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Everything posted by dippydee

  1. Not going to lie I would have preferred either of the other two to win but well done to Rahul anyway. The Showstopper was kind of meh since I wasn’t amazed by any of them, there was no wow. But I really enjoyed the Technical on the campfires. It wasn’t baking but it was cool to see them doing something completely different, though it must have sucked for them in that weather. I loved Noel teasing Ruby that she was already in hell. They are fun together, if Sandi decides to take a episode off or something I wouldn’t say no to Ruby filling in for her. The “where are they now” portion was fun too. I liked seeing the London crew (and of course Ruby drinking direct from the wine bottle) and the Northern crew meeting up for dinners/drinking.
  2. Ah Legends, even when you’re not being killer unicorn crazy you still managed to make things weird. I loved the Fairy Godmother and the singing. Loved Mick and Constantine and I really loved Sara and Zari bonding. I also enjoyed Bureau Nate. He works as a suit. Plus it gave Ava something to do away from Sara. She needs more interaction with the rest of the Legends.
  3. I felt especially bad for her since Rahul had such a mare this week, he was so miserable. At least Manon would have had fun as they wouldn’t have been able to ding her for her bakes being too French for once ;) I missed the start of the episode last night but having seen it I just have to laugh at everyone talking about stress and pressure except Ruby who was just excited to make it this far.
  4. Aww, I’m sad to see Briony go. She was one of my favs but I think she was just trying to do too much at the end there. Rahuls downward spiral continues. It could easily have been him going home this week. He seemed to flop on all three bakes, the only thing that seems to have saved him is his apparently amazing tasting mille feuille. Yay for Ruby getting star baker again. She’s been peaking at the right time. She’s always been my favourite in personality but I’m happy to see her baking is getting better and better too. The strawberry mint mille feuille sound absolutely delicious and she was the by far the best on the technical.
  5. I’m so glad this show is back and just as weird and wonderful as usual. The magical creatures aspect opens up so many more options for them and it’s great to see them take advantage of it. I have to agree with everyone upthread that I really love the Ray/Zari friendship. It’s always been one of my favourites because I love his optimism contrasting with her more downbeat outlook so I’m always happy when they get some time together. Mick makes Nate a whole lot more bearable but I have to admit Nate bro-ing out with Ray is always good for a laugh too. Sara and Johns slightly spiky interactions are really great too. I don’t want romance because Sara seems happy with Ava and she deserves some happiness but her relationship with John reminds me a lot of her relationship with Rip which I absolutely loved so I am here for them.
  6. Learning that Tahani collection of wings and atria may have been my favourite part of the episode (ok it was second to Chidi being shirtless because I’m shallow). Also Eleanor referring to the wallet guy’s untalented daughter cracked me up. I’m glad that they’re not going to be nice just because they’re trying to be good.
  7. I’m really enjoying this show. I find the whole cast really likeable and I enjoy that they’ve already started experimenting with different combinations of interactions so the whole dynamic as a group really builds as you see how different people play off each other in different ways. I also like how they’ve integrated the kids too. It’s definitely picked up since the pilot. i think Angie and Douglas has been my favourite pairing so far.
  8. Aww, that’s super cute. I know there’s always a few people every year that c (Sophie/Stephen from last year) but this lot seem really close as a whole. I don’t think I’ve ever seen quite the nod to a departed contestant as this years Hawaiian shirts for Jon.
  9. But they were in this episode. It just so happens this is one of the weeks where they seem to be considering past performances instead of just basing it on the current weeks performance. I don’t mind much either way since I like both of them, I just think Rahul was worse this week.
  10. I think Rahul was probably saved by a combination of being Last Man Standing and having great weeks previously because on the basis of this week alone (which is sometimes how the judges decide) he was worse than Manon. At least all her dishes were edible. I’m happy to see Ruby get star baker. She did deserve it this week even if she screwed up the technical. Though the others must have been pretty bad for the judges to give her third despite her cutting the doughnut things to add the filling. Seeing Kim Joy trying to hold it together in the Showstopper made me feel really bad for her, I’m glad she didn’t go this week.
  11. I didn’t love it but then I’m not really a fan of their “free from” or odd ingredient week. That said I will be trying to make chickpea water meringue in the very near future. That was just fascinating. Im happy Ruby made it through this week after the cake collapse. Jon was the right one to go, he seemed over it from the start.
  12. I loved that too. I’m surprised to hear there was a negative reaction to that when it was clearly said in jest. The rest of the contestants (and Noel and Sandi) seem to get her humour though. Also have to add my other favourite Ruby moment which was from week 1 when she made the wrong number of biscuits in the signature because she was “crap at maths”. Ha! Rahul’s jitters in front of Paul and Prue make me laugh, especially when he apologises for being good. I think he’s just no good with authority figures because he seems to come out of his shell when interacting with the other contestants.
  13. She’s my favourite in personality. I actually laughed out loud when Sandy asked her if her family made samosas from scratch and she said something along the lines of no way because they have lives. I’m kinda hoping Channel 4 gives her a presenting gig like they did with Liam because she’s hilarious. Also, if she’d just done a little better in her technical I totally think she could have gotten Star Baker over Briony this week.
  14. I didn’t hate it. It’s definitely hella cheesy but I am a fan of both Freema and Janet from their earlier stuff. Also gotta support Anupam Kher in all his English speaking endeavours. I would like a lot less focus on The boss doctors relationship drama though, there’s already enough going on.
  15. I totally agree. And if you’d told me I’d be rooting for a S3 after the crapfest that was season 1 I’d say you’re nuts but they really turned things round. The focus on Colleen kicking ass and the Knight Wing partnership really lifted the show. If not S3 I’m still here for their spinoff instead.
  16. Ah this stupid dumb show. At least by now I’ve conditioned myself to ignore The fact that nobody in the writers room knows how science works so I’m more that happy to gloss over the random green area the radition wave forgot to hit. 30 minutes of Clarke was about 25 minutes too long. I agree with those who said Eliza is a somewhat limited actress and she just didn’t hold my attention for that long. The spacers were fun. It was great to see my girl Raven learning some fight skills I really hope we get to see her put them into action this season. I’m kinda sad about Murphy and Emori, the relationship really provided the growth to his character and made me like him a lot more than I did in the beginning. I was really hoping the time change would have killed a few more of the Polis crowd. They need to trim the cast a bit, there are just far too many people on this show, especially with the new players they’ve added. My big wish for this season is they bring the groups together quickly. The past couple of seasons had too many people being split off into their own worlds for my liking. The cast is not full of good actors, it works best when they get to bounce off each other. Other than that, I hope Raven kicks ass as usual and actually gets some this season after presumably being the only single person on the space station for 6 years and that Murphy continues to snark everyone because that always amuses me.
  17. Right?!? I’m going have to rewatch seasons 1and 2 on Netflix to get my fix. Season 2 will be my reward for making it through the Hawkfolk and Savage. Is this really the end of Jax? I didn’t think he’d actually leave but it seems like overkill for a send off if he’s only going to be gone a few episodes. I’ll miss him, probably not as much as Sara will. I love that she called him her little brother. All these broken idiots really are family. Lol! So true! I don’t mind Ava, I just find her a little bland. I hope she won’t be a long term thing. This. I love this cast so much. All the combinations work. Zari and Jax were cute bonding over video games, Mick and Leo were fun as they reached an understanding with the new versions of themselves. The writers must love that they can put almost any two characters together in a scene and it works because the whole crew has a real sense of familiarity and togetherness. This was my second favourite moment. I cracked up when he started talking about Greenland and global warming definitely being a thing. My favourite moment though was Amaya accidently squeezing Beebo when her and Nate were trying to sneak away, the look on her face made me lose it for some reason. I cannot wait so see what craziness Constantine brings with him. I just wish it was sooner than February.
  18. At this point I think the writers just pull random things out a of a hat to get their episode stories. Grodd. Vietnam. LBJ. Issac Newton.... and go! And somehow they make it work! I think the key is to keep it fun. I used to watch all the DC shows but I’ve dropped them all one by one. Arrow is too grim for me, I don’t enjoy what Flash does to its female characters and I gave up Supergirl after the MonEl show but Legends has only gotten better as it’s gone on. It’s managed to capture the fun of it all but still shows heart. Though I don’t usually enjoy episodes with minimal Sara I really loved this one. It helped a lot that we got lots of Mick instead. I also really liked that they weren’t total screw ups this time. Yes things went sideways but the team (even Nate!) didn’t do anything as dumb as they usually do. Mick even managed to get some insight into his dad. This! I really love the group dynamics they’ve built. They might all be all sorts of screwed up but they’re a totally accepting family for each other. It’s really kind of sweet. It’s also amazing to me that the loner, angsty Sara who we first saw in Arrow is basically the team patent. There wasn’t even a real question of having a temporary captain when she was out of commission, they all just pulled together to do the job.
  19. I’ve really come to love that about this show. They’re just happy to go with just about anything that comes to mind and somehow it works, usually thanks to the great character dynamics they’ve developed (and a healthy dose of Sara Lance kicking ass at least once an episode). I enjoyed the episode, especially in the modern context of what’s been happening recently. It could have been so much worse but they managed to make it work, especially with the way they made Helen so sympathetic. The ending was just golden. I know Wonder Woman won’t be on the show but I really hope we check in with Helen somewhere along the way. I’d love to see Amaya and Sara react to the Amazons (and vice versa). I did too! I didn’t want Darhk back but I definitely prefer him to Merlyn and he does make me laugh. His daughter seems like a great villain addition too. I would have said Amaya since I can’t see the rest of them following anyone else (especially Mick) but I don’t know if she wants to be leader. That said she might take over just to stop the rest of them breaking too many things before Sara comes back.
  20. I liked this episode. I enjoyed the change up in pairings. Lucifer and Ella were entertaining together and I am intrigued by her voices. Chloe, Dr Linda and Dan were also great getting drunk together. I’m going to assume Maze took Trixie on a bounty hunting job and that’s why nobody’s watching Trixie.
  21. The show has found such a great rhythm with its characters and how they interact with each other that I never care how ridiculous the plots are or the fact that they brought Darkh back yet again (though to be fair he’s definitely one of the better Arrowverse villains). Hi Rip! Bye Rip! I hope he’s not gone for too long because I love Arthur Darvill and his chemistry with the crew especially Sara, and especially when he’s being an unreliable jerk. I also love that there’s really no doubt now that Sara’s the captain and just how loyal the others are to her. We already knew about Mick’s loyalty (he calls her boss!) but Nate supporting her too was nice to see. Mick having the stake handy and him reading Dracula as they were on their way to the fight were two of my favourite little moments in the episode. Zari and Amaya has some nice moments together. I’m glad Zari’s here not only because I like her but also because it helps keep Amaya away from Nate which is such a bonus all round. Speaking of Nate, he remains annoying but I’ve figured out the only way I can tolerate him is if Ray’s with him. Somehow he’s less annoying around Ray.
  22. This show is so damn fun. It’s fast becoming my favourite in terms of pure entertainment value. Little Ray was adorable and really well cast. Big Ray was also adorable with his endless pep. The Zari/Ray combination was pretty good too. I loved the Grey/Mick/Jax plot too. I always love when Mick ends up doing something nice for any of the team. As usual Nate was the only one I really didn’t enjoy. I hate that Amaya got stuck with him in some petty ‘jealousy’ plot. I really hope the decision to be friends is something they stick to without too many future longing looks. Also his entire thing with Ray’s mum was icky and unnecessary.
  23. I’m glad Sophie won. She’s been amazing all season, just quietly getting it done, no fuss. It may not be the most exciting in TV terms but competence is awesome. Though I felt bad for Steven during that last bake, I wish he’d been able to make it as he wanted it to be. Can we have a spin off with Sophie and Steven baking their way across Scandinavia and the rest of Europe? Also maybe a special of Yan, Julia and Flo singing in cars.
  24. Can Nate be high and left on the ship every episode? High Nate was actually pretty funny and it kept him away from screwing up the action. Definite win all round. Loved Sara playing chicken with her obvious future hookup Agent Grumpycakes. Also loved Gideon becoming snarky I can only assume it’s the Legends influence taking over her original Time Master programming. Zari seems like a great addition and not just because she’s helping balance that male/female ratio a little more. She’s made a great first impression and she definitely seems to have the Legend mentality down. My favourite episode of the season so far.
  25. I didn’t love this episode. I get they’re screw ups but I don’t remember them being this intentionally stupid before. They usually have some basic sense. I get that they have to look like the hot mesees they are so they can step up to save the world but they could dial it back a touch. Really really happy to see Amaya back though, i just hope she doesn’t get too many Nate scenes. They need to have her spend more time with Mick. I liked them together and Mick is way more fun to get drunk with.
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