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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. She's probably been shacking up with one Hollywood bigwig after another, and rarely uses the apartment.
  2. It's a street-legal golf cart. I've heard that an uncle used to drive a small foreign car, not unlike the Smart, many years ago, that the family referred to as a "coffin on wheels".
  3. I don't know that it's possible to come up with a joke regarding Microsoft and bugs that hasn't been completely worn out.
  4. Does that mean Jimmy picked the color of the envelopes so that Sandpiper staff could easily spot them and trash them, providing a rationale to get creative in signing people up?
  5. You're forgetting about wet nurses, as well as mothers who want to breastfeed after adopting an infant or using a surrogate mother.
  6. All it would have taken was a little body paint. I saw a show a few years ago where they were talking about body-painting and did slow pans down the models to show the work, and it was quite clear that they weren't wearing anything but paint. This was an afternoon show on basic cable. If SyFy wanted to be more prudish, the lighting was dim enough to hide some pasties.
  7. If you mean the military version, it probably has the least practical interior ever designed into a vehicle (a local RTOC had one on display a few years ago).
  8. That would imply you're unarmed unless you add "I guess the shotgun'll have to do".
  9. The way things usually work, you need to be very careful because djinn are masters at finding alternate interpretations for a wish (as with the doorknob). They did the same with the final scene of last week's episode, repeated at the beginning of this one. Did the ladies hitchhike to ice school? All we saw transforming were the guys, and only one bird flew down from the roof at the end, presumably leaving his partner for the exercise behind (I don't recall which of the guys that was or who he was with). I presume it's a play on the phrase "silly goose", how the professors see the frosh.
  10. Wouldn't that mean you'd have to follow up in another voice with "it's in your holster, like always right after target practice"?
  11. To me, the obvious followup to what he says is something like "...but I don't because I'd be paying a lot more in taxes". The big-name tax filing chains have a reputation for being the most conservative in interpreting the regulations since they'd be a big target for the IRS.
  12. They were just following the format of the show; the "win" didn't mean anything.
  13. How is this relevant? They weren't company stores and there's no reason to think that Papa John's had any idea what was going on. Even if they did, there was nothing they could do besides threaten non-renewal of permission to use the company name. It would be more accurate to say "predictions" than "threats".
  14. The problem is getting the weighting right. Clearly, the judges weren't happy with what they saw last time, and with no real chance to work it out, leaving it up to them to decide who's hopeless, with no formal scoring system, makes the most sense.
  15. How could Hawking forget Sheldon after the drunk-dialing?
  16. The point of the mandatory auto insurance is to protect who you hit, not yourself. All of the people in the LM ads are too self-centered to even think of the victims of their lousy driving, and want to pretend like nothing happened.
  17. He wasn't hungry yet. The cure was slowing his re-transformation. No. Ravi tried all of the brands.
  18. This was a straightforward way of figuring out who should leave because they really couldn't do anything. It was a waste of screen time to mention the save.
  19. Maybe she's figured out that you're actually celebrating surviving another year, or more for the milestone numbers. She does put up with social custom when necessary, as when she thanked Sheldon for sending flowers after her surgery, then agreed with him about not really caring for the custom. Maybe her daughter-in-law, the judge and bronze medalist, insisted on having something; she respects accomplished people. Seems like he'd sooner want his assistant, Alex.
  20. If by "batshit crazy" you mean things that can be twisted or taken out of context to comic effect, ITA. Hillary and Bernie have enough political seasoning to know how not to say something.
  21. I think what they're saying is that they have one thing (they think) they can do really well, but it didn't fit any of the challenges so far. In old seasons, some contestants would bend challenges to suit their talent, but the judges have caught on that not doing what was asked means they couldn't do what was asked.
  22. With the ropes falling off, I'm guessing that one of the lines in the secret spell is "the truth shall set you free".
  23. Mr. Boss wanted to be sure the job got done, not trusting that his men wouldn't cut a deal with Blaine, and compromised on the site rather than be too inconvenienced.
  24. I think it means some have and she's trying to head off a bad reputation that'll sink her company.
  25. Rita got really lucky in regards to whose brain Liv was on when she found out. If Boss had spent more time watching movies and TV instead of playing D&D he'd have known that if you want to get rid of a body the right way, you need some concrete. It's practically a cliche for people to come back from what they did with Blaine.
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