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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. After Barnaby not having it when someone accidentally called him Barnabus, I wonder what he thinks of his new moniker, Barnacle? 😂 I thought Ashley was going to start a fire making the grilled cheese sandwiches, especially after Glenn said, "Just don't burn the boat down." I had a feeling that she would forget to unplug it or something. Nope. Just made a huge mess and somehow made us all NOT crave a grilled cheese sandwich (something I formerly thought would be impossible to do). Happy Sailings until the reunion!
  2. I thought Viv nailed the Dolly challenge. Her makeup and lip synch were spot on! All her nuances were the most like Dolly, and not a caricature. I'm disappointed she blocked Jinkx and I am beginning to fear that Jinkx may be blocked again and again because she is a threat, and she may miss out on being in the final four. I do think a good strategy would be to start blocking some of the amazing lip synch queens because the winner will be determined by a lip synch challenge. I wonder what would have happened if Jinkx had given her extra star to the Viv- in response for blocking her last week and causing her to miss out on her star. That may have been the best move and then maybe Viv would have chosen someone else to block, like Jaida who now has 2 stars and no blocks (and an upcoming design challenge). Yvie went from 0 stars to 2 in one episode! I'm all about that because I felt she has been overlooked a few time so far. On the Pit Stop, Bob was talking about Monet's coat of many colors gown and how it was constructed. He said Monet's best Judy, Patty, and his mom, constructed it. Each of those patchworks were stitched in - it's not a fabric.
  3. I'll have to look for it. Hopefully it wasn't at the Lisa Barlow level of self-tanner abuse! 😂
  4. Yes, I've heard their theory and it's possible. I have a different theory. Kyle and her coven are all about play acting on BH, never allowing anything about their real lives to be shown, protecting their image, and so on. Anyone who would share details (LVP, supposedly) to the press or say things on camera that could tarnish their reputations and livelihood are attacked (Denise made them look like bad moms, according to them). Crystal broke the cardinal rule of alluding to negative characteristics Sutton may have while the camera was rolling. The coven protects their images at all costs, so Crystal has to have a lecture from Queen Kyle. It doesn't matter that Sutton was the target, they would put a stop to anyone who was not playing along with the game. I also think Teddi gave Kyle and Rinna info about Crystal and her previous friendships that they can use against her. Both alluded to the fact that they knew things, but would not say what- again filtering what is seen by viewers and standing by their credo.
  5. I'll bet his real estate competitors are gleefully watching this train wreck every Sunday night! 😉
  6. After many years of watching Project Runway (my only knowledge base of this topic), I was surprised that all of the Mina Roe designs were black or white. It was as if the designer was given two bolts of fabric and told to "make it work." (I'm sure there is another designer involved besides Lesa).
  7. I don't know about any power plays Crystal is doing with this group or what happened with her last friend group (I'm dying to find out!), but she definitely is in good with the influential members. Last season, Crystal was besties with Kathy Hilton and this season she is super close to Diana. She must run in very rich, powerful circles. It's a good position to be in because the alphas in the group will protect her, ex: Diana being her "bodyguard."
  8. This makes me think that the FF5 are working overtime to split up the friend group of Sutton, Garcelle and Crystal. It's easier to bully them into quitting the show if they are on their own. Kyle is riling up Sutton and Erika/Rinna are working on Crystal, and Dorit ... 's home was invaded, have you heard?
  9. Space Ca$h wrote back and said that he plays guitar, synthesizer,drums, and deejays with helmet on. It does limit both visibility and audio input, so he has to position himself next to a speaker. He seems really committed to his space alien character and answers all questions in character.
  10. I wondered the same thing. I noticed he posted a kind of AMA (Ask Me Anything- that won't violate my TLC NDA) on Reddit, so I asked how he could see to play the guitar and other instruments. We'll see if he responds.
  11. The wedding did turn out nice. I always wonder why brides don't pick a more appropriate gown for the setting, but in this case the dress was so beautiful and the bride was gorgeous in it, so it's all good. It was great that the crowd moved out of the way so the wedding could look picturesque. On first glance, the beach looked like it would be a disaster and not that pretty, either. But, everything looked great by the time of the wedding. I was interested to know why Marcos slathered a ridiculous amount of buttercream on the cake and then took most of it off again. I know there is a rustic, unfrosted look that many prefer their cakes to have, but why start with a lot and then remove it? Inquiring minds want to know...
  12. It's reminiscent of Jinx telling the other queens that the design challenge Is her only weakness, so get ready! Hmmm, could Jaida have had this in mind while choosing who to block?? You can really tell who are more strategic players and who just put it all out there! 😂
  13. I may be wrong, but I thought Yvie's look had a beaded fringe that came down over her face (apart from the blue beads that draped across her face). I would consider that a veil, as in the Middle East, some of the veils are made of different materials and even beads. I didn't see a veil at all on Trinity. She had a fascinator and a train for miles, but no veil...
  14. After getting so upset last week, I'm just fine if Monet doesn't talk her way into receiving a star. She was the only queen so far who was vowing revenge (although the Viv is none too happy this week, either, though she should have expected it after having shared her strategy with the group).
  15. News hot off the press regarding Marcos and next season:
  16. This is exactly what I was thinking! If this is not allowed, I would also give a star to Yvie. I thought she did great last week and this week. I loved her runway look this week. All that beading over that print- breathtaking. I thought The Viv's dress was gorgeous, too. I loved the look more without the veil and ball gag. I think the queens are just slaying the challenges. Everything is entertaining and enjoyable to watch. I love seeing Raja get her first star after being overlooked a few times.
  17. Just some info: Crystal has a business with her brother called Real Coco. It includes drinks made with coconut water, as well as other coconut products. Crystal may enjoy the fame that comes with the Real Housewives franchise. Although, at the reunion, she was very emotional about the abuse she received from some viewers and was considering if it was worth it.
  18. This candle reminded me of Nina frantically trying to sage her dinner party! 😉
  19. I was amazed at the Thanksgiving dinner inside the Ferris wheel. I wonder if all of the compartments were done up like that, or if that was something Nina organized. Nina must love throwing parties. So far, I'm impressed with her party organizing skills.
  20. I am interested to know if the UK has the same requirements for their fiancé visas. I wish this wasn't on Discovery +. The last thing I need is another subscription to a streaming service!!
  21. I noticed it, too and had to rewind it a few times, because that was the first time I've seen her with an odd walk. Remember, she even imitated Teddi's graceless, lumbering walk on one of the trips.
  22. Judging from the previews, many of the ladies are going to continue to gang up on Sutton. Erika's wearing her Teflon underwear- (oh, wait, she doesn't wear underwear!)- so nobody will say "boo" to her, despite her terrible attitude and lies. I have read something (on Reddit, so take that with a grain of salt) that speaks to why the Sutton take-down:
  23. Everything about Ari and Bini's storyline seems to be about them being on the show for another season and making some TLC cash. They started out on The Other Way, but that was drying up after several years, so now the plan is to go with the 90 Day K1 Visa. That will be a few seasons, along with Happily Ever After. Who knows, if they break up, one of them can be on The Single Life. Yikes!!! To summarize: Fake, fake fake!
  24. As much as I haven't liked Rinna these last few seasons, I always loved it when Lois was on the show. She could have swapped with Rinna anytime and we all would have been much happier. It's sad she is gone, but she has left lasting impressions on so many, including the viewers.
  25. I agree with next week's "party" being staged by production. If there's no conflict, there's no drama, no reality show and no paycheck. Also, with Jibri and Daveed's conflict, so phony. And they are "fighting" in front of a famous producer that they are meeting for the first time? Right. Space Ca$h breaking up the fight is EVERYTHING!
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