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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I am bitter about Ava Vitalli being back, why did Ron have to resurrect her?
  2. I don't think she was being mean to Sara but I think sometimes people who are not a part of a marginalized group have the tendency to tell us how we should behave or say because what we are saying or doing makes them uncomfortable. For example: why do you have to say Black lives matter, all lives matter.. Of course every life has value but Black Lives Matter is about everything that Black people have gone through since the slave trade and beyond. Sunny is very passionate about the issue of police brutality and it comes off aggressive and antagonistic but she is not at all.. The goal of any movement is to disrupt the status quo and not to uphold it...
  3. Why does Sami's kids have to be like her? Is she like Marlena, no! Will and Allie both bombed as the new Sami. If they wanted one of Sami's child to be like her than it should have been either Johnny or Sydney. I would pick Johnny who already showed that he liked all things Dimera at a young age. Plus, he is a child of rape. Has Sami ever dealt with that fact?
  4. Allie could have been the good girl to Ciara's bad girl.. The girls had a rivalry as kids and it would have been cool to see them bouncing off each other as young adults. They could have had a complicated bond as cousins burdened by their respective parents legacies. Allie would be the opposite of Sami and Ciara would be the opposite of Hope creating an organic tension between mothers and daughters..
  5. Exactly! Bryan never had any illusions about becoming a movie star, he just wanted to stay in his lane and live his life.
  6. Actually, those who lost because of the defund the police slogan were Democrats who had flipped traditional Republican seats 2 years ago and because both sides had a much higher turnout than usual this past election cycle. Those flipped seats flipped back to the Republicans... Also, there were other reasons why these people lost and it had nothing to do with the slogan but it would be off-topic...
  7. Sunny was missing the point and every movement need allies to achieve it's goals. I thought her bringing up slavery made no sense because there is no ambiguity with slavery, you are either for it or against it. Whereas we need the police even if you don't trust them, they serve a purpose in keeping us all safe. Your message should always be clear we want to reform the police by attacking systemic racism and the blue wall of silence that allows bad cops to thrive that results in tragedies for people of color.. We have to be realistic because we have lazy low information voters who are willfully ignorant. So you can't be ambiguous with your messaging because you give your opponents ways to distort your message for their own purposes. Unfortunately, disinformation and misinformation are now a part of our lives in the foreseeable future.
  8. You guys are scaring me with all this talk about missing Megan. I am happy she is not there and I hope she falls more and more in love with her daughter pushing her to resign from the view to stay home with her.. Have a great life Nutmeg!
  9. Why Ron? why? Why does he always have to copy stories? I remember being stunned when Sami shot her rapist in his family jewels, I think it was the day Sami achieved a certain type status that cemented her place on the show. Ron will never duplicate that moment with Sami's insipid daughter..
  10. I saw a clip of the new Claire and it was disappointing. She seems like a brand new character and it was jarring. That Charlie character is just weird. Could somebody please give me the 411, what is his deal? Kate and Gabby fighting over a man is just plain wrong. I would have liked to see them become very close. They can scheme together looking fabulous while drinking mimosas and snarking on the hypocrites of Salem who look down on them. Plus, they are bonded as family for life via Ari. Why must Ron always put the women against each other.
  11. I love Lucas and I will never understand why the show has so much disdain for Lucas and his portrayer.. All of those romances that you listed in your post were dead on arrival and it just served to further marginalize Lucas..
  12. Did Ron contact the kid's parents as well? I remember people online were saying that...
  13. Julie really did become arrogant at some point and we saw what happened.. Pride goeth before the fall...
  14. Nicole lost her fire after the tan man and even Eric to a certain extent.. I apologize to the Ericole fans but I never saw them as a long-term couple. I thought they were awesome in their original story back in the 90's.. Brady is an idiot and is too stupid to live.. Brady like so many legacy kids on the show has never achieved self-actualization over the years due to awful writing and mediocre actors..
  15. Past is prologue. Black people are very suspicious and wary of anything that comes from the government because of the Tuskegee experiment so Sunny was right to bring that up.. I don't think it should be dismissed as Sunny being ridiculous. When you have been traumatized for centuries, it is not easy to just shut that off.. I remember growing up in Brooklyn, there was a soft drink that people said was put in Black neighborhoods with the purpose of sterilizing Black men, it may sound farfetched and stupid but people believed it and Black guys refused to drink it..
  16. For once Whoopie mispronouncing a name did not bother me, Ronna does not deserve the respect or the courtesy to have her name pronounced correctly. She is a piece of work. She has sown discord and confusion to win and now that it is affecting her constituents in the runoff elections she is worried. She needs to deal with it and just take the L.. You get back the energy that you put out..
  17. Ron who is thin-skinned would not get along with Peter who always spoke his mind when it came to bad storylines when it comes to Bo.. As soon as Peter would voice his concerns about his shitty writing, a vindictive Ron would start attacking Bo/Peter via his writing. He has done that before on other shows. Ron is a legend in his own mind and truly believes that he is on the same level as Shakespeare or Faulkner.
  18. I too love JJ and he should be driving his own stories, Ron is just a hack..
  19. Why are the producers panicking in the story above? We are living in a bizarre world due to the Rona, why don't they exercise patience. Our culture wants instant gratification on everything, why don't they seat the permanent panel after Eve's departure and build it from there. These rich people whining and crying is just getting on my nerves when there are families out here who cannot feed their families.. They need to get a grip.. I don't believe that Sheryl would get somebody fired. Sharon would definitely do it because we all know that she is a vile bitch..
  20. Same here, I am team Megan on this one, that is just too creepy for me. Whitney Houston's family wanted to do a series of concerts charging the public with a hologram of Whitney singing her hits, that was beyond the pale. Unfortunately, her family always seemed to be greedy money-grubbers cashing in on her fame and death..
  21. I understand her bitterness even if she got on my nerves over the years but I agree that Will calling her a dark-skinned Black woman difficult had a profound effect on her career. Janet's aunt Viv was so popular that woman was a force to be reckon with.. She was a woman that came from the projects who worked for the American dream and never forgot her humble roots.. Any episode where Aunt Viv got to flex her muscle was wonderful.. Janet Hubert is an artist, she can dance ballet, that episode were she danced ballet as Aunt Viv was so beautiful it moved me to tears. She could sing her ass off, could act and she is fabulous orator who can command a room. It is a shame that Will did her dirty all those years ago.. The woman has talent for days...
  22. Wendy was just gross eating the way that she did today, yuck! She made it clear that she was not going to share the Thanksgiving meal that the chef had made with her staff. What a cheap bitch! Wendy is filthy rich, she can afford to have her Thanksgiving meal catered to her if she so desired.. Why not share the meal today with her loyal staff, she was dogging it like it was her last meal and of course she had her hot sauce..
  23. I lol when she said that. Ana is so witty and I would love to see how she is like in real life..
  24. Joy addressed her rage over the past 4 years and we have all noticed on here and commented on it. She has said that people online have called her out on it. Sunny said the same thing regarding herself. The ladies were in good spirits and spoke of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
  25. I wasn't being snarky with you, I just get tired of Black people being labeled as virulent homophobes, there are homophobes in every community.
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