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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. I agree about the second apartment. She was crazy not to choose it. She said "my boyfriend (no name) 100 times during the episode like she couldn't believe that good looking guy was hers! Shower in the kitchen? No need for a dishwasher!! LOL
  2. Did anyone see the HH international last night in Vienna? The girl said "my boyfriend" 100 times during one episode. She couldn't make a decision without him. I think she had to prove to herself that that good looking guy was actually hers. Boy was he handsome! The first apartment had a shower in the kitchen. I guess you don't need a dishwasher...shower with the dishes. LOL
  3. I'm so angry with the repeat plaintiff today who paid child support for his 1 15 year old daughter and kept getting it reduced because: (said in whiny voice) he had to take care of himself!! (end voice) In the halter view he said that his wife was lazy and living off the $180 he paid each month for his daughter. $180!!!!! $180!!!!! (which Judge Judy said couldn't feed a goldfish for a month or her dog for a month). God did I really want to punch him.
  4. I saw some of the mini marathon today and in one house she painted all the accents lime green. I can't believe she doesn't go with neutrals. Another one she did had a pink master, pink bathroom and the living/dining was pink. Even the faux buyers had something to say about that.
  5. Not crazy about the woman last night who's husband was a realtor. I forgot where they were (forgive me). They were really far apart in price and she wanted all of the bells and whistles whereas he wanted to keep it low in price. She went behind his back to look at a new build for 1.25 million and was gushing over the house with her new realtor. She just annoyed me. But I'm so easy to annoy in this day and age so I don't know if it's justified. In the end they ended up with the fixer. I knew she wouldn't win.
  6. I've never seen Dave act in any other way than he's portrayed. He's relatively nice. I was just talking about this one show.
  7. I just watched a couple of episodes and I've now decided I don't like Jenny very much;. She made a stupid kids playroom out of a closet and put a child size door in the kitchen to get to it. What a waste. Then she played a nasty prank on Dave when he was cutting out the door and kind of scared him. She also gave Chase a hard time about the awning over the front door. She didn't smile once and was pretty nasty to everyone.
  8. So this week was reruns of BO-NANZAs? Today's case took the cake! The I work all night Tarot card reader was suing her landlord for having the audacity to ask her if the city inspectors can look at the house at 12:30 pm. They were only looking at the porch and she came out in a flimsy nightshirt and felt violated. The kicker? House was deemed a one family house and she has to move. She has no lease but the landlord must give her $10,000 to move. She was also looking for another $5,000 today. I just shook my head.
  9. Not a fan of the Vegas woman either. I just don't like when they are nasty to their husbands when the guy expresses an opinion. There's been a lot of that with HH's lately. Also she had a resting bitch face that didn't like anything. She was so proud of herself while saying that she compromised on what they ended up picking;
  10. There are no words to describe the 2 episodes of tonight. First the girl in Colorado with the annoying mother. The mother was worried about her view when she comes to visit; That poor girl didn't know the mother planned on coming for an extensive visit in the future. She ended up with the right choice for her even though she didn't want to do any work at all...even changing out a shower curtain was considered work to her. The beautiful scenery in Oklahoma! However, we have an idiot House Hunter with vocal fry who only wants to go to wineries and restaurants while living in a vacation home near the lake...and only wants a 1 bedroom house even though she has a baby. I'm sure they will have more in the future... maybe they can sleep on the front porch?? She thinks a loft is "awful" and doesn't understand the concept. The realtor was hard to understand and she looked like Roseanne Barr. I'm not a fan of log cabins with wood walls all over the house. At least they picked the one that they can make the nook a guest room. I don't think they planned on taking the baby with them when they went to the lake ..
  11. I really enjoyed this. I always enjoy the summer temporary competitive shows. My son and I were trying to figure out just what we could do well if we were contestants and came up with nothing...lol. I love the Sheriff...she's badass! I also love the ex-Marine and the Forest Tech. I kind of picked Linnette to be the winner of the whole thing. I was sure she could beat Young. I'm glad she's still in it and can collect money each week if her team wins. I like that concept. Most of all I love Phil
  12. OMG today's rerun!! Talk about a BO-NANZA!!! A girl sued a nail salon for a little cut on her finger for $9,000 pain and suffering!!! She said she turned down modeling jobs but she's not a hand model! Her mother kept coaching her and JM had to threaten to throw her out if she said one more word to her daughter. On the way out the mother said..."it's obvious she doesn't know her job". (meaning JM). HUH??? (said in Harvey Levin voice) BTW she won $32 ..the price of the manicure. You cannot make this stuff up..no way
  13. HG still doesn't understand that we don't need drama to keep watching these types of shows. They always think we need some kind of storyline or a big problem at every turn. If one shows up ...fine ..but don't create them.
  14. Ben does beautiful work. I'm often amazed at the pieces he creates out of just various wood scraps. I love the way they say "tile". Every time they say it I have to repeat it..
  15. Don't wait for a dead spot... trust me. Watch it for the laughs it will bring you. You'll thank me in the end.
  16. If you guys can, I suggest you try and watch Beaches Around the World.. It was on last night. OMG the house hunter, who I thought was young at first as she had pink at the tips of her hair, was actually older. She laughed, talked, pranced, skipped and ran her way through the episode. She never shut up!! I kept wanting to turn it off but I couldn't..like a train wreck. I promise it will be worth it if you can find it and watch it. That said I can tell you that the Azores are beautiful! The scenery was amazing. https://www.hgtv.com/shows/beach-around-the-world/episodes/natural-beauty-in-the-azores I just wish I had DVR'd it.
  17. I couldn't understand that either. I think production didn't like her either ..the way they focused on those green velvet pants from behind. I giggled because I already hated her. Boy was she full of herself and her "talents". She was so mean to the husband when he suggested something..geez. I don't think she smiled once. Palm Springs...wow...I loved those mid-centuries!! All of them...even the one that wasn't one..lol. The taller one was so annoying with his comments.
  18. Just watching the mini-marathon today and I'm torn. I really like Steve..maybe a little crush.. but geez her designing is just out there. Every time she wants to discuss what she wants to do with him, no matter what he says she says no and does her original design thought. She loves her white though. One of the episodes started in her house and the room she was in was ALL WHITE!!! floor, walls, chairs, couch..way weird
  19. I really didn't like either husband or wife in the Houston episode. First of all I needed to wear sunglasses because of the glare of her white teeth. Yikes. Both of them seemed so selfish..him with the waterfront and her with the pool. I didn't like the way they spoke to each other. Something seemed off. I love the New Orleans style house too and geez he could walk a block or so to get to his damn boat. But I do think the first house was their best option...except I didn't realize how much its going to cost to get a pool in due to access for the excavation.
  20. I too love that it's only 30 minutes and there's no HGTV fake drama like they've run into a snag with electric/plumbing/insects, etc. The girls' voices are really annoying and geez the way they enunciate words when they talk. II also agree that their staging is way too much but I like the premise of them putting in their own money although I keep trying to figure out if it's beneficial or not...somewhat like Love it or List it. All that being said I absolutely loved the file cabinet house! I'm surprised that they did so much work on it and I can't understand how that house didn't sell as is before the twins arrived. I'm watching S1E10 and it's the couple with the beautiful backyard and really nice house. I'm shocked they will only end up $20K over to share. I'm sure they will sell over asking. What they did do was list the prices of each renovation such as kitchen $17K, Master $1,500 and they put $3,000 for staging.
  21. We discovered this show a couple of weeks ago and LOVE it. My favorite is Tyra's mother followed by Ozzie even though I have no idea what he's saying half the time. Any sports fan would laugh at the dry sense of humor of Joe Buck. I laugh so much while watching.
  22. Wow I'm shocked that Flagg and Altman put their past behind them and are working together. I'm looking forward to seeing more. That said....ugh that Razor House. Spectacular views but such a sterile house. I was not impressed at all. I liked the outside of Ish and Priscillas house but I wasn't crazy about the inside. I didn't like the small hallway upstairs and the size of the bedrooms. The outside was beautiful. I did like James' client Joey's house but that too seemed very narrow. I'm looking forward to the real estate porn that is NOT the Property Brothers and I love that there's not a lot of "open concept".
  23. I thought I set my DVR to record the 2 comedians episode but it only caught one and I don't see them on demand either 😞 I really enjoyed last night's episode. They do say stuff we say at home. I also watched the HH after comedians. Serial Movers in NC. I really wanted to smack the husband with his...it has to be on the lake...said 100 x during the episode. Then he sees a beautiful house on the lake but he had no privacy. I thought the wife was low maintenance and I was wrong. The beautiful 3rd house which had everything they needed..on the lake.. waaaaaay across the lake was a boat maintenance facility...she didn't like the view! They complained about the fixer upper the whole episode... and of course they took that one.
  24. Halfway through the first boring case and read your post. Quickly changed to Divorce Court rather than watch this any longer.
  25. Sadly I will not get to see this Emmy winning episode as the Floyd funeral is pre-empting PC today in my area. I do notice that lots of pre-empting events happen at 3:00 in NYC. Usually one of the Governors or Covid-19 updates. I'm not sad to miss it. On with my Netflix binge watching
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