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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Are the ratings for Krapopolis needing the help to necessitate the switching? I would think the Simpsons wouldn't be a bad lead-in.
  2. I mean, it's not like Moiraine can't rationalize that there's a bunch of people attacking them on the beach and seeing the power being used by the Seanchan to assault Falme that she's thinking using the power would be all right. Besides, she would be physically/mentally prohibited anyway.
  3. Hasn't Doctor Who always been "woke" though? If we're going by an objective definition?
  4. Teddy does get along really well with the kids. They should have figured out a way to get them in some of the pictures.
  5. The oats allow you to use the power against 'enemy' channelers, and the Seanchan were using the power to assault Falme. She's within enough of a 'legal' area to use the power against them. I think you can make a case for her and Lan's own defense as well. The Oaths are broad at best and don't include anything for collateral damage. The point is that from her pov she believes in good faith that use of the power in this particular battle is warranted. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to do anything.
  6. I'm impressed with myself then. I'd like him to mine a little more from being the first regeneration after the first female Doctor. There's got to be something for him to learn there. That's a good point because it reinforces how the Doctor can inspire 'ordinary' people to step up when the opportunity comes. When she didn't have 'doctor powers' and just won a boatload of money, she did the same. I'm imagining a very pregnant Donna "we are going into labor - now. Get. The. Car."
  7. Ugh, I wish I could skip right to the quiz. You have to watch the video. How often is there a Meg/Lois plot? And no Peter. I'm not sure $10K goes that far at a vacation resort. I liked how the therapist had a high chair and a dog bed.
  8. I liked that Tina was fiddling with her jacket at the beginning in the window. And Bob cleaning the grill. You *have* to go in and be the clam. Come on. I would have knocked on the window if I was the kids. But then, there's no one around with the key.
  9. I'd like Tennant to not just do Fourteen as an older Ten because there's been 3 regenerations and a lot of time since then. To be fair, Fourteen seemed a little more emotional, or expressive of emotion. He said "I loved that man," about Wilf, and seemed surprised he said it out loud. He also called Donna his 'best friend'. He was clearly concerned as to why he has on the 'old face' and not bottling it up either. I know people want to see basically Doctor Tennant. And who doesn't like the guy? I'd enjoy a little more of his take on an older Doctor who just came out of a female regeneration.
  10. I was hoping the plot would have something to do with Highlander.
  11. I think the TARDIS knew what she was doing with the coffee machine. Like Donna wasn't going to spill it.
  12. They almost got me. I thought for half a second Donna was going to die. I liked that she never lost her own Donna-ness; they won all the money and she knew more people needed help. When Fourteen told her she was going to die, she didn't even hesitate. Clever reset though. I did like after asking about the pronouns being 'the', the Doctor said, 'makes sense to me'. It seems to me that the 'old face' means there's some unfinished business, and it would stand to reason that's going to resolve for the regeneration. I think that's fine. I would have like a little more difference between Fourteen and Ten though. Minor criticism. However, the Doctor being upset about how it ended with Donna and getting the old face and immediately seeing her; it stands to reason there's going to be some similarities even though there's been three more regeneration. Fourteen is significantly older.
  13. I didn't have a problem with the deaged Luke. I don't think we need to see Luke in that era too much, but with Mando toting around a powerful baby force user, it's hard for them to not cross paths with literally the only jedi left (that anyone knew about).
  14. I love the war on xmas! I can't believe it's been going on for so long.
  15. It was only $2 extra per month to bundle D+. I could live with it.
  16. I'm super excited for the special. Hulu had a deal to package D+ so I got it for the Star Wars shows and the Doctor.
  17. Don't forget, now that we know Liandrin is black, she had other motives to getting Ny up to Accepted. The main feature being she can leave the Tower whenever, so that's a huge win if she gets raised for Liandrin's plans. Also, I think the show has shown enough that the Aes aren't nearly half as clever as they think they are with all that's happening and them all cloistered in the Tower. Granted, Moiraine wasn't doing anyone any favors basically hiding the Dragon from everyone and faking his death. It's like, 'ok, if he's really the Dragon, then the last battle is coming for real and we need to get it together.' Of course, they think they're going to just run the show, but there's an entire continent of competing interests to deal with.
  18. I could listen to comics talk shop all day every day. John made a really good joke crafting observation "yeah we (the audience) know we like guns. What's the joke?" You have to get deeper into the topic.
  19. I think the only problem was that with the stage obscuring the store front; concert goers just may not have seen it. It would have been nice if the stage allowed ads for local places, like Bob's or the wine store. There were some new faces in the restaurant, and we didn't see after the concert. People milling about looking for a bite may have seen the restaurant. And Bob's serves beer too! A burger of the day and a big cold beer after the concert sounds fantastic! Then you can walk down to the wharf. I also think Teddy may know more about animal control through work. He's maybe worked on jobs where he may have need to call them to clear out a basement, for example. I don't know what it is about this show, but I spend way more time thinking about the life outside of the episodes. I don't think about, say, if Meg went bowling or something.
  20. I also agree not everything needs to be connected to the old stuff, but I'm here for jedi/sith/force whatever you want to call it. The most interesting "modern" development, and I would go so far as to say it is the linchpin to the success of the franchise today, was Ahsoka walking away from the Jedi order. What I liked about the Kenobi and Ahsoka shows is that they got back to the concept of jedi as ronin, and I really want more of that. An important part of the Ahsoka show was that there actually weren't "jedi" and "sith".
  21. Ny was said in-show to be the most powerful channeler in 1000 years iirc. Which isn't saying much for the rest.
  22. Write Wheels and the Legman on the napkin! Come on! Stan was impressed that Roger's persona was Dave Matthew's brother. Who apparently is a dentist. Klaus and I were similarly incredulous that they just called it a space gas station.
  23. Closed captioning had 'potty'. In addition to the road manager, it looked like there were some new faces in restaurant. I saw a young guy at the counter closer to the bathroom, and two people in the corner booth. If they closed the street off for the concert, I don't get why the stage wouldn't be straddling the street and facing the wharf so all the sidewalks and businesses were clear. Bob's was half obscured and Jimmy's was open.
  24. Wow, I got my period or got a miscarriage. Then the jack-in-the-box joke. All within 3 minutes. You don't get a Meg + Chris plot much. I'd say the Unabomber is more associated with Berkeley. Ahem. I'm impressed Seth did Boston Stewie. Not that I didn't think he could do it. I figured they would have gone for a Boston comedian friend. Caldor is a deep cut. That jet joke was way in there too.
  25. There's no way that stage would be permitted blocking commercial businesses. I would hope Rudy gets the friends and family discount. I didn't realize you can see the ferris wheel from the alley or the living room. They don't really show just how close the restaurant is to the wharf. The kids getting into watching the people made total sense. "Wine Lady". Brilliant. Slick move by Linda to rescue the King. I can't not hear Sarah Silverman's voice with Ollie, but she cracks me up; screaming about sleeping in the tub. They're all potty parts!
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