the time. I enjoyed the movie for what it was, but I think if someone went into it expecting something else, it would be an entirely different and unsatisfactory experience. So while I would recommend it, I would do so with the caveat that the film isn't about slavery itself or the black experience in England, and that should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to watch it.
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