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  1. Twerkin' lol. I think they said "tweaking" but I only know that term in relation to drugs, so I don't know what they were actually trying to convey. Honestly, they don't strike me as very educated. The Mans' speak in a lot of hyperbole and twist a lot of common phrases into something... else. I think they realized that once the adoption was done it was over. I don't know what, if any, money they got the first time but I bet they are leveraging selling their "story" to get more.
  2. I don't think she is, either, BUT I think it's directly related to how she was abused all of those years. Like others mentioned above, she needs therapy and these very religious people tend to think prayer fixes everything, which it obviously does not. So, another way Natalia was failed. Why would her adopted family contact the producers unless it was to get more TV specials? That's why I don't believe that at all and find it super suspect. It's a family matter. No reason to contact TV people!
  3. When he first started the pubic hair story was when they were using it as “proof” that Natalia lied about her age. The charges came way after, so he couldn’t walk it back. Michale just wants to be the most specialist snowflake in any situation, which is why he now is saying he was just as much of a victim, which… gross. How does the Reverend go through every single day if just the word “hell” was weight to make him freak out? Does he scream at every single person he comes across who says hell? I am sure the Mannses are overall better than the Barnett’s (since they are truly monsters), but the overzealousness is such a huge red flag to me as well.
  4. Original airdate 12/20/23 This is your LIVE CHAT thread for the finale
  5. Original airdate 12/20/23
  6. Honestly, if it weren't for the producers/editors/PTB showing the audience the straight up lies of highlighting when the contestants said something dumb, I would've quit this show first episode. None of these people are all that interesting to me to watch. They are either extremely boring (Anfisa & Johnny Bananas) or over the top crazy (Omarosa & Bobby). The only contestants I even knew coming into this were Omarosa (I've hated her with the fire of 7 suns since her first showing on The Apprentice), Johnny Fairplay and Shake. Johnny Fairplay has ALWAYS over-hyped his importance and villainy to himself and everyone around. There is nothing he has ever done that's proved he's a great strategist, and that include his crying on this show. I think all the crying is real. Which, is fine. I'm not saying anyone can't cry if they want to. Emotions are not bad. I just feel it's revisionist history for him to try to say it's strategy. Omarosa is ridiculous. I think she believes all of her own lies. For her to call her lawyer all the time... I just have no words. Then to lie about the medics making decisions for her to participate or not. I just can't with her anymore. She's not even entertaining to me. I only decided to watch this show because I like Joel McHale, even though he has been hosting tons of bad shows lately.
  7. Original airdate 12/13/23 This is your LIVE CHAT thread
  8. Original airdate 12/13/23
  9. Original airdate 12/13/23 This is your LIVE CHAT thread
  10. Original airdate 12/13/23
  11. I am sure they had an ASL interpreter for this task that was off-camera to us. I am looking forward to the finale. First time I've truly felt that in awhile. I still enjoy the show overall, but I am not always invested in the final teams. This time I am. Like others, I am glad Steve and AL are eliminated. They were a strong team early on and I didn't necessarily dislike them but AL's "come on dad"'s were just as annoying to me as "Twinnie!" and whatever the Afghanimals said all the time (I don't remember, but I feel like they also had a catch-phrase of some sort).
  12. As a reminder, this is the place to compare the two shows, not discuss specific episodes of the UK show now airing on CBS in the US. Referring to something that happened in the UK episode and then comparing it to the US episodes = ok. Discussion what happened in the UK episodes airing with no comparison = not ok. Discussion of the UK episodes goes here.
  13. Original airdate 12/6/23 This is your LIVE CHAT thread
  14. Original airdate 12/6/23
  15. Original airdate 12/6/23 This is your LIVE CHAT thread
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