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Everything posted by EVS

  1. Maybe he was running from someone trying to offer him a job.
  2. I was interested in them because I am from Illinois and followed the story of the car accident and the subsequent license-for-bribes scandal. I also saw them on America’s got Talent. I watched the first episode of their show and found it boring. I meant to try another episode but never got around to it. Now, knowing what was going on, I’m glad I didn’t watch it. Regarding the sentence I bolded: I consider myself a religious person (although the Duggars would consider me a heathen) and completely agree.
  3. I just saw this in the Daily Mail. It’s a statement by Jessica Willis detailing her abuse at the hands of her father. Scroll about halfway through the article to read her full statement. It is heartbreaking and disturbing and does make you wonder what really goes on behind the supposedly perfect facade put on by so many of these families. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5613193/Willis-sister-Jessica-speaks-abuse-left-family.html
  4. I’m guessing it is hard to be alone after being surrounded by 10-20 people for most of your life until you marry. Being alone, or even being with only your spouse must feel strange. I think some personalities might enjoy the peace and quiet (Alyssa Bates seems to be one) and some might find being alone scary. Some might get used to it after a while and some might continue to need to be surrounded by people. Jill might be the last type. Add to that the fact that the girls have been raised without any autonomy and to be completely dependent on a man and haven’t been taught how to make a decision for themselves. They have also been taught that the world is a scary and dangerous place. Then add the fact that their brother cheated on his wife and their religion teaches that it was Anna’s fault and she should have been able to prevent it. Given all that, I’m not surprised Jill is glued to Derick, as crazy as he is. I think it is a combination of nature and nurture. Disclaimer: I am not a licensed psychologist, but I have seen 2 episodes of Dr. Phil, so I am fully qualified to diagnose and treat anyone interested in my expert opinion.
  5. I just went back to the Instagram post and she corrected the last hashtag. I haven’t read the comments yet, but I’m sure a few of them pointed out her mistake.
  6. She should have added a couple more hashtags: #SOTDRT #halfaneducation eta: I’m being generous with the second one.
  7. FWIW, Jill just posted a picture on her Instagram of herself and both boys in Colorado Springs. The best part is the last hashtag. (Eta: It was originally “..halftowalkback”)
  8. That’s usually my reaction to Derick’s twitter. ? Eta: I’m not implying in any way that the Dillard’s starve their children like Jill R, just that I feel badly for Izzy and Sam because they have a crazy dad.
  9. I believed you but I had to try it myself anyway. That’s so funny but disturbing. I wonder what other phrases we can search for that will bring up Duggar images? (Heading off to try a few things...)
  10. Congratulations! She is beautiful!
  11. Isn’t Jeremy’s Family Italian? I’m going to guess Gianna for a girl. (Maybe spelled Jianna.). Eta: I’ll stick with Jeremy Jr for a boy.
  12. I could see Jeremy wanting a ‘Jeremy jr’ if it’s a boy. Maybe Jeremya if it’s a girl?
  13. Who does Jill think she is fooling? Any life skills the Duggar children supposedly learn are meant to primarily benefit the Duggar family. Otherwise JB would not let them learn that skill.
  14. In a tweet last year, didn’t Derick state something like he had been working for over 20 years and counted school in that number going all the way back to kindergarten or first grade? My guess is that he counts this church ministry program, where he is a student or in training, as a job. eta: Has he claimed to have a paying job?
  15. If they went down to Mexico to help a plant church, I’m wondering if the church also has (or plans to have) a church school and if they would use the same building (the school uses it during the week). If so, then Derick supposedly painting a school would just mean that he helped paint the church, as opposed to helping paint and fix up a local school.
  16. That is so true. I should have said, “I would love to know the real story behind that.” Lol.
  17. From the People article: In a 2013 blog post for TLC.com, she opened up about how she first got involved in the profession, revealing that it started after she attended childbirth classes with her 14-year-old friend, who was a single mom. Jill had a 14 year old, unmarried pregnant friend? I would love to know the story behind that.
  18. It was in the first episode. I just rewatched it a couple days ago.
  19. I don’t think those two items go together. I’m guessing the thing with the pool noodle is some kind of baby contraption. Not a walker, but something the baby can stand and hold on to? I think the bowl looks like a dog water bowl or a mixing bowl and someone just stuck it under the other contraption. Neither Jill nor Jessa is neat or organized so I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Joy shoves random crap in the corners of rooms. Maybe Joy wants to be slightly less sloppy than Jessa so the metal bowl will go on top of a dresser for collecting the dirty diapers.
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