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Everything posted by Birdee

  1. Yeah, she's Lady Gaga, but does she have feathers in her hair?
  2. And she's wearing something underneath her shirt! I doubt it's a real bra, but at least it's something.
  3. @MyPeopleAreNordic, I hope you're right. I'm still kinda bummed after reading Barb's response to Jenelle losing her job/Amber not getting fired, so I'm just looking on the dark side of things today. And I have no idea why I let the actions of people I only know through TV bother me, but here we are.
  4. Apropos of nothing: I'm wearing this exact shirt today. I used to like it; now I feel dirty. Also, Kail, you'd better hope Karma isn't a real thing.
  5. Color me shocked that Cate is up early enough to see a sunrise...
  6. I'd imagine if you were shopping in a high-end bridal boutique and you weren't the type of customer they were looking for, you'd get the message (Pretty Woman style) loud and clear before you even got near any of the dresses.
  7. Damn it. I really thought Gary and Kristina were about acting like that. Sure the money is nice, but I hoped they'd but Leah's happiness above that.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. Hailey 2 probably used the fact that Hailey 1 was busy to let Matthew wet his noodle (insert retching sound here). Probably in Hailey 1's bed no less.
  9. He must be the only one with that clause in his contract. The moms are always bitching and moaning about how MTV makes them look.
  10. Could they not have just called or Facetimed? No need for the West Virginia Clampetts to take a vacation to inform her tropical booty call...
  11. Probably not, poor thing. Would you let your kids hang out at there?
  12. A lot of families opt for vasectomy over a tubal because it's less invasive and is only a day surgery with no anesthesia required. You've got to be knocked out for a tubal.
  13. So I finally caught up with this season (working, and being a wife/mom is a total time suck...) and I think I can finally agree it's time for MTV to walk away. Maci is becoming too focused on having a storytime, Bentley be damned, Ryan is an OD waiting to happen, Amber needs to go back to jail, Cheyenne is boring, Catelynn will never amount to anything or help her kids lead productive lives and there is no reason in the world that any of us need to see McKenzie telling her son that his beloved grandma has very little time left with him.
  14. If Mr. Birdee ever pulled a Javi, I would be heartbroken and angry. If he put all our business on social media, I'd be a Dateline special. What in the pre-Britney-shaving-her-head, all-the-lip-gloss, fashion hell is going on here?
  15. Thank God for small favors. Can you imagine how enraged he would get if those poor kiddos messed up, lost a game, or heaven-forbid cried like little...GIRLS! I don't have an issue with kids crying, but you know he'd be calling them names. But then there would also be a chance that a big, strong, tired-of-David's-shit dad beat the hell out of him for it.
  16. I wouldn't want my daughter with someone like him either, but for them, that ship has sailed. They either need to deal with the relationship and let it run its natural course (which I'm assuming isn't long and loving) or if Max is an actual danger, get the courts involved. Being petty and constantly (and correctly in my book) point out what a loser he is won't do much good. And dude looked like he was 30-something with that hair cut! Also, HI! I've been watching this train wreck since the beginning, but wasn't following this board for some reason.
  17. They would have gotten along swimmingly with some of my parents' friends. Their son cheated on his wife and got his gf pregnant. Instead of telling him to group his poop, they put pictures of the son, gf, and grandbaby up around the house right along picture of the wife and kids. Insisted the new baby be part of family photos too. And they were totally stumped as to why the wife was unhappy. Granted, she handled it much better than I would have. Mr. Birdee would have been a funny smell in the attic if I were in her shoes.
  18. It's very kind of you to assume she can count to 100.
  19. Ditto. And I don't know who said what, but can you blame them? I'd lose my mind if my kid came home with an "Amber from Teen Mom." Maybe he's being returned to the shelter and needs a new furever home?
  20. I never really thought about it like that, but you're exactly right. She (they?) don't understand that between folks hoping they have enough cash to keep the lights on/hoping the food bank has enough supplies this month and people jet-setting off to their private islands is an entire (and large!) group of people who don't worry about making the mortgage, but are also SAVING for that family trip to Disney. That's something she could have only dreamed about as a kid, and she's going to end up in the same crappy situation she was in before. It would be sad if she weren't so damn infuriating.
  21. I'm ashamed that I know this, but the own the Kendall's Kountry Meat Market http://www.kendallskountrymeats.com/. It look like little grocery store, an extensive-ish (for their town) meat counter and a restaurant. They apparently also cater.
  22. Maybe so. I just think it would have been easier that once they realized Adam wasn't leaving, they let him hang out on the patio (or whatever) and had Aubree go inside to have a snack or watch TV until Cole showed up. Nothing big or dramatic, just redirecting. That way they could tell C&C, the judge, their lawyers, whomever, that they kept them apart and remedied the situation ASAP. And maybe (but probably not) it could have shown Adam that there are repercussions for his actions. I don't disagree that a few minutes of contact isn't harmful, but following the court's orders as closely as possible will help the Linds and Aubree maintain a relationship.
  23. You mean like Cole builds furniture? Your obsession is showing Jenelle.
  24. Holy swollen pregnancy cankles, Batman! Kidding, kidding, but seriously, that's the only time my ankles have ever looked like that...
  25. Probably not any of her fans. I looked up the 3-piece set she sent to the other girls and it's originally $92.50 (now on sale for $80. Hurry up, supplies won't last!) I have no problem paying money for quality products (which I doubt this is), but there's no way her dead-end job having/multiple-baby-daddy juggling/poor decision making fans are going to be able to afford that. Yup. At least to the first part. I vaguely remember it and TheAshley says it was around 2011 or 2012. When I was kid, my grandmother went completely crazy and threatened my parents and threatened to take me. They went to court and got a restraining order. She showed up at the house once after that. My dad (her son-in-law, not son) met her before she could get out of the car and told her she had 10 seconds to get off our property or he'd call the cops. That's what they should have done. And as a side note, I knew I wasn't allowed to see her and that she was "unhealthy," but I never knew the specifics until I was much, much older because the adults around me didn't feel the need to tell me every sordid detail of their adult business. DeBoers, Linds and Houskas please think about that. And as a parent that's where I would have lost my shit. If he insisted on coming in the house and none of the other adults could be bothered to stop him, they should have taken Aubree to another part of the house until she was picked up or he left. I wouldn't be surprised if they told her to go play pool with her dad while they waited on Cole.
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