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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. I was watching some of season 1 yesterday and I can't get over how different it was. I saw one where the buyers kept losing houses they bid on too late so they looked at one at night with no electricity!! They had flashlights. Of course we couldn't see much. They put in a bid and the next day after their bid was accepted they went to see it in the day time. The house hunters are regular people too. Nobody trying to audition for anything else. It has the feel of maybe a home movie?
  2. Another thing I remembered from this episode. Cody stating that he gave away $500,000. last time he played because he was loyal. He didn't want to do that again. Then he proceeds to vote out his hope to win by keeping Nicole, whom he was loyal to. If Nicole beats him I am going to have a big laugh.
  3. Even though his kids are cute I can't get behind Enzo. He lied all season about making a big move and did absolutely nothing. The one chance he had to actually do something big like voting Nicole off, he didn't do it. I hate the way he talks in the DR ..not looking anyone in the eye..looking far off and then talking so nonchalantly. I don't know...I can't explain. I think Cody does deserve to win. We fail to realize that the person who has people watching his back are playing a really good game (like Derrick) plus he won comps when he had to win.
  4. Came here to complain about how fast the current champ talks but I see you guys have that covered. The fast talking is very annoying.
  5. Just the fact that 99% of the people with kids say that leads me to believe that it's producer driven. After watching so many episodes I now can detect what's really true or what the producers make them say just by the way they say it. There are just so many things that a good number of house hunters say that make it positive it's the producers.
  6. OMG I needed to take an hour shower after today's episode. Not only was the repeat of the girl who ran away in which just as upsetting as the first time there was the guy who gave the young girl his credit card and a $1000 tip.
  7. I just watched the 7'2" guy in upstate NY. I loved this couple! She was worried about him fitting into the home being so tall...and deservedly so! They did pick the best house for them. They both got what they wanted and he fit comfortably with the high ceilings and the shower. There was no arguing or whining! Oh and I wanted to punch the realtor... "I know the ceilings are low but it's a great buy and he can work around it". Really?????? Now I'm watching bride and groom to be in Columbus (again!!!) and they saw a new build with an office but they said.."oh we can't make this a bedroom..no closet". But really? You can't put a bed in there and make it your guest room? It CAN BE. bedroom...just put some furniture for clothes storage.
  8. Not only that...when we get a nice rerun here hair is done up the old pretty way.
  9. Just watching all of my DVR'd episodes...13 in all!! Anyway I was picking and choosing and chose the Sept 29 episode with the young girl buying in Millford, Ct because I've been there and the town is beautiful. Oh my God! Her parents went with her and they are the most annoying parents yet. The mother obsessed with having a mud room/coat closet and acted like she was auditioning for a game show!! Come on down, Ma. The houses were very depressing and she ended up going against her parents and getting a crappy condo. But those parents...ugh. Worth watching for the snark.
  10. They are all so full of it. "I wanna make a big move". Every single double eviction night is a dud. Of course we expected David and Kevin to go first. I'm glad there's a 3rd one so SOMEBODY else goes too. How great would it have been if we could have gotten rid of 2 of the alliance members tonight?
  11. Wow that deadbeat guy in the house flip case was so hot! I was drooling and not paying attention to how bad he was because wow!
  12. Why does Memphis keep obsessing about David? So he's not in your alliance..big deal. Of course he put up the 2 that aren't. I don't like the way David was treated tonight by Memphis and by Dae. She's putting her trust into Nicole and Dani and they are going to screw her. Meanwhile David didn't do anything wrong. Geez one different vote and everybody gets paranoid. I hate Memphis and Dani. Surprisingly Cody doesn't bother me this year (I don't have the feeds) and neither does Enzo. I don't know why they are keeping Nicole around (previous winner) since they made a big deal about Ian being one. Go figure. Take a hike Christmas. You're acting like Rupert when someone voted for him.
  13. I just saw that episode last week. I didn't notice a memorial screen but I probably wasn't paying attention. His house was my favorite on this show. I didn't know he passed away 😞
  14. Yes!! Annoying vocal fry... and a hipster looking husband. New build always wins out. I knew it was that one when he was commenting about how well it was put together contrary to his complaining about new builds at the beginning.
  15. You guys are scaring me! I have a black lab but she never chewed anything (knock wood). She's going to be 5 in November so I think I'm safe now. Am I? Am I? Please say yes.
  16. The Plaintiff in the phone case I bet is on the spectrum. He had trouble looking into the camera and at JJ during the case. I was very angry at the defendant for being so nonchalant and even proud of selling the phone. I wanted him to get his money back and then some. What precipitated the ruling was the fact that he had another girl (defendant's witness) and a friend on his account; I suspect people taking advantage of him. Sorry.... I have a mentally disabled child and I know what it's like.
  17. I was shocked that she picked that first condo - 800 sq feet??? No yard for the "grey"hound? No place for a couch? I spit my coffee out when I saw all those girls in the loft sitting on her bed. That was crazy! She complained about the yard in the one family but at least she had a garage. The house was really nice. She could have cemented part of the yard and planted some bushes and put some gravel...voila..not a lot of yard work. Or hire a landscaper for $30 a month to mow it. There were so many things wrong with last night's episode;
  18. I was just coming here to ask the question: Why didn't I like either the husband or the wife in the Fla to LA episode? I thought maybe you guys could help me. Sheikh Yerbouti helped a great deal. The older I get I notice certain voices grate on me something awful. My daughter's program has zoom going all day and she walks down here with her laptop and I hear this one teacher and I cringe. The couple seemed a little pretentious to me.. subtly though. I guess they wanted to show off their doctorness/wealth to us with such a large house even though they said they weren't having kids.
  19. Here's the story about Brett leaving: https://www.housebeautiful.com/lifestyle/a33587013/selling-sunset-brett-oppenheim-new-brokerage/
  20. Just binge watched the whole season this afternoon. I'm so disappointed in was only 6 episodes. I though 10 for sure was the usual Netflix way. I am a fan of any real estate show: MDL, Selling Sunset, and and all HG Network shows. I am taking my real estate license test at the end of this month, having worked for a real estate attorney and title company the last 20 years. I didn't get racist vibes from it. I was glad to see a POC as I never see that on any of the other shows, except for Amanza. I watch mostly for the real estate porn and this show had a lot of it. I didn't like Peggy from the minute she went to see the owner with Noel. She didn't shut up the whole time and I kind of got the impression she was going for the listing the way she was talking. And then the drama..my goodness. I was so embarrassed for the agents during that open house with the way she was acting. Sara was trying to apologize and Peggy just kept shutting her down. I also though it was highly unprofessional to go after Jimmy and JB's client Yale like that. Michael is just plain annoying. He's got to be on amphetamines or something. JB..nice guy, rich parents but the voice of reason for the show. I'm assuming Jimmy is the broker of this office but I'm not sure. It's good that he shares his listings with the agents. That's what a broker does. I liked Noel and Joel but I think Noel doesn't like confrontation. I felt sorry for him. She was definitely steamrolling him. I am woman hear me roar.
  21. I loved the couple from DC last night. He was so cute and nice and she was so pleasant. They got along fine and their only bone of contention was the price point. However, they looked at fixers for him and new build for her without any arguing or nastiness. A breath of fresh air. The realtor seemed like she took it personally that he wanted a fixer. "I'll show him what a. fixer is". Geez. Of course they ended up with the new build but they got some fabulous price for it.. Listed at $320 and they paid $278. Amazing.
  22. Just caught up on my DVR by watching a couple of episodes: KC Man were his pants tight. I agree he's controlling. His wife was pretty and I felt sorry for her Atlanta Woman was not very sympathetic to her husband's allergies which seemed pretty severe if he didn't go upstairs. Good luck getting dog/cat urine smell out of that basement. The only way to get rid of it is to knock down the house..lol Motor City Mom: OMG I LOVED that third house. Wow.. She did say she was looking for a job. I wonder how long it's going to take San Diego..that poor guy is never going to get a rest with all that construction. There's no time to go fishing..not that he lives close enough to the beach though Bentonville. What do these people have against stairs? Make sure you keep every room spotless with all that entertaining and people roaming around your house being that you're on one floor. My son has been watching with me and had something to say about all of the producer driven comments without me prodding him. Double sinks, open concept to watch kids, not wanting grass or doing any work, no stairs with kids, make it your own, I need a project, I don't like that color paint, this is a gut, white kitchen cabinets which is now #1 on the HH list. One HH husband said..well the cabinets are....long pause.....BROWN!! I rolled my eyes
  23. Todays rerun was the very unpleasant defendant who used her friend's credit card to buy herself makeup and clothes along with using Lyft. The case was the usual crap we see but the defendant could NOT stop saying the plaintiff found out her husband was gay. I really really hated her and I'm surprised JJ let her say it so many times. I remember seeing this case and having the same dislike a long time ago. JJ had her old hair.
  24. I felt sorry for the defendant woman. She probably has nobody here except for the creepy husband and along with her mental health issues doesn't know where to turn or what to do. I hope she gets some help.
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