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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Who did Emily's makeup for the reunion? She looked like a vampire zombie with the orange-y eyeshadow around her whole eye! It made her look as though she were crying and had red swollen puffiness under her eyes. Colored shadow at the lower lash line = yes; circling the entire eye socket to give the appearance of a losing prize fighter hit with a left hook = NO. I think something must have happened or been said before the cameras rolled too, because Emily looked very uncomfortable and annoyed throughout the show, even during the intro. Of course, Tim barely acknowledged her existence, so that might be a contributing factor. Her posture, her facial expressions, everything just read "I'm over it" to me. I think Emily was one of the more level headed, emotionally mature contestants this season, so her negative vibe really stuck out for me. And speaking of things to be "over"...Korina, Char, Tim's Save and "Bitch" as a term of endearment.
  2. I guess I'll give it another try, but only because I'm from Boston and I feel a weird sense of loyalty to anything tied to New England in general. I hope this show gets better but I'm guessing I'm not the audience for this kind of sit-com. I can't tolerate most of CBS's "comedy" line up- Two & A Half Men, 2 Broke Girls, Mom, The Millers or even Mike & Molly (despite my Melissa McCarty love) all make me cringe with embarrassment for the actors. I'm even starting to lose my enthusiasm for Big Bang Theory. Did not know that was John Ritter's son in the lead. How many kids in show business does he have? I know his son Jason was on Parenthood. I wasn't ever a fan of John, but all I know him from is Three's Company (which was unwatchable to me even as a kid in the 70-80's). I never understood the reverence people have for him as a comedic actor.
  3. Wait...what?.. Todd English has something to do with Durgin Park now???? Is nothing sacred? They had the best prime rib and Indian pudding there. I have such good childhood memories of that part of the city. In the 70's, my Nana lived in the North End and we would walk over to the restaurant, cutting through Haymarket. She got into an argument with one of the fiesty waitresses over a dirty tablecloth. The waitress had a loud Irish brogue and Nana yelled at her in Italian. Sigh...good times!
  4. I hope the neighbors are limited to 2 or 3 mentions/scenes this season. I love Steve Zahn, but the trailer trash neighbors will wear thin if we have to see them every week. It's been beaten into our heads for years. Sofia Vagara is a stunning looking woman and has an incredible figure. We get it. Can the actress be allowed to cover up her cleavage now? Or is it in her contract that there must be maximum boobage exposed in all of her scenes or that every other character in a Gloria scene must comment on her appearance/sexiness in some way? And why does every Jay- Gloria story need to be about how gorgeous she is and he's so old and unattractive? It's gotten to the point that it isn't even mildly funny anymore. The freshness of this sitcom as gone stale for me.
  5. I'm not as smart or worldly as Alec, so maybe one of you can explain to me how one goes about becoming a "meat collector"? Does he have multiple refrigerators/freezers at home in which to display his vast collection? Does he cryo-vac the specimens he collects? Does he catalog the acquisitions with sub-categories like "Pork - Bacon" and "Pork - Ribs"? I wonder if he limits his finds to the US or is he an international meat collector?
  6. As a Bostonian who is not a huge sports fan, I love Fenway Park! It isn't a "cathedral" because of it's architecture or physical appearance (although, again, I love the place). I think Cubs fans have the same affinity for Wrigley Field. These stadiums are relics compared to the huge, shiny new parks. They have a lot of issues that come with being old. However, even non-fans speak of the presence of history when they walk into these old parks for the first time. To the long suffering Sox fans (and semi-fans), Fenway IS a cathedral. From April to October, her parishioners enter & pray to St. Teddy & St. Yaz. They read the Gospel of the Boston Herald. They promise God all sort of future good behavior if only the Sox could make it to playoffs. Back to the show - I think I could tolerate Aaron a micron more if he'd just lose that stupid hat. I don't know what that style is called, but I hate those stupid hats. For me when I hear the word "ass-hat", those stupid hats are what i envision. I don't see any evidence that he is as good a chef as he thinks he is. That can be said for Keriann and Katsuji too IMO. Still too many "middle of the pack" contestants for me. I usually get more into it when there are 10 or less chefs left.
  7. The USS Constitution is in my backyard and I was born a few blocks away at the old Chelsea Naval Hospital! It's a beautiful ship and I love visiting. She's been taken to dry dock for some repairs/rehab so it will be awhile before she's back at the Charlestown Navy Yard. Back to the show... If James did serve on "Old Ironsides", he must have been a model sailor. From what I understand, that's a plum assignment and not easy to get. I'm sure most of the male Dopes won't like these newbies just because they're "competition". They want new females to screw since they've boinked any of the girls they' ve deemed boinkable.
  8. The intervention by Production has become blatantly obvious every day. The idea of calling a freakin' decorator is further confirmation the idiots in the asylum have been told they can basically have whatever they want, but the goodies (frozen pizza & sour patch kids by the truck load, eBay & PayPal accounts, internet access, visits from outside, etc) will be doled out slowly to keep up the sham of the whole pioneer BS. There never was nor will there ever be any expectations that these "mactors" and fame whores were to be self sufficient AT ANY POINT of this travesty. As many here have noted, most of the Dopes haven't had much initiative or incentive to work on making this place a home. If it were a true "start from scratch" society, the participants would have been motivated to fix the place up. Instead these assholes have mostly laid around drinking, eating, screwing and fighting because they have known Production is a few yards away, ready to tell them what to do every day. So when TPTB hands them cans of paint and brushes, their first reaction isn't "Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!". Instead they flop down on their (unearned) mattresses and wonder when the decorator will get there tell them how to achieve feng shui in their craptastic filth pit. They live in a barn, now they expect help to make it "Pottery Barn"?
  9. I don't get the daughters' behavior at all. Sure. they can still love someone when they have committed a crime & choose to remember the dad as they knew him in their childhoods.. BUT, as much as they love him and maybe even forgive them for the harm he caused, I can't understand how they completely disregard their mother's plight. Just a bunch of weirdos and I hope Nancy has some happiness in her future. I'm not a religious person but it makes me feel a wee bit better that this woman feels loved and consoled by God and her faith. I didn't get the typical Dateline (or 20/20 or 48 Hours or Discovery ID...) vibe that "the husband did it" in the first 5 minutes. I was fooled for the first time into thinking Frank/John really was a good guy! I was guessing the son like some other posters since he was strangely absent from this story. The idea the murder for hire is a "better" resolution than divorce just boggles the mind. If these spouses are so miserable in their marriages, use the money you'd pay some bumble-fuck hit man and hire the best lawyer you can afford instead! A really good divorce attorney may be able to reduce some of the financial "loss" the spouse would get hit with, but instead these idiots roll the dice and risk jail or even death penalty?
  10. I just don't get the "me so ANGRY! me SMASH!!" therapy. The anger management "specialist" kept telling them to get mad! tell X how his/her behavior made you feel! swing the hammer! break it!....and after all that raw pain,emotion and adrenaline is exposed, the patient is supposed to "let it go! it's over!". Whaaa? And while I agree Nikki's tales of perfection are annoying and can't compare to the trauma others suffered, let's not let JP off so easy either. His teenaged friend dated his teenaged ex after teenaged JP & the girl broke up...THAT created life-long trust issues?? No, JP, the reason you can't say "I love you" has nothing to do with the PTSD of puppy love gone sour. The reason is you are an opportunistic immature loser & you never had any intentions of meeting "Mrs. Right" on a stupid tv show. Thank God their ridiculous charade of dating is over. No one, include the two of them, ever thought it would work out. I just feel bad for JP's daughter. I hope her grandparents have more influence on her than her dumb ass dad.
  11. Thanks M.Darcy! After I thought about it, I WAS mixing up books. I was thinking of Sense & Sensibility and Marianne & Col. Brandon.
  12. I saw P&P years ago and enjoyed it, but I'll be damned if I can remember who Jane married. I thought she married Fitz William (the Col), no??? Maybe I'm mixing up P&P with Sense and Sensibility? One of these Austin girls married an officer...
  13. Why is Denise's uncle still hanging around the pubs in the city? I thought he got married to Miss Audrey and went off to the country (or seaside cottage??). Did getting married back then mean the wife has to quit her career AND be tucked away several miles from her new husband but remain at the ready for conjugal visits when the mood strikes him? The Susie hypnotizing bit was so silly IMO. I was never a real big fan of Moray but now all his whining about Denise's successes making it harder for him to gain control is getting on my nerves. Let he enjoy the glory and help make the staff and customers happy for the short time she has left. Lord knows - IF she ends up marrying the big baby, her time in the spot light will be over.
  14. I knew very little about the cultural revolution. It is gobsmacking how the fear or ignorance of a handful of power hungry people can erase entire generations of people, history, art, literature, knowledge, etc.
  15. I voted for saw, but now I'm worried if Aaron stays, he will use it to cut his frozen pizzas (without cleaning the blade before or after use). At least with Bri gone, we won't have to worry about any"Table Saw Masacre" scenarios if someone pushed her too far. I'd really like to see reactions from Mike, Bri and any other Cool Kids Quitters when they get a look at how they came across on this show, and how viewers of live feeds feel about their behavior.
  16. exactly my point arachne. Without Nucky pimping out Gillian, there would be no Jimmy, no Tommy, no Jimmy or Jimmy Look Alike murders, no Gillian's downfall, no Richard making the sacrifice to save Tommy, and so on. Two-thirds of the Darmody clan wouldn't have existed and they wouldn't have lead the sad violence-filled lives they did.
  17. I don't think Tommy had any contact with Gillian once he was taken to Wisconsin to live with Richard's family. I think he was extremely affected by all the violence he witnessed as a little boy and he was smothered by Gillian and raised by her til he was 4 or 5. Gillian had a big presence in his young life and I don't think he ever forgot her or the love & attention she showered on him. Gillian always lived in a fantasy and used super extra strength Clorox to whitewash her past. She probably told Tommy great, happy, quasi-fairy tale stories about her lavish life, Jimmy, his smart, handsome, brave soldier daddy, and the powerful men she knew. I don't think Tommy wouldn't have forgotten any of those stories once he went west. I think hard times hit the farm. Maybe Richard's girlfriend married and he didn't like the step-dad. Maybe Richard's sister died. He had no family except the ghost memories he had from Grandma's stories. So, it's the Depression but he remembers he came from AC & his grandma knew rich & powerful men there, so he heads out to find Nucky and get a job. I don't think he had any plans for revenge, nor do I think he visited Gillian in the asylum and she directed the hit. I think Tommy was just looking to belong to a family and earn some cash. When Nucky tried to dismiss him with money & said to get lost, I think Tommy lost it in that moment and lashed out. He had no family and the nearest person he remembered from childhood was denying him closeness and sense of belonging. I do think it's karmic justice that Tommy took down the man who initiated his family's long and depressing spiral of sadness.
  18. When I heard Mikes mom had some medical emergency I went to WebMD.com to see if "dying from shame/embarrassment" was a possibility. I seriously wonder if the production people will continue with this farce as each one of the Dopes threaten to or really do quit. Viewership is way down, and I can't imagine them continuing to add more rats into the Utopia Maze of filth and STD's. I'm glad Nikki is cluing in on Cal's uber-creepiness. When this show ends I hope Cal moves on to another commune and stays away from society. There's no proof of it but his attitudes and behaviors scream "registered sex offender" to me.
  19. Superguard9 beat me to it, but if you haven't seen it, watch it! Kate McKinnon's "Maddie" truly captured the frozen emote-o-bot faces Abby loves so much!
  20. I voted for Bella as biggest contributor. Partly because she's brought in the most money with her paintings and partly because I want to see Aaron, Rob and Mike's heads explode simultaneously. OK, mostly the second thing.
  21. The honeymon funding idea is so tacky IMO. If a couple wants to get married and have whatever level of meager to extravagant wedding, the burden of costs/ budget for the big party, including the honeymoon, should be on the couple, not the invited guests. I wish these grabby greedy brides and grooms would realize NO ONE cares about their "big day". After your friends have gone to 3 or 4 college roommates' weddings, they DREAD seeing yet another save the date or invite in their mailbox. It isn't up to your buddies or Great Aunt Sopie to fund your wedding. No one said when you marry you must have a splashy reception at the Four Seasons with lobster tails and filet mignon. There is no rule your wedding attire must be hand made silk, satin and lace sewn by French nuns in Alsace. Emily Post never decreed the newly weds should expect a free lavish retreat on a tropical island after the ceremony. If YOU can't afford the dress, the venue or the vacation "of your dreams", lower your expectations, pony up what you ( or your parents) can afford and focus on forging a life together with your new partner instead of shaking down your family & friends for money. (Yes, I am married. My husband and I had a very nice affordable reception with beautiful flowers and great food. Then we spent 7 days in Napa/ SF for our honeymoon. We paid for everything except the limo ride to/from the airport)
  22. I agree Aaron needs to go for his heinous behavior, but I think 1st one viewers kick out should be Mike or Kristin or Rob before Shady Chef. I can just see/hear Aaron bringing up the race card to justify/blame America's dislike of him. He'd never see or admit he is 100% to blame and being held accountable for his actions & attitude. There is racism and prejudice in America, but I don't want to hear or give Aaron a platform to rant and rave about his expulsion from a dumb TV show in the same vein as the millions of African Americans who have experienced real injustice for decades.
  23. I'm voting Mike out. Let Rob be forced to quit if he is so miserable inside the gate. I wish we could have more votes or at least select a 1-2-3 "win place or show" for most useless. I'd give my other votes to Kristin and Aaron. I wonder if they'd have the bootee do a TH upon his/her exit a la Survivor. What I would really like to see is 2 interviews with the one voted out- 1st immediately after they get escorted to the gate & a 2nd after they view recordings of the live feeds & read some online observations during their time in the Cool Kids Club. Although I bet there wouldn't t be too much variance between the two b/c the most disliked (by the viewers) of the bunch are so egregiously lacking in self awareness . Anyway, HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Anything that makes these assholes squirm makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.
  24. Thanks for the ebay links. I like her work. I hope she gets some of the money if these things really sell. Bella is a little cray-cray but I would love it if she were to become the only "famous" Udopian after this crap fest ends. Aaron, Rob, Mike et al would be seething if that happened and just the thought of those sociopaths being upset makes me giggle like my 8 year old.
  25. I think the homeless brother has some degree of an intellectual disability. He perseverated on the studio apartment. His brothers didn't seem too much more on the ball. I agree this show is staged. There is no way any of that was 100% real.
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