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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I hope it's a snooty French black and white film with wan violins. I don't think the envelope would be anything over PG-13. Have they done Game of Thrones or would that be too on the nose? I have come up with Ragu Ron for another DeSantis nickname, but I don't know if it's broad enough for a national audience.
  2. I suppose. They really only have the one bar to go to. It's not like she would have to run around all over the place looking.
  3. I did like that Gene and Louise were just playing in her room as the prologue to the socks. They looked like they were having fun. Tina is in a tough spot being the oldest. She hangs out with them a lot, and they all get along. When the kids all go out on adventures, it's everyone together. She doesn't really have any group just her own age to go off and do things. It's her, J-Ju, and Zeke, but they're all together all the time, and Jimmy is useless. Otherwise, she's stuck at the restaurant. Tina needs some after school activities for just her. I think the show needed to end with a win for Tina. She talked to another girl her age. That was it. It's great that Bob and Linda are supportive, but stalking other teenagers isn't the best way to make new friends. They don't really need her at the restaurant all the time. The only time it was packed was on Valentine's day and when Bob was on the cooking show.
  4. I'm always astounded that DeSanctis is 5 years younger than me, when he looks 10 years older. My parents live in Florida, and they can't stand him. I'm glad John went over actual policies because nationally, all you hear is the 'symbolic culture war' fights. Wow, those Radiant ads. Good for them. I hope they go for it.
  5. To be fair, french bread pizza is fantastic. My fave restaurant lets you choose a wide variety of toppings. I could never nap in preschool. I'm just not a nap person. I liked how Stewie's conspiracy theories were all baby things. The championship game was tied at 10. These were both solid plots. I also applaud the show for the correct grammar of 'an historic'. Even if Quagmire is ordering a steak at Applebees.
  6. Weird that teenagers made their way into the restaurant after all this time. It seems kind of out of the way from high school. I liked how all the adults were so over the socks. Zeke is awesome though. He'd reel them in. tbh, they'd love Rudy. He'd totally crowd surf at the concert. It was nice that the whole family was supporting Tina stalking people. The Boyz4Now song was "Coal Mine". I did like that Sage didn't even think Tina showing up at the diner was a big deal.
  7. Beef has a streak to him. You don't see it pop up much, but there had to be a reason Kathleen was into him. Mom had a little wine during the birth. Wow. A 30 year ban seemed a little much to me for a prank. Yet somehow, this made so much sense for Lone Moose. Honeybee having Gaffigan on her list was kind of out there. The frontage at school - "Homework cancelled. Focus on sausage pageant." I wondered if Moon actually drank coffee. I was thinking that Wolf wasn't really an insult comic, so I liked the way he flipped it up. The reading of "I also have sex with a lot of people" killed. Where does she find them all? Lone Moose isn't too population dense.
  8. Great sight gag with Marge and Homer in the small seats at school. I don't know if writing in books is a 'prank'. Is not liking your kids that big a deal? 'Ten years of parenting him'. I was a virgin who couldn't drive when the show first aired, and now I have a retirement account. tbh, Homer's job irl does actually pay a lot. I did like that Bart and Lisa watched Itchy and Scratchy together. That's the one thing they always like.
  9. Even more reason why the sabre isn't really necessary. They're really their own worst enemies.
  10. I was out shoveling, and I was shocked when I came back in to check the score. How did that happen?
  11. I'm pleased to see Roman is in top Roman form without missing a beat. I was just thinking when the show started about the scifi book on toilet paper after Steve Guttenberg's. I'm so glad they mentioned it. "Manputer". Great run of nonsense movies. I'm a little bummed that Lizzy Caplan isn't on (I'm not spoiled if she is supposed to appear). Her timing is excellent. They do have a point about about comic book movies though. I did like the scene about the apology videos though - right or wrong, it doesn't matter.
  12. I first said "are those the space whales?" I mean, who has the strongest association with them but Ezra? That's literally the last we saw him. My favorite line is "So is it you can't take your helmet off or show your face?" You bathe in some special mine? I couldn't roll my eyes enough. Yes, that makes you 'Mandalorian' of course. I think of that line a lot in real life because people make up all sorts of nonsense to justify what they're doing. It's the same with the dark saber. Oh, we can't come with you to liberate our home world because you don't have the right tool. Mando doesn't even want it. Bo seemed to share my opinion. I did enjoy the show though.
  13. Partially, but he also tasked Addison and the team with finding a venue. I mean, I could search newspapers from 1977 in Portland to find who got married and where. They've already established Ziggy is the most powerful computer in the world, so it couldn't be too hard. iirc, they got the equipment from their extended family. Ziggy in and of itself has always been a plot device, but that's part of the buy in to the show. Ben did the work of bringing the family together to put on the event. They thought he was supposed to prevent the restaurant from blowing up, but that wasn't exactly the challenge. He still has to come up with the idea of the pop up.
  14. The controls on the usual toilets in Japan are on the seats, not quite like an arm rest. Not on the wall like they showed here. The typical bathrooms in Japan I've used all also had toilet paper. I did like Randy pushing Sharon in the bathroom, "TRY *IT* SHAR RON". I'm not saying I'd pay $10K for a toilet. My bathrooms aren't equipped. If I did upgrade to a new house though, I'd be investing in the bathroom. If those stats are right, that's a lot of paper. Yes, thank you for jogging my memory. The back end button is blue and it looks like a "3" (rotate that right 90 degrees), and there's a pink button, but I forgot the shape. The left side of the seat had all the options. iirc, I don't think the air was standard because I always dried off with paper. However, like I said the paper use was drastically reduced. I have hard water in my house too, so it's a good question as to whether you can take the unit apart and clean it out. Toto was the monopoly company when I was there.
  15. It took me all of 7 seconds to get used to. The angle of the jet is forward so you're not spraying all over if you sit like you normally do. I can't wait to watch this tonight.
  16. Wolf having to grow up fast makes a lot of sense. He probably was working on the boat too since he was at least in his teens. You could see him gravitating to a stable relationship with someone a little older given the chaos with Kathleen. I also think while Beef let's the kids be themselves, he also doesn't baby them. He expects them to grow up. I have not analyzed anyone in real life to this degree.
  17. I thought 30, with Beef in his 50s. Which would make him way older than Judy and Ham. When did Kathleen leave? It makes sense he's only 21 given how he acts in relation to Beef. I always thought he was a little childish for a 30 y/o. I don't know how a 19/20 y/o would be able to run off to meet Honeybee at the restaurant from Final Destination without Beef freaking, but that doesn't seem too farfetched, and given how impulsive Beef was. It's consistent.
  18. The jets are strong. I mean, tmi, so don't look, but you use the jets, and just minimal paper to dry off. I'd say easy over 90% reduction in paper use.
  19. I can't watch until tomorrow, but I was compelled to comment on glorious Japanese toilets. iirc, the basic ones, like where you work, the lid would lift, and you get the water jets. I also think heated seats were common. You have plug the unit in, so you need electricity. The heat wouldn't need anything extra. There were ones with music at restaurants, but all I remember is they played running water. Hotels all had them. Fun fact. Departments stores all have restaurants on the top floor. It's not hard to find a place to eat. My apartment just had the regular toilet. The stall walls and doors all go right down to the floor and are far taller than your typical stall in the United States. I don't know why none of this has caught on here.
  20. The toilets I'm familiar with couldn't have been expensive. The apparatus with the water jets is a separate unit that you install on any standard toilet. I'm sure there are expensive toilets, but that's not the norm when I was there.
  21. I lived in Tokyo for 2 years, and the Japanese toilets were *everywhere*. I used to hold it in the morning and wait to go when I got to work.
  22. I've said here before, I use it for work, and have used it as a networking tool to good success. My community is small, but it is effective for staying on top of our fields. Hasan pointed out that only a small % of people affect the content. So, don't follow those people. Don't get into twitter fights. However, I do agree with him pointing out how people are tweeting 40 times per day. What are you people doing? Is it that essential to your job? The Truman Show exit was clever though.
  23. I've only watched Monday, Tuesday, so I don't know if this was covered last night, but on TDS Facebook page, they had a behind the scenes. Apparently, Skip Bayliss clipped the Giannis trash talk for his show about Durant, but didn't include the full part. So it only looked like Giannis was talking trash. Hasan went on a good rant.
  24. Wolf has way too healthy of a relationship with Honeybee for a 21 y/o.
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