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Everything posted by funnygirl

  1. I still don't understand why they didn't just put Andrew and Maggie back together. I thought they were pretty cute and worked in a dorky kind of way. Plus, that would eliminate the need to make one of the new interns his love interest (bye bye "verbal explosions") and it would save screen time for the more important characters, and it would allow Jackson and April to be on-again off-again like the consensus seem to want. No "debate" over incest and siblings necessary. It astounds me that the writers don't utilize the characters they have, instead feeling this need to add new blood every season. I get the necessity of bringing on some new interns, that's fine most especially if their only purpose is to be taught and interact with the main cast of doctors in their day-to-day. And stop bringing on characters for the main purpose of being a love interest (*cough* Nathan Riggs, Eliza Minnick, Horny Deluca), for those are the pairings that are the most forced. How about instead we allow a doctor or two to date someone outside of the hospital, or a nurse or other hospital staff member that we see every 5 episodes in passing? It's not necessary to have to focus on every characters love life - for awhile both Bailey and Cristina existed without one and that was just fine.
  2. If this story wasn't going to wrap up in the next episode, I'd agree. But because it's going to be resolved, I think they are going to take the predictable and easy way out.
  3. It would've been more beneficial to have had a scene with Jo/Meredith and Arizona that transitioned her onto Team Anti-Paul, instead of shoehorning in the screen-sucking waste of time of more flirty Carina. Guest stars should only be in episodes when their presence is necessary. And while I do realize the unfortunate inevitability of Arizona and the sex-obsessed sister being a couple, aside from awesome new intern Casey Parker sparking open the security door to the blood bank, that scene was a dud.
  4. Matthew Morrison does a good job playing a psychotic creep. Richard granting Paul privileges was a big WTF for me. I mean I know he'll always be The People's Chief, but I didn't think he had the authority to do that now. It's not like Derek and Co. doled out privileges under his watch back in the day. Very cool that there's a trans character (played by a trans actor) on the show. Andrew and his intern girlfriend are like the poor man's poor man's broke cousin's Meredith and Derek. I love Alex. Paul's fiancee totally did it.
  5. I won't argue with that. It is of my opinion that Grey's Anatomy is the type of ensemble show that is only as good as the sum of it's parts. And when a good chunk of really strong, really great characters have departed and are replaced with uninspired new characters that don't add much more than a warm body to fill a proverbial void, that's when weaknesses are exposed.
  6. Shonda was very green when it came to showrunning in the earlier seasons of Grey's, she's all but said that it's what taught her how to run a show. Think of all the behind the scenes drama back then, and so by the time Scandal debuted she had a handle on things and adopted a "no asshole policy".
  7. This doesn't surprise me. In 2015, Entertainment Weekly had their big Shondaland issue with an interview with Shonda, Ellen, Kerry and Viola, and somewhere during the interview Ellen got up and walked away because Viola corrected Ellen when the discussion turned to black actors and she tried to add her two cents as if she knew from experience. I also remember someone on Reddit saying he worked on the Grey's crew for some years and that Ellen was a nightmare on set. However, it wouldn't surprise me if she has mellowed out in these later years because there are more newer and less big-name actors/characters on the show then in the earlier seasons. I think at this point with Patrick, Kate, Katherine, Sandra, Sara gone, Ellen has easily asserted her "I'm #1" and the rest of the cast lets her get away with it.
  8. Ellen walked into negotiations with the biggest bargaining chip: give me the goods or I walk. And if there's no Ellen, there's no Grey's Anatomy. Shonda has made that clear on several occasions. Since ABC is making bank on Grey's alone, of course they are going to do whatever they can to keep "the sun" happy and staying put for the foreseeable future. As far as her producing credit on GA and the spin-off go, I predict those are vanity titles. And even if she's genuinely doing producing work on GA, she all but said she's staying out of the way for the spin-off so that for sure was a an extra perk to pad her IMDB producer credit. I don't begrudge her new deal, more power to her. It seems pretty clear as far as acting goes that this is it for her, and when the show eventually ends she really doesn't have to do anything for the rest of her life and can still live her lavish lifestyle if she wants to. I can only hope that Chandra, Justin and James are getting a nice chunk of money for continuing on with the show. The three of them, while probably nowhere near Ellen's salary, should be making at least 100k more than the rest of the cast. It's important to note, though, that pay disparity isn't just between men and women, and that women of color generally make less than everyone. And not only is Chandra the best actor on the show, she's directed a bunch of episodes over the years (without fanfare), so I hope she is getting the respect in pay that she most certainly deserves.
  9. Ellen, Justin, Camilla and Caterina all specified the DV storyline. And FWIW, that hasn't been done before on the show so I can see how that, plus it's importance, is a favorite among cast members. Everything else on the canvas can pretty much be connected to another version (or four) from an earlier season. As for the new relationships, aside from Jolex all others pale in comparison to the original pairing. And I agree, season 14 thus far is better than the past few because those installments set the bar very low, season 13 especially. My comment on the matter is no more subjective than your opinion on it. In other news: the ABC boss said at the TCA's that they have a few final ideas for the spinoff title but it will not be "Seattle Fire".
  10. In the world where storyline content is running thin: being recycled and/or dragged out. Good for the show for continuing to perform well in ratings, but just because it could stay on for many more years doesn't mean it should. Money over quality.
  11. I agree, Sara's departure wasn't a last minute decision. If it were, there wouldn't have been the unnecessary custody battle that all but ruined Callie's character. Shonda and the cast played it like it was last minute as way for the show to save face that yet another major actor was leaving (Sandra, Patrick and Sara in consecutive seasons). Sara said "taking a break" to mean that she was literally taking a break from acting, which she did for over a year.
  12. I don't believe Quinn is dead. I think Papa Pope is going to use her in some grand scheme to get Olivia to calm the hell down and possibly take back control of B613, and Quinn will show up again later in the season (after Katie Lowes has had a proper maternity leave). The emphasis on B613 basically ruined the show for me seasons ago, and I really wish it wouldn't be such a focal point in the final season but here we are. Maya is the real MVP in the Pope family as far as I'm concerned.
  13. And correct me if I'm wrong, but, weren't they still using paper charts in season 6 when April and Jackson transferred over from Mercy West? The old school way of doing things should not necessarily be a foreign concept to the current attendings. To the current residents and interns, sure. Add it to the list of the many ways Grey's has smudged continuity to service a plot.
  14. I was pretty underwhelmed with this episode, especially after last week's lovely installment. The best part was Jo running into Paul. I hope they do this DV storyline justice, especially since they've left the plot hanging for far too long. Carina and her "orgasms" have past their expiration date. Enough already. The glasses intern and Andrew's girlfriend are pretty annoying.
  15. And because of this, even female-led Shondaland isn't immune to misogyny. Isaiah Washington was welcomed back years later after being heinous to a fellow cast member with his words and outing said cast member, thus getting fired for it. Katherine Heigl speaks her mind about material she was getting, which I understand in a business full of narcissists from top to bottom was not the smartest move, and she all but gets ex-communicated. Shonda can be very petty, and she clearly holds Heigl more accountable for her situation than she ever did Isaiah. I actually think that the Isaiah firing was more of a call from the network and not Shonda. I feel like Meredith won her Harper Avery too soon. I agree with those who've expressed how fast it all happened, and I think this is something that would've been better served towards the end of the series. Now there's not really anywhere for Meredith to go career-wise, she already got the crowning achievement. I just feel like they took away a great professional storyline opportunity to really see Meredith work on something long-term to get her to the grand prize.
  16. I think Sofia just wanted to go home to Seattle. And, besides, who would want to live with/around Penny? lol
  17. I really enjoyed the nostalgia. My favorite Grey's is the Grey's that existed up through season 8, and I felt that for the most part this episode hit all of the right notes. The music, Meredith seeing Ellis, Alex talking about how he imagines Izzie, and the picture of Mark, Callie, Arizona and Sofia hanging on the wall were what got me the most. I'm indifferent about Andrew and his ex, especially because I thought the whole purpose of his sister showing up was to get to know him better. Silly me, she's too busy giving and getting orgasms. (anyone else tired of her breaking out her Italian every episode? Just me?) I also laughed at Catherine calling Harper Avery her dear friend when he was her father in law and they share a last name. Not that they can't also be friends, but I feel like that was a somewhat lame attempt at distancing their Avery connection from the award honoring Meredith; who somehow got to win it when Cristina couldn't because of that connection.
  18. Carina Deluca is the most useless character. She's literally a sex ornament taking up precious space and time that would be better spent elsewhere. My eyes hurt from rolling them at Meredith's Harper Avery nomination. I didn't get why Jackson was babbling on about a new competition/award. For what, exactly? So the super rich boy isn't bored anymore? This one went right over my head. That money could be more useful for other hospital resources.
  19. Not at all sad to see Nathan go (no offense to Martin who seems like a lovely guy). Nathan was forgettable at best, and I was never a fan of the forced Meredith/Nathan what-would-be relationship. I think it's better this way. It's nice that the character got his happy ending.
  20. Callie joined in the back half of season 2. She got Chief Resident over Bailey in the season 3 finale, and then Bailey took over after she got fired from the postition in early season 4. Richard says "the seven years you spend here as a surgical resident". Do fellowships count as part of residency?
  21. Since Meredith said Nathan was a tumor (like Arizona calling her thing with Dr. Minnick a tumor and Alex wishing he could blame his beat down on Andrew a tumor), I hope it means that pairing is done. As it stands, the Alex/Andrew and Arizona/Dr. Minnick situations are over and done, and I actually wish Nathan would leave with Megan. If she's his great love like he claimed she was, and that being the one thing that made Meredith relate to him, then why even continue this forced charade? Meredith doesn't have to be in love with someone again. Plus, I really like the consistency of Alex voicing his dislike for the guy. The whole point of Amelia's tumor is to justify explaining away and moving past mistakes, after all.
  22. I'd keep Koracick and trade him for three current full-time characters and Andrew's sister.
  23. Jackson and Meredith's conversation about taking his name off of her surgery because she can't win a Harper Avery with his name on it is a glaring continuity error seeing as the reason why Cristina didn't win in season 10 was because Catherine said she works at a Harper Avery Foundation hospital and that none of them can ever win one while working at Grey Sloan Memorial. But anything for "the sun", I guess.
  24. Them plus Deluca's sister makes 7 new guest starring/recurring (for now) cast members. That might be a new record. I'm not even counting Teddy and Megan because their arcs should be wrapping up after episode 5. I'd rather see the current cast get more than 2 minutes of screen time per episode. Like Alex, who continues to be shortchanged.
  25. They're basically giving her a lobotomy with this tumor. Except, am I the only one that thinks this attempt at character retcon is too little too late? Whether a viewer has been with Amelia since PP or just the past few years on Grey's, whether some love or hate her character, the impression and perception is there. While the handling of this tumor storyline hasn't been bad thus far seeing as they aren't dragging it out and people are actually communicating, I think the idea of the tumor being to blame for who the character has been all this time is a lazy and lame cop-out. It just really bothers me, and I don't even care about Amelia!
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