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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. I spoke too soon in my prior posts. So some drama came along and broke up Luke and Lorelai. I'm curious as to how long this split is going to last. Edited to add: Well that didn't take long. I'm happy for Richard and Emily but she was out of line talking to Chis about Lorelai and Luke. Rory...Rory... what can I say about this turn around. I'm not liking her at all this season. I'm not crazy about Logan either. I feel sorry for Marty. I miss the town hall meetings!
  2. Question: From Season 1, Episode 1, it was obvious to me that the endgame was Lorelai and Luke together. I just wonder why they put them together so soon in the series. I mean them being together is kind of boring. He's too grouchy for Lorelai even though he's got a good heart but she needs someone more outgoing. I want to say like Max...I kind of liked their repartee. I'm glad Rory and Dean part deux broke up. And while we're at it Rory is so boring this year. I'm not much of a fan of the Yale stories..too much annoying Paris. But I like Logan and his friends for some reason. They liven up the episodes. Rory was not very nice to Christopher even though I kind of agree with her on the effect he has on her mom. She was being ridiculous when he showed up at her school. And while we're at it it was stupid to make Jackson the whatever it is in the town. Taylor is a dick most times but he kept everything running. I hope he ends up as the town guy again and I hope Emily and Richard get back together. Also...how come Norman Mailler was there and Rory didn't want to interview him for the paper???
  3. Here I am...after a week or so of binge watching starting Season 5! First episode (Say goodbye to Daisy Miller) was meh... Rory being a brat and making me like Lorelai and actually admiring how she's handling things. I'm so glad she left with Emily.. who knows how the summer would have went if she was there with Dean. Damn Luke and Lorelai could have had all that time alone if he didn't have to go work the Red Faire Episode 2 - Just a Messenger. Dean finally cut that mop of hair and looks a lot better. Luke returns after 7 freaking weeks. Rory and Emily return from Europe. Lorelai gets yelled out in the Town Square for giving Dean a letter from Rory. Lane has officially became a pain in the ass and now thinks she loves Zach. Boring episode. Is it me or has Lorelai calmed down and is not making a joke about everything? I like it much better. Rory however is a different story. I used to like her. Episode 3 Written in the Stars - Emily is once again annoying and Richard is in the pool house. Luke and Lorelai finally go on a date. (My son walked in to tell me I told you so about Lorelai and Luke getting together). Woo Hoo..they slept together. So Asher kicked the bucket and Paris is being overly dramatic. I like the new guy that Rory debated with in the hallway. I see a little chemistry. I'm guessing Jason is gone forever? Or does he come back like everybody else does in this show? LOL at the town meeting regarding the "relationship". And then we have Rory going to Dean's house yet again....ugh
  4. Well let's move over to Season 5...I'm watching the first episode now. Dean got a haircut!!! Thank God
  5. LOL I'm sorry! I didn't want to spam with posts about every episode so I limited the season to 1 post. I love Emily's mother when she goes off the rails. The smoking and drinking...I snorted orangeade out of my nose! I loved Marion Ross playing cousin Marilyn too. I hope the Gilmores get back together. It's not fun with them separated.
  6. Wow...that's all I gotta say. I loved the Living Art episode. I laughed so much at Kirk and his apostles. Was Jude the troubadour that sings around town? I thought it was and it made it funnier to me. Emily and Richard went off the rails so quick after the Yale tailgating episode. Jason's father was a real dick. How do you do that to your own son. I'm sure they could have worked things out with the 3 of them. And Richard? I always liked him. I had no idea he was so ruthless. Emily was quite frantic this season. I love Lane's band mates and they way they were with Mrs. Kim. Liz's wedding... so much happening. I see such a change in Luke. And Jess??!!?? I was so happy Luke and Jess bonded and that he thanked Luke for taking care of him. But thinking Rory wanted to drop school and just run away with him? I can't believe Dean was there at the same time. More angst for them. And what did they do to Dean? He doesn't look good at all this season. And why is Dean all mad at Rory? God!! He's married for God's sakes. I'm not crazy about the wallpaper in the Dragonfly. Am I the only one? It looks way too old. Other than that I like it. And of course Sookie is annoying once again with the kitchen staff. Clueless as usual. I hate Taylor this season. OMG the kiss. I bet your original series watchers went crazy when that happened Poor Lorelai...I can't believe Rory was so stupid! I guess I was right not to like her so much this season. I actually liked Lorelai much better recently. Can't wait for Season 5!! P.S. One thing really bugs me about this show. Everybody says I don't want to talk about it during every dispute or argument.
  7. I think Ken did a good job but I have to say I think he read the clues a little too fast. It sounded like he was in a hurry. Maybe it's just me. I am used to the way Alex read them. I remember Art Fleming...God I'm old.
  8. Isn't it Ken Jennings tonight? That's what I thought. I miss Alex already 😞
  9. Alexa!! You are beginning to know me...lol. I can't tell you guys how much fun it is to post in this topic. We are actually having conversations. Right now I'm in the middle of the season. Lane got caught, Paris is with the professor, Lorelai is dating Jason, Lorelai is jealous of Luke moving in with Nicole and fighting with him about it ::rolling my eyes::: Kirk keeps saying "my girlfriend" in every episode. As we speak Luke's hippie sister and therefore Jess' mom just arrived. I'm sure I will have thoughts later on. Sookie lost a ton of weight in 2004...funny how she must have gained it all back for Mike and Molly. I don't know if I like Jason. Emily has been annoying me a lot lately, probably because Ive become numb to Lorelai. I'm slowly finding Rory getting to be annoying. Go figure.
  10. Just started Season 4 Already Episode 1 made me crazy. Taylor and his annoying soda shop and trying to guilt Rory about being the queen of ice cream. Not to mention poor Kirk I can’t believe Lorelai would forget to bring something for Luke. All she cared about was movie night when there was so much to be done for Yale. Be an adult for once! I can’t believe Luke got married and is now getting divorced! ‘ I didn’t like Emily in this episode at all. So moving into Yale and Lorelai or Rory don’t know what to bring for the dorm room? I’m old and I know what you have to bring.Didn’t they have Bed Bath and Beyond commercials in 2003? Why do Rory and Paris have to be in the same room? I thought there was 4 bedrooms in the suite As far as the mattress they didn’t think about taking it to the dump? And why was Lorelai so selfish about using Luke’s truck? Paris? Why did I expect this when she said she was accepted at Yale? I wish they'd move on from her. She's so one dimensional and high maintenance. Loving Lorelai’s hair… she looks better when it’s not so flat. It didn’t take Sookie long to be a pain in the ass. Boy oh boy read the room…it’s kids! Were you ever near a kid? Her food always looks the same..big bowls of fruits and vegetables. Lorelai you’re a liar. She’s not going to be a Great parent. I’m already worried about that baby. Where did Alex go?
  11. I'm determined to finish Season 3 tonight! See? Lorelai sees Max and just because she thinks they should go back she wants him to agree. Selfish Lorelai only thinking about herself yet again. We got to meet Pete...the pizza guy. I was so excited! Sookie looks like she lost weight. Rory and Dean....wow. I'm so glad they finally had their fight. It's been building up in forever. That poor guy who had the party...trying to keep the house intact. WTH Dean?? Getting married???? Lane!!!???!! I can't believe she told Mrs Kim about Dave. I love that Dave understood what Lane goes through (unlike Henry) and was finally rewarded. I love the use of the church/synagogue. I tried...I really tried to like Jess but I couldn't make it happen. I hate the way he treats Rory. He couldn't even say goodbye to her. I'm so glad she didn't sleep with him. Which brings me to why the heck did Rory even care for him anyway? Just because he likes to read? He has no personality at all other than brooding. There's plenty of guys that like to read. Ok why are they wasting our t time showing us Jess in California?? They act like we care about him. He was not a compelling character at all so why would they think that? Are they trying to push some kind of gauging reaction to give him his own show type of thing??? I guess it didn't pan out if that's the case. (Thank God). I think what bugs me about Lorelai is that sometimes she's the kid and Rory is the parent. Really? carving names in the wood? She makes me shake my head so much. Graduation: Sookie=annoying as usual! Luke looks so handsome...much better with shorter hair Oh God...I'm not supposed to cry when watching this show. You guys didn't warn me!! ::hands on hips::: On to Season 4!! I'm so glad I'm unspoiled. (However after watching hundreds of Hallmark Christmas movies I have the nagging suspicion that she ends up with Luke -- Don't tell me if I'm right. At this rate I'll know by the end of the week) (I typed that right before she told Luke not to get engaged.
  12. I agree with you about Lorelai. You must notice that I only complain about Lorelai when she annoys me, meaning about 40% of the time she doesn't annoy me... hard to explain. I'm in the middle of the Poes and the fire and I can't believe Lorelai has no place to sleep and actually goes over to Lukes. Luke and her are a real head scratcher to me. I still think she knows he cares for her yet just takes advantage of the situation. I do notice that both Lorelai and Rory get jealous when they see either their exes or Luke with another woman. It's so obvious. I also can't believe how Sookie and staff just took over Luke's for breakfast. That was so very rude. OMG about Kirk...I did like him and I laugh when we see him but geez he does every single job in town. Luke is wondering how Jess works 40 hours a week and goes to school and works at Lukes..what about Kirk? Working at least 3-4 jobs a day I see. I am biased on Sookie because of her OTT acting and the fact that I don't like Melissa Mc. Emily had me laughing out loud in the episode with Trix. Wow... Yale?????? Now that's a shock!! What the hell happened to Paris? Then she plays that tape of her interview and yikes. The inn? wow!!!
  13. I just finished the ones with the birth of Georgia and the flashbacks to Rory's birth. I didn't think young Lorelai/Chris looked or reminded me of them at all. They did well showing Emily and Richard really looking younger. I love that Luke had a date and looked actually normal. Jess saying he was going out for an hour was really funny. I like that Lorelai brought over the DVD player for Emily. I felt so bad for Lorelai at the hospital when Chris was over the moon about his new baby. She shouldn't have had to be there. The flashbacks did at least answer some questions. Emily was/is so high maintenance so it explains a little bit of why Lorelai is how she is. What's with new boyfriend Alex's hair? Wowsa!!! You know my most favorite thing about this show? The fact that they don't dwell on a scene long enough for us to get bored. Like Miss Patty's private show. They show just enough to keep us interested.
  14. I'm not a fan of Sookie because I cannot stand Melissa McCarthy. I don't think she's funny at all. Her character in GG is so over the top that it is overwhelming to me. As an aside...I cannot stand stupid or annoying characters on TV or the movies, I.e., Homer Simpson or Will Farrell in Elf.
  15. New watcher. In fact I've never even heard of the show. I guess I was too busy in the early 2000's to watch TV. Anyway I just started Season 3. I'm hate-Lorelai-binge watching but I'm definitely hooked and glad I am not too busy to watch. Thoughts so far: Can one of you Gilmore-philes please explain to me why Rory needs to go to Harvard and why Lorelai is so adamant about it? Is it because she picked it for her when she was young to go against her father? That's the impression I get since everything is about Lorelai as far as she is concerned. I can't believe she didn't think of back up application. So far there's too much Sookie. I'm not a fan of Melissa McCarthy and her antics are too OTT for me. I'm very glad that Rory and Dean finally broke up. It must be hard in that small town to move on though. I feel sorry for Dean. Everybody knows everybody. That said..I love all of the townies..especially Kirk. I loved the egging of Jess's car. I hated that Lorelai was forced to go to the baby shower and of course she had to act all babyish and mess up the bathroom. As far as the deposition I can't believe Emily would allow Lorelai to go even near taking a deposition. Lorelai thinks she is so cute yet she comes off as so immature and never takes anything seriously. What's with Dean's little sister Clara? She looks like a small adult..but acts like a kid. Right?
  16. NYGirl

    Season 2

    I'm hooked...lol
  17. NYGirl

    Season 2

    Just finished Season 2 and I'm anxious to start Season 3...right after the Bills game. It's snowing in hell. I actually felt sorry for Lorelai in the finale when Christopher just up and left her after all of his sweet talk about getting together. I'm beginning to get a feel on Christopher and it aint very nice. Rory and Jess...I don't know where to begin on that one. I'm not a fan of Jess in the way he talks to adults but I see growth in him and I think the more time he spends with Rory he will grow even more. However, not a fan of her just cutting school and going to NYC just on the same day her mom was graduating. I was upset for Lorelai. I did enjoy Emily and Richard not reading the room and just going through with the filming of the graduation. Lane however is going off the rails. I did love the CD drop and I snorted when I realized it was Michel!! I'm happy for Sookie and Jackson. I hope she calms down some time soon. I know a lot of you guys don't like Dean. I did at the beginning but during this season I see your point. I'm still stuck on him wanting to watch every rehearsal of a HS play and Rory being so nervous when Jess brought all that food over. The episode I didn't think I'd like...I did! Help Wanted. Lorelai was so efficient in helping Richard. I liked seeing them get along and Richard actually taking her advice and hiring Karen. Ok..moving over to the Season 3 topic but I'm not going to read it ahead of time . I got spoiled for future seasons by reading through all the pages of this one.
  18. NYGirl

    Season 2

    So I just saw the episode where Mia comes to visit and Lorelai and Sookie are talking about their inn. This is the reason I don't like, nor will I ever like, Lorelai. She's so afraid of commitment and she just lashes out at anybody and everybody when they try to talk to her. I hate that she made me feel sorry for Sookie whom I'm not fond of the character. Then she gets mad that Mia wants to sell when she was looking to leave anyway TO OPEN AN INN IN COMPETITION WITH THAT INN!!!! She's so damn selfish and babyish. I just can't with her.
  19. NYGirl

    Season 2

    New watcher here. I explained in Season 1 that I've never seen any episodes of this show. I'm just now binge-hate watching. I was fine with the beginning of Season 2. Loralei almost seemed grown up and older than Rory.. until.... The Road Trip episode. OMG. I kind of figured she wasn't going to marry Max as they were dropping anvils. I refused to pick them up but my son did. I can't believe she just canceled the wedding just like that. We just kept saying that we hoped that she actually told Max. Rory was so smart in the argument. Loralei was just being such a baby. I almost turned it off. Poor Sookie..not even my favorite character...making that beautiful cake and selfish Loralei... ::shaking my head::: I did love Rory at Harvard though!!
  20. NYGirl

    Season 1

    Okay...finished Season 1 last night and watched the first of Season 2. I guess I'll go put my thoughts in Season 2.. Come on over!! I forgot to tell you my very favorite line from Season 1. (paraphrasing) Trix to Lorelai. "Comedy time is over". Stopped her dead in her tracks...lol
  21. NYGirl

    Season 1

    I agree. After all if they really annoyed me that much I wouldn't continue watching. I had a doctor appointment and then a work appointment today so I didn't get to watch and I found myself wondering what's going to happen. I'm looking forward to watching around 3 episodes tonight since NCIS and FBI are reruns. I'm being overly snarky...maybe because I've never seen a show like this before? It goes against everything I've ever watched.
  22. I haven't watched since way before Deeks and Kensi's wedding. I find it hard to watch on a Sunday and with football I need to DVR the whole evening in order to get the show on there. WTH happened to Eric? God..so annoying. No Hetty and they made Nell into a Hetty with the tea drinking and outfits. I so agree with the other poster who said Deeks looks good from the neck down. My goodness...he looks so dirty! I enjoyed the first episode When the Fates Allow but this one... not so much.
  23. NYGirl

    Season 1

    Oh God I kind of figured that. I was kind of hoping that wasn't the case. My son was watching with me a little bit today and said "why is everybody on this show annoying?" I said to him "I know!! Right?".
  24. NYGirl

    Season 1

    Thank you for welcoming me!! I'm definitely not going to give up as I am in for the long even though I'm annoyed. Hard to explain. The Christopher episode was shocking. I can't believe how his parents acted. Even though Richard stuck up for Lorelai I didn't get the feeling he was all in on it. I loved when he told her how her getting pregnant and locking them out of her life for no reason hurt them and that Emily was in bed for a month. Selfish Lorelai. The next episode was Rory and Dean's 3 month anniversary. It started out so sweet and then went off the rails. I kind of liked Dean before this but boy was he selfish and impulsive when Rory didn't say she loved him right away. Lorelai acting all babyish and sneaking out of the blind date was typical Lorelai and didn't endear me to her at all. I loved her getting her comeuppance when talking to Luke at the bonfire and noticing maybe he does like Rachel. The next episode Rory goes to a Chilton party and brings Lane. I was so happy Lane met Henry but I'm worried we'll never see him again and he fell into a black hole. Rory confuses me when she lets Tristan kiss her. Meanwhile ugh Melissa McCarthy is acting like an idiot because Jackson is cooking for her. Really? Made my hate for her come to the surface yet again. I'm sorry I have no patience for annoying people. Max???? OMG...She's really lucky that he didn't have another girl in that apartment with him. I'm wondering how long this is going to last My last episode for today was Trix visiting!!! First I had to get over my shock that it was Marion from Happy Days!! I loved Richard fawning all over her and took this as a teaching moment to ask my son why he doesn't fawn all over me like that. All I got was an eye-roll. But I was amused at this episode and felt sorry for Emily. I also loved when Trix said she wasn't leaving Rory the money because of Lorelai. I loved her making Lorelai think she wasn't "such a much" (Ethel Mertz said this on I Love Lucy in the California episodes)
  25. NYGirl

    Season 1

    So I must have lived under a rock all of these years but I've never ever seen even 1 episode of this show. So after finishing Season 3 of Cobra Kai I saw this and I started watching. I almost turned it off during Episode 1. I cannot stand Lorelai. She's never serious and it feels like she always has to be "on". That would annoy the heck out of me if I was her friend. Michel makes me laugh a lot. Sookie.. ugh. I'm not a fan of Melissa McCarthy and her attempts at slapstick humor. I liked her well enough during Mike and Molly but then she quit her teaching job and the whole show was her doing stupid stunts so I gave that one up. At least as the season goes on she's not doing as much slapstick as the beginning and I love her relationship with Jackson. And the fact that she tells Lorelai where it's at. I like Rory. She is a sweet girl...even though a little backward and shy. She's really nice to her grandparents and just about everybody in town. I like Luke. It's obvious that he has a thing for Lorelai and I'm sure she knows it. It feels to me like she's a bit of a tease with him. Like a "who, me?" with her. I like Emily and Richard. I love Miss Patty. I hope Lane's mother eases up a little bit. Anyway that's my opinions on Season 1. I'm up to Christopher returning now. I'll give my ever changing opinions as I finish each season in that season's posts.
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