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Everything posted by Birdee

  1. And look at Chelsea actually being nice to fans online instead of calling them hatters or threatening to rape their mothers...
  2. If she is pregnant, and I'm praying she's not, I hope she's a few days further along than Chelsea and was planning on announcing it yesterday but Chelsea's announcement popped up just as she logged in to Instagram.
  3. It depends on the circumstances, but seen can be right. As in "I've already seen that movie." And saw is "I saw them together yesterday."
  4. And I bet Vee actually had to study for her real estate exams, unlike Kail who simply wrote a check and bitched (and STILL didn't get a diploma).
  5. "Live Happy." Of course, because when I think of Kail, I'm always reminded of how happy, outgoing and uplifting she is.
  6. I'm sure Randy knew; he probably thinks he's just being funny. He's not like a regular dad, he's a cool dad, ya know? And I'm excited for them too. And for once, I don't have a sinking feeling about a new MTV baby coming into the world.
  7. The Ashley/Shen drama seems to be going strong. And what is with these MTV people and their C&D letters?
  8. Maybe we can pour a bunch of salt on Amber and rid the world of her.
  9. I've always thought she must have failed a class in her final semester or something along those lines and ended up walking but not getting her diploma. If she wouldn't have actually gotten in, you know she would have had that shit framed and would be posting it all over the place. No shade about being being proud of your diploma and framing it, because I did the same.
  10. Damn it, I keep forgetting about NuCate. But seriously, how shallow is the dating pool in Nowhere, MIchigan that TyTy is a catch? And now Cate is/was/will soon be again using a bed and resources that someone who might really need the help can't get. I know she's seen some trauma, but doesn't healing require some in-depth reflection, which was all know she will never do?
  11. Maybe she decided to stay for an extra few weeks to drink with the locals once she tapped out of the competition?
  12. Here's what a quick search gave me for the girls' Twitter and Insta: Jade: https://twitter.com/jade_desere, https://www.instagram.com/___jade_________/ Kayla: https://twitter.com/kayla_sessler, https://www.instagram.com/kayla_sessler/ Brianna: Her Twitter is private and I didn't find an Insta https://twitter.com/BriannaTweety Lexi: https://twitter.com/lexi_tatman and I didn't find an Insta Ashley: https://twitter.com/_mermaidbarbie, https://www.instagram.com/_mermaidbarbie_/ I think they're all legit, but like I said, it was a quick search.
  13. Birdee


    I will never understand grown-ass adults fighting on social media.
  14. Maybe she's from the Rhine School of Sobriety where drinking doesn't count?
  15. I really, really hope NuMatt is a nurturer. It makes me sad to think about how a lot of these kiddos are probably treated when they're sick. I'm far from a perfect mom, but when Baby Birdee is down for the count, either myself or Mr. Birdee are pretty much holding, cuddling or laying with her 24/7 because that's what she wants. Yeah, it's draining and boring, but what else are we going to do? Throw her in her crib and let her cry it out? I'm looking at you Jenelle...
  16. Cute baby grooves, appropriately-shaped head, loving sister. Heck, if I didn't know better, I'd day there's a TM that actually loves and appreciates their child(ren).
  17. Careful, Cate. Your paranoia about having to get a real job is showing...
  18. They probably forgot about it too and will be all kinds of surprised when the popo drive right around it and onto THE LAND.
  19. Drugs make people paranoid, right? I bet the stress of losing at least one paycheck combined with their already volatile relationship and drug habits has them freaking the hell out.
  20. It it's as expensive as a car--without kids. If it's the same cost as a tank of gas--with kids.
  21. I think it's filters and maybe some contouring. She seems like the kind of person who will spend all day getting a photo from the best angle (it's not like she has kids to raise or anything.) and filtering the shit out of it. Those boobs are ridiculous though; they look like they almost bolted to her collar bone.
  22. Holy cow, Kail is swayback. And her poor horse probably is too after that ride. The fact that she thought that ass was a good idea just boggles my mind.
  23. Glad she's looking into a new OB! Pregnancy and labor/delivery are hard enough without having to deal with a dr. who doesn't care about you. I love my OB/GYN and can't imagine having to go through pregnancy with someone who talks down to you.
  24. Random question, but does anyone know what this toy is? Baby Birdee has a birthday in a few months... Nevermind, I found it. My Googlefoo was off there for a few minutes.
  25. Here's a twitter pic. And Kail looks YUGE compared to tiny little Leah.
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