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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Did you guys notice how Abby made a snide remark about Liberals when she was asked to defend her beliefs. They all do that, you are not allowed to ask them why they believe what they believe. As soon as you do that, they play victim. I don't think Jedediah or Paula ever did that, Jed actually defended the ladies when people trashed them after she left the show. She called Sunny as soon as she found out she was pregnant. I loved the bond between Paula and Joy. They really enjoyed each other's company. Unlike the sourpuss we have now who cannot relate to anybody who does not share her worldview, sad!
  2. Charlize Theron is just beautiful, the woman knows how to wear a dress on the red carpet..
  3. Everybody on that panel is afraid of the term of Progressive leftist. So, they would never allow that to happen.
  4. I don't think she understands the constitution. She is repeating right wing talking points, yet, she claims to be a moderate, sure Jan...
  5. Shut up Abby! she says that she is a moderate but she trashes Adam Schiff with a talking point from the right, girl bye!
  6. Poor Judy, what can you say to a parent who has lost their child. I am sorry seems so trite. Life is so damn unfair, her only child. How will she recover from this?
  7. Even if Joy was on Fox NEWS, she would be the same person that she is on the View. Joy had a show on HLN and she interacted with lots of conservatives and people who did not share her worldview. She was always willing to listen to their viewpoints with respect and thoughtfulness. She never threw temper tantrums, lies and personal attacks like Megan does every day on the show. FoxNews is a propaganda channel and it is not there to give information to their viewers. I could say more about that channel but it would be off-topic.
  8. I wish we had somebody on here who was in the audience today to give us the tea. They don't want her because their audience hates her dad. They would never allow anybody there to praise her daddy ad nauseum like they do on the View. Plus, Megan wants to be on a major network like ABC, she craves attention above all else.
  9. For now! nothing in life stays the same. Megan will do herself in like she did today. She has no self-control and she will mess with the wrong person. She would not let anybody speak and basically said that she was special and everybody had to bow down to her.
  10. She was also being disrespectful to the audience and Whoopie was not having it.. Go Whoopie! this when she is needed on the show regarding Megan. I don't think Joy could have done what she did today.. She actually grimaced at the audience. She was in a foul mood and something must have happened during their morning meeting because Joy and Sunny were really pushing back hard on the brat.
  11. OG was on a radio show in Chicago recently talking about colorism and her beef with Evelyne. She is just so awesome and intelligent. An impressive woman who knows things. She has said that the ladies mocked her African culture. It does not surprise me at all. She also said that Evelyne does not speak Spanish. She knows just basic words while OG speaks Spanish fluently. She said that irritated the hell out of Evelyne. So many things were left on the cutting room floor to push the false narrative that OG is the most violent woman in the history of Basketball Wives. Kristen was also on a radio show discussing her experiences. She denied OG's colorism allegations because she is also dark-skinned. The ladies who were all Black gently pushed back on her. One of them told her that just because she never experienced colorism does not mean that OG did not. The ladies on that show called out Evelyn's history of violence and Shaunie for constantly protecting her while maligning OG's character as violent and aggressive. I have also noticed that alot of Latinas of African descent are speaking out more in the wake of Evelyne calling herself an Afro-Latina. Alot of them are sharing what it is like to be Black in Latin America. They too have a history of slavery and marginalization. The majority of African slaves were taken to Latin America and the Caribbean. Brazil has more black people than the U.S., and even some smaller African nations. Colombia has the highest black population in South America. Black Venezuelans have always had to fight whites for basic rights, Argentina infamously killed off their black population and has since offered some lame apology. Honduras, Bolivia, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Belize, Costa Rica have sizeable black populations, and Mexico's treatment of their black population is shameful, they're FINALLY allowing them to report on the census.
  12. Don't forget he too hated John when he came back to town as a young adult blaming him for the end of Roman and Marlena's marriage. I remember how Eric as an 8 year old did not react well when he had to leave John the only father he had ever known to go back to Roman and Marlena who were strangers. The show hinted via Marlena that Eric was going to be the bad twin. Like everything in life, plans changed and Sami became the bad one.
  13. I cannot watch anything with babies and children in distress, dying or being abused. Till this day, I could never re-watch Zack's death on youtube. Kristian who is not a great actress was just so damn awesome real and raw selling a mother's worst nightmare. Hope's scream upon finding out her four year old was dead, just killed me..
  14. I think Nene has been edited out of episodes due to her abhorrent behavior last year when she attacked the crew. I always hear how people who work in entertainment always praise the members of the crew. They are nameless and faceless people unknown to the public who work very hard to keep the shows running smooth. So, Nene's contempt for them has relegated her to being invisible. For a narcissist like Nene, not getting any attention is a fate worst than death.
  15. What goes around comes around because Will did the same thing to Sami when he was going through his own angst.
  16. You guys also forgot that Ana was here today and Missy is always worst when she is around.
  17. I don't care about the fluff topics because the ladies are not believable as friends because it has gotten so toxic over the years. In the early years when Meredith and Star were there, they really did sell the show as girlfriends talking about life over coffee. Meredith even had a paper with her and she would pick an article for the ladies to discuss..
  18. Megan is a terrible human being and it is a shame that ABC allows her to get away with so much. You can disagree with somebody vehemently without being disrespectful.
  19. Exactly! Shane should have cut her off for being a spoiled party girl with no direction in life. I could see Kim being very permissive with the kids while Shane is a strict disciplinarian. Shane had an estate in England where Bo and Hope got married the first time in a church that was in the compound. He was also of British aristocracy. Kim had a great career as a therapist. Also, John was super close to Kim going back to his days as Roman. He would have given her some of his Alamain money, if she was in need. So, Theresa and Andrew were never in section 8 and on food stamps. It was awful how the show continued to demean Kim and Shane to push their vile narrative. It is why there was such a backlash to Theresa, the legion of Kim and Shane fans were livid and outrage and let the show know they were not having it.. Theresa is beloved on this board but she is hated elsewhere..
  20. To be fair, I don't expect Joy to know alot about the continent of Africa. Lupita is from Kenya located in East Africa while Zozibini(Miss Universe) is from South Africa. What really made me cringe was when Joy asked Lupita if she ever felt unrepresented and not felt beautiful because of her skin tone and natural kinky hair as Miss Universe expressed and Lupita's laugh conveyed disbelief regarding her question. Lupita and Zozibini(Miss Universe) are just breathtakingly beautiful. I am so happy that dark skinned Black girls around the world will grow up seeing themselves in them. Representation matters for marginalized groups.
  21. Same here. This version of Eve never made any sense because Shane is wealthy and would have provided for her and Paige. He always felt guilty for not raising her..
  22. The weird thing is that Susan has morphed into Erica Kane over the years. Every time I see her, I only see Erica. She even bobs her head the same way Erica used to do. It must be the down side of having played the same character for decades. It is much harder to shed the character like other actors do after filming on a series or movie is over.
  23. Not to mention, Rachel reported that he had asked Putin what he wanted him to do about North Korea instead of our intelligence agencies. That information was apparently hidden on a server. It made me so sad angry and I could not bear to watch Rachel tonight.
  24. Same here, even when she was a damsel in distress, she fought back and hard to survive. The pit storyline was Marlena at her best and Deidre was just absolutely breathtaking, a beautiful woman during that era.
  25. Kate's animosity for Gabi is just irritating. I don't agree with Gabi's actions but it would have made sense for Kate to be firmly on Gabi's side not only because Abigail tried to kill her but also because she is family because of Arianna. Nothing makes any sense on this show.
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