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Everything posted by NYGirl

  1. I just watched Sunday's new episode with the couple from Georgia. Two things: 1. The Bowen House. I think there's a Bowen house in every episode. It didn't look familiar though. 2. I did not like the mud room in the kitchen. It was right behind the island. Who wants dirty boots and stuff in the kitchen?
  2. Damn I liked Barnes! I was upset she left at the end. We never even got to see anything with the guy who shot the glass out. The show is called The Rookie so I would think they should give us more...you know...rookies?
  3. Wow tonight's lottery dream home international...the 10:00 pm episode in England. The woman had some dress on at the reveal...holy cleavage!!!! They did pick the right place for them but boy were those houses so small. I love the scenery and the oldness of England.
  4. I hate that baby story. Every single show does that or the surrogate/adoptive mother decided she wanted to keep the baby all of a sudden....blah blah blah. I'm sick of it!! Get creative writers. Let someone just take their baby with no problems...geez I sure hope Mina and AJ don't leave. Maybe Cain will do something. Yeah...right. I can't get over how good Bell is now...
  5. When Nolan was going to the bank to see what was going on he hid right by that same van. Were they guys in the van at the time? Didn't they see him? Bradford is my favorite.
  6. As soon as I hear a team screaming they are off my list. I am tired of having to mute. I hate the screaming. I've seen the way it usually goes on this show...win all season..lose in the end. ;(
  7. So now we know that whoever doesn't win during the show will win at the end. They've done that both times. It's pretty telling that Nate & Jeremiah's and Alison and Mike's homes are the only ones with pending sales. Liar Liar HGTV for telling us Brian and Mikas house sold already when clearly it's on the market still. I agree that their house should have won. Hopefully they can take out the bowling alley and it won't cost too much. I did think they should have won the master bedroom/bath challenge because I liked the addition of the laundry room. If David and Tiffany weren't so gaudy they would have been in the running with their added mud room and master suite on the first floor. Their gaudiness and lack of backyard amenities did them in. I wanted Nate and Jeremiah to win. Boo hoo.
  8. Definitely the husband. My husband was "oversized" and ruined an expensive leather couch by laying on it constantly. I have a black lab and I've never allowed her on the furniture. She doesn't even try. When I was sick in bed recently I kept trying to get her to come up on the bed with me;.. no dice. If you don't let them on the couch when puppies usually they won't go.
  9. NYGirl

    Season 03

    I thought they were arguing because he was going to rob the place but it was because he had a second job as a security guard in that place and he was reporting for work.
  10. My goodness she should have answered the phone and got an extended warranty! I get 10 calls a day for this
  11. I don't think Leanne won the kitchen challenge. I think she only won the Master Bedroom/Bath challenge. I was groaning that A&M came up with the retaining wall extra area because I thought they would win but then the stupid idea of the putting green...no..just no. I knew they wouldn't win because it was the same as the bowling alley last week. T&D had a beautiful front yard and I bet if they did something on the level floor such as an outdoor kitchen;/patio area they may have won. I loved N&J's space. I love the screened in porch and now that I know the floor isn't slippery I love it even more. They did a good job on the yard too. They deserved the win. I didn't like the potted plants but then I have potted plants in my front yard so who am I to talk B&M are still boring. There's something about them that makes their spaces meh for some reason. I like them and their show but they are not rocking the block. I'm with you guys I bet they win. I wonder why they didn't have Dave and Jenny Marrs in this. They'd be perfect for this show.
  12. I'm thinking they've used the same trucks since season 1..just washing and painting them in between series. It's a strange season with no dominant all male teams. I am amazed at the amount of people that have been coming out to the trucks.
  13. I don't know about you guys but Bryce was annoying the heck out of me. He seemed to buzz in on every single clue, if he knew it or not. Half the time he stuttered his way to a wrong answer. The new champion woman was all business throughout the show. Not one smile was cracked. I was glad Bryce lost. He was too nerve wracking.
  14. OMG exactly my thoughts. I get a little nervous when I'm watching these shows just thinking...where's the basement? Garage? Storage? I can't believe there's hardly any place to store things.
  15. As luck would have it my sister in law was diagnosed with lymphoma in March of last year..just as the pandemic was starting. She did 6 months of chemo in the hospital during the pandemic and is now in remission.
  16. This! I am the parent of an intellectually disabled daughter and I went to court when she was 21 for guardianship. She is not capable of making her own decision, especially medical issues. I can't believe they would tell her she could have the abortion. The Guardian was right there. No...just no.
  17. Chicago...can she be more annoying? The realtor lists all the amenities and she's like...well they're not doing anything for me. She's a nonstop talker and has nothing nice to say about any of the apartments. I don't care what she picks. I'm going to bed. BTW her friend is so cute! Both him and realtor are trying to talk sense into her. In one ear...out the other.
  18. I'm with all of you as far as the price point jealousy and the stupidity of a childhood movie home. However, I like that there was no drama, whining or complaining. No..."where's my white cabinets?" and all those annoying HG wants/needs. I liked the Maryland/Virginia couple. They were just so cute.
  19. I am very angry that Allison won again!! I really do not like her. She's my least favorite HG star. That said I did like the ombre bathroom. I guess I'm the only one who did. The rest of the space was meh to me. I'm not a fan of the wood wall. I'd rather have the laundry room than the other closet. I think Brian and Mika had every right to be angry. I thought for sure they had it when they were the only ones to do the laundry room..somewhat like Tiffany and David did with the living room/mud room. I don't think adding spigots in the shower should have had them lose. She really was a bad sport at judging though. I love Nate and Jeremiah but ugh... I didn't like their beige nor the curtain behind the TV. I did like their bathroom but they need to shop using antiques. I LOVED the French doors. Tiffany (I cannot stand her OTT behavior. She gives me a headache with all of her peppiness). and David. Actually their wallpaper wasn't bad. I loved the black tile in the bathroom. They should have used that extra space to make a larger closet.
  20. I liked what they did with the show runner's house. I was actually surprised that she took the second house. I thought the first one was a lock. The only thing I wasn't crazy about was the orange color...I'm just not a fan. I loved the guys jumping in the pool and the sound guy hiding in the closet and laughing at the woman's nickname priss pot.
  21. Just discovered this show and I like it. However, I cannot stand her voice and she talks way too much. Yes I know she's pregnant. I can see it..please stop saying it. I like him though.
  22. There's something to be said about binge watching all day on OWN. I've read that you guys do it but I'm always busy binge watching something else. So a couple of hours ago I took a time out from Chicago PD to watch. Not a good idea. I'm actually annoyed at HG for making these HHs look like idiots. For example, Bakersfield California. Every time I see Calif on HH the houses are pretty expensive. Is Bakersfield not expensive at all? Their budget was $275,000 and they wanted the world!!! A pool....5 bedrooms...open concept, 3 bathrooms and of course a white kitchen. God I wanted to punch them.. They did end up with 5 bedrooms but no pool. I thought the husband would have a kniption. I was definitely saved by a nice older couple buying a vinyard in Loomis. The houses and vinyards were so beautiful to look at. I loved the whole episode. Their budget was $1 million. Next we go to Detroit for another delusional couple with a $275,000 budget. The realtor showed them three houses in the $180,000 category and yet they wanted so much more. God forbid we drive 15 minutes to the office even though it's probably once a month that we actually go in. But he definitely needed a 2 car garage and she had to have 4 bedrooms for kids they didn't have yet. She also had to have a pantry and 2 living areas. I rolled my eyes at them too I really need to not binge watch. Everyone annoys me.
  23. I knew as soon as Arianna started talking with her family that she was going. If you watch enough of these types of shows you can see how they telegraph who's going from the beginning. Well she did deserve to go as her indoor space was very underwhelming. I did like her outdoor space but I can't imagine sitting in a bathtub out in my backyard. I did like Chris's space best. I'm glad Justin didn't go. I'm also glad Eli didn't win again..he's getting way too cocky. What happened with them doing little videos and such? They gave up on it?
  24. What the heck with that flooring? It looked terrible. And the walls looked like they were unfinished. I liked the ceilings before she painted them white...the wood was so nice. She's mean to Steve. I feel sorry for him. I did love that we got to meet their families. Her daughter is so cute and her husband seems nice.
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