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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Not if the equipment sucked and the signal didn't reach very far. One version of the ad has someone saying that he could connect from upstairs as though he didn't expect to be able to.
  2. If the guys were going to joke about Paris' name, they should have shown some creativity, rather than keep going with the same lame riff that I'm sure she's heard far too many times before.
  3. I liked that she was fair enough to note that this is something the two parties seem to agree on. On some issues, her rants have gone off the rails enough to remind me of Gilda Radner on SNL's Weekend Update.
  4. One of the ads says that the chase has been going on for nearly a month. The inside of that car must make an outhouse smell rosy.
  5. I don't know where he is with Emily, but he hasn't really two-timed Claire. Previously, Raj was going back and forth on the phone with both while in his car and openly talking to Claire about going to see Emily instead of meeting up as was originally planned. With Claire this episode, he seemed pretty clear that their dating was "casual", not exclusive.
  6. Not really once you consider that all of the models are hitting the showers, so the winning work is going down the drain right along with the loser. Something to do with packing up does make sense, but I think Ink Master has already been using a similar sendoff.
  7. Unless her new fans are dead, I don't see how that's going to work. She's not claiming to have gotten in touch with Frankie for Kayla; she's claiming that Frankie is the one who contacted her and she reached out to Kayla to give him closure and peace.
  8. It was never established that they were. Leonard freaked out at the possibility and assumed the worst. Online, but Sheldon could be getting catfished.
  9. I find that ad less annoying when I mute the TV, but she looks even more ridiculous, which is how the bystanders in the ad ought to be seeing her, since it's not like she has an iPod playing that music when she does that.
  10. Except for Sheldon. "Smart" can encompass both intelligence and education, and the other guys have shown that they have more the latter than the former. Leonard in particular has been built up as someone who's not as bright as he'd like to think, but has put in a lot of hard work academically.
  11. For most people, yes, but what if your DNA truly doesn't push you one way or the other? Then you might develop a preference anyway, and for all practical purposes have chosen your sexuality.
  12. On some issues, Jenna isn't the one who's ignorant. A person's natural sexuality falls in a range, it's not an either/or, and folks in the middle may decide to primarily pursue relationships with their own gender, so she was absolutely right in saying that some people choose to be gay and for others it's not a choice; the group didn't want to hear it and called that homophobic.
  13. Courtney could have gotten that information from one of Frankie's relatives or somebody he had dated (or been cheating with, given that there's dirt being kept from Kayla).
  14. If you can get it past the motor vehicle dept. Some are pretty strict and will even consider how something might be interpreted in a foreign language.
  15. Lessons often have room for interpretation, and theirs seems to have been "it's better to be the bully than the victim".
  16. If the scripts were good, they wouldn't be earning their big salaries selling what's on the page as well as they do; anyone could do it. I still remember the remarkable job Kaley did with the rubbish she was handed on the final season of Charmed.
  17. In that case, what he was missing was that "secretaries" weren't the only ones doing typing. He must not have been watching the right TV shows.
  18. I don't see a problem as long as Raj is truthful with her. She'll just hate the other woman. They must have gotten it from a real Italian restaurant that sells subs; it wouldn't if it came from a typical pizza and sub shop.
  19. Not true; male secretaries were just called something else, like an "aide" or "assistant".
  20. I was pleased to see they got that right (Chuck wouldn't have done it if it was illegal, as that would be stooping to Jimmy's level). Often, writers go by California law even though the show is set somewhere else where the law is different, as in this case.
  21. Depends on whether you consider GMO or the results of crossbreeding synthetic. According to Monsanto's web site they're not actually selling their GMO pumpkin seeds yet.
  22. The ads will sometimes cheat by saying "with..." and not tell you that those actors just have small parts. Mostly, though, you don't notice the no-names leading most animated movies because they'll find something else to push, like the director, writer, or what company is releasing it. When nobody mentions who's voicing the title characters of Wall-E or Pocahontas you don't think about it or remember. When they say "Toy Story 3 starring Tom Hanks and Tim Allen", you notice, and it's what you notice that builds a perception.
  23. The problem here is that if Jimmy really was just placating Chuck, he would have answered exactly the same way. No reasonable person would have expected him to say "you're right, I just made it all up to make you happy". Of course, Chuck is not a reasonable person and probably thinks he's got ironclad proof, when at best he might sell somebody on doing some digging.
  24. You're being mislead by the ads, Most of the cast in animated movies, even leading roles, are voice actors most people have never heard of. They'll hire token "names" with the talent to do voice work for marketing reasons, although if the voice they want happens to lead them to a big name actor (e.g. James Earl Jones), all the better.
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