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Everything posted by funnygirl

  1. Leah's return is definitely a retcon. There's no way it's not when Richard was the one who fired her and now appears to be the one who has rehired her. As far as the consultant goes, that was indeed just fan speculation. But it seemed pretty clear that once Leah was shown in resident scrubs in the articles about Tessa's return, she very obviously would not be the consultant.
  2. Bridget Regan, though not listed in the press release, is slated to be in this episode. It's possible that she could be part of Owen's flashback, unless she's the patient. As for Jo, Jo/Alex, and the trial: I think it will end up coming back up as the "big" mid season finale story with possible cliffhanger. Episode 8 "The Room Where It Happens" seems to be more of a standalone episode.
  3. Right, but in this current supposed "year", April got pregnant and had a baby which is a clear marker for 9 months, and Andrew got the crap beat out of him and healed in, what... two days? Most of that stuff from seasons 1-3, while a bit suspect with time, could've happened days/weeks later, no problem. Especially with people sleeping and getting with other people. Had April not just come back from Jordan and go through conceiving and then a full-term pregnancy, followed by an intern completely healing after severe "inch from his life" facial injuries, this wouldn't be such glaring of an issue. It's no wonder why they haven't mentioned how much time has passed between the incident and now, unlike say when Callie was in the hospital and her recovery episode spanned 12 weeks. But YMMV I guess.
  4. So let me get this straight. If Andrew is still an intern, that means everything that's happened since season 11 episode 23 when he first showed up has been within a year? April came back from Jordan, got pregnant some time later, carried to term, and Meredith's attack and recovery, and Callie meeting and then leaving for Penny, and Andrew fully recovering from a "serious" beat down all happened in that time. And since Andrew is still an intern and the residents are still residents, that year is still going. To quote the old/better Grey's Anatomy, seriously? April's pregnancy and delivery alone proved 9 months went during part of season 12. And Andrew must have healed in a week. I know the timeline has always been screwed up on this show, but even this one is a stretch.
  5. Why would that come up now years later? Plus, the impact would be lost because the people closest to Mark, Derek and Callie, are gone. And it was never confirmed if Mark dated her mom, it's just that he knew her. Also, Jessica and Tessa's chemistry was about as stale as Sara and Samantha's.
  6. The show would have been better off introducing a new character instead of opting to bring back someone who literally got the boot because they were largely disliked. There's nothing special about Leah, and she hardly left an impression to where she must come back. She's no Cristina, Callie, Izzie... etc. IIRC, viewers actually cheered when the news broke that Leah Murphy (and Shane Ross) were not returning. Grey's Anatomy has turned into a free for all/dumping ground for Shondaland-approved actors who turn out to play less-than-stellar characters who take over too much screen time. It's like they miss the blandness of Penny, so they are replacing her with another irritating character. And she got fired from the surgical program, so is she going to be hired for the clinic? If it's at the hands of Richard, this would be the second time he's been behind the hiring of someone who, for all intents and purposes, shouldn't be there. (the first was Penny) And to suggest that Leah was that impactful of a character that her return will all of sudden throw all these doctors for a loop? Give me a break.
  7. I don't think this return is necessary at all. She must be working in the clinic because didn't Richard fire her for not being a good surgeon?
  8. I loved Sydney Heron, she was one of my favorite guest star/recurring characters. Bailey and Callie's and really everyone's reaction to her was always so funny. Or maybe it's Syph Nurse Olivia? Pardon me, the first few episodes of season 2 were playing on Lifetime late last night.
  9. Calling it now: Jo is going to propose to Alex at the end of the season. Since he's already proposed twice and she's the one hung up on not being able to get married, I can see this happening. How Alex and Nathan randomly being friends complicates the Maggie situation is probably because Alex knows that Meredith and Nathan hooked up and he also will know that Maggie likes Nathan, and 'round and 'round this stupid triangle goes.
  10. The custody battle lasted 3 episodes, from it's inception through the final ruling. Also, Meredith is looking worse in this stupid love triangle with each passing episode. And it's a bummer that making Maggie the annoying piece of this puzzle is actually making viewers dislike her instead of Meredith, who is actually 100% in the wrong. She wouldn't be in said position had she been honest from the get go, but now she's let the hiding go on for too long with Maggie having given her many opportunities to speak up. How or why Meredith and Meredith/Nathan should come out the winners in this dumb story arc, I'll never know. But that is where it's building to.
  11. Arizona only missed two episodes, not an entire season. She's not the first to have done so.
  12. This storyline isn't doing Meredith the Martyr any favors.
  13. You can't change or manipulate chemistry. Actors either have it or they don't. And Meredith and Nathan don't. Even still, that won't stop Grey's Anatomy from pushing forward with them if that's the story they want to tell. Look at Callie and Penny, abysmal pairing, to say the least, and yet that's what Shonda stuck with.
  14. They have no chemistry. I mean, MerDer is always going to be hard to follow, but Meredith had more spark and connection with Dr. Thorpe than she does with Nathan. Maggie and Nathan have an easy vibe. Of course Maggie's not going to get the guy and after all of this back and forth Meredith and Nathan will be a thing, but it's unfortunate that Meredith's presumed "next great love" is forced. Just like Callie's was with Penny. Grey's Anatomy is just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. I think the Jolex and Japril relationships, and Bailey and Richard individually and respectively, are the only characters and pairings that will give the most natural storytelling. As natural as Grey's Anatomy storytelling can be now. And that's probably because they are established and not anything that was just stuck together for the hell of it or brought on as a replacement due to circumstances outside of the show. What happens with the rest of them is essentially unnatural to me in regards to this make believe universe that Shonda built.
  15. While I enjoy Meredith's interactions with Alex, and Miranda and Richard which hardly ever happen now, she has become rather unlikable to me. Not that I care about the dumb twu wuv triangle in the slightest, but she just agreed to not lie to her sister and then lies to her anyway. How is Nathan even worth it? I don't see what the big deal is about him, anyway, except for the fact that he was shoehorned in as a male replacement for McDreamy. Him and Meredith's whatever they are and will be is a matter of convenience, not because they so undeniably belong together. I guess I would just rather see Meredith be the mother hen to her children and the hospital. And I don't know that she's that great of a friend to Alex anymore, or anyone really. I'm just over her. An unpopular opinion, I'm sure.
  16. In that past the show had more heart. Losing Cristina, Derek and Callie back to back doesn't help. But here is hoping they actually do stick to their word and keep this season's focus on the oft neglected originals, though I won't hold my breath.
  17. I feel like at some point towards the end of the season they changed it from a grant that would last "at least" a year to a fellowship. When Meredith was saying goodbye to the dishrag, she told her to kick butt on the fellowship. And in what world does a third year resident be eligible for a fellowship? Aren't fellowships usually for after boards are taken? Which goes to show that the entire thing was a cut and paste job to give Callie an exit, as crappy as it was.
  18. What if it's as simple as Ellen only wanting to sign on for one more year? Shonda and Ellen have both said on multiple occasions that they are in this together, and when one or both are ready to be done then the show will be done. They locked Jessica in through season 14 last year assuming that Ellen and the rest would re-up for two years bringing them all on the same schedule, but just because Jessica is locked in that long doesn't mean the show will actually go that long. I don't suppose season 13 will be the last season, but I think it should be. The stories aren't going to get any less inconsistent. I just hope that when it's the case, ABC will announce it ahead of time and give Shonda and the Grey's Anatomy writers enough time to thoughtfully plan out an ending.
  19. Deadline said: "one of it's strongest seasons creatively and ratings-wise." I get it, this season has exceeded expectations for the network, media, and even some viewers in terms of how the show could go on without Derek (and Cristina). Ratings didn't fall much or at all in some weeks versus last season, congratulations. But again with the exaggerations. A third of the season with not knowing why Owen and Riggs don't get along, among other season 12 plot points, does not a creative resurgence make. YMMV
  20. Callie Torres gets one or two minutes of screen time in her very last episode. Wow. She deserved a better storyline in her final season. I can't even process the rest of the episode right now.
  21. I get the feeling Callie is going to end up in New York with Penny in the finale. She seems pushed to the brink and defeated, by her own doing but nonetheless, and the breakup with Penny was too cut and dry that I feel they will revisit their relationship. Not that we'll see Penny again, thank goodness that waste of space is gone forever. But I do think there is a chance that once Arizona and Callie find middle ground in the finale, Callie will be on the first flight out to New York. Exit Sara Ramirez, being one of maybe two shocking moments in the finale. I think whatever is going on with Jo will be the other.
  22. Seriously. Third year resident Penny wins a grant that typically goes to fifth years, and fifth year resident Jo is running errands. That's messed up.
  23. In an episode full of predictability (Kyle dying, check. Proposals for Alex/Jo and Owen/Amelia, check. Meredith hooking up with Nathan, check), Alex won this episode for me. I also liked at the end when Richard was noticing all of the broken relationship around him and then his wife shows up to his surprise. It really drove home for me how miserable it is to have most of the relationship broken in some way. It's just not fun anymore. Are we really free of Penny? Is this the last time we ever have to put up with her sucking up screen time? I did not feel bad for her, and even after all of Meredith's Penny praise throughout the season, it's funny that she didn't even want to hug her. I know Meredith essentially gave Owen the trailer, but I wish he would have at least seen if maybe Meredith still wanted it or something. How sad that all of these pieces of Derek are falling away, but at least the scrub cap is still around. Arizona was pretty harsh on Callie, but it is a little hard to feel bad for Callie when put them in this situation. She held no regard to Arizona or her feelings when she wanted to limit Arizona's time with Sofia by moving across the country, so now she has to deal with the consequence of her Penny inspired actions. The best decision she's made all season was breaking up with Penny. Now I hope that after some time has passed, Arizona and Callie can mend their fractured relationship. For Sofia if anything else. But it goes without saying that, especially after the Callie/Penny debacle, I would prefer Callie and Arizona together than going through failed chemistry tests with anyone else. Besides, when given the opportunity, those two have been good together. I actually don't mind Nathan Riggs, but I can't seem to care about whatever is going to happen between him and Meredith. And where has Andrew Deluca been? You mean to tell me that he, who has been added on full time, can miss three or four episodes but that Penny had to be in every. single. one since she first showed up? Blah.
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