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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. The gecko must be a big tipper if the valet is willing to give the car that much space, rather than put it where he would a motorbike or other smaller vehicle.
  2. She also seems to be in denial. She gets an angry face when she says "then you totaled him", like she's mad at someone in the audience and it wasn't her fault. Speaking of what insurance companies charge, Progressive seems a bit confused about their "name your price tool". They have a black & white ad where an announcer talks about how a housewife can "get all the car insurance options her little heart desires". I thought the point of the tool was to figure out what you can afford to get.
  3. I just don't see how a slice of mall pizza would have as many calories as half a pie from one of the chain stores (e.g. Papa John's or Dominos). Or how that portion of mac & cheese would have nearly as many as what you'd have after preparing two boxes of mac & cheese mix (in which you'd have dumped a quarter-pound of butter). I'd suggest that Dolvett bears some blame for choosing who is on his team, but I'm reminded that he didn't actually pick Felicia; he got stuck with her since Jen got last pick (having gotten to go first). Is that why she's acting like such a jerk? The way Bob told everyone that he was going to show them how to make Jenny-O taste good came off as a subtle knock against the product (it doesn't taste good out of the package?).
  4. Anybody can drive like Andretti on ice and snow; the real challenge is stopping.
  5. I think Tide was big on ads featuring mustard for a while.
  6. From what I've seen, nudity carries a lot of clout when it comes to TV critics and the like, so the GG voting was biased.
  7. Maybe they thought she rose above what she was given to work with. I was impressed with Kaley Cuoco when she appeared on the final season of Charmed for that reason. Did the other actresses win in another category or already have awards? That can be a factor.
  8. Is his mother deaf? He answers the phone yelling "where are you?" and she doesn't react at all. Or, is this a re-edit of an older ad, like when State Farm tried to reuse Jake with the coneheads.
  9. I don't see anything that couldn't be battery-powered. Where are the escort cars with flashing lights that are supposed to accompany a load like that?
  10. What happened for Gaga's hair to look like that in her red-carpet photo?
  11. Generally speaking, cities own the land adjacent to public streets, including the tree belt and sidewalk, but why assume that the hotel doesn't have some sort of "aura" that can suck someone in? Better to add a little distance. The alley would be private property, and the dividing line between the hotel and whatever is next door could be anywhere, so the whole alley could be hotel property. More attention should have been paid to her makeup and lighting. She has looked good at least a couple of times, but the producers have cared more about trying to make things look "spooky" with lots of shadows.
  12. Beverly only recognizes achievements that are exceptional, and wouldn't consider giving birth to be significantly more noteworthy than "being expelled from a birth canal". It's possible that she's raised her standards over the years, or that Leonard's issues are getting in the way of an accurate accounting of what she told him when he was young.
  13. Is Beyoncé ever going to learn how to move in sync with the music and other dancers? Thankfully, she only had to perform for a few seconds. Jenna knocked it out of the park with Cold Hearted.
  14. You're not going to know all of the factors since you won't know how all of the intervening air is moving.
  15. Why would Beverly consider giving birth worthy of calling it an accomplishment? Actually, he switched to boxer-briefs (the CBS web page has a still). Sheldon was wearing briefs when he got pantsed in the pilot.
  16. Apparently not. Since my comment, I noticed the ad when it popped up on TV, and that's the version they're using in the U.S. (at least here in the northeast). I hope that's just a recording by a group that doesn't enunciate clearly; it would be tasteless to put fake subtitles to a recording in a foreign language.
  17. I didn't mind too much, earlier this season, when Penny didn't know Leonard's birthday after previously spending an entire episode throwing him a party and doing his astrological chart (some people are bad with dates), but it made no sense for Leonard to change why he wasn't allowed to celebrate it. Originally, he said that his birth wasn't considered an achievement worthy of celebration; this week he's saying it was because it was his mother's accomplishment. I would have rather had the closing scene been of Leonard and Penny at the Doctor Who convention than of Stuart being creepy. I'd expect both to be in costume, although if Leonard went with a modern Doctor, Penny wouldn't have had to do much. For a guy that dragged Sheldon out of a bookstore for chatting with a little girl, it was odd to see Leonard jumping rope like that. I'd have expected him to do something like play with Sheldon's model trains.
  18. Too soon to tell. If the Supreme can do Misty's resurrection trick, she can come by, help Queenie out, and do a little housecleaning. Or, Queenie could be back as a ghost because she didn't get to "come on down". Can the ghost of a witch do magic on other ghosts?
  19. What's up with the lyrics? It sounds like an Asian version.
  20. Name-dropping that show and its host provided a reason for Queenie to come back as a ghost. I have no idea whether that's going to be important next week, or be yet another hanging thread left behind by the show. Maybe March just doomed himself to hearing her snark at him every time he appears in the hotel. March's explanation for why Queenie's voodoo power wasn't affecting him was one of the dumbest things this season. He just physically attacked her so there's not "nothing there". Much better would be to have used the fact that ghosts stay the way they died and say that her magic can't change that.
  21. Bringing up movies in this thread reminds me of Back to the Future 2, when Doc tells Marty that Biff's 1950's car could slice through a Delorean like tissue paper. The husband could have been driving a really old heap that he might have had dreams of fixing up some day, but in the mean time didn't think merited being careful driving.
  22. For me, the diagram that popped up gave it away. No point to calculating anything if he wanted her death to be real.
  23. You're right that Anna was pretty much thrown onto the show without any preparation, but she shared some of the things I like about Dolvett. Shame it was nothing more than a stunt casting to bring in more viewers. She had potential. I'm not sure what bugs me about Jen, but I think it has to do with not seeming real. It's like she's always acting and you can see that she is because she isn't that good at it.
  24. For the sake for her flooring, I hope she got some rubber shows for him too. The actress does a great job without saying a word. As is seeing him without his mustache.
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