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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I didn't mind Hopper's plot. I think it needed to end there by now though. They still need to get out of Russia.
  2. He's just caused too much collateral damage for me. I'm fine with calling him out.
  3. The 80s was like last week! Well, I wasn't the only person who thought the orderly was 001, but I don't think anyone would have guessed this! I don't think Eleven knew what she was doing when she ripped open the Upside Down. The guy nearly killed her, and probably she just unleashed all she had. I don't think anyone in the laboratory would have postulated that these powers could open dimensions.
  4. No, he's pissed he missed the game winning shot and now he's taking his dainty manpain out on everyone. Chrissy wasn't anything more than a trophy that was taken from him. He may not have been physically beating anyone at school, but he clearly thought Eddie was a 'freak' and has no problems thinking he's the cream of the crop. Who missed the game winning shot.
  5. It's peak small town 80s. There was 'satan panic' sweeping the nation then irl and of course the white, straight popular sports kid is going to think he knows what to do. We (kids) were rounded up and grilled on the 'evils' of heavy metal right around 87 for a couple of hours. No one could believe the adults were being serious. I think they even roped in the Beatles. I know for sure they went on some jag with Led Zeppelin because I distinctly remember us saying the songs were about Lord of the Rings, and they didn't know the books. Suzie's pic of Dustin on her night stand was perfect. I immediately thought that. I've been even keel for the series so far, but the ending with Steve really freaked me out.
  6. I suppose who Angela's daddy is; the franchise has been about class, so I would concede the point there, but it's still a bit much. To be fair, when the cops arrived, they did ask where Joyce was. Questioning El alone though was a bit much with no one there.
  7. There's no way police question a minor with no guardian even in 1986. I can't imagine there's no public defender there on that. Come on. One thing I like about the show is the casual trash talk. It is so refreshing. People get so bent out of shape nowadays. I do like they got the kids investigating right off the bat now. Given what's happened, there's no need to waste time. I mean, the kids are like war veterans at this point. It's unspoken. Time to get back to work. The basketball jock wanting revenge on his dead gf is plausible, but it seems like he had issues with Eddie prior to all of these events. If that monster thinks it's getting Max, it best tread lightly. There wasn't a word for it in 1986, but now it's called 'manpain'.
  8. That would have been me. I probably would have given El the skate. It is a bit of a stretch that there wasn't one adult there. That was a very elaborate tableau. What I actually liked was that El didn't need her powers. She just popped her. Girl could have just apologized and moved on. I'm not sure what the consequences are though. I mean like legal-wise. El certainly isn't going to become some school hero and will even be more ostracized, but are they really going to mess with her in school even more? It's a weekend and off school grounds. They're both minors. The bullying is well documented by literally everyone. El asked for an apology and got her 'deceased' dad thrown in her face. It's 1986; you get what's coming to you. I grew up then. It was 'don't start fights, but if someone starts with you, finish it.' I think it's kind of funny in a way because a boy getting bullied and then popping the bully and knocking him out wouldn't be considered any big deal. But I tend to agree that her being in mainstream classes seems a bit much, and frankly, in 1986, she'd be called way way worse than they're doing here on the show. And I don't mean 'stupid.' Maybe the consequence is pulling her out of class.
  9. The nudity is going to be tough on a space ship with officers having individual quarters unless there's some kind of group shower, but I don't see the officers as part of that. And I'm all pro-nudity, but I don't see how it works in here without being a gimmick. Unless they are tasked to welcome a new civilization into the Union, and they happen to be super casual about nudity. Which would be really funny if it was like nude aliens. Ed - "Wait. Are they all naked? Where are we going to have them sit to sign the papers?" The swearing seems more organic because I can see Ed being salty with Kelly or Gordon, or even Claire dropping one now and then. Bortus learning how to swear would be gold. When I lived in a foreign country for a while, a non english speaking friend asked about the proper use of 'fuck'. It was over an hour discussion.
  10. Effective use thereof, but they better. To be fair, it's a military ship so I'm not seeing it thrown around on the bridge during mission time.
  11. I don't think it's too much of Hulu to want to rebrand the show as its original property. I'm pleased to hear they're not sticking to the unnecessary 43 minute constraint. Take advantage of the platform.
  12. Teams hates linux. What tv does not quite stick though, is that you get placed in the waiting room prior so the host can let you in, to make sure it's the people that's supposed to be there.
  13. Oh, the lack of 2 factor authentication is entirely realistic to irl for tons of hacks.
  14. I guess that explains the New Horizons. I was excited to finally watch the show again, but I'm really interested in why 'entire regions of unexplored space are wide open'. I appreciate Seth typically defaults to RI trash talk. I always get in trouble. And A Million Ways to Die in the West is underrated.
  15. Please tell me someone else thought this was going to be about public transportation. I couldn't tell you where any Subway was located in my (mid size) city, but I looked on google maps and there's 10. Close enough I could drive to each and get a footlong like John did.
  16. There's a point where kids aren't just going to listen anymore and have to figure it out themselves. This is a hyper version of that.
  17. That was the point of being so ooc for Marty. He said to her basically, I have no other option.
  18. I thought that could be changed? Maybe you have to root the phone or put it in dev mode. It takes practice but it's more efficient by far. And more ergonomic imo. Funny enough, I swipe with the hand that I actually *don't* write with, and I can't swipe with my writing hand.
  19. I didn't care for Ben, so I liked that he had the clarity at the end.
  20. That it's a Russian restaurant isn't a big deal, it's the sheer number of restaurants in Lone Moose. They must be doing something right because I feel like the show has been on for years and it's only the second season. I do think they could up the outside characters just a little more. I suppose with the family being so big in comparison to the Belchers, there's some optimization going on. I just totally want to know what Santiago's story is. I'd like to see a little more adventures with just the kids because those are my favorite on Bob's. They've really done a top notch job with Wolf and Honeybee as a real relationship and haven't fallen into the pitfalls of married couple tropes. Lone Moose does feel like a real place.
  21. No, it's patently absurd. I just liked that the writers snuck it in to Tina's fanfiction. I'll spoil for those that want to uncover it for themselves -
  22. Do none of you swipe? If you choose the right app the AI learns your tendencies and colorful vocabulary.
  23. I think the Ben scene was important for Ben to realize that he partially engineered his own demise and that his sister was the catalyst.
  24. FOX? Error? That's unpossible! In the trailer, there seems to be more action in terms of the Orville in combat than before iirc. There were more a science and exploratory mission. The Orville as a ship itself, it's the flagship in the fleet. I remember they had to pull some bonkers maneuver because they didn't have the guns to engage an adversary. So I take the 'new horizons' as the Orville maybe gets a new mission or pressed into service.
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