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Everything posted by dippydee

  1. I love this crazy dumb show so much. I’ve learned to watch it without expecting any sense so I can teuly appreciate how much fun it is. Gideon calling Sara Captain was my favourite bit. It’s really official if Gideon says it. The Sara/Mick relationship was also great, they were definitely my BroTP of the episode. I also enjoyed asshole Rip. While not quite as hot as EvilRip was last year (Arthur Darvill needs to let his hair grow out just a touch to reach peak hotness-it was perfect when he was Evil) I do like Rip a lot more when he’s openly kind of a jerk. Could really do with less Nate though. He just comes off as Raylite to me, a cheap copy with less charm and heart than the original. I am glad he and Amaya broke up though, that better be the end of that one. She’s way too awesome to be stuck in a relationship with him.
  2. I thought so too. It might only have been less than a minute but she felt Doctor-y to me, so I'm definitely excited so see what's coming. May I also just give props to the BBC for the A+ trolling contained in this trailer for her new mini-series Trust Me. I'm sure the editors had a field day with this one! https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=lmELIRcuuXY
  3. I'm excited about the casting. I was kind of losing interest in Moffatt's 'vision' so a change of showrunner and a female Doctor seems like a great way to start again for the show. I hope they can pull it off. It also helps that I've liked Jodie Whitaker in everything I've seen her in, especially her episode of Black Mirror and Attack The Block. And St Trinians of course ;)
  4. The show is getting better and better every week. I think Roller was a dream because I couldn't see any marks on his shoulder/chest (unless I missed them). No way would he be scar free already.
  5. Add me to those who loved the show. Any doubts I might have had were completely blown away by the funeral. The parade and the stripper float was just amazing. Uncle Daddy breaking out into song was just the icing on the cake. It also helps that I adore Carrie Preston and Niecy Nash and would watch just about anything for them (so I'm really glad the show is so entertaining) I actually liked her. I think she's actually showing enough vulnerability under her bravado. I look forward to seeing more of her interaction with Desna.
  6. I felt my usually post in the movies side of the forum but I just have to gush. This was one of the best 'blockbuster' movies I've seen in years and the best superhero I've seen in a long time. Gal was amazing. She was so perfectly cast, she genuinely felt heroic and I liked that she was a convincing fighter (and runner- there's nothing I hate more than when heros and action stars can't run into a fight properly). Chris Pine was also fabulous. He seemed to be having a lot of fun in the role of the rescuee who provides the emotional catalyst for the hero.
  7. I love this show. I'm already impatient for September. Dr. Linda lives! I was actually liking Charlotte for a moment or two there but after what she did to Dr Linda who had actually helped her (even if it was using duct tape) I'm ok with her being transported to her own dimension. I'm sure she'll be ok, though Lucifer will probably regret throwing the blade in too. Maze is the absolute best. I loved her with Trixie, I loved her tazering Amenadude, I loved her rushing to save Dr Linda. Basically I loved everything she did this episode.
  8. If you'd asked me a few weeks ago I would have said no, but the last two episodes have been messy and ridiculous in a fun way so I'm on board for next season. I really hope they focus on the core group as a group for a while though before needlessly splitting them up every five minutes.
  9. I'd be more than OK with this. It'd make a change that's for sure. Though I imagine it'd be casual from Raven's side because I can't really see her putting up with too much angst from either of the other two for too long. My favourite bit of the episode was Raven walking in on Bellamy trying to stop Echo from killing herself and basically eye rolling at the whole thing because she didn't have time for this shit. Id also love a few flashbacks to Murphy and Emori double dating with Monty and Harper. I imagine that would be fun for all. I don't think they would. The Ark ring would have very limited resources, unless they found some useful stuff up there I can't see them being stupid enough to have kids in space. The Bunker crew? Not so sure, they might have been a little less smart. But I totally agree that younger kids on this show would be a terrible idea. Nobody wants to see them doing the certain death every week thing while they're stuck with infants.
  10. While I've thought most of this season was terrible, I have to say I've really enjoyed the last 2 episodes. Sure it's as ridiculous as always but I felt like things actually happened instead of retreading the same old politics and nonsense. Plus they've made the setup intriguing enough that I'm willing to give it a go again next season. I had the exact same question. Raven and Bellamy did the whole random hookup in season 1 but I've been expecting him and Echo to end up together since he found in the Mt Weather cages. We couldn't have taken a minute away from Clarke at the end for some answers? Now we have to wait til next year.
  11. Absolutely not. They all need to be together foreva!!1!!!11! But I would totally be ok with webisodes of Maze's adventures in bounty hunting and maybe Dan's improv classes as long as Lucifer and Amenadude make guest appreances. Seriously though, they've done so well building the cast and character chemistry that any combination of people they put together seems to bring out something great, even the combinations you wouldn't expect end up being awesome. I mean who would have thought Amenadude and Dan bonding would have been as fun as it ended up being.
  12. Loved Maze being ride or die (someone else's death obviously) for DrLinda. Their friendship is so great. And how much growth is it on Maze's part that she realises Lucifer admitting to sleeping with DrLinda in front of the board guy is a bad thing? I also loved DrLinda just explaining things to Lucifer because she didn't have to wait for him to get there by himself, I guess that's one benefit to losing her license. I also loved Dan bonding with Amenidude. I can't believe how much I like this season Detective Douche after disliking him so much last season, they really managed to make the development organic. Im just sad we missed on Amenidude and Dan doing some actual improv. It would have been gold. I really enjoyed seeing Chloe doing something ridiculous for once. I know they need a straight man but she needs to have some fun moments too, I'm glad they let her cut loose once in a while.
  13. I'm just happy Raven gets to use her rocket. I'm also intrigued by the random combination that could potentially be going spacewards. None of them are exactly stable non-confrontational people, I think a few episodes of them bickering Big Brother houseguest style would be pretty hilarious and the show could definitely use a little levity.
  14. Raven lives! I love that she saved herself and I love that her subconscious (via Sinclair) knows exactly how awesome she is. That said I'll miss Becca/ALIE, I think the actress worked really well with Lindsay Morgan. Also, I'm a little confused, is there any particular reason why Raven can't stay in Becca's lab for the apocalypse? I mean other than the face that she'd be alone for 5 years, an underground super lab seems like it would be protected against radiation. In fact they could send a few other people over there and keep more than 1200 people alive. Jasper died! Shame it was about a season and a half too late. I might have felt bad around season 3 but they dragged it on so much I can't even care. Im glad Harper didn't take the juice, for Montys sake if nothing else. Poor boy is having quite the week. He needs something to go right for him. Oh Clarke, I don't even know where to begin. Jaha is a terrible influence on her. She's been making even worse decisions than usual lately. This. A lottery was a terrible idea when they suggested it earlier in the season to save 400 people it's still a terrible idea now. If they don't save people who can keep the place running they won't last a year let alone five. At most they could give up half their places to a skaikru lottery but more than that and they're asking for trouble.
  15. Trixie!!! As usual she and Lucifer were great together. I love how she's not only happy to go with his scheme but she adds to it herself. The handholding was hilarious. I usually ship Maze and Dr Linda but I loved Maze and Chloe together this episode. It's a testament to Maze's growth that she's willing to turn up to support Chloe like that. I too was expecting Lucifer to show up but it was even better that Maze was ready to mommy up to help Chloe score points. That's real friendship, well that and her willingness to teach Trixie to use knives to cut after the vipers show her to use words. I'm usually hit and miss with Charlotte but I really enjoyed her in the scene at the start where they get the dagger/sword and they're trying to make it flame. The three of them really felt like family, especially Lucifer and Amenadiel's bickering. Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm so impressed with this shows ability to pack so much range into an episode. The way they skip between the lighthearted scenes to scenes with real emotion like the therapy scene without making the tonal shift seem jarring or forced is really kind of amazing. Kudos to all involved in making that happen.
  16. I loved all the Cooper reactions to the "purely Blossom" babies, especially Polly's disturbed glance down at her stomach. I also look forward to all the future potential awkward bonding scenes with Betty/Cheryl that I really hope the writers are already writing for next season.
  17. This. She really is her mother's daughter (only nicer). I love how Betty's shown to be sweet and kind but in no way a pushover. She's got Alice's steel but none of her bitterness (yet). I also really really love how their relationship has evolved not they're seemingly on the same side most of the time. They're my two favourite characters and my favourite relationship (though Jughead/FP comes close because I'm shallow but I also think Cole does his best work with Skeet). I hope the showrunners see it too and we get lots more of the Cooper women next season. On a different note, I don't usually follow actors on twitter but Lili is pretty great on it especially when it comes to her show related gifs. She's a promotion machine for them.
  18. Normally I'd say yes purely for Raven but the way they've been ignoring her this season is just too much.
  19. Lol! Actually it totally makes sense. There's something not quite right about all of them. The maple syrup has a lot to answer for. Actually I was kind of disappointed to see the drugs in the barrels at the end. I prefer this show more where it's the maple syrup industry that's the BigBad with shocking dark underbelly etc rather than something as boring as drugs. The show is best when it embraces its own ridiculousness.
  20. She's so awesome, she's displaced Betty as my favourite character on the show. She's still got issues but darn if she just isn't the most fun. Those poor Pure Blossom babies. Maybe they'll have blonde hair and get disowned otherwise those babies are already going to need a boatload therapy.
  21. Good things: 1) No Jasper is always a win in my book 2) Octavia and Indra got to have a moment. They're one of my favourite relationships on the show Bad things: 1) Pretty much everything else. I'll admit some of the actual bunker games weren't that bad in themselves but I'm pissed at what they did to Luna, she deserved than that. Also, Clarke WTF?! It took her all of 10 minutes to get from I want to save humanity to ehh, screw it, let's just lock ourselves in here. I'm sort of impressed, Murphy might call himself a cockroach but Clarke and Jaha would truly survive anything the world throws at them one way or the other. Also they need to stop with these Raven-less episodes. I want an entire episode of Raven scienceing into space with head!Becca/ALIE or whatever she is to make up for all the time they leave her out of the episodes.
  22. I've missed this show so freaking much! I'm so happy it's back! There isn't much to say about the mystery of the week because it's really just background noise for the entire cast being awesome even when they were basically all Lucifer/Chloe shippers the entire episode. Even Mrs Morningstar turned out to be a great surprise. As usual it's all the random little interactions that were so fun. Chloe/Maze (I hope she makes Maze but new plates or her entire salary is going to be spent on replacing cutlery), Lucifer/Dan, Dr Linda/Lucifer were all as fun as ever. All we needed was a Trixie sighting and it would have been golden.
  23. I miss FPs scruffy look. Don't get me wrong I liked him trying step up for Jughead even if there was the underlying motive for whatever he's mixed up in but did he really have to shave to do it? Archie and Veronica have some nice chemistry so I don't hate that development (and I love Ronnie's I don't have time for this shit right now attitude when Archie picks the worst moments for trying to talk to her). I just hope this doesn't break up B&V-I'm glad the promo was somewhat misleading and Betty's worry about Archie and Ronnie singing was to do with Jughead and them working for Alice and not jealousy. I loved that moment! Cheryl is such a little weirdo. I love her but I still can't figure Cheryl out, I really didn't get her reaction to Archie and Veronica. Why was she so upset? This show reminds me of The OC in that the adults are just as interesting (and often more so) than the kids (Julie Cooper Nichol forever!). The Andrews/Hermione dynamic and Alice and FP and their history. There's just so much stuff there for them to explore.
  24. But it's 5 more years of that after all the stuff they've already been through. Being dropped from space as part of an experiment, all the grounder skirmishes, dealing with the Mountain Men. I'm sure it's all tiring for them and their grand reward for all this? Live underground with even more limited resources for another 5 years? Ehh can't say I blame them too much. I will say that I thought Harper's decision to join them was a little quick and I feel bad for Monty who's choosing his friends instead of what he really wanted. That said, they may not get the bunker after all if Octavia loses the Bunker Games so who knows. I wish the writers hadn't gone for Thermonuclear War as their BigBad for the season, it's so hard to write your way out of that corner, it's just too big. Then again if this is a way to reduce the cast it may make sense as a way to getting back to a small core group.
  25. I might be misremembering (which is entirely possible since I'm usually doing something else while watching this show now) didn't they have some fuel but not enough to get into space and come back? If that was the case, Raven might have enough a supply left so she can have her spacewalk. If not, I'm sure her superbrain can figure something out. If they're going to kill her (and I really hope they don't) I want her to go out with a bang. Let her have something good, the show will punish her in the end anyway. This is why I don't really blame the Arkers who don't want to go in the bunker. They've lived like that in a confined space with limited resources before and it wasn't a picnic. At least they have a choice this time.
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