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Everything posted by dippydee

  1. They were my favourite part of the episode. I loved her snatching the martini back. Im glad the Endicott thing has been stopped (at least for a while), poor Bright needs a little break. Although given how smug Ainsley was about getting away with murder it seems both he and Jessica are going to have to be extra vigilant.
  2. Yep. If for nothing else than the show desperately needs her. It’s just not very good without her.
  3. I actually enjoyed most of the episode. Desi’s plot was utterly ridiculous but a lot of fun. Russ’s story was interesting and aww at him admitting the crew is his family. Boss Bozer was also great, nice to see him stepping up and showing how good he is at his job. But boy, they really are determined to stretch the triangle out aren’t they? The MacRiley resolution didn’t seem particularly resolved but I though it was interesting that Mac admitted he felt something at some time too, also I will say I’m glad nothing happened seeing as how Mac hasn’t had any kind of conversation with Desi about what happened. I’m not enjoying it much as I hate triangles so at this point they need to table relationships and focus on missions.
  4. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I don’t want her to leave. I still hate the MacDesi relationship and think they’re terrible as a couple (case in point “let’s just pretend the last 24hrs didn’t happen- their crappy communication is a killer), and Mac clearly only thought of proposing to get some stability after losing Jack as well as his family BUT I genuinely like the DesiRiley friendship. It’s very supportive and sweet and I really hope the love triangle doesn’t ruin it. The show needs some female friendship. I’m still not completely onboard with MacRiley but I hope they’re at least on the same page because I don’t want the whole thing dragged out until it eats the show. On a non-shipping note, I was hoping Murdoc would have escaped. I mean obviously the Phoenix’s crappy prisons aren’t going to hold him and he’ll be out when it’s convenient but it makes them look incompetent if he keeps escaping.
  5. Yep! I didn’t believe it but darn if it isn’t true. Bellamy Young looks absolutely fantastic.
  6. Yikes Ainsley! That was utterly cold. Poor Malcolm, that’s the thanks he gets for helping her. I knew she wouldn’t take kindly to being lied to but talk about missing the point, she seems totally fine with the killing someone part. Definitely her fathers daughter. At least she hadn’t actually killed anyone else, though it may only be a matter of time. I know it’s probably inevitable but I hope Martin and the doc don’t hook up. I do however want to see the rest of the family react to her if/when it does happen.
  7. I fully approve of Jessica visiting Martin more often. I’m not sure how they’re going to save the kids or whatever but if it involves Bellamy Young and Michael Sheen together getting to chew all of the scenery in sight I will not complain. Now if they can get the kids in there too for a family session I will be on cloud 9. I’m glad Gil and Jessica still seems to be a thing, she’s deserves some non-psychopath loving. Ainsley seems to be getting a little more murder-y and more and more Martins daughter. Perhaps it’s time they tell her what will happen. I’d be more afraid of what she does if she finds out they’re keeping things from her that anything else. That said, I loved the sibling banter/rivalry between her and Malcolm. I thought they captured the vibe well. While I’m usually a big Edrisa fan I thought the caffeine bender was a little much. She’s not as much fun when dialled up to 11. Also I was surprised at her missing the glass eye. She’s always been weird but she’s usually great at her job.
  8. Same. The family dynamics are by far the most interesting part of the show. I love the Whitleys in all their combinations but Jessica and Martin are just extra special even in a phonecall. I really hope they get some screen time together soon. Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. I wonder if them hiding things from her pushes her into darker territory more so than what actually happened. I’m glad they’re moving the plot along though. I know it’s called Prodigal Son but I find Bright the least interesting of his family. Also, Edrisa and Martin was also unexpectedly awesome. I wouldn’t be against more of them talking.
  9. I liked the kid storyline. I hope he comes back, it was fun seeing Matty in mentor mode and I enjoyed her prickly vibes with Russ. Desi’s story wasn’t too bad either, I liked her parents even tho her brother was a little annoying. I’m still not into Mac and Desi as a couple but they were ok in this episode.
  10. Hee! Now I want this too. I can’t see CBS allowing though so I guess there’s always fanfic. Does this show even have fanfic? i was disappointed with the Mac/Desi ending. It hasn’t gone well the other 58 times they’ve tried why do they think it’ll be different this time? I just don’t get it with them. It might have helped if the actors had even a little chemistry. Heck I even ship Desi/Riley a little after the season premiere cos I saw a more spark there than I’ve seen from her and Mac their entire relationship. The sceptre was kind of cool but that detailed explanation and the ‘this is the most important little gadget ever’ vibe definitely means it’s getting taken next episode. They might as well have slapped a ‘steal me’ sticker on that box.
  11. Yep. I’ve been torn because I do see chemistry between them but I love the Mac/Riley friendship, they seem to really get each other and I’d hate to see that bond lost if they get romantic. This show doesn’t do romance so well so it’s a real worry.
  12. Didn’t they film something like 20 episodes for last season but only aired 13 so the season could finish at a proper stopping point? On one hand I hate love triangles on principle, on the other, Mac and Desi are a simply terrible couple with no chemistry so if the Riley thing at least ends that couple I’ll be happy. I’m still not sure I want Mac and Riley to happen either but they’re at least more interesting than Mac and Desi.
  13. Ok but the point still stands, Bardo and the lab are still there should they want to use them. Unless the aliens removed them I guess.
  14. But they’re so special and shiny no other species that forcibly ‘evolved’ decided to devolve ever[/sarcasm] For real though I wouldn’t want to be a part of a hive mind with those judgy jerks either. Yep. One of the things I did like in the finale was the couple of Hope/Echo moments they snuck in there. After we didn’t get any reaction from Echo about Gabriel dying I was happy they actually remembered that Echo and Hope spent 5 years together and she was like one of only 3 people Hope had any real relationship with. That was the problem with the show getting as bloated as it did. No real time to let relationships build and grow. They just kept chucking more and more new and uninteresting people into the mix and letting them suck up all the screen time.
  15. The stones still work. Clarke went from Bardo to Sanctum (and picked up the dog) then went to Earth. Either way I said elsewhere no way are these guys gonna stay put and do nothing. I totally imagine them using the stones to find other alien civilisations and do more stupid things in my imaginary version of season 8 where the show was run by better show runners 😉
  16. Don’t those embryo things and the lab still exist on Bardo? If they wanted kids they could just make them. It’d also be more genetically diverse too.
  17. Yeah I don’t think they’re all necessarily back for Clarke specifically, I mean I can totally buy Raven and Octavia coming back for her (especially Raven) but I assumed Levitt, Echo and probably Indra came back because Octavia did and Hope came back for Echo and her Auntie O, so that meant Jordan came back too. And Murphy and Emori are far far too pretty to remain glowing light trees so they came back too (also I assume they didn’t want to be separated from Raven because OT3 foreva!!!). Not entirely sure why Gaia, Miller and Jackson came back but hey it’s nice to see them too.
  18. Well....that happened.... Things I liked: 1. Indra finally killing Sheidheda. I guess the reason she took this long is she was just waiting for the giant cannon thing because An ordinary gun wasn’t good enough. And that’s about it. Ok the ending on the beach was nice. Everyone happy and together and Emori and Echo were alive so yay! But those people don’t know how to be peaceful. I give them 10 minutes before Raven figures out how to use the stones to get to other planets and they travel the universe picking fights with other aliens. Or teaming up with them to bring down the judgy transcendence aliens once they realise those guys basically exterminated humanity thanks to their ‘join the hive mind or die’ Borg-Like mentality. I stopped watching after season 4 and did a massive catch up for the end of the show and damn it went off the rails. There was so much potential but it was never realised. The show was best on a small scale with a smaller cast, they added far too many people I just didn’t give a crap about and took screen time from the original characters who I was actually interested in. It’s a real shame. It was a show that could have been so much more in the hands of competent showrunners.
  19. So so true! I spent the whole last part of the episode thinking after 7 years this really should have been for Bellamy instead of Gabriel who we’ve only known for a while. Kinda makes me feel even worse for Bellamys death. Not at all happy about Murphy and Emori potentially being pancaked by rocks. Do not hurt them show, they've been the only consistently good thing the past couple of seasons. Also can I just say how much I enjoy Murphy/Emori/Raven together. So much fun and chemistry, they’re such a bright spot (And this show has so few these days) whenever they have scenes in any combination of the 3. Echo and Niylah were interesting too. The drunk bonding was nice but I am sorry that Echo didn’t get to say goodbye to Gabriel since she was the one who had actually spent five whole years with him. Lol! I couldn’t believe how dumb they were being. Especially trained fighters like Indra and Gaia who really should have more sense. At the very least Octavia could have shot a few bullets behind her when leaving to make sure nobody followed her. And of course Sheidheda gets away from them once more. The worst part of all this is it’s making Indra who is normally the most awesome person in the room look incredibly dumb. How many times has she let Sheidheda go now? Jeez woman take the shot!
  20. Yikes! I’m no Bellamy fan (season 3 and Pike stopped that) but dude deserved better. I would have been fine with it if it seemed like a story choice rather than petty revenge from the producer but what can you do? I’m only here to see this show through to end for my precious Raven who needs her happy end after the sheer volume of torture she’s suffered over the last 7 seasons (it’s not a complete season of the 100 if Raven hasn’t been tortured at least once). Also for Murphy and Emori, I would have laughed if you’d told me they’d be my favs but despite how much of a mess the last couple of seasons have been they’ve actually had the most consistent story and growth.
  21. I wish I didn’t know that! I hope they didn’t do that for the final service. I’d hate to be the one sitting next to him in that case!
  22. She’s definitely right up there (along with Emma). I found her to be smug too, maybe it’s an age thing because she was a very annoying 19. But also mostly I thought Tessa cooked circles around her for most of the season. Her dishes were consistently more coherent and better plated. Emma was freaking terrible. That whole season was kind of a mess. Emma was exactly the template the old judges preferred (see also: Georgia and Tamara) so I wasn’t surprised to see her win but she was just average. My favourite winners and Diana, Billie and a toss up between Elena/Adam for the other spot.
  23. Yay Emelia! I’m so happy for her! I’m glad the dessert tipped it for her because damn that sorbet looked amazing. That colour was so bright and it matched her lipstick so points for that! I felt bad for Laura, burning her hand seemed to throw her off a lot. I imagine the rest of the cook sucked for her after that. Her menu sounded pretty interesting too though, especially her starter with all the Aussie ingredients. Still overall though I think the better chef won. Yep. My favourites are usually the calm and controlled ones who just get on and work through step by step, I find it relaxing to watch competence in action. A question though, did poor Reece get nothing to eat but dessert? Or was there some unseen vegan option for the guy?
  24. Yay Emelia! I’m so glad she nailed her dish. I love how calm and methodical she is when working, it’s so nice to watch. Lol forever at Reynold going home on a dessert. I guess the lack of soil and frozen stuff made him blank completely. I loved that! He was screwed from the time he added that extra sugar to the caramel. The chef was giving him major side for it and he just waved it off because Reynold knows everything about caramel apparently. Then he left those leaves in the oven too. I don’t care how good you are and how sad your sob story is you can’t think to just adjust someone’s dish when you’re supposed to be following their recipe. Umm what?! Emelia actually helped her, Reynold made a comment or two. Laura was being way too generous when she said how selfless they were to stop their own stuff to help her, Reynold was still working on his while he talked to her but Emelia completely stopped to help her twice. Anyway woohoo! for me getting the final 2 I wanted and here’s hoping Emelia knocks it out the park again tomorrow.
  25. Lol!! Poor Laura. She has grown on me a lot this season (I found her very young and annoying in her season), mostly through her friendship with Emelia. She’s also clearly a good chef who has put up some amazing looking dishes but I just don’t know anyone who has her as their favourite. Emelia became my choice to win after both Jess (1st choice) and Tessa (she wuz robbed last year and again this year) left but I’ve always liked her.
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