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Everything posted by psychoticstate

  1. Re: I Want to Draw a Cat For You. I saw an update on him before seeing the original episode and I just didn't get it. The original epi had me laughing because that guy was hilarious. I do wonder what Barbara and Daymond were going to offer before Mark swooped in because they both clearly were ready. Anyhow, if he doesn't do it already, Mr. Cat definitely should be drawing custom made to order greeting cards. I was teary too, cooks! Robert's voice breaking and his emotion . . . sheesh. I'm glad the entrepreneur got a US distributor. I was worried for him when he didn't get a deal. I did understand what the sharks were saying - - sometimes you have to make that sacrifice and go overseas in the beginning to grow your company and provide more jobs. And he was stubborn, which could be a negative aspect if you were to partner with him. Re Ava the Elephant - - Sometimes it's the simplest idea . . . I too have been confused when the sharks say something about it being a product and not a business. Coca Cola started out as a simple product, just one product, and now look at them. If the sharks can't invest in single products because they are too small, then such entrepreneurs shouldn't be allowed in the Tank or they need to start rotating the sharks with guest sharks who can and will invest in single products.
  2. Hell YES. I saw this yesterday and loved it. Colin Firth makes an awesomely awesome badass and I just loved the church scene with Lynyrd Skynyrd's Free Bird playing. What a freaking fantastic use of that phenomenal song. Nothing like having the redneck national anthem playing while a redneck church gets massacred. I don't mind Samuel L. Jackson and I liked that he played a villian who not only lisped but also got weak over the sight of blood. Made for a lot more entertaining character. I will definitely be purchasing the DVD when it comes out and hoping for a sequel.
  3. No hard feelings, cooksdelight! There are a lot of crooks out there. I'm sorry about your precious furbaby. I have lost three cats over the years, including the one I mentioned above, and it's like losing a member of the family. ((Hugs))
  4. I had a cat that suffered with megacolon and had major surgery, removing about 90% of his colon. The vet specialist that treated him told me to feed him a natural foods diet - - pretty much what the Shark Tank vet is encouraging. I checked out Dr. Broderick's website and sent a message, asking questions as I currently have a dog that is on prescription food that I'm "iffy" about. The doctor called me personally and spoke with me about my dog's medical history and my concerns. I found him credible and ordered some of his food and supplements. I'll report back with my opinions after we give the goods a try.
  5. Shouldn't Taaluma already have the fabric? My understanding is that the fabric changes based on what's available so I would assume that the totes pictured on their website are the fabric they currently have in stock. When I placed my order, the website stated that they had "a few" of the tote I chose left. So I'm hoping that was true and I won't have to wait until September 1. I can be a patient person but September 1 is ridiculous.
  6. Maybe Eileen's should be the slice of pizza that was left on her floor during the crazy Poker Night.
  7. I got that email from Taaluma too. It did say that we will get an update relative to our specific tote next week. I certainly hope it won't be 14 weeks. I will likely be at a new address as well. Plus, I just really want my new tote! Glad they have gotten such positive feedback in the form of orders. Surely they must have know they'd get a lot of hits on their website and potential orders.
  8. I have tried to defend Kim time and again but I'm done. Fuck you, Kim. It's absolutely beyond ridiculous that she has the nerve to get angry with Kyle for searching for her bag. Kim, who has been late to almost everything and who has kept the other Hos waiting from the time she joined the show. Personally, I don't know how Kyle could forget a rolling bag with jewelry in it but that's neither here nor there. No one else was upset and they were on the plane just as long as Kim was. Kyle needs to be able to say "Fuck you, Kim" even if it's just mentally. I too enjoyed the scavenger hunt. It looked fun, despite all the whining and complaining. I don't think Eileen complained about the hunt itself, just about Kim's neverending issues. I can't wait until next week. I love to see Amsterdam and I want to see LisaR lay it down on Kim and/or Brandi. Those bitches have it coming. I have a feeling you don't fuck with LisaR. Sorry for all the f bombs. I sound like Brandi (yikes). But I'm riled about all the Kimfuckery going on this episode.
  9. Tyler seriously creeped me out. On the one hand, he came across as very passive and almost meek but I picked up a very strong undercurrent of aggression. The fact that he was controlling who dated whom and daily activities of people in his "group" says everything. It's not normal for anyone; it's a cult mentality, plain and simple. I do think the fact that Bethany was raised in a conservative family and homeschooled played some part in her fate. Maybe if she had been exposed to more people as she was growing up or different types of people, she would have realized sooner how warped Tyler was/is. I'm not sure what to think about her death. Initially I immediately thought Tyler had someone do it for him but now I'm not sure. I think it's possible that he mind screwed her so badly that she did something to herself. It's also possible the knowledge that male members of the "group" sexually assaulting her drove her into depression. Whatever happened, it's too bad she didn't just pack herself up and go. I do think Tyler showed zero sadness or emotion over what happened to her.
  10. I'm in SoCal. Please include me. Is a field trip to that bastion of elegance, Sur, included? I've said before I definitely believe that FI cheated. In addition to the Nugget burying her head in the sand, I also think there's an element of wanting to show Kristen up. God forbid that Kristen be correct about FI being a serial cheater. Can't have that. No, Kristen has to be the crazy one who might possibly shank the Nugget at Scheana's wedding. I hate to support any type of potential logic for Kristen (although I do support her being the conductor of the VR Crazy Train) but I do get why she is so frustrated at being the cheating scapegoat. If everyone can forgive Jax for cheating, why can't they forgive her? Yeah, it was pretty shitty for Kristen to cheat with her then boyfriend's bestie and her then bestie's boyfriend (good grief that makes my head hurt) but Jax essentially did the same thing. He cheated with his bestie's girlfriend and his girlfriend's bestie and everyone seemed to take the attitude of "well, it's JAX!" Which is true but it's obviously a double standard. So I think that's part of it but I still believe a larger part of it is that Kristen simply wants FI and his ski caps of infidelity back.
  11. The Nugget isn't nearly as smart as she tells us she is if she thinks because FI called her a lot that means he didn't cheat. Ted Bundy called his girlfriend every night he grabbed and murdered a girl so that proves nothing. That said, I believe Jax is the lyingest liar who ever lied but I think some cheating went down in Miami. Why else would FI run off liked a scared little girl from Sur? If nothing happened, wouldn't he act more like "Hey! What are you doing here?" He was flustered and he was scared. I don't care what goes on in FI and Nugget's relationship or what their arrangement may or may not be but it's never been stated that they are cool with each other banging other people so I'm guessing that's not part of the deal (assuming their relationship is real.) If it is real, I believe that the Nugget isn't nearly as confident and assured as she says she is and she's not okay with FI cheating and she doesn't want to deal with it. So she's ignoring it, believing it didn't happen and saying it's not an issue. We'll see come reunion time or next season. Going back to Jax (ugh), I think the reason no one is asking Schwartz is because they know Schwartz will waffle and not say what may or may not have happened. Jax is their truth cannon, so to speak, under the right circumstances. God help me but I felt sorry for Muppet Baby last night. He's clearly in love or lust or something with Cigarette Sally. Codependent maybe? He could do so much better. He obviously is way more invested than she is, IMO. She would knock him down and slap my grandmother on the way to run back to FI. She isn't over him and I don't see her getting over him any time soon. Lisa isn't the astute businesswoman I thought if she fires Kristen from this show or demotes her in any way. StASSI is as boring as homemade sin. Kristen brings the crazy and the entertainment. Unless StASSi is going to stalk Jax and act like an irrational teenager, I don't care. While waiting for this slice of fuckawesomeness to air last night, I watched the repeats of Scheana's wedding. Because, you know, seeing it three or four times already isn't enough. I think her dress would have been really gorgeous if the front of it was one piece and not cropped, with the back being open. With the criss-cross straps she wore during the reception, the back of the dress was really pretty.
  12. I am still laughing hysterically over StASSi of all people mentioning that Kristen enjoys putting people down to make herself feel better (or something like that.) She is the queen of delusion. The smartest thing Andy Cohen has ever said is that VP is the best show on tv. Word, Andy, word.
  13. I agree wholeheartedly. I was so impressed with their backstory, their idea and the fabrics that I went on Taaluma's website and purchased one in a fun, bright Ivory Coast fabric. I look forward to it arriving. I figure I can carry my laptop stylishly to my writing class or use the tote to carry my mishmash of items to and from work. Personally I hate it when the sharks talk over each other and tell the entrepreneur they have to decide right then. All this usually while others are talking and I've seen some epis where the shark then says they're out because the poor person can't respond fast enough. I do think Lori and Daymond were crazy to make an offer to the Scholly guy before he could even fully explain the app.
  14. I was disappointed in the First Look. Yawn. StASSi is so irrelevant. Why is she wearing tenty maternity type tops? Why is she still friends with Peter? Why does she care what is going on with the chucklefucks she considers losers? Since when did Katie and Kristina become besties? Katie had better watch her back. Kristina made that very clear when she said she wanted to hear all the bad and the gossip about the wedding. Jax thinks there are 364 days in the year? Not surprised. The Chunky Sweater has more smarts than Ja Lisa should have pulled a Cher on Muppet Baby when he said he was in love with Kristen. Slap him and tell him to snap out of it.
  15. Kim is effing delusional. She states in her blog "I wish people would just stop trying to intrude in my life and “fix” a problem that doesn’t exist. Would it break their hearts terribly to know and accept that I am healthy and well? I hate to sound like a broken record, but yes, I made a mistake when I took Monty’s pain pill to relieve the chronic pain from my injuries, and yes, I am still sober and strong mentally and physically." If Kim is healthy and well, I'll come home to find Robert Downey, Jr. in my bed. Not only that, she seems to be so focused on people claiming that she's relapsed by drinking - - I don't think anyone is saying she's drinking. It seems to me the general consensus is that she's taking pain medication/prescription pills. Regardless, I find her fucking exhausting and I'm tired of seeing her meltdowns with Kyle, which are then swept under the rug and the two act like nothing happened. Until the next meltdown. It's not healthy for them or for us. They both need counseling. Kyle needs to realize that she's not her sister's keeper, Kim is an adult and she's making her own choices. Kyle can only do so much. I loved Lisa's birthday party. Really beautiful and it was nice to see a Vanderpump-Todd event where Scheana wasn't in gold shorts and didn't have some sort of an injury. Everyone (except Brandi) appeared to be having a good time. I LOL'd at Ken telling Brandi to behave herself. That was hilarious. And no, Brandi, he wasn't out of line for saying that since anytime there's a public event, with alcohol, where you are present, things get ghetto. I don't fault LisaR and Eileen for speaking of an intervention. I understand Lisa V's reluctance to get involved and she certainly got burned previously. But I think they are right for trying to do something since it appears that most everyone else acts as though nothing is amiss. Kim is wacky for sure but she's also clearly under the influence of something at times. I liked how YoFo chose to approach her. It seemed very genuine. Yo, can you please invite me to the 'Bu to do yoga at your house? Add me to the list of posters who don't find Mohammad creepy. He definitely needs a haircut though. I love Lisa V's casual attire while having tea with Kyle. She looks so much prettier (and younger) when she's dressed down and casual. I also love Eileen's hair (and her style in general).
  16. I saw the film this past weekend and I was blown away. I thought it was very well done and Bradley Cooper impressed me. I forgot I was watching BC on the screen, he was that good. I didn't see the film so much as a rah-rah America propaganda but the sad irony of a man who saved so many lives in Iraq, living through four tours, coming home and dying here. I see it as more a story of sacrifice than glorifying Chris Kyle because of his 160+ kills. JMO.
  17. I am in need of a vacay and I'm sure glad to know that all I need to do is look into the Nugget's eyes and viola! All my problems will be cured. Thanks, FI, for that Tomfuckery. Maybe we should send the Nugget overseas to straighten shit out. Please no more fake affection between these two. My brain hurts. I feel for Katie but I'm glad that Schwartz didn't propose. Just me but I think it's tacky to piggyback on someone else's wedding like that. Let Scheana and Shay have their night and let Katie have hers, if he's going to propose. It doesn't look good though and I have to agree with everyone else here that Tequila Katie is better off motoboating somewhere else. Scheana was overdramatic on a lot of things but I have to side with her screechy self over the dollar dance, tossing the bouquet and cutting the (non) cake. Those are big deals for most people and the $3 wedding coordinator should have been on top of that. Actually, she should have been on top of all of it if she was the wedding planner. This wedding didn't do much for her career, I would say. She also should have talked Scheana into hiring a little crew to come out and clean up the next morning. No way should the wedding party have been doing that. Although it did make for a funny scene seeing the ever klassy Jax eating a breakfast claw off the ground. Glad he got the smackdown from Carmen. Maybe she's not as stupid as I thought. I do have to note that I saw on a Twitter page that her last name is apparently Dickman. I don't even know where to begin with that one. Muppet Baby was being a drunken douche but the guy's 22. Cigarette Sally should know that's what you get when you hook up with a baby. I don't think she needed to try and knock his teeth out though. StASSi and Kristina are losers, period. I love these chucklefucks.
  18. This infuriated me. Kat McDonough getting three years is a crime in and of itself. Her boyfriend, can't remember his name, was a sweaty, greasy, disgusting mess.
  19. Just more proof of how irrelevant StASSi is. And/or how she wants Lisa to hand her a pink(y) slip. Why was she making fun of what Lisa was wearing? Lisa didn't do anything to her. Kristina is clearly a fucking idiot. She still works for Sur (for now) - - way to go, making fun of what your bosses have on. Smart one, that girl. Scheana and Shay's wedding was absolutely gorgeous, color me highly surprised. And this, folks, is why you don't find your wedding planner on Instagram and hire her for $3,000. I am itching with excitement for tomorrow night.
  20. Eh, I liked this episode. I found it far more watchable than last week's, which I thought was terrible. I always hate it when I figure out the perp the moment the character walks on screen. I was surprised that my initial feeling of the fiance being in on it was wrong. I even thought for a moment that Rayna herself set the whole thing up to garner more publicity for her game. I do agree with others that the episode was all over the map for the first half and I was completely unsure of where they were going. Anyhow . . . I love Carisi and as much as I like Amaro and am a fan of Danny Pino, I really didn't notice he wasn't there until I made myself think about who was missing afterward. I do miss Barba in any episode he is not present.
  21. I just watched the epi with Billy Blanks, Jr. on it and damn if I didn't get teary. Anyhow . . . I bought a few of his exercise DVDs on Amazon. Has anyone tried them? I need to tone up and while I'm not much for basic exercise, the dancing looked fun and I loved his personality.
  22. I've said this before but I feel like I need to say it again after nearly every episode. I used to be a fan of Kim's. I was excited to see her when this franchise began and every year, she's losing me a bit more. After last week's epi and this first look, I just can't with her any longer. She is fucking exhausting. She's nearly 50 years old and it's time that she grows up. She's not a child anymore and she is fully responsible for whatever choices she makes. Yeah, she was screwed by Big Kathy and her fiance that was murdered - - I have sympathy for that. But Kim is toxic, period. Kyle will always be her kicking post whenever she needs one. Kyle needs to be able to walk away from Kim whenever she sees her going into these "moods." Instead of playing right into her hands and following her around, crying and wanting to know what she did. Don't give her that satisfaction. Just say "whatever, Kim" and move on. Or tell her flat out she's not playing games anymore and Kim can leave. What Brandi is doing is horrible but Kyle plays right into it. If she would learn not to give in to whatever Kim and Brandi are saying, Kyle would realize they would stop. She's the mother of 4 girls. Surely she's seen her own girls play a version of this game. All kids try it at some time to get their siblings riled up. I can't fault Kyle for bringing Kim into this - - maybe in the past Kim has managed to stay clean and/or keep her drinking under control when she was working. This could have been a good opportunity and gig for Kim. But seeing the way she is now, she really needs to get off tv and get into rehab. On a more positive note, I absolutely love LisaR and Eileen. FINALLY, people that aren't willing to tiptoe around the b.s. that Kim and Brandi bring. YoFo has paid lip service in the past to how women are unattractive when they are totally drunk but she has never called Kim or Brandi on it. Maybe she will now that Brandi brings Bella into her fuckery.
  23. Wow, StASSi is so irrelevant, she doesn't even have a thread title. He he he.
  24. Mary and Edith are both assholes, frankly. Mary consistently thinks the world revolves around her, something that is supported by just about everyone other than Edith, and Edith acts as though the world is going to spin off its axis at any moment. Won't everyone know Edith's secret about Marigold if it's noticed that the Drewes' little girl is suddenly gone at the same time that Edith left? Do we care anymore? Is anyone going to remind Mary that as fantastically awesome as it is that she got a daring new hairstyle, she does have a son upstairs and I believe his name is George?
  25. I think the Lip Bar ladies made a mistake by not really pushing the fact their products are paraben, GMO, etc. free and vegan. That should be their target market and they should make their tagline something along those lines, not empowering women. I do agree with Mark on the logo - - showing a martini glass with red lips doesn't exactly say "empower women" or tell anyone that the products are vegan and, I would assume, not tested on animals. I try to be as green as possible and not use products tested on animals so I would check out their lipsticks if I knew that. I also think the app to design your own color is clever, provided that they would make it very clear that all sales are final because there is the possibility the color won't come out as the purchaser believes. The Lip Bar truck is a horrible idea. I like the dog treat idea although I have a dog on a prescription diet who cannot eat treats. I agree with everyone else that they appeared to be on the show for PR, not to make a deal.
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