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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. That's probably because it's not their own language. The U.S. has no official language, with English just being the de facto common language, so for many natives, it's their second language too. In my area, you can easily find people who grew up speaking Russian, Polish, or Spanish and never bothered to learn any English.
  2. Or anything else that doesn't try to pretend that they're not all gathered in the room for exactly that reason. Even better would be if the announcement were followed by Johnny Mac saying "I'll go get Steve" and running off to the bathroom to tell him (Steve being the most likely to have excused himself for an attack of nerves).
  3. A hoverboard exists. You can see it at http://hendohover.com/in-the-news Looks like it needs some metal to work, but no surprise there.
  4. Does that mean this woman is in the habit of eating pizza at that store, or is there going to be a cold slab of dough sitting on her doorstep when she eventually gets home?
  5. Can't say I've seen that many seasons, but wouldn't half of the next double eviction be comp-based, e.g. whoever gets eliminated first or does the worst while playing for HOH? That would make it dependent on how production skews the comp, rather than any choice of the HG's.
  6. Depends on the store. Some put the card scanner way down at the end. Some put the screen practically parallel to the aisle so it's visible to anyone next to the conveyor. Not very private, but it beats the self-service checkouts reading nearly everything off in a loud voice.
  7. The emoji lets her do it in secret, so nobody at the store can object to possibly getting tomato sauce on their white furniture until it's too late.
  8. You can't trust any of the reaction shots. If it's a wide shot where you can see both the judge speaking and the reaction, fine, Otherwise, it's likely you're seeing something recorded at another time and spliced in. You can sometimes see the disparity between the wide shot and the "reaction" when they focus on the contestant, and it looks like they're reusing the reaction shots. I'm sure they're filming some TH's in advance too.
  9. Rachell Lefevre was quoted "I've never laughed more on a job in my life". She didn't say why, but it's easy to see how the show could be very humorous if you look at the inanity of the dialog and plot twists/holes instead of taking the story seriously. For those that don't, there's always the snark factor, and some people like when they can feel superior to others, and there's certainly opportunity with characters on this show.
  10. For the flash challenge, I liked the more aggressive design better, but the judges had a point in that it didn't really suit the Dodge. Somebody should tell the designers that a muscle car should look the part. Who was the sponsor last time around? I'm fairly certain the artists had more cars to work with that time and didn't have to triple-up.
  11. College freshmen. Too bad for Shane the show is set in high school, despite how old the actors are (he's 26 this month).
  12. Perfect. Back when TNG was airing, the net nickname was "forehead of the month club". The alien designs were very simplistic compared to the original series, with more care going into application so that they didn't look as cheesy. Note to geeky contestant: "Live long and prosper" belonged to the original series.
  13. Other than the easily recognizable design on the card, the current trend in grocery stores is for a virtual register tape (including method of payment) to be displayed on a computer screen visible to the clerk, customer, and anyone nearby.
  14. If there's one group of people the government remembers most in (at least talking about) providing aid it''s an unemployed, single mother of three.
  15. I went to a pumpkin beer tasting last fall, and concluded that for most brands it's just a gimmick. There were a couple of tasty brews but I wasn't enough of a fan to shell out what they were asking.
  16. Were they trying to drum up viewers, or save some trouble drumming up contestants? They only needed to find half as many talented artists as before by having them each bring somebody they can call their "apprentice".
  17. Is it really true that her friend and brother don't get her, or do they get her so well that they figure they'd be stuck with the cost of the pizza if they humor her? Or maybe they're just too busy to drop everything for this entitled bitch. I doubt the store personnel appreciated seeing a pizza show up. The main character of Pretty Woman did the same thing, but she was written to be classless; what's Sarah's excuse? (I hope she at least got up from the white chair and ate it somewhere else)
  18. Time to give Flo's ads with the idiot co-worker a turn? Actually, the "sprinkles" ad isn't too bad. The one where he keeps putting money in the jar is pretty annoying. The "lactose" ad makes him look so dumb, I don't know why any customer would want someone like that helping with their insurance; you want somebody who you can trust knows what they're doing.
  19. Judging from the condition of her nails and the hairdo that looked like a child cut it while she was asleep, I think this is the first time we've seen a catfish who clearly wasn't expecting to be on TV. She looked a lot better in the followup.
  20. Which is the real reason why John would go after Meg. If he can be a non-threat until he wins a comp or two at the right time, he can take Vanessa's place.
  21. Gas station mini-mart, but you have to pour it yourself, and need a loyalty card not to pay the full price of 99 cents. BK used to have a senior citizen price of 50 cents but that seems to have been discontinued.
  22. Saying that she got back some of what she paid for insurance because she actually managed to go a few months without an accident isn't exactly a strong argument for the point she's trying to make.
  23. The Apprentice set a template for shows like this a long time ago; a short list of potential winners is cast, and everyone else is cannon fodder, there to create "drama" or to round out a diverse group. Sometimes someone will disappoint enough to be kicked to the wayside early; more rarely will a filler contestant impress enough to get taken seriously.
  24. To some extent this is a casting issue. There have been prior seasons when contestants were turning practically everything into monsters, even when the judges were obviously looking for beauty makeup. It's what they knew and could do well in the limited time, so they'd bend the challenges as much as possible to fit. This group's wheelhouse may be more beauty makeup with some classic horror effects on guys.
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