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Everything posted by Hiyo

  1. There were times post-2005 where I had to remind myself that Taylor was still being played by Hunter Tylo and not some look-alike actress they hired to replace her.
  2. On this show, or the others? I have to say, some of the other shows are stepping up their game lately. Potomac went to Cannes last year. On this show...hmmm. Hard to pick a second best. Hong Kong was pretty nice, as was Amsterdam. I myself am enjoying their urban trips lately more than their resort visits. I'm guessing on here as well.
  3. I realize it was the early 90s, but Taylor's outfit was just...wow.
  4. True, it was just so funny in an over-the-top kind of way. Creepy, admittedly, but it has a certain camp quality to it.
  5. Can't find a version without the Polish narrator, but here you go...
  6. Here is the scene in season 6 regarding Taylor bringing up stuff about Yolanda...
  7. That's 5 seasons too late, and pretty much applies to all the women, LVP included.
  8. I guess I count as one of the few, then. And while I also tended to root for Lucy most of the time during the rivalry, I still liked Katherine. Granted, my own "golden era" of the show was probably from 1990/91 until 1998, I'd say. In other talk...this was a great storyline from back in the day. Does anyone know the name of the theme music that would play for Stone/Robin scenes?
  9. So I guess they were both there to...fill out some space?
  10. Quick, someone have Teddi take a lie detector test!
  11. Maybe, maybe not. Just pointing out supporting the LGBT community isn't always the best argument to show that someone isn't transphobic.
  12. One can be a advocate for the LGBT community and till be transphobic. Hell, there are gay people who are transphobic...just saying.
  13. I remember how well that worked when people wanted to get rid of Lisa Rinna... Good to see some things never change... If LVP and Ken can survive all of their legal problems, there might be hope for the rest of the women as well... It does add some spice to the show. Especially the travel porn. Say what you will, but overall, this show does have the best travel porn out of the whole franchise... As long as it's fabulous housing porn, I'm in.
  14. Considering we've seen them eating at dozens and dozens of places that aren't LVP-affiliated over the years, I really don't think this will be an issue for them going forward.
  15. Maybe it's the nostalgia goggles, but the Brenda/Dylan/Kelly triangle is one of my favorite soap triangles. Ever. I also did enjoy the Dylan/Kelly/Brandon triangle, though not as much. I will say that I do feel the B/D/K triangle was played out by the end of season 4, though. And am curious to know how the show would have gone on had SD stayed.
  16. Yeah, while the movie itself was enjoyable...it didn't feel like a real Justice League movie.
  17. I dunno, for me, if I had to pick a "golden era" of this show, it would be seasons 3 to 5.
  18. And Owen, for that matter...was he dating Jackie at that point though? That could explain his presence, but Donna is still a question mark...
  19. I'd imagine the RHs would leverage whatever celebrity they have at better establishments than LVP's places in LA...her establishments haven't exactly set the LA culinary scene on fire. They might have nice decor, but food wise...meh. I did too, and hope they can be again one day.
  20. I can see that. She certainly is about as subtle as a shovel to the face.
  21. There were times were I was almost coming around on Kelly last season. I did like seeing her and Shannon become friends, they made an interesting pairing. Still, at this point, I'd take Kelly over Vicki any day.
  22. Wasn't all the Munchhausen stuff in Rinna's second season? It wasn't really immediately... Also, Rinna isn't smart enough or subtle enough to organize a palace coup, in my opinion. And it isn't like LVP hasn't had beef with other women on this show that had nothing to do with Rinna. Unlike LVP, Rinna really isn't a "sniper from the side" type, she's more a bumbling incompetent. *Edited because, yikes on my mistakes...
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