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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I remember hearing rumors that Portia wanted to leave Ellen because of her jealous controlling and domineering ways..
  2. Megan has no self-control and is very thin-skinned so when the ladies criticize her team she has to go down in the gutter and use Abortion as a weapon to try and shame the ladies, it is a way to deflect from the issue at hand.
  3. Black women are boycotting Basketball wives and the ratings are terrible. It is not a good look to have a light-skinned Black woman like Shaunie supporting a xenophobic colorist Latina like Evelyne who compared a dark-skinned Black woman to a monkey. People have also picked on Evelyne's anti-African sentiments. So the viewers are choosing to not give Shaunie and her despicable crew any love.. It could not happen to be better group of people. OG is still awesome and viewers got her back.
  4. Sara and Sunny were just amazing today when they spoke about Rush. I loved Joy connecting Rush and Trump as being prototypes of each other. I love the way she thinks. As she said on the show, money is a big factor on why Rush and others like him say the outrageous things that they say. Whoopie bringing up the fairness doctrine was spot on but Nutmeg had to use that opportunity to whine about being the lone conservative on ABC even though that is not correct given that Ana is one as well. Does Megan even know what the fairness doctrine is?
  5. It just frustrates me that we as Black people always have to forgive immediately when we have been attacked..
  6. Exactly! Megan's team wants to bring him down and it will not work...
  7. What pisses me off is the Black guy who was her victim jumping to her defense. Does he not realize that he could have been hurt or killed. Like Sunny said she has to be held accountable.
  8. Marlena in her original run was connected to everybody on the show and had genuine friendships with al of them. When she died the town was really heartbroken. The Laura/Marlena was always beautiful due to the fact that Marlena was created to fill the void of Laura who was beloved by the audience. The show was looking for a new Laura when Marlena was brought to town and was meant to leave town after helping Mickey. Marlena was such a hit with the fans that the show abandoned their plans for a new Laura and the rest is history. It is why Laura was gone for so many years. I also think Laura's absence contributed to the slow demise of the Horton family. You had Alice and then her grandchildren in Mike, Melissa, Hope and Jennifer driving their own stories, the generation before them other than Mickey was absent... Fun Fact: The character Marlena was named after a beloved crew member by the name of Marlene who was German. In German, Marlene is pronounced Marlena so in rehearsals the actors kept on pronouncing it as Marleen the way you would in English so they decided to spell Marlena with an a instead of an e so they would pronounce it the way they wanted to in honor of Marlene.
  9. What the hell was Megan talking about regarding Cuomo? She went off on so many tangents that I was as confused as Whoopie and she even mentioned her father wtf... Megan should remember one thing about Cuomo is that he is very ruthless and does not suffer fools gladly.
  10. Ron is just killing off legacy characters that he cannot write for and Laura Horton deserved better but Ron is just a hack and he is the reason that I no longer watch the show like I used to..
  11. That was a beautiful storyline from the moment Marlena entered the hospital she was drawn to this mysterious man with the bandaged face...
  12. I caught that dig, Ana just triggers her so bad and she is living rent free in Megan's empty head..
  13. Thank you for saying this. Megan has no idea what she is talking about because she has never had to make that awful choice. I really hate her and I wish the ladies would school her on her dangerous rhetoric.
  14. Given that Tripp put a scalpel under Kayla's throat and threatened to kill her in front of her son and husband. Mind you Kayla who was nothing but good to him despite the hell his mother put her through is in no position to reject anybody's apology in my opinion. If I remember correctly Tripp tried to sabotage her license as a Doctor by messing with her patients.. Kayla also was helping him achieve his dreams of becoming a doctor offered to mentor him. You don't mess with somebody's way of earning a living and their family. Tripp did both when it came to Kayla.. Poor Kayla! she is forever being attacked by somebody connected to Steve.
  15. I remember when Tiny came out with Xscape and people used to say how ugly she was and that she was a waste of light-skin. So It had to have hurt her to her soul to constantly be told how ugly she was. I am not condoning what she is being accused of doing with TI but it is sad how some women are willing to risk it all to keep a man. Most of the time the man is not worth it..
  16. Notice how religion is often at the heart of dangerous cults and it is scary how people who are reasonable intelligent can be seduced by dangerous ideologies that are espoused by a charismatic leader.
  17. I love Cady and she is still beautiful. If she has had work done on her face then it is very subtle because she still looks like herself..
  18. She was in a cult and it is very hard to get out of that type of mind control. I think her mother who was level-headed and grounded in reality helped work through this. Most of the time when you are in a cult you are cut off from your family and friends to ensure that you will remain locked into the cult mindset.
  19. She did make a fool out of herself after her nonsensical meltdown and she offered absolutely nothing of value to the panel.
  20. Exactly! Megan's fake smile had me rolling....
  21. I always loved how the affair drove so much stories for Sami, Marlena, John Roman and to a certain extent even Carrie in the peripheral and Eric who was absent. The seeds of the affair between John and Marlena was planted during the pit storyline. It was an awesome story from start to finish written by the amazing Sherrie Anderson. That is how you write a soap opera.. It was what made Sami so sympathetic even when she was heinous at that time. Stefano's machinations just upended so many lives and it was crazy to me when he became an ordinary citizen of Salem waltzing in and out town as he damn please.
  22. No she did not. Lucas was in prison after covering up Will's attempted murder of EJ at the time and was telling Sami to get on with her life. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea that he was pushing her into EJ's waiting arms. When she did sleep with EJ she was single and they conceived Sydney giving her another child with him. I think Lucas walked in on them after they had done the deed. Poor Lucas always getting screwed over..
  23. I love what you said about Will and I agree wholeheartedly. I also think it is the show's obsession with Sami has contributed to Will's inability to be a lead character. I thought Will before Chandler and the actor before him were cast in the role had all of the qualities to be character in his own right. My favorite Will was Mophead Will.. The Will/Sami/Marlena dynamic should have been explored to the fullest but the show is not interested in character analysis and character-driven stories. They prefer cheap retreads like Will seeing Sami with EJ. Allison Sweeney hated that story she said that it was out of character for Sami to cheat and I agree with her.
  24. That post above shows how Megan is just vile and hateful. Why did she even have to put that type of post out there. Why can't she just take the high road keep it classy and not make any commentary whatsoever. She loves to insert herself in some crap and when she gets a blowback she cries and plays victim.
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