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Everything posted by funnygirl

  1. I think Shonda doesn't even know what's going on anymore. Okay, obviously she does, but for years she's treated Grey's like the bastard child. I guess that's what happens when it surpasses the time frame and stories/endings she had originally planned for the show and characters. Now it's a free for all.
  2. A Grey's spinoff? That's interesting... That might mean that Ellen is finally ready to call it a day, because the show isn't "Grey's Anatomy" without her. As long as it's not a spinoff with the current residents at the helm (Jo, Stephanie, Ben, Andrew, and Leah - who shouldn't even be back anyway), then I don't know that I'd hate the idea.
  3. But if Alex does go to prison, no matter for how long, what will that do to his career? Not that Grey's deals in realism anymore, but you'd think it would ultimately affect his professional life in a substantial way.
  4. Thank goodness for small miracles. While I'm sure it will rear it's ugly head again later in the season, for now I will enjoy not missing their forced love connection and the sheer nonsense of it all.
  5. The Jo name change angle is one of the lamest things this show has ever done. So many plot holes. But at least Jo told Alex the truth, so that's something. I think we are either going to see the trial play out or Andrew will drop the charges. I don't foresee Alex going through with taking the plea deal because then how does he get out of that after the fact? Glad to see the doctors rallying around Richard. Arizona doesn't seem to be bothered that her new crush is out to get her friend's job. Doesn't matter, that love connection is already underwhelming anyway.
  6. It's funny how the biggest story going into this season and the mid season finale is the Jolex drama, and yet Kevin McKidd is the one doing all of the press for Owen and Amelia's no baby issue. But I guess the biggest cliffhanger will end up being the Jolex drama and trial, as I suspect the mid season premiere will be Alex's trial. Other than Catherine and Bailey, who have already made their allegiance, it's sad to think that any of the others would take Dr. Minnick's side over Richard. It bothers me when new characters are brought in and then they make the beloved characters look bad for the sake of some random story. I'd take Richard any day.
  7. Super bummed that Santino left the show. I really enjoy him, love Greg, and was rooting for a Greg/Rebecca endgame. 2016 has not been a good year for my ships. :(
  8. Her natural hair color is actually a more darker red than Megan's.
  9. That would be fun. I'd like to see separate one-off episodes with all three of those characters. Just throw them in anywhere in a season, would be better than a filler episode for sure. Cristina and Callie, anyway, still have ties and still interact off screen with the some of the characters, so it wouldn't be too out of left field. 13 seasons in, Shonda and the writers can afford to have some fun like this. Providing they could get the actresses to sign on for it. We could dream!
  10. Secrets and Lies won't get pulled early because they already shot the season. It was supposed to debut last Spring but got pushed to this Fall. At the least they'd air the entire season before ending. Each season is stand-alone, anyway, with it's own conclusion. Grey's has it's built in audience that's clearly not going anywhere and not going to really grow. Indeed impressive for a 13 year old show. People like familiarity (which might explain why the writers continue to recycle storylines instead of telling fresh interesting one's they set up but do nothing with).
  11. Once again, to service a new character, it's at the sacrifice of other (more beloved) characters. With the addition of Minnick, this season's victims are Bailey and Richard respectively. Bailey because when has she ever not been able to be honest with Richard? So she's bumbling around behind his back being very un-Bailey and un-Chiefly like. And Richard because this is not all his fault, and yet this has now become a Richard vs. Minnick situation. I will side with Richard every time. Yes, change is good and necessary. And in the end Richard got it and understands, that's what makes him such a good leader (not perfect, mind you. but who on this show is?). But in order to service story and highlight Minnick to be this great new face of change, it's coming at the expense, the characterization, and the intelligence of Bailey and Richard. Also, two episodes on and Leah's already had more scenes than Jo has nearly all season. Another reason why I find it a problem that GA feels the need to add new characters every season/after one departs, because they already don't utilize the ones they have to their potential, and then these new characters end up overshadowing and taking up a good chunk of time. I don't like it.
  12. Does it even matter what the cause of Amelia's baby's death was if the point is that she's feeling the way she's feeling now because she had lost a baby? The point is, Owen knows that bit of truth so it's already not some big secret, yet the show is trying to backtrack and play it out that way. Unless the story is about Amelia's worries and insecurities over her past drug use possibly affecting her being able to conceive a healthy child at all, and that is what she's specifically keeping from her husband.
  13. A cheap soap trope, so of course it will happen. Also, Amelia's baby isn't a secret to Owen. Maybe he didn't get all the details like she spilled to Alex, but Amelia did tell him when they were in the chapel lighting a candle for baby Samuel. Naturally, the show will retcon this to make it some big reveal, but you would think that by this point Owen would have put two and two together. I really don't like how the show has resulted to dumbing the characters down to service the plot and drag these "secrets" out much longer than necessary. (see: Owen/Riggs rift, the dumbest love triangle ever, etc etc etc)
  14. No she didn't. I mean you can dislike Callie but don't get the facts wrong. Leah started freaking out in the middle of the surgery while Callie was calmly teaching her to use the drill. But because Leah was in there with both Arizona and Callie, she couldn't handle it. Leah drilled through the patient's leg and the operating table, and Callie was trying to talk her through the fix, but Leah was freaking out saying she can't do it and then turned to Arizona for help. That's when Callie put two and two together, Leah was still frozen not doing a damn thing, Callie took the drill from Leah and told them to get out of her OR. It's not Callie's fault that Leah is a sniveling weakling who's real issue was that Arizona didn't love her. And that's why no matter how "different" they decide to tell me Leah is now, she's always going to be that resident who was not good enough. Like Richard said, Blake left and he saw an opening to bring her back. It's all for drama and plot, when there actually isn't a dire need for another resident anyway. I actually loved Catherine's reaction when Arizona was questioning why he rehired her. As extra as Catherine can be a lot of times, at least she calls this nonsense out.
  15. She did. It would've been less suspect and made more sense had she filed against Arizona, even though she was well aware of the terms of their sex-lationship, but is naturally a stage 4 clinger anyway. She raised the flags with the rest of the attendings sleeping with subordinates, but it was Callie who was the only one that got penalized for Leah's own foolishness. I don't care that this "new" version of her is more confident and poised and will probably be "Perfect Penny" 2.0, she's no better than the worst of them, IMO. If they wanted someone to be this great amazing surgeon character, they should've created a great amazing surgeon character and brought in someone completely new.
  16. Lol the moral center who cheated on her wife. Maybe she was when she first rolled through the halls, but not anymore. None of them are.
  17. Oh sure, Catherine, blame Leah's shortcomings on the teaching. Never mind the fact that her peers were excelling. She just sucks(ed), but yeah let's go ahead and blame everyone else. While I appreciate her pointing out the absurdity of how a lot of these characters were given leniency after doing things they probably should've been fired for, I think it's pretty silly that it's coming up now after all this time and the many many mishaps. But I guess they need something to build a story around. Meredith is insufferable. The best part of this season, for me, is the heavy material Alex is getting. I just wish he wasn't handcuffed to the sisters all the time. Show me more of him and Arizona. And what about some bro-time with Jackson and Ben? Expand his horizons outside of the annoying "sister" trio. Though I did like his scene with Amelia, completely separate from the norm.
  18. I don't disagree that there are still storylines that are potentially compelling that could be told. But the point is, for whatever reason, the show isn't telling them. And that's been happening since even before Cristina left and Derek died. They glossed through a lot of things with Arizona's recovery and the post-cheating with Callie and Arizona. They could've fleshed out Jo's story long before this, and even now they are still only giving bits and pieces and then ignoring it for other menial things. And then, of course, Meredith dealing with Derek's death - they completely jumped over that. Plus Maggie building more of a relationship with Richard, etc etc etc... But these stories aren't being told. Instead we're being force-fed quite a bit of trite storytelling, and constantly adding on new characters is taking away from what they could be doing with the characters they've had. So what I mean is, if they aren't going to be telling these compelling stories they could be telling - and lets face it, the ship has sailed on a lot of them already - then the show should end sooner rather than later. Because all we're going to continue to get is more of the same.
  19. Indeed, which is why the show should end. Sure, it's still getting great ratings, but why not go out with whatever semblance of "on top" that they can, rather than beat it to the ground? The compelling storytelling, the stories with heart, are just not there anymore. Whether or not viewers favorites are still on the show.
  20. Leah's return is definitely a retcon. There's no way it's not when Richard was the one who fired her and now appears to be the one who has rehired her. As far as the consultant goes, that was indeed just fan speculation. But it seemed pretty clear that once Leah was shown in resident scrubs in the articles about Tessa's return, she very obviously would not be the consultant.
  21. Bridget Regan, though not listed in the press release, is slated to be in this episode. It's possible that she could be part of Owen's flashback, unless she's the patient. As for Jo, Jo/Alex, and the trial: I think it will end up coming back up as the "big" mid season finale story with possible cliffhanger. Episode 8 "The Room Where It Happens" seems to be more of a standalone episode.
  22. Right, but in this current supposed "year", April got pregnant and had a baby which is a clear marker for 9 months, and Andrew got the crap beat out of him and healed in, what... two days? Most of that stuff from seasons 1-3, while a bit suspect with time, could've happened days/weeks later, no problem. Especially with people sleeping and getting with other people. Had April not just come back from Jordan and go through conceiving and then a full-term pregnancy, followed by an intern completely healing after severe "inch from his life" facial injuries, this wouldn't be such glaring of an issue. It's no wonder why they haven't mentioned how much time has passed between the incident and now, unlike say when Callie was in the hospital and her recovery episode spanned 12 weeks. But YMMV I guess.
  23. So let me get this straight. If Andrew is still an intern, that means everything that's happened since season 11 episode 23 when he first showed up has been within a year? April came back from Jordan, got pregnant some time later, carried to term, and Meredith's attack and recovery, and Callie meeting and then leaving for Penny, and Andrew fully recovering from a "serious" beat down all happened in that time. And since Andrew is still an intern and the residents are still residents, that year is still going. To quote the old/better Grey's Anatomy, seriously? April's pregnancy and delivery alone proved 9 months went during part of season 12. And Andrew must have healed in a week. I know the timeline has always been screwed up on this show, but even this one is a stretch.
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