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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I know the roommate case was a repeat, but I didn't remember seeing it. I love when the slow witted people on JJ just keep repeating their one over-rehearsed line as their defense. Even after several explanations why it is not a true or valid defense, they keep saying it! Since these idiots were all born in the Land of Entitlement, they think because they spew out the same words ad nauseam to show how they have been wronged, it will make the world see their side. I think the next time I get into an unwinnable argument and my back is to the wall, I'm just gonna keep repeating one of the excuses from the fine legal minds shown on JJ. I may not win on principle, but I may drive my opponent crazy with my repetitive wordsmithing. Some of the best (but losing) arguments I will add to my arsenal: "But I tried to get off the lease." "But I have receipts....not with me. I didn't know I'd need them." "But I have texts (or 'texes' if you prefer) to show he/she borrowed me that money." "That iPhone/X-Box/money/beater car/tacky-ass jewelry was a gift (or gifff if you prefer)" I know there are dozens more...
  2. Perhaps she thought she was also playing a “role” in her son’s big “movie”?
  3. So if this was a movie audition (insert derisive snort here), why did he have possession of the safe and key? Why was the safe buried in a remote area? Why was the “plot” discussed prior to Sarah’s disappearance, but the “filming” done weeks after? What was Preston’s role in this epic movie? Did you not tell Preston he was part of a fantastic new thriller coming soon to the parents’ basements of angsty youths’ iPhones? Otherwise, if he knew it was all gritty fiction, then when did he fold like a cheap tent in a tornado when confronted by the police? Because it was not a movie, and Liam is a soulless piece of shit. Preston is also a piece of shit, but had just enough conscience to help solve this tragic case. They should both rot in jail. I also had other questions....where did that money come from? How old was it? What about the story that Sarah & her dad were having issues? or was that made up BS for the “movie” as well? Why was Sarah sending her late mom’s stuff around town for storage?
  4. Ha! Same for me Brookside! And I do not want to keep seeing him mansplain shit all season and watch him preen about his presumed alpha status for too much longer. I sincerely thank you for your military service, Mr. Dog, but please dial the testosterone back to a tolerable 4 or 5, mkay? And after trying to figure out who he reminded me of, it came to me....a younger, local comedy club tier Ben Stiller impersonator doing a middle schooler's talent show level impersonation of a young Bruce Willis. I think it's the pursed lip thing. Kelley can go ASAP. I honestly do not remember her AT ALL, but don't like what I've seen so far. I'm not a fan of returnees, but I can't help liking David for some reason. I hope he goes far with his new alliance dude (who bears an unfortunate resemblance to Jared, the Subway perv, but I will do my best to ignore that). Why was Keith ever allowed to be put on the plane to join the cast? I'm sure these folks sign a mountain of liability waivers and accident disclosures, but good God! If I can't swim or even wade in shin-deep water comfortably, than going on a month long self-imposed exile to a place surrounded by WATER, where I will be expected to compete in said water is not a good life choice. All of his 'help me God! Oh Jesus!' keening at the end really annoyed me. The sign did not read, "Choose this path if you want your mother to be in a disfiguring car accident OR this path if you want your father to suffer a heart attack".
  5. Gender neutral clothing to me means something neither traditionally masculine or feminine. I am obviously not a designer, but none of what walked last night (2 years ago) met my uneducated definition. I think just about anything could be deemed "wearable" for anybody. If you like it & it's comfortable and meets your needs for fashion, self esteem, career, or occassion, then just wear it. Seems like this challenge was interpreted as "make a (another) ginormous cocoon coat" or use men's wear as inspiration to dress a woman. Why would someone who does not identify as either M or F want to hide in a giant bag? And if the designs were supposed to be gender neutral, than why did Georgina say in her critique of one of the items "I'd like to see something feminine underneath." Whaaa?? I can't stand Michelle and it's to the point that just about everything she says annoys me. Like when she proudly announced that her state of Oregon has an "X" as an option for gender identification at the DMV. Just sounded like she was taking credit for the political progress of an entire state. She is just so fucking smarmy about everything! I will give her a thank you for not wearing those dumb ass glasses though.
  6. Can we just send this whole Lucy STORY to a kill shelter? GAH...enough already. It's only been 3 eps and that's all anyone can talk about (or not talk about in LVP's case). Dorit and her par- boiled ham husband made a very bad horrible decision re. Lucy and rehoming her. They apologized (although I think they are both reckless and wouldn't give them a photocopy image of a dog to care for, much less a living puppy). LVP said in Ep 1 she believes there was no malicious intent on their part, and the situation has been addressed. Dog store employees are outraged, so a non-attention seeking rational mature adult should say," I am absolutely appalled too, I feel you. Dorit is too stupid to breath on her own, so she will never get another dog from me. However, I have discussed this privately with her, and the matter is CLOSED. Do not bring it up again." Then Teddi apparently got the tea spilled on her by dog employee John, but I don't think Teddi went around telling anyone else or mentioned it again until that day at the store. She may have texted back & forth with John, but so the fuck what? She didn't talk about it until LVP brought it up, with her calculated, world-weary dramatic proclamation that "she doesn't want to talk about it". Cue Kyle & Rinna to rev up their shit-stirring engines and beat this story into frothy peaks. And now we are stuck with the same lame "who said what when to whom, and who is lying and who is supporting who" for the rest of this season. Bring on RHONY please. I'd rather watch Drunk Dorinda than Dodo Dorit any day. Erica and her famewhore, fashioNASTY flunkies are just so awful to watch. Kudos to them I guess for figuring out how to live a glam-boy lifestyle without too much (any??) financial effort. They found an emotionally needy, aging Barbie to private jet-set them around the world and live in her Dream (Whore) House & play dress-up in fabulous locations. I do have to wonder about their choices in outfits and wigs. Do they all really love these looks or are there side bet competitions among them to see who can get Erica to leave the house in the most ridiculous costume? Who puts on 7 inch stilettos to get on a boat to get to an island for a day of swimming???
  7. The repo'd/re-repo'd car case was confusing...I think there was more going on there. Who buys a beater car off the side of the road? How did he know it would run? If he bought it on July 1, and drove off in it, did he get it inspected? Insured? Registered? If he was that desperate for wheels, then I think he's got something hinky in his back story we are missing. And he mentioned when he "finally scraped up the remaining $200", he tried to get in touch with the guy. OK, so you were walking around July 1 with $500+ in your pocket, but you were hard pressed to "Scrape up" the balance owed. Yet, you had funds to hire "counsel" to bring to JJ? I don't believe it. As for the Defendant...who spends $5k to repossess a car worth $900 (or less is my guess) to recoup $200? Even if it was "on principle", that is too stupid to believe. I have principles and I will fight tooth and nail if I know I am in the right, but I sure as Hell wouldn't spend thousands of my hard earned money to get back a sh**box vehicle! That re-repo'd car is going to cost him more to fix or scrap! I say there was some other kind of shady deal made in addition to the car.
  8. I haven’t been watching every week, but I just don’t like any of these kids. None of them stand out like some of the kids from previous seasons. I find the last ones standing super annoying...especially Nyah. God help me, but I think I kinda hate a little kid. Her voice, her mannerisms, her way of speaking...she talks like a kid trying to do an impression of a very young Shirley Temple. She has that same kind of “cutesy pouty” baby voice. I can’t explain it well either. She just irks me, so I’m glad she’s finally off. Enjoy the trip back home on the Good Ship Lollipop, dear. Paige reminds me (her looks and dramatic faces mostly) of a girl who was in my daughter’s Girl Scout troop. Very alpha, very all-around kid who seemed like she could do everything well. Art, athletics, academics....she was a good student and was very polite and charming to adults. I assumed she was Queen Bee and popular, but the other girls told me she was actually pretty mean and condescending when she was with other kids. She always had to be “the BEST” at everything, and if she wasn’t, she would find a way to get a dig in about the kid or project that did better than she did. She tattled and trash talked her perceived rivals to the principal and teachers. Paige just gives me the same “Eddie Haskell” vibe. Looks like Davis will be the winner, or maybe Meadow.
  9. So now that V & A have resumed "relations", baby Leopold will be showing up in the beginning of next season I guess. I'm not loving this season as much as the others. I am sick of seeing V & A at odds in every episode. Unless they are making babies, they don't seem to even like each other in this series. At least there's just one more baby to go after Little Leo. Per this series, that means shortly after Leopold is born, V & A will have another fight, which leads to Baby Beatrice. I wonder how all the kids would feel if they'd known most of them were born as the result of make up sex? I want Feodora gone, post haste, but now her daughter has shown up, so I'm guessing we'll be stuck with them both next season as well....unless there is some unfortunate 'accident' in finale next week (fingers crossed). While I don't know the real history of half sister Feodora, I have read that she never lived with the Queen, so all this manufactured drama is a fever dream made up by the writer. If she is staying on, I wish they'd throw us a bone and give even a half-assed explanation of why she is still hanging around. If her country is "unsafe" for her, then why is her family still there (minus the newly imported daughter)? Is her husband as sick of Feo as most of us (and Victoria) are, and happy to have her out of the house? She certainly isn't beloved by Victoria nor a necessary member of her staff. What is she anyway?? A glorified governess to Vicky & Bertie? Isn't she some kind of "royal" in her homeland? Or is her country war-torn, has her husband been ousted from power? Gimme something to make sense of why this square headed, frying pan faced, trouble maker has to been part of the cast! And if Feodora is sent packing (pleasepleaseplease), can Victoria send Skeritt's replacement with her as a consolation prize? The new dresser (Abby??) just doesn't fit in. The actress just comes across too modern. I see an actress from 2017 dressed in 19th century clothes. Plus, as others have mentioned, a young woman like her would never have been employed as Victoria's dresser. Those close, intimate jobs were given to women of higher birth, not some rando seamstress friend of the staff. Albert's floppy hair needs its own line in the credits. I don't write fan-fic, but if I did, I'd devise a way for both it & Feodora to come to an end. Maybe she's accidentally but mortally wounded in some barbershop mishap? She accompanies Albert as he is getting a haircut and royal barber has a seizure...scissors fly across the room, a woman's high pitched scream! Albert yells, "Mein Gott!" aaaand....fade to black. The camera pans across a funeral procession returning from Feodora's (closed casket) service, and out of habit, Albert swipes his hand to push back the forelock that is no longer there. There's a tear slowly rolling down his cheek....CUT & SCENE!
  10. Ugh, Michelle. She is so annoying, but I know she will make it to the very end just to keep the Dmitry frenemy drama going. I know this show is almost 2 years old, but Irina's pterodactyl dress looks familiar or similar to something I've seen already. Giant wing span outfits have definitely been done. Although part of me really wishes the JCP "reward" was still in play. If that dress had won, I'd love to see how they interpreted that particular look. Anthony Ryan's was cute and looked good, but I don't know about 'avant garde'...definitely fit the whimsy of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (attempted but not really...more like free advertisement product placement for our producers who have money invested in the play) tie in better than anything else. I'm happy for Django that he was put out of his misery and sent home. Ain't no way he was winning this thing anyway. I will miss his exchanges with the always dour and life sucking miasma that is Anna. His dislike for her was palpable...even 18 months after filming, I could feel the hate radiating from him. As for his outfit...huh?? The silly 'stories' about what their 'girl' is doing/where she's going are typically nonsensical, but this one? "Working in the fields"? Whaaa? "White sheer panel bell bottoms are all the rage in the Salinas right now! Watching the way the migrant workers float effortlessly through the rows of kale and romaine is breathtaking!" Oh, Alyssa....I'm just sad again. It appears that you made up with your emotionally and psychologically abusive stylist. You deserve better!
  11. David is a weasel. Slick used car salesman who wants to live large and pose as a successful businessman....all on his girlfriend ‘s borrowed to the max dimes. I never heard of Jackie’s cookies, but I’m on the east coast. If you build a huge facility like Rachel had, I would’ve assumed she had the orders and demand for the product. Who needs that much space when you 1) don’t have any PO’s to fill and 2) can’t afford butter to bake even a small batch of cookies? I am not an entrepreneur nor do I have an MBA, but even I would know to follow the line of growth Marcus described. Start small, if business is so good you can’t fulfill orders from your small shop, you look to a co-packer. You don’t build the Tollhouse Cookie Taj Mahal!!! Or do it with a million dollars you do not have! Rachel looks like she has had too much ‘work’ done to her face. Fillers or Botox or implants....something is ‘off’. And her vocal fry made me want to jam ice picks in my ears to alleviate the pain her voice caused.
  12. What I am getting from this interpretation of V& A’s life together is that they barely tolerated each other during daylight hours. They sniped at each other in front of staff, their kids, members of the court and who ever they invite to dinner. Yet when they hit the sheets, all seems ok? I guess?So kids #3 thru soon to be born #7 are apparently the results of crazy make-up sex? Vicky and Bertie were born early enough in the honeymoon phase, but the rest of their brood appears to be born during the rocky periods of V & A many disagreements. Albert’s floppy forelock hasn’t bugged me much, but this episode it did. Good gravy, fetch me the royal scissors already. Can Duke Snidely Whiplash and Feodora Badanov be in some kind of horrible horse trampling accident soon? Both of them are so tiresome. I don’t know if the actors suck the life out of the characters, or if the writer is lazy or if the director just cannot with either of these 2 as much as me.
  13. I think Adrienne is the only female I've liked for the past few weeks. Kelsey is smug and as a superiority complex. If I had to hear her say "BOOO-Yawn" one more time in the QF, my tv may not have escaped damage. And she loses points for boo-hooing about leaving her baby behind to pursue her dream all to make his life better. I get being homesick or missing family, but these contestants CHOSE to leave their family. For whatever reason - fame, fortune, career advancement- YOU made the decision to pack you knives and get on the plane. Tom & Padma didn't kidnap you from your bed, Ninja style in the middle of the night. So just shut it about your 'sacrifices'! Sara is a smug, know it all with an abrasive personality IMO. Rolled my eyes so hard at hearing her 'poor widdle me' whine fest in the stew room. When Adrienne was explaining she thought it was all in good fun, and called Sara "Mamma...", and Sara sniped back, "Don't call me 'Mamma'!!! Call me SARA!"...I was like, "oh no you didn't. 'Bye girl. And Michelle, although she seemed sweet & is talented, girl has a voice that had me scrambling for the mute button on my remote every week.
  14. I know the 19th century was an age of technological inventions, scientific advances and social reforms, but I never knew the Cholera issue was investigated, mapped, and resolved in 48 hours! Way to go, efficient Victorians!
  15. I agree that none of their designs were unique or different or inspired. Google 'phone case' or look at Amazon...baseballs, team logos, flags, faux wood or marble, chevrons, animal print, geometrics...even the pineapple....EVERY case company has these same designs. Other than getting the rights to the T-Mobile magenta color or making a case with that specific color ONLY sold in T-Mobile stores, I don't get where the "wow" factor of exclusivity is. And I knew there'd be a demo fail when they opted NOT to open or assemble the easels/stands. A well rehearsed pitch includes knowing how to use the props you bring as well as the content of your presentation.
  16. I believed everything the defs said, including how she kept upping her losses every time she talked to them, figuring that because of the actual negligence it was lottery time. They did everything humanly possible to appease Big Bertha. Maybe she did have 12, 100-dollar bills, but tough. No proof, which is a big problem for people who like to deal only in cash and keep large sums lying around. Someone takes it, there's a fire, flood or whatever, it's gone for good. "So aside from the stack of $100 bills strewn about your hotel room, what else are you claiming went missing?" "Um...did I say 12 $100 bills? It was actually TWENTY! And I had a diamond tiara on the bathroom vanity! And I noticed my Louis Vuitton carry-on bag was gone.....there were 3 solid gold bars inside! Then there's my half dozen Imperial Tsarist Faberge eggs I left in the mini bar..."
  17. Shelter thing was cool. I bet it could be a good business, especially if Mark hooks them up with home builders/construction companies. I wonder if closet companies would be a potential avenue too...upsell a built in "safe room" in addition to your swanky walk-in closet. I like the baby food concept - makes perfect sense to "train the palate" to like/crave un-sugared foods. However, Mark & Charles hit on the main issue re. her obesity concern; the cost is too high for the majority of families who would benefit most. Her product will sell like crazy with all the hipsters and UES, Whole Foods shoppers, but average income to low incomes households won't go for it. Maybe develop a cookbook with her herb/seasonings based baby food recipes would be helpful? I still think even that will be a challenge for low income moms since cost to make the food and possible limited access & time to actually prepare. SubSafe??? Really? I guess it works to keep a sandwich dry, but it looks like it would take up a lot of space in my cooler for the beach. If I put 4 of those tubes in my largest cooler, I'd have to drag another cooler with me for drinks, fruit, snacks... Personally, it's another plastic tchotchke that would end up holding crayons on my kid's desk or in one of my bi-annual garage sales, and ultimately in a landfill. Smelly shoe fix may be something I check out...not for me, of course, but for the other 4 feet in my house.
  18. Tdoc72-100% agree. Dateline has been wasting 53 minutes of every 2nd hour in their extended “investigations”. And now 20/20 and 48 Hours have jumped on that band wagon. I guess the producers of these longer episodes assume viewers tuning in to the second hour didn’t watch a single second of the first hour, and need to be caught up before they tell us the most insignificant new details in the last five minutes. As for Kevin Cooper, he wasn’t an angel before he was arrested for the massacre. But based on what was shown, there is certainly enough doubt to reopen his case. And anyone in the DA’s office or the police dpt who doesn’t think so is more obtuse than the crooked warden in “Shawshank Redemption”.
  19. This case was torturous to watch. From the atrocious english grammar of male plaintiff, the crazy face of his cohort or the exceptionally dim witted plaintiffs. The collective total of all 4 IQ's wouldn’t add up to a respectable bowling score. OMG...I agree 100%. None of them should be allowed unescorted anywhere in public! These 4 are the reason why humans had to evolve with Involuntary Actions; some people are truly too stupid to breathe, blink or swallow on their own. The homeowners looked as dazed and confused as their former tenants. I don't mean to slam anyone's college alma mater, but what accredited institution accepted either of those two goons? One was there to play football, so I guess some schools still make allowances by sticking these lunkheads in courses like "Geology 101: Rocks for Jocks" and "Art for Athletes: Identifying Colors in the Crayola 8 Pack". Even with those baseline classes and the professor slipping them the answers, I still don't think they could pass. And Mr. "I work 7 days a week" is procreating with his (I assume) mentally challenged intellectual equal 19 yo GF. Good gravy.
  20. 50th b-day party woman was ridiculous. What an egomaniac! She was a wannabe diva, throwing herself a $10k bash with a DJ, “entertainers”, caterers for a birthday?? Oh, and a “grand entrance “!! Was it going to be her last birthday? I guess if she were spending her own damn money, people wouldn’t be as judgmental. You earn it , you spend it as you want. But when you have to ask you BF or relatives to “borrow “ you some money to pay for foolishness you can’t afford, then all bets are off. Just to continue the comparing costs theme...this summer, my husband, our daughter, my mom & I are taking a 10 day tour of London and Scotland. Hotel (2 rooms), airfare, guided tours, 2 meals each per day, tickets to a West End show, airport transportation, travel insurance, taxes, and even all the prepaid gratuities is a grand total of $12k.
  21. I know! All those years I spent learning to be a responsible child, teen & adult who could: handle stressful situations, patiently listen until my turn to speak, disagree respectfully but firmly, cope when someone gave me bad news, rally when the odds weren’t in my favor and know how to ask for help when I was struggling....WASTED! Who knew all I ever really needed was to take lessons from those fainting goat videos I see on YouTube. This little trick could be very useful. “Um, BusyOctober, it’s your turn to run the staff meeting, and....Oh my God! Are you OK?!?! Help! BusyOctober dropped outta her chair like a sack of potatoes! Call 911!” Whatever that guy’s strong suits are, it sure as hell ain’t ‘acting’. My blind 98 year old grandmother could see he was faking.
  22. I just don't get the "play dress" for moms. I typically don't wear dresses, so right out of the gate, I'm not her target customer. If you are a mom who likes to wear dresses, then so what? If you like to wear a dress to feel pretty/comfortable/whatever, why does that preclude you from playing with your kids?? Put on a comfy dress and go play! Or, if a dress feels too restrictive to really get down and roll around, PUT ON YOGA PANTS like the rest of us exhausted, overextended moms! A woman can run, walk, jump, climb, sit in whatever she is comfortable in, and it doesn't need to be her one uniform to alert the kids "Mommy is dressed to play!" As others mentioned, there are other companies making cute, less expensive dresses, so I'm still unsure what this lady's pitch was about. "I like to play with my kids, but I want to wear a dress! If only there were a specific, overpriced garment that tells me its OK to play while wearing it! And that I won't be publicly shamed if I wear the same dress to grocery shop, go to work, or meet a friend for dinner!" I'm sad her childhood was tough, but it doesn't sound like her own mother's inability or unwillingness to play with her as a child had much to do with her wardrobe selection. I'm just guessing, but I'd wager it had more to do with her mom's addiction. The makeup bag lady was delightful. The flat design makes sense for packing in a suitcase. Laying flat also seems like it'd be easier to find stuff, and not tip over on the tiny little vanity space many hotels have. Her bags are overpriced IMO, so as much as I like the design, I'm not a customer. $50 is what I'd typically spend on a handbag that I can carry around all day, everyday, for a year or until it's time for a new one (I'm obviously not a designer label kinda girl).
  23. Loved Jocelyn's venting and Moira's supportive coaching...until Jocelyn turned on Moira. Catherine O'Hara kills me on this show. I wasn't sure what David was sneering at re. the apartment. Yes, it was small, but cozy and has potential and mostly - IT ISN'T A MOTEL ROOM! That you SHARE with YOUR SISTER! So glad Stevie got a chance to socialize with a seemingly nice and compatible guy! I was worried for a minute that she was planning to do a "makeover" on herself for her date. When she asked Johnny for $40 $50 for "shampoo too" I thought she was going to get glam. Yay for letting Stevie be Stevie and be attractive to Amir.
  24. This show has never been very close to reality in regard to actual family life, careers, relationships, so I try not to get too iratated when something really nonsensical gets thrown in. However I can't let this one go...Mitch has to make ONE HUNDRED cupcakes in ONE HOUR? In his one oven kitchen? Nope. Also not a fan of the "smart closet" gimmick with Jay & Phil thinking Claire was actually speaking to them. Seemed like an obvious choice. I did like Phil's ultra white teeth at the end.
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