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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. That type of recorder generally has a terrible microphone built in, and Chuck made his chances of getting an intelligible recording much worse by burying it so that Jimmy wouldn't see it. Chuck could probably still bluff Jimmy. Were the writers really that desperate to get viewers back next season that they felt they needed to do this style of season finale? I'm sure it works for a lot of people (or they wouldn't do it), but it just pisses me off and makes it less likely I'll be back.
  2. Colleges don't actually cost that much more these days after you adjust for inflation. What's changed is the willingness of students to work their way through college. Work experience is important to employers when you graduate, even if you just held crummy, low-paying work-study jobs on campus that didn't make much of a dent in costs. Does UofP even have a work-study program?
  3. My presumption is that Jimmy knew Chuck and the nature of the case well enough that he could reasonably count on all of the altered documents to be in the files so that he could swap back the originals. Worst case, Chuck would have some pages proving that it wasn't his fault he got the address wrong and he had had the bad luck to have based his work on a document containing an error. No reason for Chuck to go any further.
  4. They were trying to catch channel flippers, but yeah, if they did their job right, anyone interested in the show would have already known that it was going to be a two-hour finale that started an hour earlier than usual.
  5. I don't know about that, but it wouldn't be all male, and they certainly wouldn't have the black guy only sweeping the floor.
  6. The diaper bit completely sidestepped the fact that you've got a politically influential group supporting the left that doesn't want landfills to be "filled with disposable diapers", so it's not just old fogies on the right who see them as a luxury that are opposing paying for them.
  7. Not if they wanted to become zombies and expected that things would go the same way as for those like Liv and Blaine (if it worked at all); doesn't say much for their regard for anyone who might become a meal. It might have worked if they didn't get shot so soon.
  8. When one of the [contestant] on Rock of Love wanted to insult another contestant, she'd accuse her of getting her boob job in Tijuana. Apparently, if you live in the Southwest that's the place to go if you just want one done really cheap.
  9. From what we've seen of his reactions, he should be wearing chain mail, not that flimsy foil. They put it in knife-resistant body armor, so he wouldn't have to look like he stepped out of a Renaissance fair or was going shark-diving.
  10. Since the rampaging horde was Vaughn's employees and friends, I suspect they would have been mowed down regardless. Viv got the secret basement zombie research she wanted, and presumably has some brains on tap to use it.
  11. Technically it was Chuck and HHM that was victimized. Chuck's error and HHM's failure to spot it means that they're on the hook for any expenses.
  12. The problem is not that they're seeing a less idealized version of what they were expecting, but something else entirely. Don't pretend to look like Taylor Swift if you're more like Meghan Trainor (or vice versa), because most people's tastes aren't that broad. Catfish need to stick to photos of people who look like better versions of themselves, rather than having a mainstream look that they think will bring the most attention.
  13. Somebody looking for a top in a BSDM relationship? She's got the stereotyped look and attitude, so this show could lead to some modeling work in fetish magazines and catalogs. Maybe even videos.
  14. It was very entertaining; shame about the huge continuity error that could have easily been fixed in editing.
  15. One possibility is to come up with a treatment that would prevent the zombie virus from eating up whatever it is that zombies have to keep getting from brains. Another would be to develop a medical supplement for whatever is being lost. Worst case they could start growing human brains. The technology exists.
  16. Was the writer told to name-drop in support of another MTV show? If you know enough about being catfished to use the terminology, how do you not know that the "catfish" is the pretender, not the unsuspecting victim?
  17. Chuck is an egotist who wants to do whatever he wants with impunity. It's probably why he chose to study law. How dare Jimmy retaliate! I doubt that most people in that position would figure that someone wanting to do a time-consuming illegal task will do it where just anyone can walk in on them at any time.
  18. Since what was to be erased also showed Lance taking the bribe and he'd want to minimize what was missing from the tape, I think it'd be a priority for him to do it and it wouldn't have taken long.
  19. It's unlikely Jimmy missed putting back an original, but what did he do with the forgeries after swapping them back? Or the paste-ups? For every altered page Jimmy gave to Chuck, there was the paste-up that got photocopied to produced the forgery. We also don't know what he did with the copies from which he cut out the numbers to glue to the other copies. Even if he burned it all, there might be a partially-intact piece left. Or, did he leave a paste-up in the copy machine in a rush to get back? Or throw away a page without thinking after clearing a jam? Chuck is obsessed enough that he'd personally go dumpster-diving if he didn't have someone to do it for him. Just saying, if the writers want Chuck to find evidence, there are possibilities.
  20. Sheldon became a professor as a condition of being able to choose what he wanted to study (when he decided he didn't want to study string theory any more). Or, was it until she told him he didn't need to do everything she wanted and pay for everything in order to get sex? He wouldn't have wanted to make a big, sudden, change in his spending on her because of what that would say, but Penny wouldn't have noticed him having a few bucks less in his wallet now and then after he had secretly stashed a little away,
  21. We know that Leonard drops a lot of money on comic books and toys, and we don't know how much of Penny's great new salary she's actually taking home. I'm sure the "guy" she mentioned is a rep for a financial services company and would have talked her into stashing away as much as possible into a 403B, Roth IRA, and any other savings programs they offered. So, from Leonard's POV, it's a lot of savings, and from Penny's POV they've got savings (under her name), and that 6K's a lot of money they could be spending.
  22. Little Sweet is a character best appreciated in small doses, but the company doesn't do that, and will fill its ad time in a show with him. Yes, it's different ads, but it's the same voice and shtick, so it grates after a while.
  23. It does depend on the state. In California, without a prenup, each generally keep what they had going into the marriage and share what is acquired afterwards except for gifts and inheritances. When it comes to debt, only joint obligations get shared, so Leonard has no responsibility for whatever Penny charges to her credit cards, unless he gets added to the accounts, which would also convert the debt she had when they got married to something they share. Assets can change character too; if they start sharing Leonard's car, it would become a joint asset even though it was just his when they married.
  24. I see the character of Little Sweet is back. One of the ads has him talking to a guy who's just finished assembling something with an allen wrench. which LS calls a "little tool" - not the best phrase for the character to be uttering.
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