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Everything posted by Birdee

  1. See there, it wasn't his fault. That bitch Maci triggered him so much at the reunion he had to start shooting up heroin(e) once he got home.
  2. If I remember correctly though, her mom did find the 16&P ad while looking for "Pregnant Modeling" jobs for her, so maybe Maci was trying to break into waddling down the runway?
  3. I always wonder how much this does and will continue to confuse Nova. It's like parents who refer to a child who has passed away to their other kids in a way that makes them think they're just off at camp or something. Is Nova going to grow up thinking any new siblings she gets wil only see her once every few years?
  4. I can understand that if you look totally different from your family and maybe everyone else around you, it could be natural to want to see someone who looks like you. But I think Carly could probably pass pretty easily for B&T's bio kid. I don't know how Carly feels about needing to find someone with her features or whatever, but I think we can all agree that Cate and Tyler probably played up the whole scene. I do agree with you that she's not a narcissist. Cate and Tyler probably asked her 100 times if she liked having a sister who looked just like her and Carly finally broke down and just said yes to get them to shut up.
  5. I was going to ask if she realized how quickly kids grow, (which means you can't really fudge a timeline with their pictures probably more than a few months), then I realized, that she probably has no clue how much bigger Jace is now because she's such a shit mother.
  6. I really want to like this comment, but I'm trying not to hork up my breakfast.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. She's know Ryan a long time and probably still has a little teeny-tiny soft spot for him. When he started getting out of control, she probably kept writing off the events as one-time episodes and hoped he'd get it together. My guess is something big/scary happened (like Benny some him nodding off, starting to OD, etc), that we may not even see if the file, that finally made her fill out the paperwork.
  8. Birdee


    Anything for a little attention I guess. I'm surprised Deb hasn't offered to be a second mom to some of other girls just to stay on the show.
  9. I like to think that Brandon and Teresa are aware of this and will do all they can to help Carly avoid going down this road. True, she's not in the clear, but hopefully having a family who doesn't abuse drugs and access to any help she might need will keep her away from that lifestyle. Just seeing Cait and Tyler and their families on TV might also have her so scared she'll never take a sip of alcohol or take any meds stronger than Tylenol.
  10. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Kristina was either a hostess for the shower or at least showed up early and stayed late to set up and clean up. Amber doesn't deserve her!
  11. Can we all just take a minute to appreciate the fact that Leah used the correct "you're" in that tweet?
  12. Apparently so. http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/center-for-individualized-medicine/drug-gene-testing.asp God only know how much that test costs. And who knows if it was accurate. Since she's at least 78% quesadilla the results are probably skewed.
  13. The "leg pop" pose Gracie is doing drives me almost as batty as the makeup. I know a lot of people do it, but on little girls it just looks wrong. My 10-year-old niece does it in every picture. I swear to JesusGodLeah that if Baby Birdee pops that pose, I'm shooting rubberbands at her knees until she stands up straight.
  14. Yeah, it's definitely not her worst Photoshop faux pas, but the straight lines and blurriness look like a giveaway (to me at least).
  15. This is as big as I could blow up Kail's ass. The glass and trees look fuzzy around the middle of the cheeks and it looks like you can see little hairs on the bottom of her bottom and legs, but everything else is smooth, which is where she worked on the photo.
  16. Taylor with no-to-little beardage: http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/taylor-mckinney-without-beard-117016/photos/taylor-mckinney-without-beard-3-202106#photo-anchor And one if you don't want to click:
  17. Awww, man. We put goldfish graham crackers in Baby Birdee's eggs. But in our defense, she's only 20 months and loves her some goldfishies!
  18. Hmph. To steal a quote from Drew Carey, "There's a support group for that. It's called everybody, and they meet at the bar."
  19. We should have Jeremy check into that. He's always on the lookout for dudes wearing someone else's pants. That's what craziest about this whole thing for me. It means either 1) we ALL somehow missed him getting arrested and we miss NOTHING or 2) we ALL forgot and we can remember how much zebra print was in Chelsea's wardrobe so I don't see that happening. I'm telling you, it's a mystery for the ages! If so, no wonder she's having another baby. More screen time, a bigger check and a replacement baby who hopefully won't argue about acting like is daddy!
  20. Take a remedial English class already, Cate. And what married couple texts each other like that? Ours are more along the lines of "Will you pick up some beer while you're at the store" or "Where in God's name did you put the purple sippy cup!?!? Shit's about to get real!"
  21. We are pretty awesome. And if you hang with us, you can even read books before they're released. Well she does get those sweet Insta #ads now, so she probably doesn't mind too much. If she did have the miscarriage, I can't believe she wouldn't tell Taylor for two months. I don't know if the loss of a baby or me keeping that to myself would hurt Mr. Birdee more; we'll never know because I wouldn't do that, because I actually respect him and our marriage.
  22. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And I feel dirty for agreeing with Kail, even if she is just as guilty as Mac-a-doodle.
  23. Poor huggable, chubby-cheeked little hippo wishes she didn't look like Kail the Whale.
  24. I would be exactly 0% sad if David shot off "Little David" and took himself out of the gene pol.
  25. Well, thank the Lord. How would I make it through the day without her wisdom and support?
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