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Everything posted by funnygirl

  1. And I will hate every single second of her existence, and the screen time that already tired pairing will chew up. As for episode 13.16 synopsis: why wouldn't a Peds surgeon go to Montana if the patient is a child? (assuming "young patient" means anyone under 18.)
  2. How long was Meredith suspended for? Did they say, does anyone know?
  3. In the words of an older, better Grey's Anatomy: Seriously! Dr. Minnick not only left Stephanie high-and-dry, she was the one who first refused to work alongside Richard for the teaching program, thus spearheading this Richard vs. Minnick crapfest. And Arizona's little speech was a show-not-tell moment, a tactic with which recent Grey's has clung to. I still don't see anything great about the character, and she's been in more than enough episodes and has gotten more than enough screen time to prove her worth. It's a fail for me. My favorite moment of the episode was Meredith impersonating Ellis. It really made me nostalgic for when the show fired on all cylinders. I also liked that Meredith told Miranda that she made the wrong choice.
  4. Needless to say, this "make Minnick likable" episode backfired. Now it's only a matter of time before Meredith swoops in with her verbal seal of "I like her, she's great!" approval. Because the show thinks viewers are that unintelligent that we'd just follow along with whatever the sun does. That didn't work with Penny last season, and it's not going to work here. And before people, or the show rather, starts to change the narrative and put all the blame on Catherine and Bailey, let's not forget that when Bailey presented to Minnick the suggestion to work with Webber, Minnick said that she only works alone.
  5. Actually, Arizona got her groove back and was dating throughout most of season 12. Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean she's been single and celibate this whole time. Now they are forcing a relationship with her and Dr. Minnick that, even as a slow build up, has no spark and is not working. Would it be so horrible to have these doctors carry on relationships with people outside of the hospital, and we maybe see the random guest actor pop in and out every once in awhile? Like when Bailey was married to Tucker in the beginning of the series, and Richard and Adele.
  6. They should've gotten a more seasoned actor to play the educational consultant, much like they got Geena Davis to play Arizona's mentor. This Dr. Minnick, and the actress, is very unconvincing of anyone who could come in and attempt to change things for the better and also carry the authority for it. But because the show wants to kill two birds with one stone and fill the Arizona love interest slot, this is just one big reason why the arc is falling flat.
  7. Dr. Minnick is a terrible teacher. How does she even have this job? She didn't even know how to console the parents, she left Stephanie hanging, and while in the OR she basically silenced Arizona who was trying to help (re: teach) Stephanie through a process by talking it out with her, telling Stephanie to use her instincts. Use her instincts? She's unsure of what she's doing! So next time Dr. Minnick will have a resident take the lead on an open heart surgery and tell them to "use their instincts"? She's negligent. Her teaching method is a non-method as, yes, these residents have been making cuts in surgeries for quite some time now. The only difference is that the Attendings are getting their hands dirty right along with them and are teaching by example and talking out the procedure. I couldn't help but think about what Cristina Yang would have to say about this phony. And why aren't they using the brand new skills lab that they spent so much time in last season? That's where Dr. Minnick should be posted up with the residents before forcing them upon innocent patients who die from a simply surgery. You know why Dr. Minnick's super unqualified self has this job? Because they needed a way to introduce this new character and have a story line with some "drama" for others, but really the main purpose for this Sports Medicine Ortho Surgeon is to conveniently slide right into Callie's place not only as the hospital's ortho surgeon, but as Arizona's new luvah as well.
  8. Tonight's episode proved to me Dr. Minnick's inexperience. I know the crying was supposed to make her more "human", but compare to Richard's teaching moment consoling Stephanie, if it wasn't already obvious how much she pales in comparison, it is crystal clear now. And I did not feel bad for her, because this is the same negligent woman that goes and cuts an artery for the hell of it. Bringing her on as some agent of change hero on a white horse was unbelievable then and even more so now. She's very much a disposable character that is chewing up too much screen time, while Alex and Meredith are nowhere in sight.
  9. For me, it's not that April isn't capable of doing the job. It's that she's in trauma and it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to overlook the other (no name) general surgeons under Meredith, since the job clearly wouldn't be given to Richard, in favor of giving it to an attending in another specialty. I almost think that there may be a twist and there was a conversation between April and Bailey, and this is Bailey's round about way to fix things. But then again, they've made Bailey look like a fool throughout this that most likely she will continue down the same path and it will blow up in her face. The only joy I foresee myself getting from this storyline is the backlash Catherine will receive from Richard and Jackson.
  10. I was thinking about this, too. And I do think that the charismatic male doctor coming on at the end of the season will, in fact, be Jo's husband. Which makes the whole plot even more ridiculous, in my opinion, because suppose Jo was in medical school when they were together, or even if she wasn't, being in the same profession seems like it would make it even easier for him to find her if he really wanted to. Should this be the case, the writers really aren't trying anymore when it comes to storylines.
  11. And that confirms for me that they could not be more obvious in literally replacing Callie Torres if they tried. The only missing factor is that they didn't cast a Latina actress and make Dr. Minnick Latina.
  12. It's so random that they just up and made a Trauma attending the new Chief of General Surgery. I mean I know all the doctors have a baseline of general surgery, but Bailey hired April over other General Surgery attendings for the job. That, in itself, is messed up.
  13. Then why did she go running to mommy and tattle-tale on Meredith? Surely she knew that telling Bailey that Meredith wasn't being cooperative would result in Bailey addressing the situation. Bailey wasn't just going to take that information in and do/say nothing. It seemed like it only became a big issue for Dr. Minnick when she realized that the sun, Meredith Grey, got suspended. And what authority does she have over the attendings? They are her peers at most, a few of them even board members so really they should've had approval before she even got hired (a plot hole that can't be filled or else this story is non-existent).
  14. She needs to rethink her approach out of that hospital and into oncoming traffic.
  15. Meredith's kids! They exist, having been put to bed, but they exist. See, show? Is it so hard to have Meredith drop a line about them every now and then? Not sure why Owen didn't just sedate the woman wrapped in razor wire in the first place, instead of the "drama" of her moving and screaming and hurting herself more while he was trying to treat her. And I hate that they're ruining Miranda Bailey to service Dr. Minnick's unnecessary existence. And who is Dr. Minnick to tell the Chief what to do? Someone explain to me why random residency directors have power over Attendings? Stop trying to make the Minnick Method a thing! The doctors have always let the residents perform surgeries. I feel like a broken record, but I hate this storyline. How is Maggie supposed to be some wunderkind if she has trouble grasping basic comprehension? I think the writers think that she's being cute, but they're just making her look stupid. Plus, as a viewer, it's annoying. And April has Meredith's job? What kind of nonsense is that?
  16. This was a heartfelt, heartbreaking, and one of the best episodes of Jane the Virgin in terms of quality storytelling and execution. I was not spoiled so I had no idea this was going to happen, even if the narrator forewarned us in both seasons 1 and 2. I guess I never thought that tptb would follow through with it, but I understand why this is part of their (Jane's) journey and I'm actually excited to see where the show goes from here. Honestly, I was getting a little bored with the season. As lovely as a love that Jane and Michael shared, it actually surprised me that they got married so "soon" in the series, because there was no where for them to really go. And with campy telenovelas, it's all about the twists and turns and "drama", even in this comedy. In any case, Brett/Michael will be missed, and the fact that such a sweet and important piece of Jane's world is now gone, it raises the stakes in where and how Jane and really all of the characters move forward. With such a great loss, it infuses so much life in the show. If that makes sense. I appreciate Jennie Urman's note to viewers in it's aftermath. It shows class and compassion, it shows that she gets "it" - that people are invested wholeheartedly and that it matters when characters leave/die. It shows that she respects the work that she does and doesn't make light of this situation, even if it's all make-believe. My heart goes out to the Michael and Jane/Michael fans.
  17. But Dr. Minnick hinted in the last episode that Alex was the chief of pediatric surgery, by saying that they needed to hire another one (as if she has any authority. GTFO!). I would assume that once he is reinstated, so is his title. Or else why wouldn't Arizona have been chief of both departments this whole time?
  18. Essentially, to be Derek's replacement. And for him and Owen to be the new McDreamy and McSteamy. (HA! Yeah right.) But seriously though, he's another one that's unnecessary.
  19. Dr. Minnick's "method" is what the show has been doing this whole time. It's only this season where all of a sudden the attendings have chosen to stop teaching or not let the residents make any cuts or have control, and that's all to service this annoying plot. I couldn't help but laugh when Dr. Minnick was thanking Arizona for adopting her method, and maybe it was unintentional but the look on Arizona's face read like "WTF is she talking about?" This is simply just a storyline for storyline's sake. To bring on a new character while giving two of the originals some focus - Webber and Bailey. Dr. Minnick is not coming in on a white horse saving the day, as if she's been the missing piece to the hospital for all these years. She's just coming through with recycled ideas and material, that only serve to make what we've known about the show and these characters look bad even though we know better. (Well, anyone who's been watching the show since the beginning should know better, anyway.)
  20. This is what they've given the character. Is it any wonder why the actress has found other work and is leaving the show?
  21. It's only been one day between episode 9 and episode 11, which means Amelia's been gone for one night, yet Owen's acting like it's been weeks. Of course Andrew dropped the charges. As for Alex being in Meredith's bed all day, what a cheap"reveal". Did he not drive a car to the house, or did Maggie just not see it since she was home before Meredith? So much for fleshing out this big ol' "will he, won't he" jail storyline. Dr. Minnick is a headache. What an unnecessary character. The attendings have always taught the residents and let them jump in and take the lead, so her method is nothing special or new. Or are the writers hoping we haven't been paying attention for 12 years. "You're forcing a change nobody asked for." - Richard saying that to Bailey pretty much sums up this plot. Arizona and cars do not mix.
  22. Ugh, so Nathan will be with Meredith during the big plane medical emergency fiasco, and memories of the plane crash will come up for Meredith, and then that will bring them closer together. Blah, trite, next.
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