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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. Oh ok, that's much better, thanks. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he did actually kick a woman though.
  2. Ronnie kicked a woman? Who did he kick and why don't I remember this?
  3. They live in Vallejo which is a pretty scummy city so it's quite possible they're in a gang. If they're not, they better stay out of certain areas all dressed in red. I can't watch the abuse and stupidity in the other Teen Mom shows anymore so I figured I'd give this one a shot. The other shows piss me off so bad that I can't watch them anymore. This one is no different so I'm out, I made it through the whole season so I tried.
  4. She looks so good these days. They make such a cute couple.
  5. I tried to watch but it's just not entertaining to me at all anymore. I just can't sit and watch kids being emotionally battered. Every time I try to watch I end up being so pisses off and I just can't do it anymore. I'll keep reading here to keep up but I won't be watching. Just can not do it.
  6. After not watching this crap for a couple of seasons, I decided to watch this season because I like reading and talking about the show with you guys. I only made it past the first episode. After that, just reading the episode description would piss me off. Jenelle calls 911 on Barb? Nope, couldn't watch that shit. Now reading here about Kaiser, I just can't do it. I'm in too good a mood to have these assholes ruin it and they would ruin it for sure. Except Chelsea.
  7. Yaya, she's back!!!! I'm so sorry you've had so many complications but I'm so happy to hear you're on the mend. We've all missed you!
  8. I just saw in the preview that Kelly will be with them on the new season. I can't stand her loud, obnoxious ass so I'm out.
  9. My son and I have the same twisted sense of humor so when he was married, we danced to Daddy's Little Girl. My honey and I agree that if we ever have a wedding our dance song will be I Hate Everything About You by Ugly Kid Joe. Yeah, we're all pretty twisted.
  10. @lovesnark, welcome to the grandma club!!! You're going to love every second of it. Welcome to the world baby Ezra!!!!
  11. I get all of that. What I'm confused about is that you said "David just said that to piss off dumb fuck #2". If David is dumb fuck #2 was he trying to piss himself off? How can David be trying to piss off dumb fuck #2 if he is dumb fuck #2? Am I making sense?
  12. I'm confused. How can David want to piss of Dumb Fuck 2? I thought he WAS Dumb Fuck 2.
  13. I think she said that she had taken something for the sea sickness but it wasn't working.
  14. Has there been any news about why Bobby isn't on this season? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he's gone, I'm just curious as to why. I can't see him leaving on his own.
  15. I've only read the first page so please forgive me if this has already been discussed to death. I may have missed it but did they actually say that Roseanne stole the pills? You wouldn't believe the fake aches and pains people suddenly suffer from when they find out that I take pain medicine. All of a sudden they have a bad headache, back ache, migraine, whatever and they shyly ask if I have anything for pain. I say yes and give them a Tylenol, if they say they need something stronger, I give them ibuprofen. Maybe she conned them from people or maybe they just gave them to her because they don't take them. I've also had my pain medicine stolen the day after I refilled both kinds, so they stole a lot of pills from me. This episode hit home a lot for me. When I had my accident and found out that I would need pain medicine for pretty much the rest of my life, I was terrified of becoming addicted. I got myself a sponsor at NA and she helps keep me in the straight and narrow with them. It's so easy to become addicted to them and the abusers have made it so damn hard for the people who actually need them to function and have some kind of life. I've liked them all but I think this episode is my favorite of the new ones so far. Watching the Connors again is like pulling out my favorite warm blanket on the first cold day of the year. The family is so familiar and so comforting to me. Every time my phone rings and I hear the theme song, I smile. It's been my ringtone since I got me first smart phone. I'm such a dork over this show.
  16. It was Puck and he was kicked out of the house on season 3, the San Francisco season. He was so disgusting.
  17. "Sewer smell" is exactly how I described it too. I've been smelling it off and on for a few days. I have no clue what it could be.
  18. I never had much of an opinion about Chihuahuas before I got Baby. As we were walking through the shelter, we noticed that she barked like crazy at everyone who walked by but when me and my daughter walked by she ran up to the cage door wagging her tail. We backed away from the cage and watched her bark at the next people then when we walked up again, the tail started wagging again. She picked us out. We just went to the shelter to look for a small dog. We didn't care what breed we just wanted a little one. We had my male Border Collie at the time, his head was about the size of her entire body but she was the boss of all of the animals, they didn't mess with her because she'd go after them like she was a Pit Bull. I was once kicked out of a pet store because my little 7 pound Chihuahua started a fight with 2 Collies*. She would always bathe my cats, and they LOOOOOVED it. I have a bad smell in my house and I can't figure out where it's coming from. I took my garbage to the can down the hill yesterday so it's not that. It's driving me crazy. I smell it through the whole house so I can't pinpoint where it is. It's not a death smell so a critter hasn't died under my house or anything like that. We had a dead deer on my property a few years ago and it took animal control way too long to come and get it, believe me, that is NOT a smell one forgets. Are you supposed to capitalize dog breeds?
  19. Why was she in my city?? Stay down south Kylie, we don't want you here.
  20. Actually, her full name is "Trixie God Dammit Stop That" . This cat will be 6 in August and still looks and acts like a little kitten. She still races up and down the stairs in the middle of the night, she'll attack my feet when I'm walking. She drives me crazy. She's lucky she's so damn cute. @mittsigirl, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that pain all too well and I feel for you. @guilfoyleatpp, I had a Chihuahua mix that I adopted from the local shelter. They estimated that she was 5-7 and I had her for 14 years, she was my oldest dog. She passed away last Xmas night. I miss her, she was the best cuddle buddy, as long as I kept a hand on her, she would lie down with me anywhere for as long as I wanted.
  21. I hope it's ok to start this. Mike has become my favorite so I wanted to start a thread for him. Please delete this if it's not allowed. I'm worried about Mike. I'm a firm believer in "do the crime, do the time" but I think prison will be very hard for him. Watching the older seasons and the way he acted and the always showing his abs and things like that, I think he's going to get a lot of harassment in prison.
  22. I'm Norwegian and Native American (#NorwindianLife) and this sounds amazing to me. Italian food is the best, I could eat pasta with every meal every day. When I was a kid I ate nothing but macaroni, I didn't care what was on or in it, I just loved my macaroni. @Quilty, the Breakfast in Bed one is good but we are talking about Amber here, it would have to be Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner in bed.
  23. I'm stupid. What does this mean? I've tried and tried and just can't figure it out.
  24. Thanks. That's always the first thing I think of when I hear about someone having their jaw wired. I imagine that would be very panic inducing.
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