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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I once saw a demonstration on TV of a gadget that will pick a standard lock so quickly that a casual bystander would assume you had a key. It's why car keys went electronic years ago, and why Mike locking his door would barely slow down the twins.
  2. Penny is experienced enough that she probably knows how to take advantage of balance transfer offers to pay very little in interest, by periodically moving her debt from one card to another. She's exactly the kind of customer banks want, so I'd bet that some of those offers are even at 0%. That was her long history of not having much money talking. My own circumstances changed a lot further ago than Penny's and I still catch myself thinking the same way sometimes. There's nothing wrong with keeping a stash of his own; some financial advisors even recommend that for couples. But, it's insulting to Penny to tell someone that he needs to do it because he can't trust her to be financially responsible. She wouldn't have the amount of debt she has unless she had demonstrated the ability to handle money responsibly.
  3. Here in Massachusetts, they tend to be used for special events like grand openings, and in tax-filing season by Liberty Tax when they don't have somebody dressed in a Statue of Liberty costume waving at the traffic instead. They seem to have fallen out of favor at car dealerships, but were still being used by them when this show is set.
  4. Not if the company's educational assistance plan was set up properly, and I expect a law firm like HHM would get it right.
  5. Maybe we'll get to see one explode, or at least catch fire (which is the more usual occurrence).
  6. Sheldon doesn't struggle with his OCD; his friends do, although it's sometimes worked to their advantage. I have a vague recollection of Sheldon saying that he didn't want to mess with his brain in another context (probably alcohol), so it's unlikely he'd be agreeable to medication.
  7. I presumed it was network censors who weren't comfortable. It's easy to forget that this show is on a broadcast network so it can't get as risque as something on channels like BBCA or MTV.
  8. The high point of this episode for me was the guys trying to do the theme from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I never saw the show much, but using a rap that has the main character taking a cab from Philadelphia to L.A. made it memorable.
  9. VS has some ads that run in cycles with the tag line "what is sexy". The odd thing is that half the models in them seem to be clueless about looking sexy. It's like they think just because they put on lingerie for the ad, that's enough, and they don't have to look like they feel sexy wearing it. Women in movies have done better in a business suit.
  10. That's the kind of thing that would depend on where you went to college.
  11. We saw some sort of transparent barrier in prior episodes, but that would have gotten in the way of the plot twist, so we'll presume it was removed for a good reason (and not just for the fun of being able to provoke a dangerous creature with a cattle prod).
  12. Seems like that should be a function of what the individual store has for a dispenser and the company that services it. One of the local BK's has a computerized Coke dispenser with a touch screen that lets you select which Coca Cola brand and flavor you want and it'll mix it for you, whether that's a diet strawberry Fanta, Seagrams ginger ale, or a plain old Coke.
  13. One stereotype of classic porn is that actresses could go through an entire movie without ever removing their shoes, regardless of their intervening state of (un)dress.
  14. That just happened in August in Ohio. And last month, a fake cop in Florida had the bad luck to pass by a real cop who thought he'd help with the traffic stop until he noticed that the fake patrol car looked wrong.
  15. The ironic thing is that the "extra pounds" that Brandon sees are likely to move to all the right places over the next few years and he'll be kicking himself for rejecting her. That is if Kharece can keep herself from getting tangled up in what idiots like him think while her body continues to mature.
  16. Web searches come up empty, but one can speculate. The popular perception of condoms is that everybody hates them, but often put up with them to get laid. So, I guess she's saying that if Jaylin doesn't want to put up with her BS in return for what she has to offer, she won't have any trouble finding someone else who will.
  17. Every few years the local city newspaper runs an article advising drivers never to stop for anything other than a properly marked police vehicle, and if pursued by something other than that, to head for the nearest police or fire station. The official position is that no reputable police dept uses unmarked cars for routine traffic stops (for a list of good reasons), so drivers shouldn't risk getting assaulted and robbed by an imposter.
  18. I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I can't blame her for how she feels about all of the ignorance about the South and what the Confederate flag really symbolizes; OTOH, it sounds like her area at least hasn't progressed quite as much as she thinks it has.
  19. When Max brought up one of the alternate pronunciations for Ja'la's name, was that a wink at knowing more than they were pretending? They hadn't talked to Jaylin yet, so how did Nev know the right way? In early episodes he wouldn't; that seems to have changed but I hadn't noticed until Max's comment.
  20. Since you can't read minds, you have to go by external clues. We didn't see what transpired, but Jimmy;s comment to Kim about knowing a guy suggests that he thought Kim might have been in it for real, so I'm sure it looked real to observers like the restaurant staff. When you add in Jimmy's past behavior, is anyone really going to buy these two lawyers saying that they were just pretending to commit a felony?
  21. Not cashing the check just changes it from fraud to attempted fraud. They put enough effort into the deceit that it'd really be up to Kim and Jimmy to prove lack of intent. Procrastination in completing the crime won't do it.
  22. The ad talks about combining three good things, but if that's what they got combining those three, why should we even consider whatever product it is they're selling? The creatures in The Island of Dr. Moreau were less creepy.
  23. Was kind of work was this? Computers don't shut down without giving open apps a chance to save anything they need to.
  24. What's the point of declaring a winner when it doesn't even keep you from being stuck with last pick the following week? What's the point of having a guest judge who's an expert on the subject of the week if the regular judges are going to ignore him?
  25. While watching Nev read off Jaylin's email, the fact that he'd misspelled the name of his "true love" jumped out at me (I see by the recap Tara noticed it too). With such an inattention to detail, I have to wonder if Jaylin's role as videogame developer is mostly just to test-play what his partner writes.
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