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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. I haven't worn panty hose in years but I remember well how much I hated them. I was lucky that in my career, jeans and a t-shirt were the appropriate work wear. The last time I wore them was when I was a bridesmaid. I always had to buy 2 pair at the same time because I always seemed to snag them before I ever pulled them up all the way. I wouldn't wear them now for any reason. Speaking of being a bridesmaid, @Bastet, you poor thing. This seems like such a misery to you and I don't blame you. Any time I see or hear about wedding stuff these days I think about you. Just keep telling yourself that it will all be over and done soon. You're such a good friend, anyone would be lucky to call you their friend. You go above and beyond. When is the wedding date?
  2. I hate seeing that. I totally get that kids act up, I have 2 of my own, but for a parent to not even try to stop the bad behavior really pisses me off. Let your kids act like animals all you want when you're at home but try to not let your little monster darlings bother other people because you're too lazy to parent them properly. If my kids acted up in public, we immediately went out to the car. I don't care what we were going to do, you act up, you go home. We drove all the way to the county fair one time and the kids fought the whole time. We told them if they didn't knock it off we were going home. They were ok for a while but when we got out of the car at the fair, they started again. We re-packed the car and went home. They had already seen the rides and stuff from the parking lot so they knew what they were missing. 20 years later and they still talk about that day. Delurker, I hope your day gets better.
  3. How do you figure they were there only "5 days max"?
  4. I ended up really looking andrew. He's definitely stronger than his dad in every way and he just seems like a good guy. The religious stuff turns me off but other than that I liked him a lot. If he wasn't so doofy he'd be really attractive.
  5. Reminds me of Lucy and Ethel wearing potato sacks and grain buckets in Paris because they thought they were designer clothes.
  6. I agree about Genevieve. Everything about her personality seemed fake to me. Doug was always my favorite, not so much because of his designs, I just loved him and his sarcasm.
  7. Does anyone know how Slade's youngest son is doing? I haven't heard anything about him since they were still on the show. Last I heard he was in pretty bad shape.
  8. It's a great shirt. Mine is so worn out that I just ordered another one. I'm happy to hear that Tia is looking healthy in person.
  9. That's so cool! Man, Tia isn't looking well, I hope she's ok. If your shirt says "You can't buy love, but you can rescue it" I have the same one in purple.
  10. I think she hated Debra and did want to ruin their marriage. I remember a few scenes when Ray would say something was wrong and Marie would get a big smile and ask if it was marriage problems. She would have been thrilled if they'd split up.
  11. In prison they're called LUGS, lesbian until gates. Meaning they're lesbian until they walk out the gate. That's the impression I got of Gabby.
  12. My best friend got married in Vegas in AUGUST! I swear parts of me melted. It's been 14 years and I still haven't forgiven her.
  13. My daughter is the same. When it's cloudy and rainy we talk about what a beautiful day it is. When it's sunny and warm, we hate it. It's supposed to be rainy and cloudy here for the next few days and I'm happy as hell. I'll start a big pot of soup in the morning and snuggle in with my pets in front of the fireplace with a good book and you guys here.
  14. That sounds like the perfect weather to me. I love the rain and hate the heat.
  15. I recorded this and figured I'd get your opinions before I watched. It sounds like I should just delete.
  16. Candy already pays Tori and Dean's household bills, for their food, she pays for their vehicles and the kids private schools. I don't blame her for not paying more no matter how much money she has. Tori has made horrible financial decisions that have put them where they are. Randy grew up in the same house and was left the same inheritance and he's doing fine. There comes a time in everyone's lives where you have to take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming your parents /childhood. The only people I feel sorry for here are Candy and the children. If I was Candy, I wouldn't be giving her a penny. There's a lot of conversations about this in the Tori and Dean thread.
  17. It was '89, the Loma Prieta quake October 17th, I'll never forget it. I was getting ready to go see Stevie Nicks when it hit. I lived in San Francisco at the time. I've always been afraid of the Bay Bridge but after seeing it collapse and knowing that people were trapped between the freeways in their smashed cars, I haven't been on it since.
  18. I just caught a video of Tia, I haven't seen the show in a while and I was shocked at her appearance. She looks 20 years older than the last time I watched the show. In the video she looked like she didn't have any teeth. I hope she slows down a bit and takes care of herself.
  19. I'm not a bit surprised. Thanks for the info guys!
  20. Oh geez Luann, you did not go to prison, you were in a drunk hold for a few hours until you were bailed out. So effing dramatic.
  21. Am I the only one who thinks that if they pulled Angele from the program and didn't allow her to say goodbye to Gabby that she would go do something stupid to get put back in jail? I don't know why I think that but I really do thing she'd commit a petty crime to go back in to be with Gabby. I agree with the above poster that I found Angele to be very pretty until I learned more about her as a person. Is she on social media? I'm wondering if she's offering any defense.
  22. This is so wrong but it made me snort laugh. Lmfao.
  23. Me too. I never understood why they called it a bistro. It looks like any corner diner on any block.
  24. My cat loves her dry food too. I hate the Liberty Mutual commercial where the son says he knows what a lug wrench is. First of all, I hate the snotty way the kids talks to the dad. Second if the kid doesn't know what a lug wrench is, it's the dads fault, not the kids. Both of my kids, one of which is female both knew how to change a tire and check and change the oil before they learned how to drive. This one is extremely petty but it bugs the hell out of me every time. It's a commercial for the drug called Latruda. A mom (grandma?) is putting a little girls hair in a pony tail and she misses a big, long clump of hair that's hanging in the kids face. Stupid, I know but it bugs.
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