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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Given all this, there probably should be a non-negligible number of time travelers in the 'present'.
  2. Now you have Jem with the gene, who passes that down through the generations too.
  3. I'm interested in the time travel too, but that's not the show we have. To their credit, Claire and Bree have shared their knowledge of things to come when it's come up, and they're using what they know to advance technology; like the syringe from last season. Jamie is smart enough to listen and use the information in his decisionmaking in general. I'd be more annoyed if they were holding back. We could always start a separate thread for just that.
  4. No, I know. He expected her to do her chores, and she didn't. She wasn't actually idle. Claire did need her help. He still let her sow his hand and asked her to perform the procedure on the other one though. These aren't normal times either. He's lost his wife, and the settlement is all pitching in. He could find a passage in his precious book about showing some humility and lending some effort to everything going on.
  5. Brat is probably the wrong word, but it's been pointed out that he isn't exactly the tastemaker he thinks he is. We have a third person view, but the family as a whole puts up with a lot of his antics. And there was candy on the line. Good candy. I think maybe it was a mistake for Gene to refuse because the song was terrible because he's got no legs to stand on there.
  6. It's not like the secrets of churning butter are lost to Mr. Christie. He could have done it too. Everyone else around there is doing chores, but we don't really see much out of him. I know that's not the point. He was looking for an excuse to beat here. He would have found one. I also rolled my eyes at his logical gymnastics telling Claire that 'god sent her for him' to fix his hand when before 'god willed his hand to be crippled.' Oh, but when you have to beat your children it's different. He just seems to be a pain in the ass and if the show is painting him as some legitimate threat, I'm not buying.
  7. Taking the theme of the quote - Din may not have taken the helmet off since he was a teen, but when Luke showed up at the end of season 2, he took it off for Grogu *and* in front of Luke. So Jedi don't count then? I doubt he's going to put a helmet on him. Additionally, using the Force, he may have to have a direct line of sight or whatever force nonsense. It would be hindering his capabilities.
  8. I also liked the counterpoint that Chrissy was actually good at volleyball so she did actually shine. It's not like you always have to shine all the time. It's not like Judy doesn't have friends or is so obnoxious she needed to be taken down a peg. She did save the show because she knew all the lines, and no one objected to her playing the male lead either.
  9. I thought they won an emmy for the song Brian sang to Pearl way way way back. I don't know anything about Succession or Liars, but that was hilarious. I would have liked them to do Curb.
  10. Gene was *shocked* that the girls didn't like chicken bone fossil hunting too.
  11. When Linda walked outside to look for Billy, I didn't realize how close they are to the wharf. I don't like when they do brat Gene. I mean, ok, you're not too into it, but some of your friends are, and there's candy. The really good candy. Who cares if the song is 'unoriginal'? And he made her cry. I did like how Tina and Louise were the only one scarfing the candy.
  12. They opened with Alanis two weeks in a row. And more kids plots. The 90s grrlrock jokes just kill. Great use of 'wicked' and other New England bon mots for the play too. I'll give Chrissy some credit; she was just as surprised. Why couldn't they just get actual stools. "I swear I just felt a ghost pass through me". So punk. She's my favorite of the side characters. Not for nothing, the guidance counselor is highly unprofessional.
  13. I actually liked Homer's apology - I'm sorry you're all so thin-skinned... I would have liked it to go in the direction of Homer just revenge meme-ing anyone. Lovejoy screaming at kids isn't anything like Homer leaving the dog in the car, which he didn't anyway. Or Milhous' dad throwing juice boxes. Although, Lisa was right. Sometimes just apologize regardless so people can move on. I've been there. tbh, if it was a dog ice cream store, I would just bring him in.
  14. Claire, Bree, and Roger don't have any plans to return to 1970 anytime soon so there's not much they can do about it. Technically, Claire going back in the first place changed something. Except for 'knowing' the future, when Claire went back to Frank, it didn't look like anything changed, and the show doesn't really get into that.
  15. No, it won't. We've seen the major historical events remain unchanged, but Jamie is correct in his concern that if the Cherokee fight with the redcoats, then Jamie will have to fight them. The Ridge would be more at risk. It's a lot better if they're on the same side. Of course, Jamie could convince them when the time comes. If he gets them their guns, they may be more inclined to side with him. I guess it depends on how 'historical' this particular event is. Maybe they'll agree to leave one another alone. If they make the building a church and a school, he can teach too. I don't know why they haven't yet. Jamie keeps harping on them all being masons, so hopefully Christe will remain in check for a while, but he certainly has it in for Claire. I didn't really get much of his deal in the prison flashback. He doesn't like the catholics? Well, too bad. 1776 is coming regardless. I can't see him rallying the people on the settlement against Jamie or Claire since no one really cares much about church as it is, and likely Claire has probably fixed/mended/got all of them healthy. He's just a nuisance. I don't seeing him becoming a rebel, so there's certainly going to be friction there.
  16. I'm still amazed how fast these people can build. If Mr. Christie thinks he's going to get one over on Mrs. Fraser, he will be most mistaken. He certainly didn't like the daughter hanging around Claire so much. I don't like the plot, but I'm glad they've pointed out that Fergus wasn't there and shouldn't blame himself. I can buy that he is feeling guilty about that. It's still jarring and seems a fast turn for me. I agree Roger needed to get him, but I don't know if yelling was needed. I also don't have much interest in an emerging Fergus manpain plot. I was pleased Jamie was sharp enough to think whether arming the Cherokee would affect the war and to explain to Young Ian. Bree, on the other hand, not so good though it let to an interesting outcome. Any future talk is good for me. And use thereof to make things like matches. Let's not waste them though! Claire said this last episode, and she's right, everything she does is changing history. What would have happened to Marsali otherwise? And decide on the surgery so the devout Mr. Christie can beat his children.
  17. When they learned that Jem could turn the rock hot or whatever, I was saying then that he shouldn't be able to go to 1970 anyway. I kind of wanted them to end up in the late 1500s because it could have made for an interesting episode. Ok, they were 'thinking of home'. I like my theory better because, as you point out, on the first trip back, Claire just 'heard the stones' and wasn't thinking of Scotland in the clan times. And when she returned to find Jamie, ok, she was thinking of him, but she went back with the same amount of time passing for both of them. I mean, I know it's not a time travel show, but for no one to raise any questions at all, or just general curiosity is just weird.
  18. I also like that there's continuity with Cartman living in the hot dog house.
  19. It also could be a 22nd century person with future knowledge dressed as an 18th century era guy going back to 1940-whatever to make sure Claire goes through because timey-whimey she's always supposed to go through. I don't know why because it's been shown they can't really change any of the big historical things, but I suppose little things here and there do add up. I'd be totally fine with that. I mean, the stones have always worked. There's no reason why in 2145 that a descendent of Claire/Jamie or Bree/Roger wouldn't be aware of it. Now that I'm thinking of it, I'm surprised no one of them is keeping a private record of all this that could survive the centuries. I'd even really like if they ended with that person being Frank/Black Jack (the same actor; different character). The show has been fairly clear (see what I did there) that Jamie can't go through the stones.
  20. That was a great gag ending with them talking at the end. As soon as they panned up, I knew what was coming. Did we know Tuttle's name was Al? Have they said asshole on the show before either? There's a lot of callbacks. Klaus' rap outfit, his 'corner' in the kitchen. This was when we finally see Nerfa too. Weird seeing Roger driving Stan's SUV. It doesn't happen as much as Stan pulling dumb plans, but Franny goes off the rails fast when she goes. I liked use of Good Vibrations. That's a reach back.
  21. I got some pimples, but I was on a regimen with daily application of the StriDex pads. I thought this was hilarious because it was just a kids' episode, and you need one or two in a season run, and the teenagers were awful. Randy using the weed to lure them was brilliant. I liked at the end how 'we have a couple of more years with them.'
  22. They know Jamie can't travel. Way back when Claire went through before Culloden she asked if Jamie could hear the stones hum, he said no, and last season when 'Jem' (I don't know either) made the rock hot and it cracked, Jamie held it and said it felt cold to him. At that same time, Roger, Bree, and the baby then decided to go back to 1970-ish, and when they went through, they didn't actually go anywhere. My theory was that since the baby was born in the 1760s, he could technically only go 'back', and the other two could go 'forward' so it canceled out. Narratively, you kind of need that as the buy in to the show because there's no other reason why Claire couldn't convince Jamie to go to 1970. I tend to think he'd adjust. And the baby doesn't know better anyway. Being able to travel has shown to be rare; I can think of Gellis and the guy who knew who Ringo Starr was last season off the top of my head. Oh and the Native American 'ghost'. I've said before, I know it's not a time travel show, but I wish Claire and Bree were a little more inquisitive about it. Jamie, Claire, et al., are the 'good guys' on the show, and I'm rooting for them just as much as anyone else. I'd be a little concerned there could be 'bad guys' that could have traveled back to ruin history or whatever. I know there's a lot going on building a settlement, but once and while you'd think it might come up. I don't mind that it's a big house, but it's hard to buy that it's so well put together. I mean, I could see building a smallish structure and then adding on as they could, so it would be more 'sprawling'. It's the upper story and the giant chimneys that seems a bit much. That's a lot of material. It doesn't take me out of the show or anything, but those Scots can put something together.
  23. The show enjoys a good fake out, and it could be Divis lays her to rest and he's the eagle just as well. The crotchety druid that named Quant was also quick to declare the old prophecies suspect anyway. tbh, the only 'otherworldly' reliability has been the underworld visions, and that showed Cait with the spear and a bunch of crosses. The first vision even that Aulus did showed her right off the bat.
  24. Expatriate Literary Lesbian is the name of my jazz quartet.
  25. It was spelled out clearly. And then when things went sideways, he broke the rule, even if not without trepidation. I was quoting Bill Burr's character. Mando took off his helmet for quite a while in that episode before Burr blew the Imperial officer away and they blew the entire base up. People make up rules and then all of a sudden there's exceptions when they get in the way. The Darksaber rule of winning it in combat is the rule, until it's not. That kind of does typify the post-ROTJ landscape of the show. I don't have a problem with it. I'm just not buying that he's going to have to face off against Bo-Katan, unless it's staged for others benefit. I mean, just play cards. She can win it in poker. Or if they play pazaak. I haven't seen the Boba Fett show yet so this might not be the case anymore.
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