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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. I knew that face the minute I saw him. Except for the age, he looks exactly the same to me. I loved Buffy and Jody when I was a kid. Tracy Nelson I wasn't sure about, I had to Google to see if it was her. I never noticed until this movie how terrible an actress Viveca Fox is, I guess I haven't seen much that she's been in, she's really bad. I noticed she also produced the movie, that's probably the only way she could get an acting role.
  2. The only good part of The Wrong Child was seeing Johnny Whitaker. I actually yelled "Jody!!!!" when I saw him. Damn, Viveca Fox is not a good actress at all.
  3. I know this is an older episode but I'm just catching up on this season. I agree. It was a little sickening to hear them talk about how Logan and his girlfriend living together is against their morals. Kody sleeps with four women, essentially cheating on his wife with three other women and they have the nerve to say that living together without marriage is immoral. I've been living with my "other" for 27 years and I can guarantee you that we are more in love, more committed and more moral than any of these people. How dare they judge anybody!
  4. This is from a few pages back but I'm just catching up so please bear with me. @ABay, I completely agree with you. I'm not sure how old @krimimimi and her husband are but I've found the older I get the less tolerant I am of this kind of bullshit. I used to worry about looking like I was mean or hurting people's feelings if I said no to self invites and the like. No more. I've learned the people inviting themselves and pushing themselves on other people are the rude ones, not the people who say no. The nerve of people! This person's spouse must be just as rude to go along it. I just can't imagine doing that to anybody. I wouldn't even do it to people that I know wouldn't care, like my kids. It's just so rude. I hope they at least offered to bring food for everyone. That would be the least they could do. People who know me know that I don't even like pop ins. If I don't know you're coming and I don't expect you, don't knock on my door.
  5. I once read something that said it should be a law that for every 5 selfies a person takes they should be made to read a book. Leah would never take another one. I will never understand taking a picture of one's self. I would feel like a complete idiot. My daughter has a friend that takes at least 5 to 10 pictures of herself every day and posts them to social media. She will make the stupidest faces in them. Why? I don't get it. Is it raging narcissism or raging insecurity?
  6. HOAs are a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I would never, ever live in a place where I'm told what I can plant, what color I have to paint my house etc etc. No way in hell would somebody tell me what I can or can't do to a house that I bought and paid for. Besides being told what you can or can't do, you also get to pay for that privilege. Nothing the HOA fees cover would be worth it to me. My in laws old HOA was so bad that my father in law came home one day after work, he had to use the bathroom really bad so he just pulled up to the curb in front of his house so he could run in to the bathroom. He was going to come back out and pull it into the garage. By the time he came out his truck had been towed.
  7. Lol. I've lived in the Bay Area all my life with a lot of those years living in the city, believe me, I would choose Grand Forks over San Francisco.
  8. I have no clue why that quote box is there. I couldn't make it go away. stewedsquash , there will definitely be more Kaylees in my life. When I'm ready again I'm going to tell the rescue to let me know if they get another dog like her. I'm extremely partial to Border Collies but I'm open to other breeds too. I agree about the forum change. I created Chit Chat as kind of a catch all forum to talk about what's going on in our lives, which to many of us include our pets. It was fine for a long time, but what can ya do? I personally don't see the problem, if someone doesn't like the pet posts they can just scroll past them. Bastet, thank you. I missed all of you guys too. I was in a really bad way for a while and couldn't seem to do much of anything. I'm so very happy for you and Riley, it seems like she's very comfortable with you already. Animals have great instincts about people, she knows you're going to be a great mama to her.
  9. @Bastet, Riley is beautiful! I am so, so happy for you both. I LOVE how you got her name. She sure does deserve the Life of Riley. Her progress just shows how comfortable and content she already is with you. It's incredibly rewarding to take a terrified animal and change their lives. I got so much out of helping my Kaylee girl, she changed my life as much as I changed hers. I want to thank you all for all of your posts and private messages when I lost my Kaylee. They all mean more to me than you'll ever know. I appreciate all of you so much. I've been in a deep depression since losing Kaylee. I have lost other pets before and their losses have devestated me but none have hit me as hard as losing my Kay Kay. I got her ashes yesterday and it hit me all over again. I miss her so much I don't know what to do with myself. I'm so happy that I took a chance on a dog that everyone else had given up on. I'm so thankful that she passed knowing what love is. I know that sounds corny but it means a lot to me. @Bastet, give Riley hugs and kisses from her honarary California auntie.
  10. I have a big pet peeve today. Myself. I hate people like me who have a bad day and take it out on other people. I'm not normally like that but the past few days I've been bitching and snapping at everybody. Both here and in my real life. I hate doing this, it's just not me but sometimes I just can't help it. It comes out before I know what I'm saying. So yeah, my hate for today is for myself.
  11. Albino, I need to apologize again for my rude comment to you. It's been a really bad day. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I had forgotten about the open closet. I had to take my closet doors off for accessibility reasons, I'm a clean freak so my closet is always clean but I still don't like not having doors. I can't believe these people spent so much money and dipped into his retirement (YIKES!!!) for a 2 bedroom house. I wouldn't have done that for any house but this was just 2 bedrooms, that's crazy to me.
  12. Where was the part with the hustle? I just watched and I didn't see that part. I agree with you, why would anyone try to sing that? It's not even really a song, it's just music and a few words to go with the dance. I remember my mom and I doing the hustle in our living room. She didn't like the Saturday Night Fever movie but she was obsessed with the soundtrack. I think this was awesome! Total '70s Brady cheesiness and I love it.
  13. I liked the brothers in law too, they reminded me so much of my own brothers in law. I hope it's not picked up for a second season, I hate to see more kids being exploited and having their childhood be ruined by having it on TV. I will never respect a parent who exploits their children for money. I hope this is a one and done show. I don't understand the talk about moving home and having so much help. Don't her mom and sisters live near them? I'm still having issues with their "poor us, we need this but can't afford it" hints for donations but I like the couple more than I liked Jon and Kate. So far, we're still really early in the show. I only watched part of this episode, I fast forwarded past the church stuff, church makes me itch. I wonder how much they made in "love offerings" when they were there.
  14. I'm not nervous to use any word around my black friends at all or around my black sister in law and niece. They know me and they know that not everything is meant in a racist way. I wouldn't have friends I couldn't speak freely around.
  15. He was kind of a jerk wasn't he? I missed the first half and when I turned it on I thought he was gay. I was kind of surprised to see his girlfriend. Thanks Albino, I hope I didn't come off as rude in my post, I just didn't really see the difference that them being married would have made. I get a little prickly about things like that sometimes. If I had a dollar from every divorced person who tells me that we need to get married, I would be a rich, rich woman. Lol. We argue maybe twice a year and they last for 5 minutes, we laugh constantly, respect each other and are both totally committed to each other. I see no reason for us to get married but I respect those that choose marriage. Topic...I didn't like the house much when they were done. I'm so damn sick of stupid open concept but this woman took that to a whole new level with her open concept bathroom. I don't white cabinets in a kitchen, it's just so cold looking and they're a bitch to keep clean. I like dark, rich warm wood cabinets. I really hate cabinets that are 2 different colors which seems to be the new trend.
  16. Sorry. I was rude. It's been a bad, bad day.
  17. I've heard ratchet used to describe white people, black people, places, things and all kinds of shit. I don't and I'm sure many others don't automatically think of black people when I hear the word. I personally haven't seen any "racist bullshit" anywhere on this board.
  18. Amy always has to pout and whine about something. Matt wasn't hogging the attention, it looked to me like he wanted to get some pictures with his kids and the other kids started joining in. Amy could have done the same thing but she would rather complain about it. The party wasn't about her, it was about the kids. I loved seeing how happy all the kids were. There were kids of varying ages and they all seemed to be having a great time. It was a cute idea to have them decorate stockings and then filling them for the kids. I missed the first little bit of this episode so I missed who the kids were. We're they underprivileged children?
  19. I don't like them either. Tonight's episode with the house hunting seemed to me to be "OK...how many of you suckers out there are going to help us buy a house?"
  20. The more I see the Captain's face the more I'm convinced that he was burned as a child. Just the way his skin and eyebrows are, I've always thought that it looked like he had had skin graft kind of thing in his past. I could be wrong of course but that's my opinion on it so I'm not comfortable making fun of it.
  21. I hate "open concept" so I would be the one who wants to add walls everywhere. I don't want my house to be one big ass space. I like actual seperate rooms.
  22. I've read this sentence 7 times and still don't understand what it means. Can somebody help me out here please?
  23. Oh yeah, we say it jokingly all the time but we've never said it in a serious way. Tattle Teeny, if you want a taste of how sick and twisted my husband and I are when we joke around together, check out the embarrassing moments thread in Everything Else here, I wrote a post about it there. It's our similar twisted sense of humor that has kept us together for so long.
  24. And even if you did care, that would be just fine.
  25. I'm so sick of everything on these shows being a "Gatsby" theme. How many of these idiots do you all think have read the book? I'm sure they've seen the DiCaprio movie but I'd bet my life that not one of them even knows it's a book.
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