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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I honestly have no idea if we had a school council in HS. I had a relatively benign HS history; I still go to reunions and keep up with friends. I was active in extra activities too - band, sports, math, etc., so you'd think I would have heard about it once and a while.
  2. The Safety Committee doesn't reside on Jamie's land. I don't think it actually 'works' for the crown per se, but the crown tacitly approves of it. I think the Frasers whomever are going to set the fire to get out of there because I'm thinking everyone else is going to be on the side of the crown. Faking their death and getting out of there seems extreme but not that difficult. That's going to be a downer because that means the 'committee' and Mr. Christie 'win', even though they lose in the end.
  3. Close captioning didn't have 'flound', so I cracked up when he was singing it. I think you could have had the chairs in a horseshoe and the teacher in the middle, or the teacher could have been sitting in the circle with them herself, which is more democratic. No one would be to her back.
  4. It's been all from your starting point back. Even in the song from the first season, it was clear the traveler went back, but as it was pointed out, it was the ability to return that Claire didn't know yet.
  5. Rudy getting 'circle jerk' by the censors. Everyone is going to be inviting him to parties in junior high. I liked they showed Louise's room with the lofted bed still there. Bob's poster in the basement was the unfinished samurai movie. I'm actually with Louise. The teacher was not calling on everyone equally.
  6. I wouldn't be messing with the moose either. They aren't nice.
  7. I've finally got around to the show, and my head is exploding with Ahsoka and Luke in scenes together. I don't really care about any of the crime stuff.
  8. Claire lent the book 'Tom Jones' to Mr. Christie while she was examining him. But it had swear words! Good thing Claire fixed his hand so he could effectively clutch his pearls. As for beating Malva. Probably because he can. For now.
  9. I think he accused the wife of being a witch because she got pregnant when he was in prison. 'Witch' is just something he hides behind.
  10. I'm on Mando's episode of Boba Fett with the darksaber, and I'm still not buying all the nonsense about 'winning' it and whatever. People say things enough over and over and just accept it when there's a lot more going on. If Bo-Katan was successful then it wouldn't be a rule. That's why they're a lost people or whatever you want to call them. Let's make sure we don't take our helmets off. Sure. That's what's important.
  11. Ah, Sherlock Claire Holmes putting 2 and 2 together on Mr. Christie, and we learned Malva's mother was hanged as a witch. Lots of monologuing in this episode. All well done, but for a short season, you'd think they'd want to move the plot along. He's more an annoyance than anything. I think it was useful for him having a lot of scenes with Claire to get some insight to him, but there's not really much there. He's intractable and Claire's patience was amusing. I mean, Jamie's nice enough to read the bible with him in the surgery and he's griping about being 'Jamie's man' as Claire is feeding him. Then he beats Malva. I think the real conflict will be that he'll side with the crown in the Revolutionary War. Actually, total speculation, but if the Cherokee fight on the side of the crown and part of the settlement does, and the other clown with the 'Safety Committee' then the Frasers are going to have hightail it out of there. I still think the fire is their own doing. Although, again, no one is talking about future things too much. Roger is turning more into the town therapist than minister. I don't think Fergus should have thrown the drink in the woman's face, but he certainly should have told her off. Thanks, Claire, I'm familiar enough with the Boston Tea Party that you didn't have to tell me.
  12. This popped up when I logged in to HBO Max, and I didn't have anything going on so I hit play. I was intrigued when the boyfriend make the crack about Joyce choosing because, no, and the cut to him driving away was funny. I think I'm going to give this a run after the porn guy didn't even take a beat "Do people enjoy your company?" "No." He reminds me of the porn guy on The Deuce. I actually remember when the Burt Reynolds centerfold came out. I think he was on Phil Donahue to promote it.
  13. I'm just starting this up, and who ever the casting person is should get a nobel prize for how the actors' likenesses are so spot on. I mean, I could tell who everyone is before they even said. I was reciting the Airplane monologue with Jabbar. I love that one. I kind of remember the NBA in the early 80s, but I didn't know the Lakers were kind of on a downslide in 1980. I was in New England at the time so it was all Boston, Philly, and New York. The 76ers were a juggernaut back then, and Boston basically needed Dr J to get old before they could get past them. I don't know if it's true to history, but I do like Magic being a little more savvy than I would have thought. I didn't realize he was only a junior in college at the time, and having the out of going back to college and entering the draft the next year is a fair bargaining position. Magic was the first actual 'big' point guard. I do like the kind of technical discussions about the game on that level. Also, again, not sure about history, but I like the easy rapport with Buss and Magic. Was West that huge of a drunk?
  14. Butters definitely pinched the public defender on the arm, so I wouldn't say he was targeting any particular area on the girl and just went in on the pinch.
  15. Frank Sr definitely. There's no way he wouldn't have sent someone to her house instead of him, and if Frank Jr is actually a made man, I don't recall, then immediately she's gone after she shot him. At the time it happened, she didn't have any value. Omar, I saw it more as a test for Wendy and Marty to see what they could do and how he would consider their position in the organization. In a larger picture, to Omar, Darlene was a small pest. She wasn't really costing them money; robbing their shipments, etc. They knew she wasn't a threat to go to the cops either. I do agree with Javier though, she needed to go. You need to keep a clean house. I think if they showed her as low key savvy or there was some value she had after they established the riverboat casino, then you could see her around.
  16. Ruth is a little more complex because she was clearly sharp from the first time she met Marty, but she was saddled with her demeaning father about the 'family curse', and no one was ever in her corner, except Marty. Even when Marty came up with the plan to buy all the drugs, he went to Ruth to make the deal. I know she's going off half cocked on Javier, but I think she's actually not going to be reckless once she calms down for a minute. Darlene did not suffer from any self-esteem issues, but she wasn't nearly as smart. I'll concede that may have kept her alive sometimes, but once the husband died, and they were able to end around about owning the land under the water, she either plays on their team or she's gone. She could have been a subsidiary of the cartel or helped them branch out around the Ozarks and made a ton more money. I'll also give that Omar let it up to Marty and Wendy to clean up this problem, and they're not entirely experienced in that department, but Wendy got the job done before, and she could have done it again. If this is how TPTBs planned her exit, I think it worked. She's so up into herself, she didn't even know who Javier was, and completely dismissed Marty's warning before.
  17. Farnsworth only keeps her around because they're the same blood type.
  18. Why wouldn't 4.20 be Randy's biggest day of the year? I like Randy's plots with the weed farm, but I don't know why he didn't just load up and go into town. I was thinking they'd be at the bars already, and then they showed people in the drunk tank at 10 am. I got a huge laugh when Butters said 'piiiiinnnnch' and they cut to the cops. I never got into St Patrick's day, and I don't need much of an excuse to drink. I liked that Cartman was so checked out. I'm sure he was into the scavenger hunt though. Whenever I've gone out with friends everyone was just so sloppy that it wasn't much fun. I never heard of the pinching. I could totally buy that Butters pinching a girl at school would completely escalate irl though.
  19. I really wasn't into the riotgrrl music in the 90s, but you couldn't avoid it because it was everywhere. I live for the 90s jokes here. Human Cat Cafe Lisa Loeb is arguably one of the best burns ever. I actually genuinely like Alanis. I remember when she was just a kid on tv.
  20. Bob's Walnut Man is our postmodern Soprano's The Russian.
  21. Well, Fergus don't have to worry about being less of a man there! Knowing that guy, she's probably got double pregnant. I do think the southern point of view of the Revolution could be interesting if only due to more future talk. I'd be interested in more relations and diplomacy with the Native Americans. But the show was more tightly plotted in the run up to Culloden and having Black Jack around. I mean, Christie ain't no Black Jack with his tiny gnarled man hands.
  22. I'm not surprised, but I didn't see Franny getting horny for the fire coming. When did Franny have her vagine in a museum?! I kept wondering who was doing the lighting in Roger's show. I still want to know why Hayley wrote an environmental report.
  23. I don't know if it's real or not, but Fergus did say that he saw it work in the brothels when he was there, so they at least gave a reason.
  24. To be fair, I did back off from calling him a brat. I'm not going to totally dump on Gene, but he wasn't the best here either. On xmas, Gene was up at 5.30 'dj-ing'. I would say playing all the xmas music regardless of the family's feelings is roping them in. It's certainly selfish. And, yes, good for the family to make the tape of the Tinsel songs, but he was incessant about it and whining, so it was nice, but it was also to appease him. He certainly is entitled to opinion on Courtney's song, and it was not good. Sure, it was like everything else that the girls liked. They're preteen girls. He's not going to like that. I wouldn't either. My take is that 1 - he's one to talk, and 2 - they do things for him they don't always want to do. Also, the candy. I mean, he's denying Louise good candy. Are you that shortsighted to think she's not going to plot revenge? That alone, I'm flavor dancing. Of course, he could have just said he didn't want to do it, and we wouldn't have an episode. But I think the point was to realize sometimes, you do things for people. And at the end, he even clicked like on the song. So, if he got over himself for a minute, he probably would have had a weird Saturday with some good candy and got out of being stuck at the restaurant. Big picture. Also, Zeke should have been the lead anyway. Who is cooler than Zeke? Let's not forget, Gene was left home alone and read his sister's diary too. And Linda is Gene's #1 enabler.
  25. I think we already said that they didn't make a $5 million puppet to cover it up either. So I don't think it's likely he'll wear a helmet.
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