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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I was thinking last season 1) I hope Rose is gone because I never cared for the actress 2) it would be a great addition to the story to advance the timeline so the Selfridge daughters could get a part of the action. Now seeing the "acting" chops of the two playing Rosalie and Violette...yeesh! Makes me long for Rose's simpering again. And I complained Season 1 about Jeremy Piven chewing the scenery! Rosalie actress wasn't as bad as Violette. Man, I did not understand how the director let that woman YELL her lines and over act in every scene. It felt like I was watching a bad high school play whenever she was on. Maybe she'll tone it down a notch or twelve as the season progresses. Otherwise it will be hard for me to get through this series. Love catching up with all the employees again. Those characters are my favorites. So, how long before Harry finds out his new in-laws are dead broke and have nothing but meaningless titles? I find it hard to believe the Harry character wouldn't have done more of a background check on the son-in-law. I guess he was to depressed about Rose to care that his daughter may be throwing away her happiness (and maybe his self-made millions) on her whirlwind romance? And why do the girls speak with an American accent and the son with an English one?
  2. Still no big favorites for me, but Mike's stock is rising. I think they kept Rodney over Joaquin for the numbers/Team Blue aspect. Sure, Rodney will be dazed and confused back at camp after TC, but when they explain to him (using small words and maybe some pictures) that if they can keep Sierra, Dan, Mike and Rodney together along with getting Kelly back once they merge, they have a good chance of going longer in the game. Kelly can come back with intel that the former White Collar team is fractured and everyone dislikes Shirin, so maybe they can drag her to their side too. Rodney is the doofiest doof who ever doofed. I'm sure the editors love when they get one of these hyper-testosterone-y bro's who run their mouths as if they were 1) God's gift to women 2) the smartest person on the team 3) over values his ability to use "strategery" to move ahead. I know a lot of people disliked or even hated Boston Rob in his many appearances on Survivor, but he was actually smart and he played the hell out of the physical and social aspects of this game. It's insulting to admirers of good gamesmanship that Rodney sees himself as in the same league as Boston Rob.
  3. I think Bravo forgot a few items for the Reunion BINGO cards... "Who does that???" "Glass Shards in my hair" "Soap Opera" "Friendship" "God Damn House!" As for Adrienne's "party"...I'm sorry but it looked so lame. Aside from the human chandeliers and half naked waiters, it seemed to be a very empty space. I think the venue was too big for the size of the crowd Bravo was able to rustle up and pay to show.. I was seeing the same people/bodies in the background over and over. It was as if they used a bunch of those "seat filler" people like they do for award shows to make the room/scene look crowded. They must have dragged that lady with the dog all over the room to shoot scenes because I think I saw her more than Adrienne. And if I were Adrienne I'd be pissed that Bravo used me and my latest shill as an excuse to get these idiots together in one room. She probably thought she was going to get a lot of face time and PR for whatever the hell she's hawking this time. But I don't think it was ever clearly announced or shown to the audience what the product was. And no one even watched her dumb magic act entrance!
  4. Or cooked a burger. Or a risotto...scallop...steak...pasta. Or been in a kitchen. Personally I think Meika is waaay in over her head and looks like she wants to tap out. And I can't imagine why Monique - who served Ramsey boxed spaghetti and tomato sauce from a JAR on Day 1 - is still on this show. She hasn't done anything to show she knows what she's doing.
  5. I am assuming this show has a bit of work to do to prepare for the guest of the week, no? Don't they have to do some logistic things like reserve plane tickets, schedule hotels and car pick ups, ensure guests have valid passports etc? So the production team must know in advance where the guest is flying off to do his/her research. Can't one assistant to the assistant of the 3rd director's PA spend 5 minutes with the guest to check for ignorance levels? "OK, Ms. Harmon, you will be going to Valley Forge, PA. Your ancestor was there in 1777. Does any of that ring a (Liberty) bell for you? No? Really?? Let me ask you this then...did you attend and/or graduate from 5th grade?" I mean, I know the show wants it to be surprising to discover these nuggets of family history. That's why many celebs participate and why I watch. But all the lack of basic knowledge reveals to me is how dumb some of these people are. I wonder if Angie Harmon or her daughters could qualify to be in the D.A.R.? Their 5 x's Great GF was German, but he was a soldier in the Revolutionary War for 3 years.
  6. Brandi's understanding of how one makes apologies is all kinds of wrong. Several years ago I had to explain to my daughter how to apologize and what it means for her and the other person involved. She did something (minor) that upset a friend. When she told me her friend was mad at her and I heard the story I said even if she didn't mean to, she hurt her friend's feelings and should say sorry. I called the girl's mom, and explained what I heard happened and felt my daughter owed her daughter an apology. Other Mom said it wasn't necessary, kids will be kids etc. but let my daughter talk to hers. All was well and good until a week later my daughter repeated the offensive behavior. She told me "I'll just say I'm sorry again." I told her that's not how apologies and maintaining friendships work. If you say "sorry" 1) you should understand that you did something hurtful/wrong/impolite 2) you should mean it and 3) you are making a promise to STOP doing/saying the thing that got you into trouble the first time. Just saying "sorry" doesn't magically make everything right again. Your friends won't (and shouldn't) put up with fake promises. She got it and fully understands the power of her words and actions. My daughter is now 7. I appreciate everyone on this forum explaining God Damn House Gate in detail. I just wish I never had to hear about it again.
  7. You know how when people from the US travel overseas and say "I'm Canadian" to avoid anti-America sentiments? Well, thanks to Rodney I will now be introducing myself thusly "Hello, I'm BusyOctober and I'm from Rhode Island." And from the previews it looks like his douche-ometer rises steadily with Joaquin joining the "Bro-hood". I'm gonna need lots of alcohol and a long shower after watching these two share their philosophies. Even though I still don't like Jenn very much, she had me laughing a few times with her TH's and reaction shots. Shirin and Max would have made me very stabby. I don't think I would've survived a 3 hour plane ride with either of them, let alone 3 DAYS. Despite the total lopsidedness of the teams I still don't have anyone I feel like rooting for yet. There's still a lot of chaff to be winnowed out IMO. I kinda like Mike and sorta like Kelly I guess??
  8. Do I really want to watch another episode of Brandi trying to squeeze tears out of her shiny, bloated Botoxed face and hear her whine how "it's just not FAIR!"? I predict 38 minutes of Brandi back-pedaling, offering non-apologies and telling all who will listen how she's just keepin' it real and everyone else has the problem. The other women are all hypocrites because they are all actresses & poor widdle Brandi is a single working mom who loves her life, her booze, her podcasts and oh yah, and her kids (in that order IMO). "Boo-hoo! You guys are sooo mean to meeeee! Just because I'm a toxic person with very little self awareness and I act out impulsively like a toddler, and I get sloppy drunk and talk smack about everyone behind their backs and lie about it and I throw out hurtful gossip after I wheedle my way into your lives aren't good enough reasons to hate meeee!" Rinse, repeat season after season. I'm over her. I wish: 1) Kim would wake up out of her addled haze and see Brandi for what she is & 2) Bravo would see that many viewers are over Brandi as well.
  9. Whitney's story is a real tragedy. Bobbi Kristina's life has been tragic as well. I don't think that girl stood a chance to escape some kind of abuse after living with her parents. IMO Bobbi Kristina was a poor little rich girl who lived in isolation with drug and physical abuse all around her. Her mother was a beautiful and talented woman (once). Her dad had some success but a checkered past. I think BK was surrounded by a lot of chaos & was ripe for the picking for any guy who paid her some kind of attention. It's very sad all around. As for Mr. Gordon, meh. I don't wish ill on anyone, I hope he can get his life fixed. He just comes across very...strange to me. In the interviews they showed from the Houston reality show, and how he reacted to seeing his mom, he seems intellectually challenged, or emotionally stunted. Or both? I don't think its all explained by the drugs and alcohol.
  10. I didn't have much hope for my hometown once he told his dead "sistah" story Day 1. Now tonight he continues to embarrass with his raging rant. Way to keep the Mass-hole stereotype alive, Bro. ROIDney can't be bounced soon enough for me. Really, I know it's hard to refute based on reality TV, but not everyone from Boston, or Mass or New England is a dick. Nina shouldn't have been cast based on her insecurities and lack of game play. It has nothing to do with her self perceived "disadvantage". I still don't like Jen. She just seems like one of those people who'd say something mean to you, then be offended because you get mad & can't appreciate that she's just keepin' it real, dude.
  11. I wonder how many 13 yo mean girls it will take to get Brandi's blurg up this week? Any bets on what big-girl SAT words her ghostwriter pulls out this week? Last week was "hyperbole". Can't wait to see the spin put on her actions/reactions to this week's peek into her insanity. Sometimes I think Brandi must be trying to get fired. She's just so over the top in everything she says or does. She loves to excuse her own behavior in the name of her boys...when it suits her. As for anyone else with children (other than Kim...at least this season) , Brandi goes for the jugular with her rumors or "truths". I can't imagine how her friend Jennifer has stuck around so long. Brandi doesn't seem to be a good friend to me. She's shown she can turn on anyone like a viper, then blame the oter person for not "getting" her at the time. Always an excuse..."I was tired" "I was on too many meds" "I was only joking" "I had a fight with my ex" "I had to deal with the lawyers" "I'm a single mom". We ALL have our issues, even the rich and famous. It doesn't give anyone an excuse to lash out physically or verbally. It's all about HER immediate gratification and satisfaction. There is no empathy. There is no impulse control. Brandi has the emotional intelligence of toddler. As for the preview for next week, I share Eileen's joy when she hears Brandi isn't joining them. YAY! Less scenes to look at Brandi's tortured plastic face and sad extensions! (Speaking of which, Hi Adrienne!)
  12. So glad this show is back! Even though Julie Chen isn't a favorite "celeb" of mine, but I love learning about pre-WW 2 China. The political uphevals and revolutions have always intrigued me. Loved seeing the little kids at the school the grandfather founded. I think it's very telling that Julie Chen assumed the school would be falling apart and be in poor shape, and how surprised she was to see it in wonderful condition. There is such a level of respect and responsibility around education in China, so I am not surprised at how clean, fresh and organized the school looked.
  13. i know Heidi was waaaaay drunk at the club and on the bus, but her Aviva rant was just more of her same childish behavior. Apparently if you are in Heidi's presence, you must fawn all over her, tell her how awesome she is and show general BFF bestie behavior. if you contradict her or even ignore her, then you are a "disgusting and awful person". You hurt her feelings and you are disrespectful if you ask her to please not bellow insulting commands that are peppered with four-letter words. She disrespectfully and rudely asked Aviva to "give me a fucking water", so Aviva said "please don't speak to me like that." Aviva dared to challenge her, and Heidi lost it. I guess Heidi believes there are only 2 kinds of people in the world...Heidi sychophants or EVIL HATERS. I hope either she or Spencer turn out to be infertile because there is no way either one of them is emotionally intelligent enough to have a kid in their care. I'm no Aviva fan, but she did not deserve to be spoken to like that. So if Tyson proposes because he was peer presured into it it still doesn't mean anything. He could string her along for another 6 years just by telling her "But Babe! We're ENGAGED! I gave you the ring you wanted." Rachel should just walk away. I'm confused by Tyson's (or any reluctant mate) explanation that he's afraid of the "financial responsibility" he'll take on by getting married. Taking his Survivor prize out of it...you already live together & share expenses, right? She has a job now right? Unless she told you flat out that once she gets the ring on her finger she'll be taking up permenant residency on the couch with a box of bon-bons, how will all the financial responsibility be on him? He's a big baby-man and she needs to look for someone who can at least give her a 60-40 split on the emotional needs chart. She's stuck in a 95-5 ratio with that selfish prick now.
  14. So, first Yolanda gave up writing Bravo blogs due to her health. Now Kim seems to be skipping her blogs more often. What's her excuse? Can't be her health because we all know how well she's doing for the past 3 years (snerk). If Brandi can find a fan to blog for her from the Mean Girl Club at the local middle school, Kim should be able to find a ghostwriter too. And Kyle didn't post one this week either. I thought the blog thing was part of their job?
  15. I just don't like Jenn. I can't put a reason to it yet, but she irks. When No Collar loses again.I think Nina is next to go. She may be a bit annoying, but she committed the ultimate unforgivable crime of being over 25. Same thing for Dan on Blue. Why does Survivor even bother to cast "older" contestants? Probst's BS line about bringing together people "from all walks of life" made my eyes roll out of my head and under the couch. Shocked Vince left! I figured he'd be around for Coach-like drama. He was uber creepy with stalker tendencies, so I guess it's a good thing he's gone, but not gonna lie...it would have been entertaining to hear him expound more of his pseudo free spirit drivel. He looked like a live action incarnation of Disney's Tarzan cartoon! The Blue Collar guy who isn't Dan or obnoxious Boston dude is setting himself up for a boot. The guy (or girl) who works hard and lets everyone in the tribe know it, is a goner.
  16. Brandi's Blurg, oops "Blog" is up. More delusion this week than last. And Brandi, if you are still trying to weasel ways of staying in Yo's life, you may want to remember her mom's name is ANS. Not "Ana" as you called her. Way to underscore how close you really are to Yo. If Brandi has such deep disdain and disgust over her non-Kim and non-Yo cast mates, then why doesn't she QUIT for Christ's sake! Go live your self proclaimed incredibly happy and full life away from the cameras. I'm really over how she tries to throw shade at the other women because of their ages. So the fuck what if most of them are 50 or over? The clock is ticking for you too, Brandi. Some studies have shown people who are bitter, negative, hold grudges, drink excessively etc. age faster and harder. Good luck keeping up your "youthful" plastic looks. Just sayin'. Y'all know I'm just a truth cannon, and that's how I roll. I don't have a filter.
  17. If the age issue is a problem for Abby, doesn't that make her see she needs to up her game re. choreography? Maddie and Mack will get older too. They may be top contenders in their division now, but they can't just roll on the floor with "I'm constipated" faces or wear pig tails and do handstands wearing a bumble bee costume for much longer. Will Abby "quit" the junior dance team when M & M "age out?" Will she move them into a teen team with the same junior level dances? If she wants them (or any of ALDC girls) to represent well at future competitions, Abby should focus on more technique and choreography. I know her ego won't allow for it, but Abby's girls would benefit from professional instruction from anyone else not named "Abby".
  18. Kim really showed off her manipulation skills when she brought up her kids. She started off with her real concern that her kids have probably discussed her sobriety and their united plan to disengage if she can't maintain it. I'm sure her kids suffered a lot of emotional distress growing up with an addict and they probably said enough is enough when they became adults. She should have kept the conversation on this path - "I'm so worried if my kids hear or see any reference to falling off the wagon, I'll lose them. That would kill me and I need you to stop talking about this in public." But no. Instead she twisted Lisa's concern/on going discussions of addiction into Lisa R going after Kim's kids directly. Lisa never said one word about any of Kim's children, but the way Kim flipped it Lisa "went after" them. Nope. Did not happen. KIM, however DID make direct personal attacks on Lisa R & Eileen. If Kim is truly sober (and I have my doubts), then her sober brain is damaged and she has mental illness issues. Whether it's physiological side effects from substance abuse or psychological damage inflicted by her Godzilla of a stage mom, Kim Richards is not OK mentally. Remember when Lisa R asked everyone "Why is everyone afraid of Kim Richards?" Well, I think Lisa R found out the answer. Kim is bat shit crazy and she is vicious. Someone in an earlier post said maybe all the pills and alcohol quieted down Kim's rage. So in "non sober" seasons she came off as a turtle loving, over sleeping, plane missing, free spirit ditz. Now that she's sober (again, doubts), her real personality has come exploding to the surface. I used to worry about the damage Brandi could cause Kim with their 'friendship'. Now that Kim the "Supposedly Sober" Kracken has been released, Brandi may be the one needing to seek shelter from her wrath. Not to say Brandi wouldn't deserve a lot of comeuppance. She is a vile, jealous petty person. Her "truth bombs" are aimed to cause maximum damage or embarrassment and certainly do not come from a place of honesty or full disclosure. She's insecure and so out of place in this group. I don't mean just financially or "class" wise either.. She attacks from a place of fear and discontent with her own situation. I'm sick of her plastic face trying to squeeze out a facsimile of a smile as she proclaims how "happy" she is with her life. She'd trade her kids to Leeanne & Eddie in a New York minute for a life like ANY of the women on this show. Kyle is no saint and has done her share of shady things. However, she needs to quit enabling Kim and cut ties until she (Kyle) gets professional help on dealing with Kim. Kyle is to blame for how Kim treats Kyle IMO. Kyle can't play martyr or punching bag or emotional/financial supporter forever. She needs to learn how to stop running away from uncomfortable situations or curling up in the fetal position when Kim starts up. Put an end to it by withdrawing support of all kinds. If Kim thinks her big sister is a better supporter of her BS, then go hang at the Hilton's house. See how long Kathy tolerates the bullshit. Lisa R was wrong to keep poking the issue with Kim. I kind of get where she was coming from, but if your message isn't being heard after X many attempts, the person is not receptive and probably never will be. Choosing to seek help has to come from the individual, not by force of a committee. Lisa was also completely wrong breaking the glass and lunging for Kim. No excuse for losing your shit or reacting violently like that anywhere, any time. Unfortunately for her, that one moment of complete freak out has given power to Kim and Brandi to hold over her head forever (even though Brandi tossed wine at Eileen & has said/done other passive- and not-so-passive aggressive shit herself). I can only hope this episode has finally shown Yolanda what she's dealing with re. Kim & Brandi. I highly doubt King David will want to keep socializing with those two, at least publicly or in his own home. They have shown themselves to be disrespectful guests on a few occasions. Brandi is a shit-stirrer and will sell Yo out if the price is right.
  19. I'm thinking the same thing! This show has me hyper suspicious of everyone's motives. I hope the new reporter doesn't get pushed in front of train or in a car wreck. I like the actress a lot from other roles and I don't want to see her "offed".
  20. What was the paper/folder Doug showed Dunbar? He said " Claire Underwood told me to burn this." There's soooo much dirt he holds over their heads, but this particular piece has me curious!
  21. That closing shot of Freddy made me a little teary. I hope he gets a job and gets his life back. And I hope we see him again in another episode...preferably standing over Frank's body. Of all the despicable things the Underwood's have done, ruining Freddy, his business and his family still ranks as the worst. I can't not see "Mickey Doyle" when I saw the author Frank is recruiting to write his biography! Not sure who'd be worse to work for- Frank Underwood or Nucky Thompson.
  22. OK, so millionaire lottery winner dude is beyond any help. Why is she still with him? They obviously had to have issues before "he" won the money, because I can't see his attitude being turned 180 degrees just by winning. He was a class A a-hole before the money. He's an alcoholic with anger issues and $1.6 mil didn't have anything to do with his destruction of her property. His disgusting way of "getting back at her" by wiping his ass all over her makeup tells me their is no fixing his effed up brain. So what if he hid what ever money left after he bought all his toys, just cut bait and get out. He will not change and honestly he didn't seem interested in changing. Get the best lawyer you can lady and get out.
  23. I agree the locked room thing was really boring filler. As for Emily, I don't see any chemistry between her & Raj. She doesn't fit with the rest of the cast IMO. I was never a fan of Lucy's either. Her nasal nervous Nelly personality was too quirky. I think Raj should be dating the vet who treated Cinnamon after Leonard & Penny were dog sitting. There was a spark between them, she's a doctor and loves animals. I want Raj to have a good relationship but Emily isn't the one!
  24. Brandi is so delusional in her blogs. Talk about having a revisionist view of history. And doesn't Kim WATCH the damn show she's on? If her brain's capacity for short term memories is shot, all hte more reason she should force herself to watch the episodes to get another POV of what the hell happened. BFF Brandi is the one who tossed her under the bus during convo w/ LisaR as we have all seen. How does revisionist Kim justify her perception of reality with what has been shown to millions of people? I really hope the Brandi & Kim show is cancelled if there is another season of RHOB. Yolanda's constant bloviating about "My King/My Love" is nauseating. We get it. YOU love and worship him for the genius he tells you he is. I hope he reciprocates those same feelings. The rest of us? We. Don't. Care. Shut up.
  25. What does Derrick do for work? Their house looks amazing for a single income couple to afford. Of course I know real estate prices and how much you get for your money differs across the US. That house would be $800k + in my neck of the woods!
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