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Everything posted by Birdee

  1. I think it might have randomly popped up with the story. I used to work for a newspaper and we'd put the links to some online articles on FB and Twitter. Once we added the link, a picture on that page would automatically be added. Usually it was related to the story, but sometimes, for some reason, the algorithm would pick up a picture in an ad or a thumbnail for another story. That could have happened here. However, Jenelle would have seen that pic come up and could have chosen not to use the link. But this is Jenelle and she knew it would piss off Chelsea and Randy.
  2. Yeah, I totally call BS on that. I use Google Maps all the time and the point of it is that you DON'T have to look at your phone. The nice directions lady will tell her when and where to turn through the speakers in her fancy truck. People can defend her all they want, but it's pretty obvious she was texting (or God-forbid, playing a game) and wasn't paying attention to what she was doing.
  3. How low does one's self-esteem have to be to decide Matt is the half that makes you whole? I actually can't decide if I feel sorry for her or if I hope she's just as big of a POS as he is, somehow loses her kids, and then the newlyweds can live creepily everafter and stop reproducing.
  4. Awww, that's sad. Delicious, but sad.
  5. I agree! I didn't really notice how old she looked when compared with her co-stars (and I use that term lightly), but when compared to the fresh-faced Keelie, she really looks like she was rode hard and put up wet.
  6. Yes! I had it several years ago and it's seriously one of the best decisions I've ever made. Hauling around huge-ass boobs like that hurts and (for me at least) it's hard to find clothes that don't make you look extra-dumpy or like a grandma. She also needs to learn some math, because I also do Weight Watchers and giant quesadillas are NOT 7 points. As much as I would like Cate to be happy, her and Tyler's flippancy about the horse and building stables for it really made me mad. My family lives on a ranch that my husband runs for someone else. We both work our asses off and live below our means in the hopes that 10 or so years down the road, we can buy our own little piece of land to run some cattle and keep our horses. And these jackasses or purchasing horses and livestock they don't need and won't take care of like it's a damn board game. I may be a little bitter.
  7. I'd be surprised if an actual attorney drafted the letter. They probably copy and pasted one they found online. What complete jackholes.
  8. Sweet Baby Jesus. I guess Mackenzie got what she wanted. It looks like she's peddling all sorts of crap on her Insta just like the actual TMs and has her very own blog. I will give her credit though--it looks like she can actually write a complete (thought not necessarily interesting) sentence, so she's ahead of a lot of the other ladies there.
  9. That's right. I forgot. I hope he gets better soon and they get the poor little Roll off of The Land. Re: Ex-files. If Nathan is the nicest one, there must be some good mud being slung!
  10. Does anyone know where the whole Grandma Doris custody thing stands? Obviously, Kaiser wasn't immediately taken out of Jenelle and UBT's custody, but I'd like to think there's still some hope the poor little guy will know a happy, stable home at some point.
  11. Do we want to guess how many of the people in that video didn't know that Puerto Ricans are Americans? And Tyler was way too "on."
  12. I was going to say maybe they don't want their hot mess of a mother pulling up to the school 10 minutes late with wheels screeching and throwing pepperoni rolls at them as they hit the ground rolling. And only stopping to flirt shamelessly with some poor male teacher who's on drop-off duty.
  13. Butter aside, I was proud of Leah for actually cooking a meal. It looked like spaghetti and garlic bread. Maybe not the healthiest thing in the world, but throw in a green salad and you have dinner at Casa Birdee tonight.
  14. God, I hope the ass of David's onesie doesn't say "buck naked."
  15. He may not even know what her face looks like. If they spend as much time as these yahoos on their phones they only see the top of each other's heads.
  16. They did decorate a wagon, but were too stupid to realize it was unstable when pulled over the bumpy-ass ground on The Land. So instead, poor Marissa got to be a pack mule.
  17. I totally forgot about Kail gushing about how great Chris was during the delivery! If we're setting the bar at holding her hand, the nice older gentleman at the grocery store who helped me to a bench and gave me some water when I got overheated and crampy while 9 month's pregnant is going to be stellar father.
  18. That's the way I look at it. I had a long road of bad decisions that led me to where I am in life. My crappy tattoo is a reminder of who I was then and the person I am now can laugh at it.
  19. Whoa, there's a lotta teeth and eyebrow in that photo. But Kail does look good for a 40-something twice divorcee.
  20. This. My heart kinda broke for Javi in that scene. Been there, done that, my man. It took me years (YEARS, y'all) to get over a douchebag ex-boyfriend. Months of crying everyday kind of stuff. Hell, if I hadn't met Mr. Birdee, I might still be missing that jackass. Sometimes there's just no rhyme or reason. The heart wants what the heart wants. I think Javi will eventually meet a nice non-MTV girl and look back and chuckle about how caught up he was in Kail. *secret confession* I used to sneak into the kitchen as a kid and eat Country Crock straight out of the container. I grew out of it and have a fairly healthy relationship with food, so all is not lost on Addie. At least as far as being a margarin eater goes.
  21. I really does! Trailers, Mary Kay, cheatin'. It's all there! And totally stuck in my head now.
  22. I prefer "same trailer, different park."
  23. If every time some shit-tacular parenting was captured on video the parents were arrested, we'd live in a much better world. Unfortunately for Kaiser, Jenelle and UBT can claim wonky editing if the films is even admissible. Basically, what @druzy said.
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