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Everything posted by psychoticstate

  1. I was floored when he chose Cleen. He specifically mentioned how Mark was the only one who listened to what he said and incorporated it into his drawing. It was original and it was one-of-a-kind, specifically for him. I felt last season that the fix was in for Scott and I was not proven wrong. I didn't care for Scott but Cleen is aggravating me in ways Scott did not (unless time has rendered Scott nicer in my memory.) As far as I'm concerned, NONE of the remaining inktestants have much room to be haughty and overly impressed with themselves. Not one has been consistently awesome or even good. If Josh hadn't gotten himself kicked off, I don't think Cleen would be nearly as dicktastic (although he would still be a dick.) I miss Josh.
  2. This just made me realize that Ana's husband has been in prison for almost as long as Ana has been alive. Scary. I agree with this. I wonder if it's because she and Carlo were dating before he was convicted and married before he went away. Has the show said what Kate does for a living? I think she did but I'm not sure if she married him before he went to prison.
  3. I just can't understand Jhemini's insistence that she and her felon husband are private people and she doesn't want her name or pictures on TPW website but she's okay with appearing on the show. Huh? And I just want to laugh and laugh on her insistence that she is not going to have certain people whose family members are incarcerated in her car or her home. Hon, YOU have a family member who is incarcerated. Could "pot meet kettle" be any more appropriate?
  4. I watched the entire episode last night and . . . I just don't even know where to begin. It's been pointed out and asked many times but I just continue to wonder WHY Tori and Dean are still together. Neither seems particularly happy and I don't get the impression that they want the same thing (except fame.) Both of them want undying, unwavering, unconditional attention - - kind of like Prince Charles and Princess Diana. We all know how that turned out. As my grandmother used to say, you can only have one peacock in a relationship. Tori and Dean are both fighting to be the center of the relationship and that's surely not going to work. Mehran seems to be the sole voice of reason in this mess. If they truly want to attempt to make it work, they've got to turn off the cameras and hunker down to their marriage. Tori especially doesn't seem like she wants to do that. I think she enjoys the conflict, the drah-muh and airing HER story with the hope that she will be sympathetic and the victim. The more I watch this show, the more I think she's really mentally ill. She's clearly a hypochondriac but I wonder if she's always been this crazy pants or if it's just reared its ugly head over the 8 years she's spent with Dean, living in delusion and denial. The fact that she can't see how damaging this show is to her, her family and her relationship is a big old red flag. I felt oh so very uncomfortable watching the guru session because I do think at least part of Dean's breakdown was real. I think his reaction when the guru told him that his mother left this life but not him was genuine. I get the feeling that he never spoke about losing his mother at a very critical teen age and from what he's said and/or I've read, he did not have a particularly close relationship with his father. So yeah, I think Dean's issues go way back to losing his mother. Combine that with Tori's issues with her mother and they are just a clusterfuck of psychological and emotional issues. In short, they both need a mother and mothering and neither one are getting it. And neither are their kids it seems. I realize we don't see everything but every week I want to throat punch Dr. Wexler for not telling Tori like it is and not asking how they are handling these issues with their kids. For all the therapy and alternative treatments Tori and Dean try for themselves, have they once thought about what their kids may need? I will say that Finn is just about the cutest thing ever . . . and my ovaries usually screech in objection when it comes to children.
  5. This? Brilliant. My ex may have a new name. I am officially in tears. I miss Josh. I'm not invested in the outcome with him gone. I think he would have kicked ass on this challenge. I would have loved to see him hand Cleen his ass. FWIW, I think Mark should have won the flash challenge. I liked his drawing much better than Cleen's. And as much as I like doves I don't see that the dove that was inked on the guest judge was very original (and that seemed to be a big deal with him, which I totally get.) If there is a fix, it's clearly on with Cleen. I don't understand why the show has a theme for each week when apparently the theme is irrelevant when it comes to judging. I like Jason okay but if the theme for the week was placement, he should have been severely dinged and probably booted for his tattoo. Don's placement wasn't an issue and in my mind, that should have saved him. He wasn't going to win Ink Master with what we've seen but again, why have themes for each week if they mean nothing? Just go ahead and say we want you to tattoo a skull on some glutton for punishment's head. Then the judges can debate over whatever issues they want. I pretty much knew Don was going home when the guest judge was told that Don and Erik were the only two rivals left. Speaking of, at first I thought the guest judge was a little dickish but then I realized no, he's actually giving a realistic critique. And God bless him for doing his part to push the NFL for Pink in October. I cannot even imagine a family losing all 5 daughters to breast cancer. Have I mentioned that I miss Josh?
  6. I started listening to Full Dark, No Stars and could not get through it. HATED. IT. The narration was okay, although the female narrator was a little too chipper for my tastes but the stories were just bad IMO. Did not like.
  7. I only saw the meeting with Mary Jo last night (will watch the entire epi tonight) but I think Tori's reasoning for meeting Mary Jo is to get some type of validation that Tori is different. She doesn't want to believe that Deano cheated on her for the same reason he cheated on MJ. Because he could. Because he's a douche. Because he's unhappy. Because he's looking for something better. It seems to me that his marriage with MJ was very similar to his marriage to Tori, but without the four kids. He may not have been truly happy but apparently he wasn't telling MJ that and he was writing her love notes. Same MO. I loathe to side with Dean on anything but I do agree with him being upset that MJ and Tori were talking about him. Not cool. If Tori wants to leave him, go ahead and talk smack about him and throw him under the bus. But if you're truly trying to make your marriage work, you don't discuss problems with your husband with his ex-wife. Sometimes I think Tori is perpetually in high school with the gossiping and demanding of the grand gestures of love. I would like MJ's take on the "awesome life" that Deano apparently gave her.
  8. I have a feeling the 4 hour massage was probably a spa morning/afternoon. Meaning that it wasn't a nonstop 4 hour marathon of massaging (although Deano would surely like that) but maybe included mani/pedis, facials, sauna, etc. Not that it excuses anything. They should be focusing on their children and they shouldn't be having 4 hour spa time when they are publicly crying about being "poor." I haven't seen The Today Show interview but that is ripe with crazy. How can Tori say that she has less than 50% of the blame? She KNEW Dean was married and she was married herself so that makes her just as responsible as Dean. They both did the same thing. The only difference was there were children involved in Dean's situation but that certainly doesn't excuse Tori in the slightest. She is clearly absolutely nuts.
  9. Out of all the women on this show, I feel the most sympathy for Ana because she's clearly codependent. She mentioned being in an abusive relationship prior to writing her husband and I think she fell in love with the idea that this man would write her all the "right" things and say all the right things and she would never have to worry about being abused or cheated on.
  10. YES. I think it would have made more sense for Sam to break up with Smith because his career was keeping her from focusing on hers. That and she clearly missed NY and wanted to live there. That would have made so much more sense than the focusing on herself line or suggesting that Sam just couldn't be faithful for long.
  11. That is indeed the outfit! What a travesty. I think it was a different episode (but same season) when Miranda was bemoaning the fact that she had gone TWO MONTHS (gasp!) without sex and was getting cat called by some workers on the street outside of Blockbuster. Wearing a ball cap and baggy overalls. In a city of models and actresses (not to mention Samantha), would never happen. I think the show went too far with her "serious lady attorney" attire (and her hair) in the first season or two and made the same mistake with her "casual lady attorney" clothing. She looked so, so much better in the later seasons.
  12. Oh Kristen, I do so love your delusions. Flat Iron needs to get over you, indeed! Hon, you need to notice that Flat Iron isn't the one doing the cyber sleuthing on "social media" and he's also not the one crying over a cable box. Maybe you need to take a Beemer selfie with the Muppet Busboy and get yourself together. And I am anxiously waiting for someone to retort to her neverending comments on how Ariana caused Flat Iron to cheat on Kristen with the very obvious "you were banging Jax!" Which is actually worse because 1) it's JAX, 2) Jax was Flat Iron's supposed friend, 3) Jax was StASSi's supposed boyfriend, 4) StASSi was Kristen's supposed bestie and 5) it's JAX. I still love me some Tom Schwartz even if working is such a foreign concept to him and he seems to have difficulty holding down a job working for Lisa Vanderpump. I did check out his modeling/acting/macting pages and did not realize that he is 6'1". He's tall. I guess it's hard to stand out with Jax's simeon-likeness and Flat Iron's tall hair. I cannot believe that Muppet James went groveling to Queen Lisa. Oh wait, yes I can. Apparently the best places to work in WeHo are where your current girlfriend (supposedly) and her ex both work. I see zero chemistry between Ariana and Flat Iron. And Muppet James and Cigarette Sally. And Schwartz and Tequila Katie. The guys have chemistry . . . together. Just not with the gals. This show validates my existence and makes me feel better about the crappy choices I've made in life. And clearly no show is complete with Kristen reminding us how much Lisa hates her. Golden.
  13. I had Bravo on this morning while I was getting ready for work and the episode where Aidan moved out was on. I know it was discussed ad nauseum over at TWOP but watching and hearing Carrie's petulant ungrateful ass berating Charlotte for not offering her money to buy her apartment just infuriated me. Carrie took absolutely NO responsibility for her own financial situation and instead of getting angry with herself and her choices as she walked around her apartment, rhapsodizing over her ten years there and thinking that she would soon have to move out, she directed her anger at Charlotte and then made her feel guilty for still wearing her ring. I think this was Carrie at her absolute worst. Self-centered, unable to accept responsibility for her own place in life and being a miserable, shitty friend. As Charlotte told her, Carrie was 35 years old and Charlotte was not responsible for Carrie's financial situation. I never noticed it as much before (probably because I was gnashing my teeth over Carrie's assholery) but I was floored by Carrie asking Charlotte at their usual dining spot if Charlotte gave her ring back to Trey (when Carrie was telling the girls that it wouldn't be right for her to keep Aidan's ring.) I agree wholeheartedly that it wouldn't have been right for Carrie to keep Aidan's ring since she bailed on the engagement/marriage but to suggest that Charlotte give her ring back? Charlotte married Trey. There was no reason for her to NOT keep the ring. Sometimes I think Carrie suffered some sort of head injury that made it impossible for her to think logically and of others. Ugh.
  14. I am so sad for Yvonne's family I can barely take it. To lose a son to leukemia, one daughter to murder and the other to cancer? Just not right. I hope Brian Brimager is found guilty and gets the book thrown at him.
  15. First CM episode of the season I've watched. Just a few thoughts. I really wish all shows would stop using coffee as a prop. It's clearly obvious the cups are empty and the actress playing Savannah did an especially horrific job of "sipping" her coffee. When she wasn't tipping the supposedly hot and full cup to the side while talking. The Unsub had no idea the media showed up until JJ had to screech about THE MEDIA IS HERE. Knowing the kid was doing everything for the publicity, wouldn't that be basic 101 on what NOT to do? Good job, JJ. That Bethesda Medical Center/Hospital is clearly kick ass. Savannah operates on the Unsub who has been shot and lost a lot of blood and comes out of surgery without a hair out of place and her makeup perfect. Not even a drop of blood on her scrubs. And the Unsub is "recovering" after surgery with perfectly coifed hair and a rosy complexion. He is also able to sit up and take a selfie! Wow! And in every episode it never fails to annoy me how the FBI talks about every single fact of the case in front of witnesses and potential Unsubs.
  16. I wish if there was going to be a weekly challenge, the tattoos would actually be based just on that challenge and not necessarily on something they did three episodes ago. If an artist does a decent tattoo but it doesn't meet the challenge (i.e., gradient not being met or Americana, etc.) they should be eliminated. I also wish there would be back-up canvases so if one taps out/faints/storms off the inktestant gets someone (besides themselves) to tattoo.
  17. I don't think it s so much that Josh was smoking pot as it was that he had an illegal drug on the property. Nunez did say something about not owning the property so I think that's where the issue was. I'm disappointed that Josh is gone since I was rooting for him. Other than Don being pretty, I don't really care about anyone else. I do think it will now come down to Rock and Erik. Sigh. Add me to the list of posters who think Emily may be behind this. She was eliminated last week but in the show's timeline that would have been a day or two before this happened so very likely. I find it hard to believe that others knew what was going on and didn't say anything based on their bitching after it was revealed and the fact that there's always some kind of narc-ing that happens every season (although usually it's whining about tracing or some other form of "cheating".) I wonder if the disqualification will eliminate Josh from being voted back.
  18. I love, love, love Josh Flagg. He's intelligent and runs a very successful business and he seems like he would actually be fun to hang out with. If I was in the LA market for a million dollar property, I would absolutely call him. Over at TWOP, it was Tom Sandoval that was reputed to be bi. Wouldn't surprise me. And I don't care - - Flat Iron will always have a special greasy place in my black heart. He's like a little wounded Mactor Care Bear that comes with a flat iron and a beanie. He did a fantastic job covering up those bruises Busboy gave him but he does need to consider Merry Maid. That apartment was horrible. Jax - - whose real name is Jason, per his comments during either Season 1 or least season - - strikes me as someone who would fuck anyone or anything in order to get a job or special favors. I don't think he really cares where he pokes his junk. Now that he's had "the talk" with Carmen, let's see how long he's "happy" with Vegas Tiffany before he's running around with someone else. And 28? Girl is a rough 28. I would have put her closer to 40 - - you know, Jax's real age. Since Lisa is so stingy with the job sitch, maybe Schwartz should have been checking out his options at Mixology. Before the Muppet/Care Bear beat down. Why can't this show air twice a week????
  19. I didn't hate this episode but I didn't love it either. I love me some Chibs but I don't understand the purpose of the relationship with the Sheriff. They aren't really trading intel and she was initially presented as too smart to jeopardize her career and the town for some Scottish dick (even if it is Chibs). I could see Chibs sexing her up if he could get info from her for the benefit of the club but to actually fall for her? Um, no. I greatly appreciated seeing Charlie Hunnam's ass but otherwise did not care for his scenes with Winsome. Her comment that he was a good man made me laugh out loud and tell her she was dead woman walking if she thought that. Whoever coined Unser's Stage 87 cancer - - major kadooz to you. So very true. Unser has appeared on his deathbed for seasons but dude will fuck you up if you come after the cop in the hospital. I'm not sure what was more ridiculous and far-fetched - - what went down with Moses and his henchmen or Abel plotting this conspiracy to bust Gemma. As others have said, there were far too many unknowns with the plan with TO. Rat wasn't supposed to be there but once the "cabin" was given up, why wouldn't Moses have killed Rat? Who's to say that he wouldn't have killed TO once the location was provided? Did none of his crew think the house they pulled up to could never be described as a "cabin"? And how fortunate that Moses managed to stay alive during the initial shootout long enough to be mutilated like Bobby was. I'm surprised that Jax didn't bring a spoon in preparation. Abel of the Corn . . . seriously, that kid gives me the creeps. OF COURSE he doesn't need therapy! He was only born a drug addicted baby, been kidnapped, barely survived an explosion at the TM Garage, been uprooted countless times, had his mother murdered in his home, been at least indirectly subjected to club members being murdered (wasn't Half Sac killed in front of him?) and overheard his grandmother confessing to killing his mother. Damn, the kid should just be able to shrug that shit off with a "bygones!" SMH. And Jax decides this is the perfect time to tell him that Wendy is his biological mother? They were speaking about sending him to a shrink - - maybe they should have consulted with a professional first? That said, there was no way he could possibly have conceived this master plan to bust Gemma. No way. If I didn't know better I would assume he is developmentally delayed and/or disabled. He barely speaks and he appears to have no friends, unless his friends like having their melons busted open with a metal lunchbox. Even if the most astute five year old can't connect the dots the way we're supposed to believe Abel is doing. Sure, it would be some awesome retribution and justice for bitch on wheels Gemma to be brought down by a five year old - - a fitting Fork You? He he. Tig and Venus, I like. Venus is actually too good for him. I was worried sick during most of the episode that she would get hurt - - especially when my program description said SAMCRO was looking for love but finding death.
  20. This. A thousand times this. I read Twilight during all the hype and screeching. I liked the books. As others have said, it's not great literature but I was looking for something easy to read while I soaked in my tub. Problem solved. I've felt for a while that the Twilight books were like this generation's Flowers in the Attic (or some other V.C. Andrews entry). Not the best writing by a longshot but is/can be a compelling story (although I do rate Flowers in the Attic far ahead of Twilight.)
  21. Don't know how I missed this one the first time around but it's making me snort with laughter (and worry for Giggy)
  22. Don't forget that Katie is "judicious" with her drinking!
  23. After Jax, I would think a vibrator with dying batteries would be considered "rock star." Not buying it, StASSi. I don't mind seeing bits and pieces of StASSi's apartment search if we actually got to see some apartments. Let's see what Style by Stassi allows her to afford in WestHo. Lisa, I love you girlfriend, but you are absolutely ridiculous. You can't justify being angry at Schwartz for fighting and use that as an excuse to not hire him at PUMP and yet let those chucklefucks Jax, Kristen, Busboy and Flat Iron continue working for you. (Although she did fire Busboy in front of everyone - - not cool, even for that douchebag Busboy). Here's a note, Lisa - - ALL your staff fights. And especially if it's Scheana's birthday. Just be grateful no one took off their clothing. There it is. Carmen should be counting her blessings and planning to meet Mary Jo Eustace and Charlie Shanian for coffee so they can all high-five each other and discuss what douches their exes are. Kristen, while you're thinking about your "coulda woulda shoulda" list with your bullshit cries of how you should probably have just left the bar and not started up anything with Flat Iron, you probably should go ahead and add "bathe", "eat solid food", "bang someone born before 1994" and "mind your own damn business" to that list. Thank baby Jesus this show is back. I love it more than my luggage.
  24. I thought it appeared that Flat Iron is still living in the same Apartment of Doom. (You know, where everyone gets banged but Flat Iron) Everything looked pretty much the same. Has it been stated that Ariana is living with him? If she's smart, she'll keep her own place (and pants.) Agreed. But I will add delusional to that since Busboy so kindly and cleverly informed us that Flat Iron is clearly jealous of his antagonistic and delusional British ass.
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